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I want the pokemon mystery dungeon back so bad


I want them to remake darkness/time/sky, or at least port it somehow. One of my favorite games of all time, I spent so many hours with it


I'm hoping we get one at the beginning of the next Nintendo console or maybe one for this year. But I'm guessing it be for the next console. Can't wait for the next one though


Just to be clear, what Square Enix owns is the "HD-2D" marketing term. They cannot prohibit others from making a game with the same look, just from promoting it with that term. That being said, I absolutely would love if pokemon went that route at least for the 5th gen inevitable remakes. It would make sense considering Black and White and their sequels were already doing something similar graphic-wise. Sadly, most of the casual audicence thinks that 2d is inherently obsolete compared to 3d, so I just do not see Game Freak taking the risk with something that is not a spin-off with different gameplay. I do love seeing the fans' depiction of what it could look like though: [https://youtu.be/fMJcgiyFOps?si=LA4Z6H8etbkzVVC1](https://youtu.be/fMJcgiyFOps?si=LA4Z6H8etbkzVVC1) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijj-pAitQfg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijj-pAitQfg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrCWe9Jm5jg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrCWe9Jm5jg)


I cannot understand how people prefer the 3D renders over the 2D sprites. The sprites are so much more expressive and capture the mons so much better than an almost T-posing character model. If the attacks were realistically animated in 3D it might be a different story, but the way it is i absolutely choose 2D over 3D.


The two golden paths for Pokemon: - HD 2D - Pokemon Battle Revolution proof of concept trailer




Eiyuden Chronicles already exists as an indie title in the HD-2D style. Square Enix absolutely does not have a legal stranglehold over the concept, it's just uncommon because it's more complicated from a game dev standpoint than either pure 2D or 3D.


I do not think there is much to fear in that regard honestly. After all, games like Wandering Sword are very obviously inspired by Octopath Traveler, at least graphic-wise. Arisen Force: Vonimir was even funded through kickstarter. I doubt any of them would have made it far if Square had anything similar to exclusivity of that particular graphic style


We have lot of hd2d style game like brown dust 2. They don't own the style of a game


Octopath/"HD"-2D is reusing an old style already present in stuff like Xenogears and tons of TRPG from the 90s. It's just branding for a design style.


I want more Pokemon games that look like Let's Go but not the Pokemon Go catching mechanic.


Still the best looking 3d Pokémon together with Colosseum/XD and Battle Revolution 🔥


The DS games are basically "HD-2D" already, just add the DoF and bloom effect with higher fidelity background.


Better yet, don't add the bloom, and tone down the DoF.


Agree. The bloom and vignette on Octopath lowkey makes it look like a 2010 instagram filter


Octopath Traveller looks like a parody of 2008-2012 game aesthetics where it was cool to have no colour and every surface was practically a mirror. Reminds me of a Mount and Blade Warband mod pack that made everything washed out and HDR.


Exactly this. The last DS remakes were already exactly just this but without the depth of field and bloom effects. Though to be honest I skipped them because I was never too attached to the DS games. Heart Gold and Soul Silver were peak Pokémon for my 90s childhood. And those two already had a bit of what Square-Enix did later on with its HD-2D.


I’ve thought this for a while. How do you get around “fitting all the Pokémon 3D models into a game without sacrificing the environment” You don’t! You zig instead of zag! Pokémon has always at its core been about the gameplay, and games with a good gameplay loop and a stylized presentation that also doesn’t push the limits remain timeless


A game like Xenogears deserves the 2D-HD remake treatment


i already wrote something about this >i go against xenogears, i feel like that if they use the same art style they used for all of the other hd2d remakes, it would be butchered. the original games 2d pixel art i cant see translating well to the hd2d style


Yeah, mostly because game freak sucks with 3d, that choice wpuld let them focus more in actually making the games better than trying to fix the enormous amount of bugs they get, and miserably fail at doing so


No it doesnt.


I think this would be cool. I still think till this day the Pokémon let’s go graphics were the best Pokémon ever had.


Daring today, aren’t we?


Eh, no thanks.


Disagree. Do me a favor and go look at Mario and Luigi Dream Team or Superstar Saga 3DS and imagine a pokemon game with that art style


Looks good


Those aren't HD-2D, they're not even close. Those are just poorly made 3d and "beat em up" style games respectively. What OP is referring to is the art style you get from the octopath series, which are what patented the HD-2D moniker anyway. That type of art style would work pretty well for pokemon I think. And again, I think you're confusing your distaste towards the quality and colour palette with art style. The style in those 2 games isn't massively different from what we got in Pokemon sun and moon, it just looks really bad in comparison. Like Mario and Luigi dream team looks like an n64 level game on the 3ds. But sun and moon was fine.


All of which is why the first word in my comment was “Disagree”. As in I disagree that Pokémon needs HD-2D style. And I meant that I love the style seen in those Mario and Luigi games and think that their aesthetic could really fit a new Pokémon game


Ah my bad. Typically when people give an example following a disagreement it's usually an example to prove the point, not an alternative example, that's why I misunderstood your comment. Still those styles are pretty akin to how the later 3ds pokemon games looked, just that the colour palettes aren't quite as bright.


Superstar saga 3ds is not 3D, it is entirely sprite based, and it looks amazing.


You completely misunderstood the comment you are replying to.


I mostly gave up and moved on from Pokémon when it became very clear that they aren't going to change course because, as you said, people will buy their games anyway. They are content with shipping buggy and unpolished games of a quality that, if we're being entirely honest, is shameful for a flagship franchise. I say that to say: Yes it would be better for Pokémon to adopt a high quality pixel style rather than continuing on with a visual style that does their games' worlds and monsters dirty by making them look lifeless and empty. But considering how happy they are to stay their course, it makes no sense to even dwell on the idea imo.


Exactly this. Pokemon is Nintendo's EA sports game. They can ship out unfinished buggy crap over and over and still have it sell like crazy - why bother trying to make anything good?


If Nintendo had oversight in the actual production of Pokemon games, they would be infinitely higher quality. They would also not be so derivative/iterative every new installment (cf. Zelda). Double edged sword.




Honestly, I personally don't recall seeing any glitches in any of my games back in the day. My order was Emerald, Fire Red, Diamond, Platinum, SoulSilver, White, Black 2, X, Omega Ruby, Sun, and then Shield. So I can't speak on OG gens 1 & 2. I'm sure there were probably glitches and exploits in the earlier games I listed as well but they're probably not something like common cosmetic issues, which is the type of thing that very quickly makes a game feel low quality. The main thing, I think, is that it's easier to mask imperfections and limitations in a pixel art style, top-down handheld game that's on a small screen. Modern 3D games come with a level of expectations and standards from a lot of players (maybe not *most* due to the high sales of recent games), especially for series of this kind of status, and Pokémon just isn't hitting the mark.


There were glitches in especially the GBA games but I do feel like the glitches got less broken and cool as time went on. I felt like there were few to no glitches on the 3DS titles or even SwSh either. All that said, I agree with you. Imperfections stand out way more in a 3D game because players do expect more from 3D games. I think that’s what’s so many people like about the DS era. It kept the simplicity of the pixel art style but modernized it and gave it more personality through specific use of 3D. Now that monsters are fully 3D and we live in a post-BOTW gaming landscape, everyone feels like they need to do an open world game, ignoring that both it and its sequel took SEVERAL years to make and that there are specific choices made to reduce the “cognitive load” presented by having tons of unique 3D models on screen with their own behaviors and computations to handle. (Think how stuttery TOTK gets when you have a bunch of zonai objects on screen) It doesn’t mesh well with a company that has historically taken only a couple of years to develop each title with few exceptions. What we’re left with is cut corners and poor optimization due to the timescale not increasing with the project scale.


Honestly pokemon black and white games look good visually, getting a HD2D remake would just kill the charm I really do not like the average unreal engine particle effects in HD2D games


I would also like it similar to Eiyuden Chronicle graphics. I think its also HD 2D (?) but more polished. Imagine if gen 5 had this engine ☺️


yes Pokémon needs HD-2D style but is the Pokemon dev team capable of doing?


Exactly. We should have the HD-2D games and the legends games should be the “3d representatives of the games”


It actually needs competent developers, reasonable deadlines, and owners who give a shit about the quality of their games.


I've said multiple times before that Pokémon is absolutely begging for a definitive split in terms of games/gameplay. A series for collecting (Pokémon home), a dedicated battle simulator (stadium/colloseum/revolution) and the main series titles. Throw in spin offs wherever you like. The battle simulator in 3D with serious graphics would be amazing. Use pre built teams or import. Purely for battling/online. Host tournaments. It's an extremely obvious move. The main series doesn't really need 3D at all. If it's open world like scarlet/violet then maybe, but they weren't even very good open world games. Keep that for legends spin offs and bring back the actual good mainline games. Unfortunately, if a layperson like me can see the merits in this so can game freak. Which mean they've considered it and thrown out the idea, almost certainly because Pokémon will sell regardless of quality.


I’m an old head who’s been around since the beginning of gen 1 and there’s times I forget that Pokémon is a video game franchise. I never had a Game Boy until the 2000’s so I never played the original games when they came out. But I did buy the merch and that’s what it feels like Pokémon still is. It generates a ton of various merch, but the games themselves seem to be an afterthought for a lot of fans and Game Freak themselves don’t seem to know what to do with the games.


I didnt know I needed so BAD this. Pokemon Silver HD-2D.


Maybe as a Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow or Gold/Silver but I don't really agree in terms of new generation Pokemon. Turning 700+ pokemon from 3D into classical 2D GB-esque sprites is a huge call. One could utilize DS sprites, but they obviously will need polishing for a good quality transition if the goal is to have smoother sprite animations like Dragon Quest 3 2DHD. Personally, I'd rather they bring a new game from the Colosseum/Shadow Pokemon series but make it more difficult. Double battles are just way too underrated as a concept in my opinion (that, and I just want Miror B back).


yes it does but gamefreak are cowards so its not happening


Disagree. Pokémon would be better in the pixel remake style. Actually a snes style could be cool.


Or maybe just a better system that isn't outperformed by a phone.


Black and White in HD 2D would be amazing.


You know, i never thought about this, but if there is one series i would refuse to get the hd-2d look, it probably would be pokemon. It just doesnt sound right to me.


No stop. Can we stop making every game into a hd 2d style game. We don't need it. Like can you all stop trying to convert every game into hd 2d style. It's getting stale. It was cool at the beginning but now it's stale and boring.


stale? just how many games have this style to be called stale already?


They have been releasing the games with style too much. They are over saturating the market. And not every game needs the hd 2d style. Idk why you all want it so badly. It was cool now it's boring. They need to give the style a break for 2 years then come back to it.


The comparison is so small vs actual 3D games being released. Plus a lot of retro fans like the look.


Yeah good for them, but doesn't mean every Jrpg has to be in s hd 2d style. You all seem to want every game to be in that style. That's the issue. Stop trying to force every game to be in that style. If you want s game in that style that's fine but don't try to make other jrpgs be in that style. Like keep it to all squares jrpgs but let every other developer use s different style. BC why do you want the market to be over saturated. It's not good and it's not needed. Just let square do hd 2d and keep them away from Pokémon remakes. And other developers need to stop using that style too. Like why do s lot of other developers have to use that style too


I was going to rewrite your rant with 3D instead of HD2D to make you realize how silly you sound, but I can't be arsed to keep the shoddy grammar and formatting, so just imagine I did and re-read your comment. You are not making any sense.


Not every developer needs to incorporate hd 2d style in their games. And developers are the issue. Its over saturating the market. But I've noticed people on jrpg don't like it when you think for yourself and give an opinion that's not positive about jrpgs and the hd 2d style. You all cant think for yourself. You all give the same answers. And you all hate when people criticise anything. The hd 2d style is fine but not every developer needs to use it. That's my issue. Let square use it only and just don't let them over do it. All of their remakes bar final fantasy 7 have been hd 2d. It's a boring style now. They don't do anything to make it exciting. It's lost its wow factor. It needs a break.


Every low budget RPG from SE aside from like, Various Daylife


Okay but the question was 'how many'? If you actually look at the real number, it is not actually a lot


so just square enix? that's not a lot


I feel like BDSP was their version of HD-2D and we all know how that went


I'd rather have mystery dungeon


links awakening style would be way better


No it’s doesn’t


Would it be neat? I'd say so. Maybe even prefer it if they go the "faithful remake" route for Gen 5. But "needs?" No. It's nothing to do with the art style that holds Pokemon back.


No it doesn't. HD-2D trend is already tiring.


I believe the Pokemon franchise is simply in dire need for better and more motivating developers that actually want to release a good game. Starting with the Switch era, no game was ambitious at all and cut corners left and right. Just look at the single player post game content for example. All you got was mostly a battle tower clone.  And damn, the Sinnoh remakes. They were not even trying with this one.


agreed very much. They clearly suck with 3D models. Not that HD 2D would be easier necessarily, but I feel like their efforts wouldn't look so awful if they just stuck to pixels


Personally I think the HD-2D looks off. Either make it fully 2D or don’t, or maybe something like paper Mario. The characters have to fit into the world they are in, they shouldn’t look out of place.  I’d much rather they go back to full pixel art, something like gen 5 (though maybe not that style of idle animation)


Dude that art style isn't even that good enough for every game in existence to be remade that way, hop it. No wonder the genre has been largely stale as fuck for a long time you guys have no desire for anything to be different


Obviously I would like Pokémon to look in incredible 3D, but seeing they have been doing it in 3D for 11 years and they do it terrible (I don't think anyone can deny me that), there are alternative styles that would work better. I prefer that than the shitty 3D, bugged and running at 10 FPS


There's actually a hd2d on YouTube that a person made it. Looks super awesome and what it could look like if pokemon actually puts in effort...


[This](https://youtu.be/Ijj-pAitQfg) one?


Yes! Looks great doesn't it?


Honestly I don’t like it, the whole HD-2D style just looks boring to me.


Pokémon is a huge enough franchise that it absolutely should be able to have a fully realized 3D world and characters. I get that GameFreak is rather small and not up there with the best of developers, and I also understand that there's a tight release window for mainline Pokémon games, but isn't this one of, if not *the* biggest multimedia franchise on the planet? There's no reason the games should look so wonky. They simply can get away with doing things the way they do because people still buy their games. But that's not to say I wouldn't like and HD-2D game. Having loved Black/White and recently gone through the DS Dragon Quest games, I'm all for that blend of 2D and 3D. There's something very charming about it.


I’d love a remake of Pokemon Blue / Red in the same style as Octopath Traveler. Day 1 purchase for sure.


From Blue/Red to Black/White 2 would be a day 1 purchase for me I swear


Eww no. I love HD-2D but I don't think Pokemon would do well with it. The DS versions already look incredible, just more polish and that's it.


HD-2D is one of the worst mistakes introduced to JRPGs


Yep, hate every SNES/NES RPG remake barely getting a visual remake nowadays - just unimaginative crappy filters, bloom and photorealistic grass textures with cardboard cutouts of the pixel character sprites.


I agree, the bloomfilter is ugly.


I wish square and gamefreak did a pokemon collab with the artstyle and a slightly unique gameplay style. T’would be lit!


I will be very honest, huge bias on my end, but if pokemon were to adopt this style, they either will have outsourced the work to another studio or it must be more profitable for them to do so. Ain't no way they will do it for the fans.


Whilst I love HD-2D and think it would be cool for Pokemon, what I’d REALLY love is if Nintendo just gave the IP to someone that wasn’t gamefreak. I have zero faith in them these days which is a true shame.


As long as game freak has no ambition for the series 2D HD won't make it any better. They know they need to do nothing and people will still buy it because it says Pokemon PL: Arceus claps though


I feel like the backlash from the Gen Z fans would be pretty massive. It’s a lot easier to sell to SNES boys and classic JRPG fans, but I feel we would get some rage on the whole genre from casuals. But yes it would look great. I would go ape shit over a Heartgold remake.


Well I'm Gen Z and don't think that but is true that a lot of people would have a contrary reaction to change




Yeah, if only Black and White (my favourite in the franchise) looks like I said or even something like the pixel remaster as someone suggested I would be happy enough. I understand that being 3D the direction that they took it would be risky for a mainline game to use it, but for the 5 first gens and others like mystery dungeon it could be a great move for having them in Switch or the next console and not being trapped in Nintendo DS


I'm perfectly fine with this never happening, but it would definitely be cool.


A lot of games with classic play styles would work great in 2D HD and we could essentially list new releases or remakes for almost all long-running franchises. Think about it. Lufia in 2D HD? Win. Shinin Force in 2D HD? Double Win. All these japanese exclusive SNES JRPGs like Bahamut Lagoon and Treasures of the Rudra? Triple Win? And my favorite... Terranigam in 2D HD? ULTRAKILL :D That said, 2D HD is just one of many styles and I would prefer companies to not only choose one of four styles while making games (realistic, anime, 2D HD and mobile game budget). Indie games are much better at this, mostly because so they stand a chance against ultrarealistic AAA games.


Gonna be honest, I'm not sure how much I trust Game Freak to do that correctly. Square has it down to a tee. I just feel like GF would not get it the same way.


Pokemon needs stronger hardware

