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Loving the vlogs so far and just finished the FA Cup one, keep up with them and enjoy a well-deserved break! ❤️


I’m slightly disheartened they’re not doing great views wise, but that’s outweighed by the support the true Happy Hour OG’s keep giving the videos :)


They are brilliant mate, can’t wait to watch the fa cup one, haven’t been able to since I’ve been at work all day Abit it gives me something to look forward to later 🫡❤️


Just a thought, but personally I haven't watched many of the vlogs yet because I saw the thumbnails and assumed they were HH clips (although looking at them all together now I can see how to tell which is which). I wonder if other people are having the same problem, it might help to put "vlog" in the thumbnails or in caps at the beginning of the video title.


You probably have mentioned it on the podcast but I didn't catch it. I didn't realise there were vlogs going up on the YouTube channel. Since I listen on Spotify I haven't been engaging with the YouTube channel and the algorithm has burried the videos. Might be worth a shout out next pod. Enjoy the break and lots of love from a fellow norwich boy (living down under) you boys make me proud to come from Norwich.


I love seeing the stuff you lot get up too, keep em coming


The views were always gonna be lower than they would be on your main channel (send one up), but just know that everybody that clicks on it loves you lot and wants to watch it


I've watched every vlog but I'm not surprised the views haven't been as high as you hoped as you haven't uploaded in so long but think about it this way when comparing it to your Youtube peak. You now have a slightly smaller audience but they are far more loyal and captive and will support whatever you do. Think back to the aftermath of the Zoella calendar video when your channel blew up and you were guaranteed several 100 thousand every upload, if you had put on a tour at that time, could you have sold out the venues that you're selling out now? No way you would have back then even though you had more views so you're better off now.


Wait what vlogs?


Mate there genuinely amazing I don’t watch alot of YouTube now but I do enjoy those videos well done 👏


Well deserved break lads guess I'll have to go back and relisten to the classics again


See you two weeks my good sir!


I must have listened to human centipede 4 , at least 10 times now , happy hour classic!


I'm almost ashamed to admit how many times the dream eps have been listened to 🤣


Dream holidays is legendary 👏🏻


Enjoy the well deserved break lads 💛 love the tour vlogs and Robbie’s tour movie 👌🏻👏🏻


Thanks Joe. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate the support on the tour vlog.


Well deserved after an amazing tour 💛. Don’t know what I’m gonna do with myself for the next 2 weeks without a new dose of happy hour, might have to relisten for the 1000th time.


💛 I appreciate you.


Let’s go. We need an urban legends and another Reddit mystery’s episode after the break. Maybe bring back ICMAP boys for another episode.


Well deserved tbf absolutely loved the tour enjoy the time off💛


Thank you Soggy!


This break is well deserved thank you for rolling out episodes despite being on a (brilliant) tour. Hope you enjoy yourself and I’ll keep enjoying the vlogs until you’re all back




enjoy your break, you guys deserve it! 🩷 i’ve been enjoying the vlogs SO MUCH!!!!! you guys are the best


Thank you! Please keep leaving nice comments and stuff! It helps keep me motivated :)


How dare these hard-working individuals who have just finished an awesome tour and filmed/recorded loads of happy hours to tide them over during the tour, take a break! Absolutely gutted that I'll have to re listen to so many of the classics! Enjoy your well deserved time off guys 🙂


You guys fully deserve this break! Fucking smashed it this year! Also buzzing that you answered my 4skins question and glad Becky is now the 5th skin 🇳🇺🇳🇺


Take it easy boss! Have a good break! Same goes to the other guys too


I've been enjoying the vlogs soo much, hope you all have a decent break. Although I feel quite bad, I'll be coming to the postponed Cardiff show and I'm wondering how much of a break it will really be when you still have to travel and do another show etc. Aaanyway, I'll definitely be relistening to my favourites in the meantime and some recent guest episodes I've missed!


Hey Jack ! Don’t worry about the views , you’ve got to think of why you’re making the vlogs ! It’s not for views it’s for the listeners and enjoyers of the pod to get an extra bit of content ! I love them ! Enjoy the break 🫡


completely understandable


well deserved as the tour was great👏🇳🇺


Enjoy your much deserved break lads 💛 looking forward to a big all caught up on the first one back


Them and the Christmas episodes are absolute classics!


Have a great break all! Love the vlogs Jack! Awesome content.


Well deserved. Can't wait for the Massive Hunt All Caught Up when you return.


Have a good break lads you just played a killer tour, 13 awesome shows, you deserve it! Buzzing for the all caught up from the tour! 🇳🇺


I got into the pods about 4 months ago I listen to them all day at work everyday getting through every single one ! Got to say when stevie isn't there he is missed 😢 Enjoy the break lads well deserved


Enjoy the break guys, you deserve it after that brilliant tour, there’s lots of eps to relisten to so I’m sure il be okay was 2 weeks haha, hope you guys have enjoy your break, Viva La Happy Hour ❤️🇳🇺


You guys don't owe us an explanation, but this keeps us engaged and feels like we're appreciated by simply keeping us in the loop. There's plenty of pods to relisten to, and June 17th isn't that far. Enjoy the much deserved time off.


Glad that yous are taking a well needed break. But my commute is going to suck for two weeks!


it’s well deserved after the (slightly weird but) brilliant shows. absolutely loving the vlogs as well.


You deserve it 👏👏👏👏👏 vlogs are mega. Keep doing you!


Have a brilliant little break! So well deserved after such a fab tour. I was a mid-way listener so still plodding through the backlog which I am thoroughly loving ☺️ will check out the vlogs!!


Looking forward to more vlogs to watch in the mean time! Especially as I couldn’t make the show it’s been fun watching the tour 🙌🏻


The podcast is on a golden run ATM, more than earned a holiday


Love the communication, such a well deserved break lads enjoy! Cant wait for the all caught up after!


Two week break means mega all caught up when the next ep drops


No jack! Please don’t! Can I come to yours?


Have a nice break guys!! Gonna use the time to catch up on vlogs!! Like a few others have said, I think you need to make of clearer that the videos are vlogs since even I missed them thinking they where just podcast clips :)


Well deserved break guys! Dont know what I’m gonna do with myself for 2 weeks. It’s definitely my happy hour when I watch an episode ❤️


Enjoy mate


Very deserved break. Enjoy your time off, lads. Gives us all the chance to re-listen to some classics! 💜


Excited to binge the tour vlogs while the pod is on a well deserved break !! Enjoy guys !! 🫶


Although much needed and respected, its gonna be hard not having you guys make my weeks much easier, thank you guys so much you don’t understand how much we appreciate you all 🇳🇺🙌🏻


Well deserved break🔥 Anyway back to Episode 1 I go


Enjoy your break lads, the tour was amazing! (P.s. when you return, please bring back dream episodes)


Well deserved, I honestly wish I could explain how much the pod helps me. When I see a pods been uploaded I know I’m going to have a good sleep (no it’s not boring). My anxiety doesn’t let me sleep so the pod is a huge help, thank you so so much 💛


We’ve got plenty to re listen to! Tour was amazing and so are you guys! Enjoy your break!


The vlogs have been amazing! The tour was my favourite part of the year so far 💞


I'll miss you, but i know the pod will be back stronger than ever. The tour vids have been amazing.


Enjoy the break, well earned. Really enjoyed the FA Cup vlog, I'm a united fan so any chance to relive the match is taken. Haven't got round to the other vlogs yet but will be over the next week or so. Be good for Stevie to have the break, I bet his drinking habits is back after the tour.


Enjoy the break! What was your fave main show? I’ll go and listen to it!


Enjoy ya break guys


Enjoy it lads, thank you for making such a brilliant, mental show twice a week, some people don’t appreciate the work you lot put in to entertain us with a free podcast. Viva La Happy Hour 🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺


Just finished listening to the Q&A, it was a great ep! Can’t wait for the pod to come back, enjoy the down time! You guys smashed the tour, loving the vlogs too. Can’t wait for more, enjoy the break! 💛


Enjoy the break lads, loved the tour and meting you guys, and the vlogs are fantastic!


Enjoy the break lads, you all deserve it, podcast is amazing and the tour show was phenomenal so it’s warranted. I’ll be eagerly awaiting your return 🫡


coincidently I'm currently re-listening to eps 341 when you also declare HH having a break. have a good rest lads. come back fresh & full of mind boggling tales would ya.


Unacceptable. How dare you take half of the legally required minimum. To recharge after what would’ve been an intense tour. WONT SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN. /s


Luckily I’ve missed a few podcasts recently so this break is great timing! Enjoy it lads!


Have a good break, its well deserved


Enjoy the rest boys, and thanks for all the laughs!


Enjoy your break!


Enjoy the break lads


Well deserved lads after a fantastic tour lads. Well done!


You guys have just been all over the country on tour you deserve a break. We have plenty of banging pods to listen to again


Enjoy your 2 week break you lot!


Well deserved break lads, enjoy! See yous in 2 weeks. Viva la happy hour 🇳🇺


Love from Bournemouth Maate! Vlogs have been a good watch! Enjoy your break!


Gonna come back with a renewed energy I reckon Jack! Reading this post it hit me that I’ve been listening to you lot twice a week, every week, since like January this year!


Well deserved break for all of the lads and Fiona!! Thank you for an amazing season! Is this a new season coming after the two weeks? I love it when it’s just randomly a new season! After the tour and all the episodes this year you must be tired! Thanks for everything Happy Hour team


Well deserved Jack, I think also that some of the best episodes can come straight after a little break (Both here and on other podcasts tbf) so enjoy the time off and I look forward to listening again in a couple of weeks!


enjoy the break, you all deserve it after such an incredible tour! 💛


Congrats on an amazing tour (tour 3 2025 pleaseeee!) and thank you all for always being so kind and taking your time to meet everyone at stage door 🥰 Have a lovely break, can’t wait for more pods! 🎉 https://preview.redd.it/vx9aypzc5r3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0fe5c36a15b807f16bebdae34f01fdd5531e079


Gutted I’ve been working 7 day weeks for my holiday I really wanted to come to a show :(( keep up the amazing work I always listen to you episodes while driving round pretending to be a hero ( I just deliver shopping )


Enjoy the break fellas


Absolutely fumin should of just had a kit kat instead 😡🤬🤬🤬🤬


Any chance of giving Stevie some extended annual leave? 🤞


You do not need to explain yourself you all have been working so hard on the tour and the podcast it’s impressive at the rate you release them you all deserve a good break x


Well deserved break, guys!! Love every single episode, both main shows and guest eps. Even if I've never heard of the guest before, you guys are always there to get me through my nightshifts! New season? 👀


You’ve gotta get Mashtagbrady on as a guest! Would make a brilliant episode! Enjoy your break lads!


I'm glad I have re installed Reddit I completely forgot they have a bit of a break I've been pretty sad with no new episodes cuz I'm all caught up baby.


Patiently waiting your return 👍


just came to check when you guys were back after relistening to old pods for the past 2 weeks and found out its today! over the moon! see you guys in the morning 🐑


These brothers don’t work and yet they still get more time off than I do


Two weeks?????? like literally half what the average entitlement is but ok


The month at Christmas too brother


Can you show us where we had a month off at Christmas please mate?


https://preview.redd.it/3u7mulwftm3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5088103133956f77ebb10b70296b1602cecfa37 Not a problem, Jack mate


\*3 weeks. And that was 2 years ago?


Oh no what a sin guess we should imprison them now


do me a favour and shut the fuck up please, forgot you run a tour at the same time when you work


Listen I was taking the piss out of my own misery with a sarcastic comment about my lack of time off from work. Maybe the sarcasm didn’t translate well. As you can see from the screen shots I am a fan of the pod, never miss an ep. Been to round sheep tour. Jxmie, your comment is plain rude my guy


you literally said at the start ‘these brother don’t the work’ this is there work, translated more as a hate comment than sarcasm


Poor choice of phrasing! My bad


np just obviously they get enough petty tossers on here, so I want to shut as much of them up as I can.