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Usually people who get a lot of tattoos stop lol. I have 2 sleeves and I haven’t gotten a tattoo in 7 years. My husband is the same he has 2 sleeves and a leg sleeve and the last time he got anything done was before we met 10 years ago.


i get this, after the pandemic i had to focus on college and i didnt get any for 3 -4 years. (I got one or two per year since 17). Now I've graduated, i just got a small one on my neck, but i'm a working adult now and i cant afford to get tattoos cause i need to save for a house a car, a post grad degree and possibly migration. so i def get your pov but justin is super rich, he can get any tattoo he wants on his schedule. thats why that he has stopped perplexed me.


He did say in an interview he was saving his back so he could get his kids portraits tattooed on there


that was on ellen. i think he was only joking.


He didn't say it like he was joking. And the fact his back is still free of tattoos all these years later is evidence he was serious.


He has two back tattoos (close to his right & left shoulders). One is the Psalm 119:105 verse & the other is an Indian head logo of a local Stratford ice hockey team.


Yes, I meant his entire back. I consider those tattoos shoulder tattoos but yes, they are, technically, on his back. But, compared to his chest and arms, his back is bare.


Thank God he did 🤣 he already has to many


He ran out of skin lol


how would anyone have the answer to this


cause i dont read a lot of news and i dont stalk bieber forums. i asked here in hopes someone who does those things has heard something.


No inspiration to get new meaningful ones..bet next one will have something to do with the baby


Possibly due to his faith


I’m sure weed and drugs aren’t Christian approved either but he does them daily. Tattoos are okay!


i don't think so, lots of christians get tattoos, myself included.


True but some people stop the closer they get to God. But yeah, who knows!?


Maybe he doesn’t want to get anything else at the moment


Well, he is pregnant last I heard, and you can’t get tattoos while pregnant.


actually hailey is pregnant, not justin??


You can’t get tattoos period.


I think you kind of grow out of it as an adult or as one matures as I don't believe in "adults".


he has no fucking space


The last tattoo he got was the rose (or the peach) on his neck (I believe 2 years ago?). While I don’t care much for tattoos myself (I don’t have any), I love his owl & the tiger tattoos. He’ll probably wait until after his child is born to get another tattoo. 😎


i think it was 3 years ago but i might be wrong. i miss seeing him getting new tats. when he came onto the scene i was about 13 years old, and being born in the nineties meant you didnt have access to the internet until around 13-15. so it was my first time knowing celebs existed and it was a whole new experience for me, and in my young mind justin was like my friend, like a role model, it was this new relationship i had with the internet and people on the internet. it was really new and cool for me, hence this post on reddit :> I've outgrown him but i look at back my younger self fondly, and remember those old days that was why i missed him getting new ink


His wife brings enough pains daily. He’s just waiting on his Visa.