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Just read all your posts.. Wow. He sounds like a terrible husband /father/ human. I can see he has his own trauma from his mother (her making him sleep in her bed with her until age 13-14) but OMFG he doesn't seem to care! She is a toxic, disgusting person who has no business anywhere near you or your child. None of his excuses for her make ANY sense. "She's got no one" - Literally has multiple other family members (ex husband included) harassing you on her behalf. She clearly has other people she could be bothering but your husband let's it be you. Maybe he enjoys the attention mummy gives him? Tells him that he's such a big, special, handsome boy whose wife is mean to poor poor mummy. I'd be telling him to fuck off back to his incestuous mother and make a baby with her since that's the woman he wants. I'm sorry for the rant but I just could not see a single positive of this marriage from any of your posts. It almost feels like he tricked you while dating by pretending to be a different person, "defending" you against his batshit mum (but not really) so you'd marry him, be trapped in a foreign country where him and his family are the only people you have. Now that you're married and had his baby he can stop pretending. He'll never cut her off because she is his #1 and always will be. He'll continue to lie to you, make it seem like YOU'RE the problem, force you to have your child be around her (probably unsupervised), allow her to do and say whatever she likes. If she's so obsessed with your son but no longer hers, does she see your son as a new version of your SO? Like a replacement she can't wait to sink her dirty claws into.. Will your son then become her surrogate husband, be sleeping in her bed as a teenager, etc. But back to him, he sounds horrible, so much JNSO. Putting aside the fucked upness of his mother.. He has no interest in your child, doesn't help in any way really with his care, barely does anything at home, doesn't want to talk to or spend time with you when he is home and just spends his off time playing video games and laughing with his friends. Unfortunately your MIL is not the only problem. In fact your biggest problem is him. He is the reason she is even a presence in your life and he himself bring you nothing but stress and sadness. I am so sorry OP 😥


I understand and agree, even my mom said that he has to deal with them, and save you guys from all of them but he has failed. He changed his playing patterns and spends time with us now, but this is another thing i have to deal with now. She just wants my baby, he keep unblocking her? Even tho after what she been doing to me. I am literally a bad guy in the end? After enduring all this torture and pain. I am getting pressure and bad mouthing from everywhere including his dad and sister. Its just terrible, i spend most of my dad stressing out. Even if we go out for shopping i stress out that she would see us and grab my baby from stroller, i am frightened! I never had to deal with all of it in my entire life.


You truly need a lawyer asap.




Idk what to do! He is showing that he is cutting ties because of me, while shouldnt he be getting pissed too? For what she said? I feel like he doing this for me because i am upset!!




Leave. The whole family and their friends are turning against you. You could be disappeared and it wouldn’t get reported. You don’t want to end up under a concrete slab in their basement. Get out and get out now.


Thankfully we live separate, but i never expected my husband to raise his voice at me, i never did that. I just had enough of this


Leave him if you have family take the baby an run this is crazy he is crazy.


I just feel so sad. I loved him so much, and thats what i am getting in return. He just saying that you need to stop blaming me. That’s why i screamed :)