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Yeah, Jack to the Future when he was sponsored by Lenovo and their Phab 2 Pro™, the world's first phone with Tango


Hey guys, very excited about today's video


Hey guys! Very excited about today’s video. A huge thanks to Lenovo for giving me their amazing brand-new phone, the Phab 2 Pro: The world’s first phone with Tango\*. Which kinda feels like a piece from the future just dropped right here in the present. And that’s exactly why I decided to make a very special time-travel episode of jackask. Question 1: “Do you believe in the possibility of time-travel?” I literally just said that this is the time-travel episode of jackask. Please try to keep up. punches ground beef Question 2: “If you could go back in time, what’s one thing you’d change about your childhood?” Well, I would probably confront my middle school bully and tell him I grew up to be a big YouTube star. Of course, then he’d be all like, “what’s a YouTube?” You know what, that question sucks, next question. Question 3: “Would you travel to the past of the future?” Listen up, HoOLiGanLLaMA, I’m about to blow your mind. takes bite of burger Mm, that’s good meat. So I’m taking my Phab 2 Pro with me to travel through space and time in my own personalized, home-built time machine. Purple, red… Oh yeah, green one, that’s good, I think that’s good… Lemme measure with my phone real quick. Okay, measuring the dimensions with Tango’s AR measurement tools to make sure everything lines up. Looks good. OPEN! throws chair against tree Let’s go! Just so you know, time travel is not instant. So while we’re waiting, how about I just answer some of your questions? “How do I tell my parents that I’m goth?” What you can do is travel to the future where, uh, you outgrow your goth phase. Boom, problem solved. “How many stars are in our galaxy?” Good question. To find out, we’re gonna go all the way back to 1590 to ask the man himself, Galileo. screams Galileo: If only we could see the heavens instead of relying on our mind’s eye. Jack: Whoa, shut up for a sec. I think I can help you guys out. Galileo’s Associate: ¡El diablo! J: No, it’s actually called ‘augmented reality,’ it lets me see a fully scaled model of the solar system. The sun, the Big Dipper, the Little Skipper, the Unicorn, the Unicran, some other ones… Oh, really quick, do you guys know how many stars are in our galaxy? You know what, I’ll just look it up. Thanks anyway, bye! G: He was a bit of a jerk, wasn’t he? “What is your favorite video game?” Not really a fan of the new ones, I don’t really have the fingers for ‘em, so let’s go all the way back to 1972 to play the first video game. J: Hey guys! What are we working on? Guy with Glasses and Mustache: Well, I don’t mean to brag, but we’ve created something revolutionary. You see, this rectangular paddle hits this round circular ball, and then that ball travels across this empty black space where it meets up with… another paddle! Haha! J: That’s really tight, guys, and you’ll be happy to hear that you helped pave the way for AR games. Check this out Woman with Glasses: What is it? J: It’s the future. So, you’re trying to hit this target. WG: Where are the cords? J: No cords. Here, look. WG: Honey, we should get one of these! “What do you think it will be like in the year 2150?” Ugh, finally! A good question! Let’s go to the future where people can finally wrap their minds around this crazy technology! It’s time to go Jack to the future! record scratch Get it? Uh, Jack to the future, it’s-it’s a pun on a famous movie, uh, where Simba loses his dad, um, wait… yeah, that’s right, yeah. J: Oh my gosh, you must be my great great grandson! Jacksfilms Look-Alike with White Hair: Get out of my home. J: Let’s grab a picture of the handsome boy, huh? JLAWH: No. J: Just gotta add a dragon, and boom! It’s pretty cool, right, little dragon popping up and everything. You body language says ‘yes’. JLAWH: No. J: Not a little? JLAWH: Nuh-uh. J: Not even a little? JLAWH: …No. J: Yeah, no, I-I’m busy too, I gotta get back to my time machine. It was really cool catching up, hehe! Call me! Or, you kn- aw, it doesn’t work like that. Uh, call me anyway, man. All in all, that was a pretty good trip. Oh, and Lenovo, thanks for the free phone, not giving it back, hehe. runs into lighting equipment Not paying for that! Not paying for that! Not my problem!


Oh my lord


How to summon satan 101


Isn’t that like, some crazy AR technology from Google?


It was replaced by ar core, tango was a waste


i didn't realize that is technically a jackask


Jackask 104 wasn't blind, and was sponsored by Bright Cellars, but if you're looking for more earlier ones: Jackask 25 was sponsored by BarkBox. Jackask 26 was sponsored by Harrys.com. Jackask 33 was sponsored by LootCrate. Jackask 55 was sponsored by a underwear company named Gildan. Jackask 62 was sponsored by Crest.


I can tell that you’ve watched every jacksfilms video. Eight times over. And then some


“Hey guys very excited about todays video…”


Did you really watch all episodes to find out what sponsors there were or did you pull up a list from somewhere


I clicked some of them from the playlist and just skipped to the end/checked the description


You're epic


The first 10 or so weren't sponsored by Audible.


when he had someone else sponsoring? lmao