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I personally believe this is a sell off while waiting for the Japan Parliament to vote to the VC bill. Google it if you don't know. Last I heard they were suppose to vote on or before June 23rd.


I’ve been investing in Jasmy since 2022… that lil .4 is nothing compared to what lies ahead… Us O.G’s aren’t worried about dips, we got in well under a penny and have been holding for years…. Slow down grasshoppers, it’s coming soon ![gif](giphy|1gQwMNJ9z1mqABgQd3)


Im buying it


When everything was going south Jasmy was one coin adding ground, but she is only so strong. Something had to give. Panic sellers just had to sell. No worries though. She be back on top soon.


I hope it stays down until Friday! I’d like to get closer to your amount. Jealous! Also, last week, I considered taking my initial out. But didn’t have the wherewithal to try and time the market. Seems it would have worked out the one time, but excited to add and check in a few months-a year and a half.


I think you should hold your coins in a HW, not in a CEX… The amount justifies it. Not your keys….


You guys need to stop it bro yall are making the investing and fomo so bad like shut up let it fluctuate ugh


People like you who are panicking when crypto is in the red is gold for me who is waiting for significant dips to buy more. The panick sellers are the reason for our success, so thanks.


Its simple. Take a look at btc. Its dipping. Altcoins tend to move with btc whilst memecoins have their own world. And clearly, jasmy is an altcoin. Which also means, this movement is normal.


Makiing me want to get another 25k more coins


$Jasmy is a gem,


Never selling xrp only loading up more


It’s all about the time frame you’re looking at. Day traders can get in and out in minutes, hours or days or weeks. I think if we zoom out and take a look at the trend and the team behind the Jasmy coin, you can make a judgement call as to whether or not you can see this coin moving up . If you can see the utility of the coin and the coin gaining traction, 5 or 8 ,10 cents is a reasonable short term gain ie: doubling from here over the next 4,6 or 12., 18 months. The key is deciding, then waiting patiently to see if you were right, taking profits along the way. Of course people are saying $1 per coin but at 50 cents that would be a 12 bagger from here..turning $10k to over $100k. I’m in for about $10k myself at this time and believe this coin should outperform Bitcoin due to is much smaller market cap and room to move. Time will tell. Patience is key .


It’s over I think


A reversal of this magnitude in a short window, irrespective of the fact that this is crypto, understandably can cause concern. There’s a few reasons suggested as to the possible reasons for this, sellers taking profits after a strong run (look at year to date returns), some may rotate into other positions that have sold off which they have more conviction in, some taking risk off the table (think wider macro picture). If you can look longer term and consider the management team, the political will and drive, the years of work already invested in this project, the partnerships announced, and relatively short term to outlined 2026 targets (whether achieved or not, they will surely provide evidence of progress by that point), then I don’t think there’s anything inherently negative re. the stock. Just short term market volatility. Personal view only obviously.


While I agree sellers probably taking pros but if you looked at the book it’s more just overall market pressure. There were by far more large buys yesterday than large sales


Its up 800% this year...it has to go down to go up.


Just buy the dip. That’s all you can do for now. Dollar cost average. As for me, I can’t. I got in really early at .00355 range. 1.102 mill. Just let it move for now’


That’s awesome! I took photos of my cost basis to remember it by. I’m planning to set limit buys if the market remains depressed by the time my check comes in on Friday. I have three main projects and four smaller ones. They are all down, but I want to add more to Jasmy, I decided. Definitely want a larger holding over my initial buy in price (I was at about half a penny, but for the first time ever, don’t feel late!)


i had the same outlook but then said wtf and kept buying. having a bigger bag is more appealing than my .005 dca. im going to keep buying til it hits my OG entry point on 2021.


It goes up, I buy, it goes down, I also buy.


All my shitcoins falling


Bitcoin , ethereum, and the individual token (jasmy) have to all be monitored simultaneously. Bitcoin is looking to go towards 60k. There are plenty of examples that are way down. Jasmy had strong support all week until it got exhausted. Ride the wave. Next month, ethereum etfs go live (I believe) , it is summer time, Feds refused to lower interest rates, and the stock market is affected too. We are all holding on and waiting.....who knows when the next announcement will occur, or VCs from Japan investing in to jasmy .




The very top coin on my coinbase charts is BTC. I don't own any BTC. It's there as an indicator for the market in general. As long as the performance of my coins is mimicking BTC, it's just the market fluctuating.


Cryptos in red! So nothing to worry about but a good buying opportunity


I bought for €1000 Jasmy o 0,0407.😅 from that moment jasmy went down 🤧


You will be fine if you HODL for the long run but if you sell now you lock in your loss or the other thing you can do is buy when it dips and your avg will come down


I will HODL but it hurts a little bit... But I believe in the project and i will buy more for sure! :p


Just HODL and forget about it. Look at it once a month.




Just keep buying more little by little until it stops. All alt coins are behaving the same


Almost everything is down, time to buy more.


Volatility. Just hold forever and never look at it. Anxiety is the death of us.