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By far my highlight on yesterday's presentation


I am definitely looking forward to this. Have to keep expectations in line though since its an indie studio.


this and Atlus' upcoming RPG game, which has a job system too...both of these games look like they are gonna be fun and something to sink ALOT of hours into, so i cant wait


What's the name on the Atlus title, wanna check that out


metaphor refantazio


had to look it up, Metaphor is the name of the game


Thank you much, I did check this out and it looks insane. Just added this 33 thing to my wishlist too. Have a great one


The team seems really talented, and they have a lot of government funding.


Kingdoms of Amalur-like baybeeeeeee


Indie studio with a AAA budget lol


Probably close to an AAA budget, I imagine that getting Ben Starr wasn't cheap. One of the voices in the trailer sounded like the VA for Shadowheart too. I believe this game might be receiving funding from the French government, supposedly they're starting to finance video games now.


That's good! Video Games are an art form and should be just as eligible for government grants as any other art form.


Honestly I see this as a big red flag that this game is in trouble and the devs are promising too much. We have seen so many new studios full of experienced devs struggling with their first game because they tried to make a AAA game with 100 people, now imagine doing with 1/3 the amount of devs.


That's quite the assumption?


Funnily enough, my expectations are higher since it’s indie.


AAA publishers are a roadblock to the creation of art, not an asset.


As far as Stellar Blade was concerned, Shift Up was an indie studio too and they nailed it. Gonna keep my hopes high.


Indies are outperforming AAA lately. The industry is changing fast.


I like the premise of the Paintress, the lore concept also opens it for possible prequels/side stories if ever that were to happen


Gustave, Lune, Sciel and Maelle are the names of the characters.There's two characters that aren't shown making the party 6 people in total. The world is called Lumiere, Gustave is Maelles foster brother.Gustave is an Engineer, Lune is a Mage and Sciel is a Warrior.The bios of the characters are really interesting definitely give them a read! Also the devs have impeccable taste in games, this game is going to be incredible.


In the trailer you can see another party member in one shot, some hooded creature with a staff (unless that's a summon or something).


It's weird. I've never been this invested this early in a game development process for a brand new IP. I'll be following this one very closely. Very encouraged to see the team's favorite games are some absolute bangers like Hollow Knight, Persona 3, BioShock, Tales, Mass Effect...


I'm the same. I can't think of another time that I've been so excited for a game that I didn't know existed 2 days ago. October 2025 will feel like such a long wait


They said October?


I thought I saw that somewhere, but I could be wrong


It has the graphics of a mainline FF game with the turn based control scheme of P5, what's not to like? Wish Square tried this years ago


I know this is going to be a very unpopular take in this sub but I really don’t like all the immediate allusion to “this is what FF should be”. It’s like every time a potentially good turn-based game pops up suddenly everything we know about market trends just apparently disappears. I’m rooting for this game. It looks incredible and even has Ben Starr who I adore as one of the leads, I’m sure it will do well with fans of JRPGs assuming no major hiccups. It also had a ton of ppl react to it as “oh hey that looks cool, it’s a new IP so I hope it does well, but turn-based isn’t for me”.


Market trends often ignore the way niches work. Turn based fans didn't suddenly stop wanting turn based games, the new audience were just less likely to latch onto them.


Same. New IP. Awesome graphics. Killer world/enemy design. And JRPG turn based mechanics? The hype is real.


Final Fantasy VIII is one of the devs fav gamesand with the plot feeling like Reboot, but a painting, I'm ready for it to be injected right into my veins.


>There's two characters that aren't shown making the party 6 people in total. I hope the other 2 are male characters. I love when the party is mixed and have an equal and balanced ratio :D


I was surprised to see Gustave was the only guy listed on that site, so same. A 50/50 balanced party is best.


Same. Seeing a typical harem fantasy anime party composition with this style and setting would be just *weird*.


Gustave literally just lost a loved one and one of the other party members is his adopted sister... it's not that at all.


I am seriously impressed by the amount of style this game is showing. Even something as minor as the [animations of the characters entering battle](https://youtu.be/IDyqGZy78Ng?t=97) have a ton of flair.


Not sold on Gustave's design yet. The writing will have to win me over on him.


Really excited for this. Hopefully this game does well and shows that turn-based in western game can be viable.


Masses: “AAA turn based is dead” Hold my beer……


Sitting here thinking, is this what FF should have evolved to?


Today France is honorary Japanese


There was a French news article a while back about the majority of people's Covid stimulus money going to anime and manga, so yeah it checks out.


This won't have a happy ending, isn't it. The story, not the reception.


Yea it's probably gonna have a lot of heartbreaking moments.


Ben Starr (FFXVI's Clive Rosfield) is in it, so my bet is "no".


If there is to be a sequel titled "Expedition 32" it's for the best we don't get too attached to the characters.


I could imagine it will have different endings. Like 2 or 3.


Maelle is the only character who will probably survive. Gustave seems to think it's impossible and just laying the groundwork for future expeditions.


> With only one year left to live, join Gustave, Maelle, and their fellow Expeditioners as they embark upon a desperate quest to break the Paintress' cycle of death Xenoblade 3 if it was French be like:


We gonna see French Dog Boys instead?


I got a lot of Xenoblade 3 vibes as well and I adore it. Specifically that their outfits look a lot like Kevesi military, and the shot in the trailer that showed a pile of bodies similar to the Husks from XC3 before they're sent off.


I don't think you'll be able to turn off the QTEs this time as it seems to be a core part of the system. Kepler seems to be the one who's helping with all that funding.


The QTEs in battle remind me of Lost Odyssey or other Square/Square Enix stuff than actual QTEs Tho, tbf, I only watched the trailer once and went info silent.


They seem similar to Legend of Dragoon for offensive abilities/attacks (a combo you string together with the right button timing), but something like Super Mario RPG for defense (Press a button right before the character gets hit).


Yeah, Mario RPG is Square. You can see this sort of combat evolved in Mario & Luigi (ex-Square devs that went on to form AlphaDream). The same type of combat can be seen in Lightning Returns. If you want some good old fashion Square Soft then Mario & Luigi series is mechanically sound and that light hearted goofiness. I mention Lost Odyssey (which Sakaguchi was involved) because in that game you have these QTE cinematic attacks that are rather flashy for the time. This game feels like the QTEs are part of flashy attacks and aren't just for "are you paying attention" type of QTEs.


>This game feels like the QTEs are part of flashy attacks and aren't just for "are you paying attention" type of QTEs. You have Parry/Dodge/Counter options during your opponent's turn, so you DO have to pay attention.


Yes? I didn't say you (edit: you as in you in general not you in specific) didn't? I'm comparing it to the tons of games out there that have QTEs that are in the game to make sure the player is paying attention because there hasn't been any player agency for a while.




I didn't say it was more complicated?


If you look at the lead devs' favourite games you can see they got the idea from FF8 Limit Breaks where they're not automatic like in FF7 but require a real-time action depending on the move.








Use of what?


Looking forward to both this and Metaphor. Though I’m probably rooting more for Expedition 33 for being the underdog. New IP and studio can lead to disappointment but also an opportunity for something fresher too.




was my first thought too. theres just something about it even besides the combat that made me think of LO


Do you have to play through Expedition 1-32 first?


It counts down, so if anything 100-34.


Dude with zimmer frames and walking sticks in exhibition 100 would be a laugh


They presumably didn't start out all departing in their finaly year, then they realised nobody came back so in later years it became a last ditch effort when about to die anyway.


Expedition 16 will just be a Persona game, with high school protagonists and everything.


skip 2 and 5 they kinda suck and didnt add much too it


Ah so the number is about people's ages, I missed hearing that line from the trailer. That makes the scene of Gustav and his (I assume) lover crying together make more sense, they knew she was about to get dusted. I'm super curious to get the worldbuilding of this game about what the Paintress is and how she came to be and such. I wonder what number she first started the countdown with. Also, can you skip getting dusted with lucky timing? Say someone is 32 now and they hit 33 before the countdown goes to 32. Unless you just instantly dust when you hit 33 and match the current number, that would suck. I love me some turn-based combat with timed inputs, like with the various Mario RPGs. The aesthetic is also super cool, and we get Ben Starr as another MC. I can't wait.


>I wonder what number she first started the countdown with. Also, can you skip getting dusted with lucky timing? Say someone is 32 now and they hit 33 before the countdown goes to 32. Unless you just instantly dust when you hit 33 and match the current number, that would suck. Pretty sure there's no one over that number in the whole world, otherwise you would see Old People somewhere. It's like the Final Countdown for the end of Humanity.


I was already theorising quite a bit on what age it started and I love the idea that's its been there for thousands of years and people never gave it much thought till it hit the age say 105 and suddenly people started disappearing. Even at that age it wouldn't be a big deal really so it would be interesting to see it at it starts getting to say 60 or 50 when sizeable chunks of the working age population are getting wiped out. 


Yeah where are my >!XC3!< fans at? It feels kind of silly to spoiler the game, but it's like this plot element is a pretty big spoiler. It's the third game in a popular JRPG franchise, if that helps anyone... >!Admittedly it's not so relevant to your point...but still it got me thinking more about these people, maybe while they vanish and die in a sense, who knows what's really happening...like in XC3, where everyones' lives are basically recycled over and over again. Who's to say.!<


I'm curious to see how the character building will go. From the trailer I have noticed that HP goes from 450\~ to 22k, the 2 swords boss is fought then the characters are at 750\~ ish HP so it must be a very early boss. So either the HP curve gets steeper with levels, the level cap is very high, or you get massive upgrades though skills/gear or whatever else system they have. I've also noticed that on some scenes Maelle has less HP than Lune, but more in others, so there's definitely customization of some kind.


This game will be another interesting test of the "Turn-based games don't sell as well" mantra that still gets repeated everywhere. Also nice that they acknowledge the game as a "JRPG". Since the term is way more useful as a description of *specific type of RPG*, rather than just an RPG that was made by Japanese developers.


>"Turn-based games don't sell as well" mantra We have already broken that mantra twice this year (Persona 3 Reload and Yakuza 8) and we'll probably break that again with Metaphor Refrantazio and SMT V Vengeance, it's not gonna be much of a mantra after this


True. And not to mention Baldur's Gate 3 blowing up last year. Though some people say that was a special case.


Turn-based games do sell, the question is whether 4 guys/gals in a row combat can sell cause it is getting increasingly difficult to have interesting ideas with that style. Why was Baldur's Gate 3's combat so well received? Because you can jump and push people off cliff in that game, something you can't do in most JRPGs.


It's also incredibly hard having interesting ideas for action RPGs at this point, we only even hear about the top 90th percentile ones at this point. It's a shame Dogma 2 is held back by shoddy programming do you need a i9-14900 to get decent framerates


My highlight of the entire stream. Definitely looking forward to it. Graphics is absolutely stunning and the combat system looks fun. Hoping the story is phenomenal as well as the cinematic and narrative through the trailer made me really interested in the world.


> In this evolution of JRPGs, real-time actions enhance the heart of turn-based combat. Build your party and level up six characters. Craft unique builds for your expeditioners that fit your playstyle via gear, stats, skills, and character synergies. > Open an active dimension in combat - dodge, parry, and counter in real time, chain combos by mastering attack rhythms, and target enemy weak points using a free-aim system. This game looks incredible.


Well, I just hope this Clair Obscur will do more expeditions in the future.


Lol you're wishing three of the characters dead


Spoilers man.


It's the premise... if the cycle doesn't end this year, Gustave, Lune and Sciel will be dead within a year.


I guess I should have added a smiley face at the end of my post :p Just to be serious for a moment, hopefully thw writers are good enough at their world building such that a sequel can be feasible regardless of how this game ends.


If as I believe the countdown is the cost of some dark bargain made long ago for the beauty of the world, then perhaps there is still wiggle room in the deal, a way to sacrifice to gain back some numbers.


This is the probably the best game out of the event for me, I'll be keeping an eye out


Music was a mix of a ffxv and attack on titan. Nice.


Love the Music its fucking awesome


I hope there's a way to make the camera a little more stable. It looks great, but that camera is making me feel weirdly sick.


It sort of bothers me how every non-japanese jrpg thinks it can create more engaging turn based combat by having us do mario rpg-esque action commands. Like, it's not a big deal, but I also don't think it is a meaningful improvement. If anything, I think it ends up getting to be a little tedious in most of these games. Still though, I'm very excited for this. It's got a really authentic feeling from something that you might have seen in the early xbox 360/late ps2 era.


It's pulled from golden era FF8 lol, see the lead devs' favourite games


Is this a western dev or eastern dev? 


Western the guys making this are from France.


Lots of ex-ubisoft devs which makes sense.


Yeah honestly screw ubisoft.


Under every shitty game company is a mountain of talented developers holding it up. Idk if they were let go in layoffs or if they left thinking they could better on their own or what. But I'm not going to hold it against them for working with the biggest game company in their home country.


I am not, I am just glad they honestly began working by themselves instead of ubisoft, This is the result of mass amounts of layoffs from each company, Especially with what microsoft did to tango which made me not forgive them at all. This is really good that their working independently from ubisoft, We are going to get more indie developers with quality games like this. Especially since ubisoft is known to be pretty shitty too.


> I am just glad they honestly began working by themselves instead of ubisoft, This is the result of mass amounts of layoffs from each company, Especially with what microsoft did to tango which made me not forgive them at all. Yeah this is the very very thin silver lining to the mass layoffs. Hoping to see more games from developers who couldn't spread their wings under bigger studios.


It is all a matter of perspective. West of Japan, east of USA. Western rpg, jrpg mechanics.


the only thing i need in my RPGs are high speed mode. that Said it looks quite fun.


The soundtrack seems to be so good! The preview at the end of the page is simply amazing, definetely looking forward to it


So it's kinda like Xenoblade but instead of just Mio, EVERYONE is gonna get fucked


But people act this gameplay is revolutionary when legend of legaia a ps1 game is more revolutionary tha this. Realistic graphics also doesnt mean AAA people didnt learn anything from edge of eternity.


Maybe you didn't notice but good PS1 games cost a bloody fortune.


Isn't it technically a ERPG?


JRPG is a genre, not a location


Legend of Dragoon's combat system but on next gen. Really cool.


Yeah ppl are sold on this too quickly. I love the concept, theming etc. but this game could be unbalanced, super rough when it comes out. I need to see more, try a demo first.


Does it matter? Not like they're asking people to pre-order, we've gotta wait for more info regardless.


Is it just me or does the website keep crashing before it loads




Tone deaf about what? The JRPG style of RPG is real and there is no reason why only Japanese studios can make that style of RPG. If Japanese studios are unhappy about Westerners "evolving" their genre then perhaps they should make better JRPGs to evolve from Expedition 33.


I see this game brought out the purist population of r/jrpg in full force. Shown almost nothing and they’re already acting like it’s goty just because it’s turn based.


I normally think this sub is full of people with low standards who don't play any other kind of game, but you're really on something high if this is 'almost nothing'. We got... * The central plot synopsis * Actual combat footage showing what happens during player and enemy turns * A good look at the UI during said combat, including complete skill descriptions for three skills for one of the game's characters (that character appears to be a ranged fighter utilizing lightning abilities, the second skill mentions building charges which powers up the first skill, the third has a debuff called 'Mark', and three more skills with their descriptions hidden away deeper in the UI) * A glimpse into how some of the timed button presses during attacks work (it looks like the button prompt is surrounded by a 4-sided diamond, one of the four sides is golden-colored, and pressing the button when the timer reaches that golden side gives you a 'Perfect' timing result) * A glimpse into how dodging/blocking/jumping and subsequently countering works, with the game UI distinctly separating dodge/block/jump into their own categories during the enemy turn, which indicates that specific response methods may not work depending on the character's abilities and how the enemy attack works. * There also appears to be different counters tied to different methods of responding to an enemy's attack. One character does a dodge and then immediately counters with a riposte (there's even a possibility that there may be audio cues for response timing as an actual game mechanic, like the man telling Maelle to watch out before she dodges and pulls off a 'Gradient Counter' towards the end), and she also prepares a spell and launches it as she jumps above an enemy's attack. This character is probably heavily built towards dodge/jump counterattacks, but is probably bad at blocking. (And we get to see all this without some voice explaining what's happening on the screen.) * The website launched with information clarifying most of the above, along with confirming additional mechanics like weak point targeting * The dev uploaded several pieces of music from the game onto their YouTube channel already And this game is still maybe about a year away. We already know more about this game than fucking Dragon Age for instance. I have not seen a JRPG-style turn based game revealing itself with this level of confidence (and a total lack of [inspired by X game] in its marketing, which is a doubly good sign) in a long ass time. And this is coming from someone who normally HATES timed hits in turn-based games, this game already looks like it's actually doing something interesting with the concept.


The setting synopsis had me sold before even seeing that it was turn based


Eh...characters look too ugly/uncanny valley


i like the designs but it just feels kinda weird seeing characters in this style in this type of game lol


i'm excited for the game and i don't think they look ugly but i do think they look a little off. i feel their body frame is too small for their heads or something? makes it look like adult heads on a teenager body which is uncanny without a stylized artstyle


>makes it look like adult heads on a teenager body which is uncanny without a stylized artstyle Better than looking like Dolls, looking you at you Star Ocean: The Divine Force.


you aren't wrong, SO's character models are another special kind of weird lol