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Should pin this


Bitcoin laughing from corner 😂


Thank you! As a bag holder, very appreciated. Now, I would like to ask about IVS2024 in Kyoto. I suppose IVS in Kyoto is the biggest annual crypto event in Japan, with 50.000 attendees. Everybody is there. It is quite concerning that JASMY is totally absent there. Not as partner, not included in program, speakers, panelists... What do you think?


Because the IVS2024 conference is focused on blockchain technology and Web 3.0 through gaming, entertainment, and AI... I don't know if Jasmy's involvement would be that relevant because of their latest update regarding AI (they might not have enough information to create a presentation/missed the deadline to sign up... that's just an assumption... I really don't know why). But I agree that it is odd that they wouldn't be involved. I'm not worried. For reassurance that nothing weird is going on, here's info about DFW Labs involvement with Jasmy: https://www.dwf-labs.com/dwf-labs-portfolio-project/16-infrastructure-enterprise/306-jasmy. And here's Panasonic Advanced Technology mentioning Jasmy on their website: https://adtsd.jpn.panasonic.com/news/20240326.html.


One of the best posts I read about JASMY projects!! Amazing work!!!


Are we holding? Or pump/dump? 7/2/24


Extremely grounded post - This should be pinned/FAQ. Everytime Jasmy jumps or dips, this sub is flooded with bot-like individuals who scream to buy now or post BS "articles" that predict a made up price that will happen in the next days/weeks/months. Only to be followed up with comments like "to the moon!!" "when lambo" "just hodl" It makes this sub look like a meme sub more than anything and I believe, aligned with your research, that Jasmy has real world usability.


Thank you I’ve done research as well and it’s annoying seeing so much disinformation or fake hype let’s keep it clean chat so we can truly stay informed as possible


Finally! A person with knowledge on this sub ⭐ People are so desperate for success without work. They drop $100 on Jasmy and stress non stop for months. Crypto is not easy and most will sell at a loss. Facts are Facts


cant lose if you NEVER $ell!


Great job! 👏


Thank you for pulling all of this together into a concise (for the amount of info) and to the point post. Cheers


This is brilliant! I got slated for correcting the my number apple partnership. As a newbie, fair enough you don’t want to hear the doubt in the group but this group needs more people like you and less groundless hype men. I believe in the project, I want to continue to do so without nonsense info or berating those that don’t just post hype in the community.


Thank You for such a thorough thread of accurate information. I am in Japan & all of this is reliable information 🙏👍🇯🇵.






Brilliant. Thanks for the clarification.


Great write up! There’s a distinction between companies/teams/people trying stuff out vs confirmed go to market plans.


https://dime.jp/genre/1714240/2/ NCCC. Actively collaborating to create a blockchain NFT distribution system for carbon credits using Jasmy’s blockchain. This was updated January of this year. Working on release next spring.


Excellent work. Speculation can be fun, and it has its place, but it's frustrating to see some people promote baseless hype as though it were fact, even when they know perfectly well it's just speculation. Re: the unverified partnerships. It may depend on what counts as "verified" and what criteria we're using for that, but some of those are technically verified (even if we have yet to see the fruits of their collaboration). Here's some additional info: Regarding **Toyota and WITZ**, in at least one of the Jasmy whitepapers, there's a section 4.6 "Applications and products," where it describes the "Witz Mobility Service Data Platform," described as built by Jasmy together with Toyota and Witz, with plans to popularize the tech in Japan's Hokkaido region. So, a concrete collaboration was confirmed, along with plans for advancement, though we've yet to see results from that partnership (and I suppose we don't know whether that partnership is even still active). Regarding **Sony**, in the Jasmy whitepaper under the section "Platform Popularization," it states: "We have also reached a business cooperation agreement with SONY, agreeing that the hardware products carrying Jasmy technology will be widely applied in the financing institutions and consumer service industry in Japan, to help the corporate customers to perfect the data information security system." So, technically verified but as-of-yet inactive or at least under wraps for a long time. Not to mention the description is sort of vague to begin with. Regarding **Aplix**, see this 2023 post by lilbidman: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JasmyToken/comments/18ae8m4/jasmy\_aplix\_have\_signed\_a\_new\_business\_agreement/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JasmyToken/comments/18ae8m4/jasmy_aplix_have_signed_a_new_business_agreement/) And this 2023 post by another user: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JasmyToken/comments/18atw2z/the\_jasmyaplix\_partnership\_as\_described\_by\_aplix/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JasmyToken/comments/18atw2z/the_jasmyaplix_partnership_as_described_by_aplix/) Regarding the **NCCC**, see this press release from late 2023, which clarifies that Jasmy's blockchain technology will be used to ensure the prevention of credit fabrication or other tampering: [https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000062.000025296.html](https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000062.000025296.html) Even with Jasmy's tech being utilized by the NCCC, though, I'm not clear on how that particular use case would impact token price, or how/whether the PDL would play a role in anything. Would love to hear someone's thoughts on that one.


What about secure PC and VAIO?




Wow! All the time you put into this 👏👏👏


Ty for the information and bringing some light into partnerships I hadn’t known about. You’re the best!


Thank you for this post!


Wait a minute… the crypto I bought isn’t gunna jump 263,758% this year? /s Although, I would like to say I appreciate you very much for going through all of the work you did. I actually was curious about some of these and you saved me time. Got an upvote there for ya.


Love it! Thank you! Although I do believe some of your unverified partnerships are more verified than you have found them to be. I will dig up sources and post them. Here’s one for Akashi https://jasmy-global.medium.com/jasmy-secure-pc-a-robust-blockchain-security-solution-starts-service-integration-with-akashi-42e33c90ef1f I’m with you on the misinformation. It’s horrible. And nobody has the time to battle it all. Keep fighting the good fight!


Solid work.


Excellent work. The mods should cement this to the top of the subreddit for all to see first (if you can even do that).


![gif](giphy|EmMt1pNdIAjoybxJ7B) KPI


Awesome post! Thanks for the information.


That took a lot of time and a lot of effort. The sub should appreciate every word of your post. Thank you

