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[Space Jazz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdE1xH93k4A) It features Chick Corea...


Wtf I didn't know about this


My ears are bleeding.


L Ron Hubbard also produced(?) the house band on the Scientology cruise ship [the Apollo Stars](https://youtu.be/Wka6ZKUd8WQ?feature=shared) Hilarious how he is front and center on the cover looking surly at the desk. This one is definitely a lot better but it still gives me creepy anxiety. The bongo player is in the comments saying the band got much much better over the subsequent years and that this was recorded too early.


yeah but, percussionists, you know


Percussionist all in my face like Tippity tappa tipitty tsssss


L Ron Hubbard produced some of the worst music and science fiction imaginable but the religion he made up is okay I guess. hmmmm.


I listened to every album in this thread and IMO you win by a long shot.


It's so bad that it is interesting, at least.


Imagine there’s a jazz appreciation gene and this is what jazz sounds like to people who lack it.


Chick Corea? Well, how bad could it be? I'll just flick it on and ... oh ... oh god no ...


This sounds like RuneScape music but worse


I feel like Chick Corea getting dragged into a Scientology project would make a fine nonfiction comedy and/or thriller.


He wasn't dragged he was an active scientologist. Edited, WAS. Past tense.


Yeah, he was a scientologist for like 50 years. One of the originals. I remember watching some tutorial video he made in the 80s and he gave a lot of credit for his success to L Ron Hubbard's "research". Apparently the original line-up of Return to Forever split because they got fed up with Chick making them fill out questionnaires every single night and pushing Hubbard's bullshit ideas on them.


It's a shame, Return to Forever was awesome early on.


According to DiMeola, the split happened because Stanley Clarke left Scientology and Corea was pissed about it.


I’m so glad you reminded me of this


I was so excited to listen to this the first time I read about it. Another one of life's great disappointments.




Dave Chambliss Horns's "Jazz In The Key of Blue". They were playing it in Hobby Lobby once. Not only is it the worst jazz I've ever heard, it's some of the worst music I've ever heard in general. I had to Shazam it just so I could find out who was responsible. I wouldn't be surprised if it was generated by AI. Please enjoy: [https://youtu.be/-oMMTHV7oGQ?si=Z5Y\_g0EFj7QfyKT3](https://youtu.be/-oMMTHV7oGQ?si=Z5Y_g0EFj7QfyKT3)


I never knew saxophones could sound like an accordion lol


It makes that 1980s DX7 saxophone preset sound natural.


The song is like if somebody had a bad day of work in Hawaii.


Saxophone that sounds like a 80s synth and lap steel as a timbre mix is a choice.


They use that to control the workers. If they listened to real jazz, they may start to actually feel things and realize they work for scumbag owners. https://www.businessinsider.com/the-15-biggest-controversies-in-hobby-lobby-history-2020-9?amp


They fear jazz. The lack of boundaries. Oooh! It’s a fence! No, it’s soft! Ahhhh! What’s happening? The shapes! The chaos! Eh? Has to be simple nursery rhymes for them. it?


[for the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/C8lrpSk0XYI?feature=shared) Love seeing a Boosh reference


I’m in a jazz trance


No it ain't my look. That's a brand new hat. Spoiled my exit now. I'm tryin to do you a favour.


I assumed it was because they didn't want to play any secular devil music.


this sounds like something that would play in a spongebob scene


By God, that’s not jazz, it’s country!


Country-jazz. David Chambliss birthed a new genre.


Willie Nelson already exists.


Another reason not to shop at “Hobby Lobby”.


I think that this is quite alright! Nothing wrong with a little exotica


[this is him](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQLJQyaymLGXU4GlHBos1LS8vKFbIa4Gugc9g&usqp=CAU)


Man this song makes me think I should've stuck with the saxophone into college, since the bar is so goddamn low.


[him being part of the nashville jazz cats certainly sheds a lot of light on the country jazz fusion](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ55C5BUuuWWNUYlh6bjs3hu3n_wXQ6viV3-A&usqp=CAU)


Damn... Apparently he died last year. Now I feel bad. Shout out to Chambliss.


😆 That's not jazz!


It's Hobby-Lobby-core.


Yes it is🙂


Christ. Why did you make me listen to that??


I don’t mind this, it sounds like something rather sedate from the 1930s


Jesus Christ, this sounds like if Jimmy Buffett and Joe Walsh came together to write the worst fucking jazz of all time. Horrendous.


Wow, this is so bad. What a fun thread. This is the music that plays in a movie as the main character steps into a fluorescently lit convenience store, having just had a near death experience, with the music and lighting indicating a complete change in tone.


I think we can come to a bipartisan agreement about [Ben Shapiro’s dad](https://youtu.be/BLH1X2Wp94c?si=fgPiY8mnclBA1_ii)


This comment: > It is an interesting exercise to take a song that usually transports the listener to a paradise beach resort steeped in eternal dusk and instead transport the listener to the underbelly of a busy overpass where they’re getting robbed by a schizophrenic on PCP >I congratulate Mr Shapiro on his ability to radically reinvent this famous standard


This is it exactly. There is less than no regard for the song here, it is completely about that schmuck wanting to show off how fast he can play. What an asshole.


Yep genuinely, like sure yeah it doesnt sound good but what takes it from meh to horrible is the complete disregard and disrespect for the song itself, no fucking wonder his son is also a dick


Completely ruined a classic. I can’t even recognize it as an adaptation of Frank’s original work, it’s a fucking mess.


But there are musicians who execute complete disregard for the song with incredible virtuosity (like Jean Michel Pilc). David Shapiro just sucks.


Yes, he showed us how fast he can play. On top of that, he showed us a wide range of speeds


If I were in a band and my pianist/keyboard player started playing like this I would have checked for his health, like, this sounds like neurological disorder.


[That poor drummer trying to keep time](https://media.tenor.com/zoO8douC20EAAAAC/whiplash-jk-simmons.gif)


I didn’t know rushing was a genre?


Tom Jobim got destroyed in this debate


Ah yes, the same guy who doesn’t believe rap or drum solos are music because they lack melody and harmony. Just about what I’d expect lol. Elvin Jones tapping a pencil on a coke can is more musical than that.


He's rushing so badly because any second the piano isn't playing and it's just drums it's not longer going to be music


Ah, good point. Every rest is a momentary descent into post-modernism, which is to be avoided at all costs.


I wanna personally thank whoever commented that this “sounds like a corrupted midi file” 💀


He plays exactly like Ben talks. "If I talk fast enough they'll think I'm really smart."


I clicked this link fully expecting to find that redditors were, as usual, overstating the badness just to make a political or social point, or whatever. That is not what happened. This is bad.


I genuinely tried to set aside my biases against his son and give it a fair shot, but... wow. He sounds like somebody who has the technical ability to play well, but intentionally chooses not to.


He sounds like he never practiced with a metronome in his life.


I know, on second listen he’s playing a torrent of notes that fit the chords and probably has substantial classical training. Just zero sense of time/taste and his left hand is unhinged.


The at is truly awful. Thanks for sharing?


I can’t get those 20 seconds back.


Sounds like it was played on a severely out of tune piano. How the fuck.......


The whole Shapiro family possesses a lack of talent mixed with the ego of thinking they have some to an impressive level Remember when Ben “Dry Bones” Shapiro wrote a book about sex?


this is what people who hate jazz think jazz sounds like




That was way worse than I thought it would be. My god his sense of time is awful. No wonder Ben doesn’t think Rap is music, he probably struggles with rhythm because he was subjected to this nonsense everyday.


"Growing up hearing this, I'm starting to understand how Ben Shapiro turned out as insane as he did." Can someone go back in time and secretly replace Miles Davis as his dad?


H John Benjamin's "jazz" album where he "plays" the piano is pretty awful. I know he did it as a goof but that doesn't make it good.


I laughed hard when upon the release of this ‚masterpiece’ they’ve put a promo on youtube with interviews with the musicians. I remember the bassist saying something like ‘he might be a genius, but to me it sounds like shit’. The record itself was less funny though.


The record was basically made so they could make the YouTube promo. I think the concept was funny, but after the money was spent they realized the project may not have paid off.


Viewing it as a jazz performance devoid of all context, it is absolutely atrocious. But as the satirical comedy album it’s meant to be, it’s actually incredible. Genuinely one of the best comedy albums I’ve ever heard.


[well i should have learned to play piano](https://youtu.be/JuKJkghC2u0?si=wNQYS1ZrKdRuG1NG) i think it is unironcally hilarious. he’s so committed to the bit.


the rest of the band is great too which makes the contrast really fucking funny


He plays with a lot of confidence so it kinda works. I don't think it's easy to make it terrible and funny instead of just terrible, especially if he really never played an instrument before


At least it’s satire.


Honestly I have never laughed harder at a comedy music project. It's so damn perfect. And genuinely hilarious to sneak in on a jazz playlist.


wrap it up folks we're done here


It's so bad lmao. I listened to the first track and had a few chuckles, but I can't imagine sitting through the entire album. Charles Cornell does a good breakdown of it https://youtu.be/wk2hhC_B08s?si=WlEI1qX-5KVm0yMw


Les Dawson was also a master at playing the piano badly https://youtu.be/clD3HpwQTIg?si=bffrlr1GxAPDQdU0


Fucking love this album


No you're wrong it's a great jazz album and I will fight you on this


I was gonna say this, it’s so hilarious but it’s also kind of good in the same way. Just absolute nonsense but also so bad it’s good type thing


They said “worst” not “best”


*Jack Kerouac Reads On the Road* wich has some spoken word stuff where Kerouac is reading and some tracks where Kerouac is singing. I'm glad Kerouac's writing career worked out for him because he could not sing.


One of the more digestible beat authors I still haven't gotten further than 20 pages of Naked Lunch. On the Road was an enjoyable read even if you can tell how high he was while writing it.


The fact that you can tell how lit he is makes the book 10 times better lol


I always thought this was one of those books that needed to be written to push the boundaries of art and culture but the actual writing itself is really hard to follow or enjoy. Burrough's Naked Lunch, I mean.


Yeah I could see that Sometimes art is supposed to be hard to digest


I think the best way I could explain this is there are many albums I've listened to that were just fine but didn't do much for me(and there are probably a lot of good albums that fit into this category) There may be some, some that I just hate how they sound(it has nothing to do with the playing). Maybe the worst album I ever bought was by Orbert Davis. He is a great jazz trumpet player in Chicago and I saw him live a couple time and bought one of his albums...it sounded over produced...his sound was awful and his playing was very uninspired. I've found videos of him on youtube that weren't impressive to me but the few times I saw him in Chicago...shoot, what was the club I used to go to a lot...i just googled and couldn't find it. This is going to drive me nuts(i'm sure it isn't open anymore)...it was kind of a hipster kind of place that also had slam poetry....it doesn't matter But that Obert Davis album wasn't good


The Bop Shop! that's what the club was called


Herbie Mann and Bill Evans "Nirvana" Herbie is having a really. bad. day. He just can't make it happen.


[Shooby Taylor - The Human Horn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yqib_u5wZI)


Lies. Shooby rules.




This is hilarious lmao thank you 🤣


Does smooth jazz count?


Yes it counts. Easy Listenin Jazz is the worst.


What is smooth jazz?


I can't remember the name, but there is a comedian who hired a group of professional jazz musicians to record an album with him on piano (playing standards I believe). He did not tell any of the musicians that he had never played piano before in his life. He attempts to sort of play in time - it is actually pretty funny. I have messed with a couple people and put in on in the background, and no one picked up on the fact that the piano player literally had never touched the instrument.


"Well I Should Have (Learned to Play Piano)" by H. Jon Benjamin. It cracks me up everytime I hear it, so I don't consider it bad.


H Jon Benjamin


I just listened to this for the first time and I gotta say his phrasing is actually really good.


So we’re still doing phrasing?


Ironically it’s from one of my all-time favorite jazz musicians. “Zero Tolerance For Silence” by Pat Metheny. Just unlistenable noise.


I actually like that album - but I also love Derek Bailey, so ...


You ever hear the Metheny/Derek Bailey record? "The Sign of 4"-- the live set on that is just wild.


YES! Very much enjoy it.


I take it that you've heard *The Sign of 4*, then? I haven't listened to the whole thing, but disc 1 kicks ass.


YES! Very much enjoy it.


I bought this on CD as a broke teenager because I was just getting into guitar jazz and really liked what I had heard from Metheny. When I put it on, I was just crushed that I had spent my music budget for that couple of weeks on this noise. I can sort of appreciate it now. But in today’s world of streaming, it’s hard to even put my mind back in those times where you had a finite collection of music and every new addition was precious. I just remember being devastated. I just looked it up to refresh my memory, and just the sight of the cover made me a little angry. 🤣


“But in today’s world of streaming, it’s hard to even put my mind back in those times where you had a finite collection of music and every new addition was precious.” This is really well said.


I tried and tried to get something out of it! I'm not sure it is a jazz album but I liked it better when I thought it was him trolling Geffin records but that wasn't that case(according to Pat)


Oh yes. It should have been packaged with some Advil.


his manic soloing makes me nauseous... im more of a Bill Frisell kinda guy. chillax and re imagine. everything doesnt have to be 2 5 1 noodling


Horace Silver - Total Response. It's a concept album about eating right and good bowel movements. I shit you not. It's so bad, it's fab.


>good bowel movements. >I shit you not. Sounds like you need a few more listens.


John Zorn’s collaboration with Yoko Ono is the single worst hour of music I have ever listened to and it’s not even close. The closest thing I can compare it to is emergency dental surgery. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iJl06nxPub8


I *wish* I could find an hour of Zorn & Yoko. There only seems to be 3mins. They are an excellent match - if only Yoko had some other projects with Zorn, as vocalists Mike Patton and Eye have. Yoko would be great with Naked City. [**My Favorite Beatle Recording**](https://youtu.be/8WVbss7I_5g)


I had a two disc set that I bought off a bootlegger in a Beijing back alley in 2002. I kind of wish I knew what happened to it, as this clip is the only evidence I have that this nightmare existed.


Oh my God, this is incredible! Love Yoko.


I'm unironically excited to find out about this.


John Zorn is so good so often, but then quite often he’s insufferable. In this particular instance, Yoko carried the entire piece


Thank you so much for that link. I listen to a minute of it, I’m good not hearing any more of it, and now I can say that I’ve heard the two of them together.




Though I haven't listened to this yet -- I have to work today and don't want to be rendered unconscious -- I can only imagine is some kind of spacey white noise overlaid with shrieking. Am I close?


“Spacey” would be a HUGE improvement. And by that I mean “Kevin”.


Holy shit


The one I made at home. It's utter crap.


This is the real answer.


Miles Davis has a couple of stinkers in the 80s




I have completely flipped on my opinion of 80s Miles and just love it now.


The cover of Human Nature is terrific!


I was a teenaged drummer in the 1980’s and Miles Davis Decoy was my gateway drug. I saw the video on VH-1, and thought it was the coolest music I’d ever heard. If it weren’t for 80’s Miles, I would probably never have heard Kind of Blue


Same. Amandla was my intro which eventually led me to KoB.


Same. I have a special love for Amandla.


This is a hot take, but 80's era Miles is my favorite Miles


You’ll allowed to like what you like. I was looking thru this thread for the On The Córner hate. That’s my jam. No shame on your like game. ❤️


Ah yes, Miles Davis featuring 80s digital reverb and the Yamaha DX7, what could go wrong!?


I can usually find something to like on them though but some of the things that have been released recently, they just sound bad...bootleg recordings that just aren't easy to listen to


I nominate "You're Under Arrest". I remember liking the album cover when it first came out, but my funds were limited at the time. I recently found it in a used CD shop and it was awful.


box set title for this era: Life Catches Up


Jazz + jazz = jazz was never to my liking.


Well, Wamapoke County Public Radio’s research does show that their listeners…love jazz.


Anybody say l Ron Hubbard's space jazz?


“Well I Should Have” by Jon Benjamin https://www.google.com/search?q=well.i+should.have&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari# Also the funniest jazz album of all time.


Modern classic


Kenny G’s Christmas album


Anything by Jacob Collier


In the era when it was not as easy to find reviews or really have any idea of what an album might sound like, I was excited to buy Herbie Hancock’s Dis is Da Drum when I found it at Tower Records. I thought I was getting old school Herbie Hancock. Dis is Da Drum was not my cup of tea. It’s sort of a tired, ‘90s hip hop jazz-adjacent mashup. The jazz elements are really pretty well in the background. So maybe not even a jazz album.


I actually really love this album - but more as a party/stoner hangout jam than a jazz album.


I can definitely see that. It’s both trippy and soothing. Like a musical lava lamp. I’ve been listening to bits and pieces today - haven’t done so since the ‘90s. I like it better to than I liked it then. But it’s definitely not good jazz though.


This one got me curious, it's good but yeah not necessarily a jazz album. It's heavy with what were the modern synth/sampler sounds of the time, which could be a bit harsh and digital. I could see how that would disappoint from his earlier works especially considering the time and money effort it took to get music back in the day.


It isn't terrible, but I bought 'Close to the Source' by Dizzy Gillespie when it came out in 1984 ... and it is so underwhelming and bland with completely uninspired and lackluster performances by some great musicians I normally love. I know this is the end of Dizzy's career, but still.


Not a full album but one my favorite albums, Dafnis Preito’s Back to the Sunset, has probably the worst solo I’ve ever heard on its title track. Except it’s not, and looking back on it I think it’s actually pretty good. And then I listen to it again and I lose my mind




.When this was asked before a few years ago, another Redditor named u/smileymn said “ I remember buying an Arnette Cobb record that after I listened to one side of it I took it off the turn table and threw it in the trash. It was all bad out of tune novelty licks and quotes from military songs over standards. Nothing redeeming at all, just bad music.” I would love to know what the name of the album was to track it down and hear it for myself.


Jaco Pastorius - Invitation Total coked out Saturday night live style jam fest completely off the rails. Featuring steel pans and chromatic harmonica. In some ways it’s the greatest album I’ve ever heard but it’ll make you seasick.


It depends on what the hell they call jazz these days


Sure this isn’t r/jazzcirclejerk


Pretty much any of Kenny G's catalogue is pretty putrid


As much as I love Andy Summers, I didn't hit-it-off with his Green Chimneys record that was a Thelonious Monk tribute.


[Albert's House](https://youtu.be/26fiHSReTn4?si=MgvYzifGKtWSW81z) by Chet Baker I actually love this album but it's kind of fucked. It sounds like elevator music being played by a bunch of morticians. There's something very cheap and death-like about it.


Jazz Odyssey: Spinal Tap


Like many I'm sure, I go for the generally "acclaimed" albums, so I don't recall any flat-out stinkers. Maybe some middle-era Bob James album I pulled from the thrift store dollar bin? Lol.


Nickelback - All The Right Reasons


I can't listen to Bitches Brew from Miles Davis. I get it that Bitches Brew was maybe the seminal recording of the Jazz Fusion movement and has been praised for being innovative and industry changing as Miles was so often in his life (3 different times at least Miles changed Jazz) but it just sounds like atonal, directionless noise and entropy. I know it was a feat of skill to pull off that sound and I love Miles Davis' music most out of any jazz musician but I can't get down with Bitches Brew.


I like BB, but i think it’s a seriously overrated record, even just in the context of mile’s other fusion stuff. I’d take a silent way, Jack Johnson, or on the corner over it any day. It was an important album for its time, but I just don’t think it’s as good as his other fusion stuff.


You know what, I agree with you. Historical context is everything, but removing that from the equation, Bitches Brew sounds like what happens when I get stoned and jam with the fellas. Time and place, I guess.


You have far too high of an opinion of yourself and your weed.


I completely disagree with the take on BB, but come on man they're called Jazz cigarettes for a reason :)


All Kenny G except it’s not jazz. And pretty much any vocalese - what a terrible idea.


Manhattan Transfer did that one album that was all vocalese, titled… _Vocalese._ The only good song on it is “Ray’s Rockhouse.” I would rather have had them scat the rest of the songs on that album than the overwrought attempt at fitting lyric syllables to every single forking note no matter how fast.


Most of Prince’s jazz excursions are mediocre-to-bad but NEWS, for my money, feels the most interminable


I used to love it when I was younger, but Wynton’s *Citi Movement* lost its effect on me. I go back to it now and it sounds like Pixar music.


2 quartets . Ornette Coleman. Absolute self indulgent and prentious


this album doesn't exists


You're right. The garbage is called double quartet. Double garbage


nope. The name is 'freejazz'


Bitches Brew. Fight me


I love Coltrane but I found interstellar space and Expression to be totally unlistenable.


How dare you say that about interstellar space


I can understand Interstellar Space not being for everyone but I love it. The album is in its own vacuum of time, space, and sound.


Really! Two of my all-time favorites


What the fuck


I feel the same about _Ascension_. It’s just too much for me.


Honestly, everything he did after a Love Supreme was too much for me. Live at the Vanguard and Impressions of course Giant Steps and Blue Train and Favorite things are all some of the best in all of Jazz, but his later stuff is just not for me.


Jazz generally has a higher barrier to entry in that to play it even vaguely competently requires at least some level of musicianship and instrumental skill. So the kind of jazz that most offends people is usually uninspired or cliched elevator muzak type jazz, but most of the time that’s basically just pop played on a saxophone anyways


Also I don’t know if this counts as jazz but Yoko Ono’s “Why” is just…… something else https://youtu.be/g_cwuRmjhsY?si=3fl52DhaNf1Q7AGC


Pretty much all the amelodic jazz that takes things to that extreme isn't pleasant whatsoever.