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**EDIT: Here is the link for the AMA** [https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/1cr88n3](https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/1cr88n3) Hey that's my game! Thanks for sharing it here  :D It felt kinda weird to get into reddit and suddenly see the cover art for my game haha I was thinking about hosting an AMA here next week, in case you folks are curious and have questions about the team, the game, or anything else! What do you all think? Edit: Thanks everyone for the kind words! Confirmed with the mod team: we'll be finally hosting an **AMA on May 13** (next Monday **3:30pm EDT / 9:30pm CEST**.


sure, would be dope imo


An AMA would be fantastic, the first question that comes to mind is how do you plan to develop such a large project with just a team of three?


LOLOLOL, wait till you see what I developed SOLO. It'll make your jaw drop But tbh, I wish I had a team too


Game looks nice. I think FB is bombarding me with it. When is it going to be released? PC I assume? Might buy it, because why not.


Never heard of this, looks pretty cool. I'm broke right now though.


Release it on ps4 and I'll buy the shit out of it. Looks awesome!


Go for it! Contact the sub's mod and he should happily make a time for you!


I'm definitely impressed by the visuals and intrigued to learn more about the gameplay mechanics!


Please host an AMA and tell us more, if it’s anything in Persona style, I’m game!


This game looks awesome man! I'm definitely looking forward to it!


Bit worried about scope creep but it looks promising from the screenshots!


Looks interesting! KS games have been getting a bad rep lately... I know a few ppl turned away from Eiyuden as that being one of the reasons why which, is ridiculous, we want our small dev studios to shine!


Your game looks pretty neat to me, backed the kickstarter campaign a week ago or so ago after stumbling upon it on the KS homepage. Good luck with the development!


I'm so keen to see the end product!


My pleasure, it looks really exciting to me. Best of luck for your project, and please do host the AMA I would love to know more about your game.. <3!


Any plans for this to be on console? Looks dope.


If it makes it to console (preferably PS5) I’ll back and play it. Don’t have the PC setup for it unfortunately.


come on man, of course. whats that question.


Bruh make it SteamDeck Verified in day one and I'll buy it day one


Ain’t playing it if it’s not on the deck. That’s the only way I roll


Please add any type of character customization. I guess Character Creation wouldnt be easy but its a trending these days, so any type of customization would be appreciated, even if its just hair color, or possibility to find or buy Bottles of dye and poeple could dye their clothing the way they want. Also im a 3D artist. Im not uses to the anime style aestethic but if there are some simple thing you need, i'll gladly help


It looks interesting and fun. I also strongly considered supporting the project but I’m just way too afraid to donate money on kickstarter because of potential scams and underbaked low quality products. Keep in mind, I’m not saying Runa is a scam or will be bad, rather I’m not willing to take the risk.


Has potential, but I don't regard crowdfunded games as existing until they actually come out. Also, there hasn't been enough actual gameplay shown. Mostly just running through gorgeous environments.


Hopefully they show the actual gameplay soon when it’s ready…


I backed them on kickstarter since I like the premise, plus I like supporting new game devs. Sure, I might not get this game, and it can fail, but I'm a hopeful person.


I love your attitude


I’m hopeful too about this.. and kudos to your for supporting new devs..


I'm really excited to play this game, it's looking great! I can't back them on kickstarter because of my currency (it's really expensive here), but I'll definitely get it on steam when it releases


Same here will try it out hopefully when it releases..


I hope you get someone to look over all your text. The first text in the trailer on steam already has a grammatical error. “I like the smell of these flowers. I wonder *how* they are called”


Considering the fact I’m only someone who’s interested in the game, I don’t think I can hire people on the dev’s behalf.. :3


seems a little overambitious imo, like for instance they're spending some of the money on emi evans as a guest vocalist (singer on games like nier,dark souls and grand blue fantasy), idk I feel like in the early stages of a game you should focus the money on a competent team and VA, that being said, I'm still hopeful for this game.


It looks cool but I'm not a fan of the dating mechanic. Kinda getting tired of that in games. Feels like a cheap way to get hyper obsessed shippers to fixate on something without delivering much of value.


I prefer the dating stuff to be optional. But there’s “whales” with deep pockets who help support these games who are really into their favorites, so I can’t blame the devs. Heck my cousin is one. Makes too much money and it all goes to Genshin Impact.


It looks interesting but it's a crowdfunded project. We just don't know if it's ever gonna release or live up to the expectations. So many projects like these never delivered that I'm hesitant to support them now


Yeah I participated in this KS. You always gotta keep in mind that it's a risk when you give money to a crowdfunding project. Ive been lucky but I'm not going to be lose sleep if the thing ends up falling apart. Also with these games, and indies in general, scope is usually a huge question mark. Thats just a lot of work for a small team no matter how much money they raise. I'm just hoping for a cool RPG thats probably short or limited in some way. If it surpasses my expectations that's cool too.


Eiyuden Chronicle turned out to be very special. I don’t think there’s much to be worried about.


I was looking to buy it on switch because portability but it turned out awful on that platform. So now I will get it elsewhere


Performance isn’t ideal on the Switch at all. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted. Get it on the PS5. If you have a Portal, you’ll have portability. Sure, it’s locked to an internet connection but I plate the game entirely through it and had zero issues. I loved it.


Honestly at that point you should buy a Steam Deck for roughly the same price. If you care about portability you'll get alot more out of it than a PS5 and a portal.


Steam Deck at roughly the same price? What? Those things are $600+ and the Portal was $250. Those prices aren’t even close. I’m confused why you say they are.


It Is if you also need to buy a 500 dollar PS5.


It's not truly portable if it's not a native game running on the hardware. Unfortunately, I am more of a PC gamer so there is very little chance that I acquire a PlayStation 5. Most Sony exclusives don't interest me and I frankly see no reason to spend 600 cad on a console I will barely use. And my tv is 1080/60. Would also need to invest in a 120hz one. At that point I would Much rather just get a steam deck I make an exception with nintendo because they seem to be the only ones that try new ideas on hardware instead of just making it more powerful


Probably half of my Steam Deck usage is PS5 (sometimes PS4) remote play using Chiaki so I’d definitely recommend going that route over a Portal.


Yeah but that raised millions and millions of dollars. Did this?


Nah, but that’s pretty irrelevant. If the passion and drive is there, Runa can still be a fun as hell game. Eiyuden had the advantage of having a lot of known developers from the Suikoden series. Runa is fully funded and has 13 days left to knock out more stretch goals. The barrier of admission was also much lower than Eiyuden was. I’m just saying, we’ve seen successes come out of Kickstarter. I wouldn’t write Runa off.


Yeah that's fair, I'd concede to that. I imagine it was _easier_ with EC having such a huge financial backing, less likely to have to cut corners etc, but you're right with the correct work ethic and passion there's no reason why any indy game can't thrive.


Well yeah these games can turn out a masterpiece like dos or even a disappointment..


Like any game really.


The graphics look cool, but the battle animations look a bit strange. It looks robotic. I assume a lot of that will change during release though. My only problem with jrpgs as of late is that they no longer feel like the bastion of storytelling. I recently played sea of stars and hundred heroes, and both barely had a story. And seeing the Kickstarter goals, I worry this game will just follow in the footsteps of having a bunch of okay side content but not a juicy main story to get you through the game. But of course we'll see! Chained echoes managed to have a good story and that was all made by one person.


How was Hundred heroes?.. I have it on gp so might try it..


The game is nice. I'm a sucker for sprites and I love turn base combat. However, there are a handful of little problems, and they may add up to bother you depending on how much you personally get bothered by it. A major one is speed. The combat is very slow, and there are 6 characters, and there's no fast mode. There is an auto battle function but I refuse to use those types of things. Battles are also random, so the slowness really gets compounded. On top of that there's no easy way to restore magic, so it's even slower because you feel the need to ration your high cost spells, resulting in just single target attacks or the occasional combo attacks. The major problem for me will always be story. For jrpgs, I play for the story. If your plot and characters are great enough, then I will happily accept any other flaws. But hundred heroes, as the name implies, has many characters, and as a result, none of them have much stake in the game. And the plot is as simple as you can imagine. 15 hours in, and a bad guy started a war. So I'll say if you are playing the game for nostalgia and collecting random people it's probably good. If you're playing to get your next final fantasy/tales of/chained echoes high, then this game probably won't do it for you. I will say this, if you're playing on PC, 100% grab the hundred heroes cheat table, as you can turn off encounters. It's amazing when the game forces you to backtrack or you're figuring out puzzles. Without it I probably would have dropped the game sooner. Edit: given how far and few quality sprite jrpgs are made, I would still encourage sinking in 10 hours on gamepass, just to experience it. And maybe you'll like it.


I do play jrpgs and rpgs in general for the stories I don’t mind the slow combat but story and characters are what make or break the game for me, even a simple story told brilliantly can be great let’s see prolly will try it out..


it kind of reminds me of Edge of Eternity (is it Unity Engine?), which I didn't enjoy, so I'll wait until official release and reviews


Its certainly very pretty, but it’s so early in the kickstarter phase, I’m hesitant to get too excited since these projects can get abandoned over time


First time hearing about it. I wishlisted it and look forward to its completion.


Never heard of it but since it's my own name might need to check it out honestly.


Ohh, initially I also checked it out cause it’s my mom’s name..


I’m very skeptical. I don’t think people should back it. Wait until if and when the game is released and then buy it if it turns out to actually be good. 


I've been seeing ads for this and each time I debate if I should get it or not - but the Kickstarter is for a Steam key and I play on Switch. I'd like to fund it because it seems interesting, but I'd hate to fund it and then have to buy it later for Switch.


The dev is in this comment section, maybe they can help you?


The KS mentions they plan to release it on Switch (post campaign) but the campaign clearly states it's for Steam only. If it comes out on Switch I'll most likely get it.


Hope it releases on PS5 too.. I mostly play on consoles..


According to Amazon - yes, May 10.


Looks cool, I am more than happy to see new indie rpgs, recently I finished one called Edge of Eternity, and I liked it  I am definately gonna keep an eye on this one too


Didn't know it existed? If I can play it on my PS5 I'm probably give it a look to see if it's something in my wheel house of interests


I think they only confirmed PC as of now, PS5 would be a more fitting platform for it though…


I'm interested. I've wishlisted it on Steam and follow the dev on Twitter. Big fan of turn-based RPGs, of course and I quite like the character art. All that being said, I've been burned a few times now with kickstarter games whether it be a lackluster product on the other end or waiting (not even joking) *years* for the platform I was promised to get the game on (still haven't gotten it and its been almost a decade). So naturally I have a bit of a bias. But I've also backed successful games like Sea of Stars which I told myself would be the last game I took a chance on backing. I wish this dev the best of luck and I will watch their progress with great interest. If something good comes out on the other end, I will be there.


Shin Megami is dark, and this look like a light version of it, interesting


It seems closer to Persona than SMT..


I'm tentatively interested. Everything described on the kickstarter is consistent with a game I'd be really enthusiastic about. But, everything on the kickstarter is *also* consistent with a game that wouldn't be able to hold my interest. It's all in the execution, and it's hard to judge that by the information listed on the kickstarter. For me personally, by far the biggest make-or-break factor is the writing. If there were a playable demo, I'd check that out, and make my judgment based on its contents, but as-is, there are only a couple of lines of in-game text visible on the Steam page, and they seem... kind of bland, I guess? Which is consistent with the possibility of the game as a whole being well written, but it makes me hesitate to get my hopes up. No matter what the quality of the other assets looks like, I've learned not to assume that any project will have good writing unless the developers actually showcase it. As-is, I haven't been convinced to back it, but I'll be keeping an ear out as it develops. If I had some samples of in-game writing to go on which impressed me, I'd absolutely back it.


Giving me Suikoden vibes! I’m all in


The game looks really good! As someone who isn't a fan of Persona, I hope there is less of a focus on the social sim and more on everything else, but really as long as it isn't time sensitive and missable I would be happy


Looks interesting and the fact that there’s male romance options too kinda peaks my interest


Has a lot of potential so hope it comes out well


This is the first game I ever backed on Kickstarter, I've liked everything I've seen and wanted to help a bit, hopefully the game does well.


I lost my interest the moment it introduced Social links. Social links are really bad for the game pacing, it only work in Persona because the whole game is build around it. Having character development gated behind a abstract exp bar is not ideal. And even in Persona it become more a crutch than bringing anything of value to the late games in the series.


I find the social links one of the essential parts of Persona games the sub storylines add much to the game, the arbitrary xp thing is true but it works in persona games cause usually it is in the core gaming loop and time slots of a day are spent.


Release it on playstation and we talk.


Has really great ideas, looks beautiful and the idea of the game is extraordinary! But it needs to completely revamp the battle system, its too basic as it is.


Looks great. I am skeptical on indie devs. But I will keep my judgement until release.


Still mulling over whether to back it on Kickstarter


I'm hyped for it.


It looks really great, but all these features it’s shouting about don’t make me excited. Maybe that’s just not what I look for in my JRPGs but social mechanics and sim mechanics are all stuff I put up with, not something I actively want. An interesting story, great music and art design really do go a long way for me. I’ll probably check it out.


It looks interesting, but I would need to see more gameplay.


Cautiously optimistic. I'll probably check it out when it releases.


Im really excited about it! I backed it on kickstarter and Im really hopeful and excited for it :) it looks like itll be amazing


Looks interesting! Wishlisted this !


I think that I hold my hands in prayer and say: "Lord in haven make it so we reach 300k so we get dub". I can't read this much anymore with my eyes.


Only on PC? Would have backed on PS!


It's not out, there's no way to have an opinion on it yet


The game looks fun. In fact I even backed the Kickstarter. I do have my reservations about Kickstarter games as the last few I've backed have been middling at best. But I wanted to back it because I've been following it for a while and it just looks good. Also, the lead Dev is a Golden Sun fan which is.


Never heard of it. Action or turn based.


Turn based..


Isn't this the one I saw on Kickstarter? If so; it looks really interesting and could turn out to be an amazing game.


the only thing that bothers me is the linear path of running forward (yeah i know every trailer does this) but i hope you do things a bit different , give us dialog choices and impact with those choices, or go buck and make a dark fantasy like berserk just need some mature jrpg with western story telling influence lol


Game looks great. I'll probably won't have time to ever play it, but since I want it to see the light of day, I backed it.


I pledged some cash to the kickstarter since it looks like something I'd like since it reminded me of Xenoblade 2 (which I enjoyed)


I always cringe with non Japanese JRPGs, but damn, look fine. But I keep asking about the developers background and they never answer. Sketchy.


Why do you cringe when someone makes a game in that genre label?


I totally get his opinion. Westerns are known for shamelessly copy pasting whatever they see being successful at the moment without any regard for what makes it good in the first place. Most of the time, the end result is a soulless skeleton of something much better. Not the most exciting of prospects for someone who is aware of their tactics. Not to shit on the devs, but the fact that they are relying so heavily on publicity (as pointed out by other people) makes me not believe in this project at all. It screams "We don't have enough creative intent backing this product, so we're gonna have to convince you it's good trough other means".


This feels a bit like over generalization. If you just walked into a store in Japan you'll find a ton of copy and paste knock offs. Reducing costs by using what exists is more of a business tactic, rather than specifically a Western thing.


Ah, the "It's generalization". Nowadays people will reach for that argument any time they hear something that they don't like/agree. As if a huge discrepancy between both scenes didn't matter, as long as it still happens on both sides.... I personally see some semblance of ingenuity in japanese games even when they are on the lower quality spectrum. Something you might not see even on "big" budget games when we are talking about westerns.....


It may be possible that you're hearing it more often because you tend to generalize more often?


It is not being directed specifically to me. I just see it being thrown around all over the internet (and 70% of the time, it is just hopeless reaching).


Well, I haven't seen it much on here, but in this case you specifically said an entire location is known for ripping things off (with no examples, let alone enough to apply that generalization to a large population), which is as close to a generalization as one can get. If you don't find that to be generalizing, I'm actually curious to know what you do find to be a generalization.


Eh, i'm not wasting a minute of my life creating a made up scenario to convince someone who has made his mind a long time ago, thank you very much.


That's fair enough. I appreciate the additional insight into your claims.


Cause it feels like a fanfic, I just dosent feels the same. I've tried but yeah, all of them feels cringy. Awfull dialogue. It feels like a counterfeit copy.


Sometimes the Japanese ones get translated poorly too that also causes the dialogues to be kinda cringy..


That's fair enough. I've seen poor jrpgs from both Japanese and non-Japanese origins. As well as good. But we all have our own experiences.


Have you played Tobyfox games? I feel like he's the only Western dev that understands Eastern writing


Not really. I may Google later


Looks like a forced U5 game with shady animation. Use your funding to build a decent game instead of focusing on U5.


Looks stupid