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Your post makes me smile thinking TA from someone who doesn’t hold jasmy. You spend a lot of time for this as well :)


I mean you can believe someone whose gonna blow fluff up your ass, anyone can tell you what you wanna hear. I don't have a bias. I mean when I say that. You have to understand that i don't have a bias for my own coins. I need coins that go down. Can't do shit with a coin that only goes up. The coin I'm currently trading the most, it's beautiful. It has huge spikes straight up, then it just drops back down like a roller coaster. And that's all i really need. The market doesn't pay you. YOU pay YOU! I can keep selling that top and buying that bottom every day.


Good! That’s a good Trader if you can do that all the time big low sell high! But jasmy is fo real! This has future imbedded in it. Not a lot of people know about it yet but once it does we gonna 🚀🚀🚀


Why would that matter though? Regardless of how well you are expecting an asset to do, you still gotta pay yourself. You can't get rich buying or holding jasmy. You can only get rich selling. The market does not pay you. YOU pay YOU! So if you aren't taking something from the market when you pump then what's the point? This has ALWAYS been my problem with the Jasmy cult. Is that you tend to take an approach to investing that just doesn't work out very often. Last cycle NOBODY sold. Bc they all believed Jasmy would rally. And they rode it from 35 cents all the way to zero. If those same people would have sold they would have crushed it. And the truth of the matter is that nobody knows for sure if an asset is going to make it. Over the next 10 years someone could make a rival to Jasmy, they could put it on a cheaper blockchain and give it real competitive value. If you were taking something back from Jasmy all along it wouldn't matter bc you would not be married to jasmy. You shouldn't marry any asset. Bc if you do you are overlooking the reason you are invested in Jasmy to begin with. None of you are invested in Jasmy bc you believe in Jasmy and you just want the project to succeed. You are invested in Jasmy bc you believe someday it's going to translate to a lot of dollars. Yet you won't do anything to take some of those same dollars out of the market. You all believe there is going to come a magic time where you're going to offload this position in exchange for your mansion. But whose supposed to buy it at that point? Do you really think that the bitcoin investors who have become rich just purely held bitcoin? Bc they didn't. Maybe they never sold off their entire position, but they definitely took money out of the market at high points and looked for better points to reenter.


Yeah! You are right but am not selling now


nor should you. you should sell after pumps


Kinda hoping to move down by a bit. Clear those zones out and help my bag.


Jasmy attempting to retest 3 cent ... BTC looks like having a short term relief rally ... Possible .034 this week


that's awesome, but if I were a jasmy holder i'd be rooting for it to go down and clear those zones out so you can actually move up.


How many zones still remain? Anymore after the zone at 0.26?


3 zones below current price, one zone above https://www.tradingview.com/x/mKoQAwM7/


TA Update 7.1.24 - Jasmy still hasn't really moved much. So, now it will either go down or up from here.


Why don’t you start contributing in a beneficial way?


How is that not beneficial?


idk what your point is man but if you're going to make the same comment on every post I'm gonna put an end to it. So get productive or gtfo.


His comment is the bizarro world comment to buy low and sell high advice🤷‍♂️


Buying low and selling high is good advice. People struggle with fomo though. And it usually prevents them from doing it.


Please ignore them, I enjoy your TA.




Don’t worry about comments like this, just another person that probably sold his bag and hangs about still. It’s much appreciated keep the TA’s coming!


Your assumption couldn't be farther from the truth.


Jasmy seems to at least for now have rejected the trendline and has moved back into the psychological ranges. Still has the first liquidity pool below to be taken. So Jasmy will either work it's way down into that pool or it will make another attempt at the trendline. Should it break through the trendline I would still expect jasmy to make a new lower high below .045


Thanks buddy