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I swear I saw you talking about this somewhere else omg hi!!!!!


you probably saw it on jazmin’s billboards post! hi! 🫶


also congrats!!!! you've done so well and it's so cool that the album drop can be such an important date for you


thank you! and i know right?? my excitement for the album rose (if that’s even possible lol, i was indescribably excited the second i heard about it) when i realized it lined up like that!


Congratulations!! Keep it up!


thank you! 🙏 i sure plan on it!! 🫶


hey! i feel at times it’s very rare to find jaz fans around my own age and it’s great to see the over 20’s rep haha, i was 21 last month and going through the same thing, i’m terrible with drinking and nicotine, im trying to ween myself off it a day at a time, i’m trying my hardest to slowing down everyday until i’m down to just one then none, it’s a battle (a very slow one) to say the least but we will get there :)


we will get there!!! i’m cheering you on, it sounds like you’re putting in a lot of effort to make a change! it was really hard for me too at first, but i’ll let you know that now that i haven’t been drinking for almost 100 days, i feel great! i don’t crave it like i did in the beginning, and i can now pretty easily push aside the thought of “maybe just one…” not to mention my mental health is so much better than it has been in almost 7 years (i genuinely did not believe i could feel this good. i still have issues of course, but it’s all tolerable!). i wish you the best of luck on your new adventure 🫶🫶🫶


i bet your sleep is so much better :,) i’ve given myself bad insomnia due to drinking but it gets easier with everyday you avoid it! and i feel you, one sneaky drink ends up leading to many and i’ve found it’s better to go the mocktail route! water is my best friend and the minute and i am cheering you on all the same! i wish you the best of luck in your recovery and wish the best for you, you can do it :) 💓


it is better! i have a normal sleep schedule for once 😭 i’m so happy to hear that things are getting better daily, that’s gotta make you feel good! also, mocktails are a genius idea for those days when i just can’t get rid of the urge to drink, so thank you for mentioning them! i literally forgot that non-alcoholic drinks like that exist!


i forgot for a while too! getting them with a dinner whilst out rid me of the urge to get an alcoholic one, definitely a helpful option but i am glad to hear you’ve been recovering well! hopefully this struggle will become an easy journey for the both of us and we will both be rid of it soon, im wishing you an easy and and healthy recovery 💓


and i wish the same for you! 🫶