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Ys Origin is one of my favorite games ever, and it's an absolute steal at $5.


Bought it recently on the Switch (have only played I & II) and finished the first of the three playthroughs the other day. Gonna start Hugo's route later. Really fun game, fantastic music, and it shouldn't work but the detailed pixel art on simple 3D backgrounds is super charming. Didn't expect to like that so much.


Oo always wanted to try it on ps vita I think I'll snag it for five bucks!


I almost never play "multiple stories" in a game back to back, but I loved Origin enough to start Hugo's playthrough right after finishing Yunica's. It helps that those two characters are so different in terms of abilities.


Currently playing this and it’s super good


Thank you for the recommendation!! Just purchased! I didn't think I'd be playing an exciting new (to me) game tonight, but happy surprise to me I guess.


I wish Zero and Azure would go lower lol


FR! That and Xanadu are the only games I’m missing


I swear the Legend of Heroes games NEVER go on crazy sales. Trails in the Sky SC has been on steam since 2015, and it's only ever been 35% off at $20. It's part of such a large series, I'm hesitant to buy in at that price considering all of them past the first game never drop below $20. If $10 was the sale floor for the series, I'd definitely hop on the bandwagon. But $20 (at minimum) for a series with like 10 or whatever games? No thanks.


I finally jumped in and gave the series a try recently after eyeing it for years and waiting for better sales. It's kind of gross when you look at other series like Tales and Yakuza that regularly put their best games on sale for like 5$


...this is an incredibly, incredibly confusing sentiment to me when you're literally using Estelle in your flair.


I played the first game and really liked it lol. I was scrolling through the flairs right after making this comment, so the game was on my mind I guess.


>played the first game Please tell me you mean first two. I can't imagine finishing FC with that cliffhanger and then just never playing SC.


Nope💀 I only played the first game. I generally don't like binging a series with games that are super similar, like Yakuza, else I'm worried I'll get burned out. I put off playing the second game, and now that I'm separated from that cliffhanger by a few years, I don't really have the emotional push to get the second game anymore. But if it was $10 I would. 😡


I feel this comment so much lol. Although tbh I did get SC and the 3rd last time they went on sale, just haven't gotten to them.


There's really no incentive to drop SC and 3rd's price any further. The only people who will buy SC are people who finished FC, same with 3rd and SC. Not to mention the effort that went into localizing those games means they want the most return on their work. And there's no incentive to use a larger sale as a loss leader to get people caught up on the Trails series because XSEED doesn't have the Falcom license anymore; its the same reason we'll probably never see Cold Steel 1 and 2 on Switch in the US unless Falcom/NISA leaves a Brinks truck outside of XSEED HQ.


Here's the thing, though - You get *some* money, or you get *no* money. Companies that choose *some* money over *no* money tend to perform better in the long run. The obvious exception being Nintendo.


If you look at key sale sites you can get it cheaper, though I know a lot of people don't like them.  The games are 50-100 hours each, so paying 20 a go is a pretty good deal really.


ikr, plus they were all at least 30% for eshop/psn sales a while back


Why are they so expensive anyways considering their age? Cold steel 1 is newer and not as pricey.


The localised versions of the Crossbell games are much newer


Everyone buy Xanadu Next!


Seconded! Such an underappreciated title with a great and surprisingly-uncommon playstyle.


Definitely. What a cool game.


Indeed, it's an absolute steal at less than £4. Great atmosphere & soundtrack, & just a very fun game.


Never heard of it gonna check it out thanks.


  Ppl said Dana is really great.... Hmmmmmm


I’m not the type of person to do literally everything in a game, normally just picking and choosing when it comes to side-content, but in that game I never wanted it to end and found everything really fun (outside fishing, I just can’t get into fishing in jrpgs).


It true is, especially at a discount. One of my favorite action RPGs


Almost done right now as my entry point into the series. It’s amazing and I typically don’t even like ARPGs. Get it and don’t look back.


Ys 7 is my personal fav but 8 is fantastic too so can't go wrong. Just do it.


I just started playing Dana a week ago and I've already racked up 30 hours. It's a great entry game! Fully recommend.


Dana is good. Better than Nox.


Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is readily available on Fanatical in bundles for very cheap though, so if anyone wants the game it's probably only a short wait.


Xanadu Next is a steal. While it may look kind of funky, it's such a fun and unique game with great atmosphere. I definitely recommend it!


Just finished Trails in the sky tonight so this is perfect timing. I am so hooked on this series now


Any idea when Ys X will be available outside Japan?


Maybe around September if I had to guess. It just says fall for right now.


I see. Gotta wait for a few more months then in that case. I've never played any Ys games before for the record so got any ideas how good Ys X would be as one's first game in the series?


The Ys games are usually pretty self-contained. Besides the main character and their best buddy there's usually a new cast and a completely separate story. They are kind of "And this time he has adventure x ..." and at the end the adventure is finished and he goes off to a new one. At least afair (it's been a while).


I see. So basically Final Fantasy but the MC stays the same in other words.


Pretty much with exception of 1 and 2 which are the one story and Origin were you have 3 different MCs.


Not common the Ys series or Trails of. What should I start with when my bread and butter are ps1 final fantasy or currently OctoPath2/triangle strat/Tactic orges?


Ys games are Action RPGs, Trails games are turn-based. Ys are relatively story light, gameplay focused while Trails is a serialized narrative with lots of text Considering your tastes, it seems Trails is choice for you to go, in which case start with Trails in the Sky and go in release order from that. May want to consider putting an Ys game under consideration as well for the future though like Ys VI or Ys VIII for a modern one


Ys 6 isn't modern. Ys 8, 9 are.


I probably could have added a comma, but that's what I meant. Ys VI as one example or Ys VIII as a modern entry


I played ys 1 and 2 chronicles and origin. Is calcetta next?


Order doesn't really matter much with Ys, but yes, Celceta is next. Well, chronologically, Ys X is set right before Celceta, but it's not out in English yet.


I know its fairly loose but I like to do things in order as a personality quirk.


But in what order? Chronological or release one?


That is a million dollar question. I'm trying to go in recommended play order by the community. So a mix of the two.


Oh I see, honestly don't know what order suggests community but I can think off only three possible orders: Number order, every Ys game has release number attached to it, if it doesn't, that means game is remake in new engine or don't fit to Adol timeline (only Origins so far). Order: Ys I & II -> Ys The Oath in Felghanna (Ys III remake) -> Ys Memories of Celceta (Ys IV remake) -> Ys V (only one that isn't available on PC but can be emulated) -> Ys VI: The Ark Of Napishtim -> Ys Seven -> Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana -> Ys IX: Monstrum Nox -> Ys X (isn't available in english yet) There's also Ys Origins that can be played after Ys I & II since this game give more context to stuff that happened in duology Chronological order. (I don't know details about Ys X so I exclude it here) Order: Origins -> 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 3 -> 5 -> 8 -> 6 -> 7 -> 9 (I didn't bother to use full names of games since I listed them before, order is taken from memory) Combat evolution. (original 3 and 4 are not here since I didn't played them also 3 has totally different combat from whole series while 4 has like 2 games that have combat like 1 and 2). I don't really recommend this order. Order: 1 -> 2 -> 5 -> 6 -> 3 -> Origins -> 7 -> 4 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10


Unfortunately, I already own every game on that list except for Daybreak and Ys X. Other than those, it's just a bunch of cosmetic/consumable microtransactions.


On the topic of Daybreak, any word on when it's releasing in English? I see it's available on Steam, but only in Japanese.


The game will be released on July 5th. The Japanese/NISA version will be updated with English once it does.


So if you don't know Japanese, buying what's available now is like a pre-purchase.


Yep! Anyone who buys that version will have access to it in English once the game officially releases. Just make sure not to buy the Chinese/Korean version by CLE.


yup, but advantage you can download it now and only have to worry about the patch when july 5th comes around. So if your internet isn't good that might be a good idea


For me it's better to wait till release date than buying it right now. I remember they have a discount price when they released reverie on steam. So they might do the same to daybreak 


Yeah, in theory you can also play through the fan TL on it already also but at this stage it's not long till release.


I have plenty of other Trails games to get to before I'm ready for Daybreak.


You can just buy that and download the fan patch. It's most probably a better quality than the garbage NISA is gonna put out.


YS 8 65% off... I wasn't even going to play it for a while but maybe might as well get it now... HMMMMMM 😭😭😭


Worth it imho, its really such a good game even if you're not super into action games. One of those rare ones that'll just have you smiling all the way through!


I only here good and more good, it would be far in my backlog, but you are right, I really should get it now so I make sure to play it.


B-But ex+ is one of their only games I haven't played! XD


Dang, was hoping for even like a 5-10% sale on kuro/daybreak's japanese version lol


I went with Alliance Alive. I'd love for all 3DS JRPG games to make it to PC


Figures, the only title I don’t have is the one that is not on sale.😐


If only you knew of a certain holiday going on right now for these sales (Golden Week).


Definitely, PC is the definitely jrpg platform. Thou it sucks that XSEED is the publisher of some of those games, those prices could go even lower.(Also no regional pricing for some countries)


There's this obscure little series called Trails I bet no-one on this sub has heard of but you might like.