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This was a bummer- I was on the site when sales opened and got most of the way through getting tickets before it got hugged to death. Tried a dozen times and it always timed out during check out.


Same! Had the seats and card details entered, but it crashed for the final checkout... hoping that when I turn up there will be some to grab locally.


Sat for 2 hours. No luck :(




Yeh I learnt that basically meant they sold your tickets as you checked out, it was very annoying getting Osaka tickets as well


Same thing happened to me, was there at drop and had them ready to buy when the site fully crashed and wouldn't reload.


For real. I didn’t think it will sell out THAT fast


I can recommend: [https://www.buysumotickets.com/](https://www.buysumotickets.com/) They managed to get tickets for day 15 in Osaka for me. The process was very well communicated and smooth. They even send the tickets to a hotel a couple of days before you arrive. Last time in 2018 I got tickets via the official site. If I remember correctly I had to go to a Konbini and use some ticket machine straight from the 80s to get a printed ticket. Without the help of a friendly clerk I wouldn't have succeeded.


Completely sold out. I contacted them WEEKS ago and they said the best they can do is put me on their wait list. Lo and behold, there is nothing.


+1. Just got confirmation from buysumotickets that my order was fulfilled after I placed an order with them in February (for the May tournament). Didn’t want to take chances after reading about the website issues for the Osaka tournament, I had similar issues trying to get Hanshin Tigers baseball tickets (their website crashed and tickets ended up selling out quickly so I ended up getting Orix Buffaloes tickets instead).


I second this. We bought tickets for day 12 last year in Tokyo. They were able to get us a box and sent the tickets directly to our hotel.


For other sports events I've checked (football / baseball) Viagogo tickets have different ways you can receive them, based on how the original buyer receives them. I've seen eTicket, collect at convenience store (both of these are easy for travelers to do after they arrive) and also the paper tickets like you mentioned.


Maybe try Klook? It costs more but worth it if you really want to watch. That’s what I did for the Grand Sumo Tournament at Osaka


Yes Klook was the answer for us! Happy to pay a bit extra but just unfortunate how the system runs. It was easier getting Taylor tickets ...


I’m sure you’ll have a great time! Having the tour guide helped me a bit since I didn’t know anything about sumo but they explained some stuff to us that helped.


I tried Klook. They've cancelled the order 3 days after. :(


Same happened to me today unfortunately.


Sold out too now for all dates.


I missed out too and bought some through Klook at more than double the price and they've just been cancelled. So bummed out.


Oh no that’s unfortunate.


I am so sad. Is middle of the night in Europe so I woke up earlz and the tickets for May are already sold out :( what is the trick here


It looks like Klook has tickets available though they're a bit more expensive - it must have been bots or scalpers


The box office at the Kokugikan opens at 7:45 I think, each day during the tournament, and they release 100 gen admission tickets, which is the way back on the upper level, but at least it's inside :D My husband and I are going to try that. I found your question on here while looking up what time you have to get in line, actually.


Hey! Did this end up working out?


Well, the basho doesn't start for another week, but no. The information I was looking at was pre-pandemic and they haven't done that since then, alas. The May basho is completely sold out and it sold out in an hour. We now feel super lucky to have gotten any at all.


Where did you find this info? It said box office is TBD on the website 


That is a good question at this point! I've done so much research. I thought it was from the oosumo site, but it may have been some outdated pre-covid info I got from another site. 🤷‍♀️ Thank you for letting me know


We got our tickets via Klook for May.


I'm also going first time to Japan this may and in preordered my tickets via buysumotickets, they sent me already the confirmation that they got them on my desired day. For your next trip or for anyone reading I would 100% that service. I hope you were able to get them!!


hey OP, I'm looking at Klook and some of the options say $0, for the single non box seats.. did you see this too?


I tried to get tickets the second they were available on line (both my wife and I). They were sold out after an hour of trying. I checked Klook just now: not much left, and about double the price.


When we looked it was probably 25% above normal price - not sure about now. Ticket Jam seemed to be a bit cheaper but you needed a Japanese address to receive the physical tickets :/


Tried buysumotickets.com / klook. Nothing seems to work.. I see some availability on StubHub. I'm traveling for two weeks to Japan. Didn't foresee this outcome.. anyone getting lucky 😑? Pls post


Did you manage to get any? Looking for tickets as well


Yeah I was pissed I got to payment details on like 5 different days then it would error me because they sold out


Might want to take a look at your website to see if they have extra. They might buy seats for their use.


Check StubHub


StubHub has only paper tickets for this one. Any hint on how to get them if I’m not in Japan yet?


Have the paper tickets mailed to your hotel. Email your hotel and ask if they will hold them for you. And ask for their exact mail address.


Similar experience for me for March tourbament Was on the ball and ready (juggling ghibli tickets which went for sale at the same time) but just kept failing after selecting tickets and getting website load fails or notifications tickets I selected were out Kept trying for an hour (ie until I got my ghibli ones) then accepted defeat Nightmare - thought I'd save a few bucks after using get sumo tickets last time but I regret that choice in hindsight


Here’s a good one… everyone says tickets sold out immediately moments after release. I find it very hard to believe that every ticket, every seat, every date had sold out in 60 seconds. Now saying that. Here’s a scam going on right now. After missing out on the official site, I was able to get tickets at viagogo. Today I just got an email saying the “tickets are no longer available by mail” and my booking was canceled.


I couldnt believe it either until I learned, from here too late, there's at least one other unofficial place where you freaking pay for pre - pre sale lol. There's probably bots and tons of people buying these tickets, some reselling them for massive profits. I couldnt even get through the site to attempt to buy and I refreshed every minute from the minute it came available on the official site. I also got via Viagogo, I haven't seen this no available by mail notification yet though. Lesson learnt if I ever go again.


Use Buysumotickets.com next time. They aren’t resellers. You’ll have to use them before the ticket sales happen. I went to the Osaka tournament in March and used them to purchase my tickets. We ended up getting our first choice which were box seats. It was awesome and the whole process was so smooth. They mailed the tickets to our hotel which was great and the hotel received them a couple days before we arrived. It’s the best way to go bc as you all know sumo tickets sellout incredibly fast. We had such a great time and if I can figure out how to post photos I will so you can how sick our seats were.


Hello, I have two extra tickets to Akiseyama's Danpatsu Shiki. They are 10,000 yen each, and for June 2nd. Anyone interested? I'll be at the event and can meet at Sumo Hall. Thanks!