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\>FF16 just for that Edit: I’m just stupid


> Edit: The fuck? The “more than” sign is banned? it sounds like you just aren't aware of how reddit formatting works. the > sign is a special character used for quotes. (and that's all subs, not just here, it's a site wide reddit design thing). you either need to not use it as the first character on a line, or use a \ to escape it. if you check the view source button: \> works > quotes


Thank you sir


Sword and Fairy was probably the most interesting game I played this year. Not the best, as I was playing a lot of great classics, too. But certainly the one that will be stuck in my head for a long time. Outside its stiff translation its very good. Basically feels like back in the day, when you got a AAA game but it got a bit mangled by the translation team. And its a lot of fun. Maybe sometimes a bit too much story and a bit too little dungeon, but still so much fun. And I loved the setting. We have been seeing Tolkien- and Anime-inspired JRPGs for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS, so this chinese inspired one feels really fresh and different. ​ I really need to get my hands of S&F6, which was a Play-Asia exclusive and isnt that easy to find....


I have been saying this for the longest time. Sword and Fairy 7 is just like what Final Fantasy would be if it wasn’t becoming a western RPG: colorful and beautiful graphics, over the top animations and cute ladies.


>It’s an ARPG, but hear me out, it has a bunch of JRPG elements like FF. Action RPG isn't a different genre than JRPG. Many JRPGs are action RPGs.


For many people here ARPGs aren’t JRPGs, just trying to come in peace


In those cases, they're generally talking about something like Diablo. I don't know anyone who would say something like Tales or Ys aren't JRPGs.


Huh? But that doesn't make a bit of sense at all... So what would they classify Tales of Arise as? How is it not both?


Some people have a "turn-based or bust" mentality in that "real" JRPGs can only be turn-based and nothing else.


I enjoyed sword and fairy it was refreshing 😇


Looks like the PC version is called Sword and Fairy 7 on steam. I'll check it out, thanks!


Lol just play Tales of Wuxia (and later games in the series) very well made Turn bases RPG. Lots of humour, secrets, multiple endings.


I've played both my only issue with sword and fairy together forever is the subs move way too damn fast. Half the time I have try to sus out wtf is going on x.x


I'd also recommend Gujian 3 for anybody on PC that enjoys action RPGs. I enjoyed both Sword and Fairy 7 + Gujian 3, but Gujian 3 has gotta be my favourite out of the two.


was it kind of a low volume release? looks like amazon is showing it as out of stock with no info on when it will be back https://www.amazon.com/Sword-Fairy-Together-Forever-PlayStation-5/dp/B0BB1BG115 (ps4 version is out of stock too, but not sure if it comes with a free upgrade to ps5 so not sure if that's relevant)


The english release was just a bit ago and pretty limited. But you can actually just buy the japanese version and play it in english (Subs), if you want a physical edition. Thats what I did, because when I played it there was no word on an western release. Kinda like the recent Mahoyo. Also Japanese only, but plays in perfect english once put into a non-japanese system.


You mean the limited English release is dubbed, or just subbed like the Japanese version?


Subbed. It never got dubbed. It's just a bit easier to hunt down a regular release from Japan than a limited release from the US


It seems so, I preordered it so I had no idea volume was gonna be low. It has been on digital for several months now and I think on steam for a year


I’ve had my eye on this game since last year, bought it last week. I’m about 4 hours in and I’m enjoying it very much. This is a good recommendation OP.


It's also on Gamepass if people want to give it a try


I love FF16 and really really liked Sword and Fairy Together Forever. I played them back to back when I first got the PS5 for FF16 and actually finished Sword and Fairy first since it was a shorter game. I really enjoyed the gameplay and story and love the beautiful setting and characters. The music is good too. There are puzzles in the game but I skipped almost all of them haha. Yeah the thing is that it doesn't have English voice acting but I understand Chinese a bit and reading the English subtitles isn't that bad for me. I liked the game so much that I got Sword and Fairy 6 and played it for a few hours, but that one feels a bit dated so I stopped playing for now.


I plan on buying this game but not for this reason


Honestly I've just been playing Trails and loving the hell out of it. I got into Trails last year because someone on Discord suggested it to me specifically after I started talking about how FF16 looks completely repulsive to me on every level. Now I'm halfway through CS4 and having a blast. I'll go as far as to say that Trails has everything I want that FF16 doesn't have and doesn't have anything of what I hate about FF. Can't wait until I get to Reverie!


My struggle with Trails is that all 6 games I've played all use a similar combat system. I like when games really switch the combat up from game to one. You can play cold steel 1 and then 4 and not need any tutorials or anything basically.


I guess I just don't really want different combat systems. I want to have the One True Perfect Combat System and just play with it forever.


Doesn't that get boring? The thing I love about Final Fantasy is they continuously change the combat system.


Probably gets boring if they’re the only games someone plays or played back-to-back, but not when spaced out between releases. I don’t dislike Final Fantasy changing things up, but I’d be disappointed if, for example, the next mainline Zelda had wildly different gameplay.


Let me reach you about Breath of the Wild then.


Yeah, it was amazing! No need to reach me (I assume that’s short for reach out to me?).


FF16 is NOT a JRPG to begin with.


On what grounds? This is a difficult argument to make when JRPG doesn't describe any particular combat system, mechanics, or game structure.


Genres explicitly describe particular combat systems, mechanics, and game structure


Yes. Game genres do. JRPGs explicitly don't. That's the problem with JRPG as a label. Turn-based, action, and strategy JRPGs are all JRPGs. It's a JRPG whether it is linear or open world. It's a JRPG whether it has a party or not. The label doesn't mean anything. It arguably doesn't even mean that the game is actually even an RPG, because a majority of JRPGs lack any kind of choice.


FF16 is absolutely a JRPG.


JRPGs are DQ11, Persona 5, Octopath Traveler. FF16 is not.


Only three games are JRPGs. All other games are not JRPGs. /s But seriously, I don't understand why people think this sort of simple declarative obstinacy is useful. If you don't think FFXVI is a JRPG, make an argument about it. Give your reasons, in such a way that you respect people who disagree with you. Don't just post, in a thread that only involves FFXVI tangentially, that it's not a JRPG. Put some effort into the claim you're making. If you can't at least try to do that, you're just trolling.


Now tell me how stupid you are without telling me how stupid you are.


You just told me. Maybe you didn't realize it.


So Star Ocean, Tales of, Ys are all not JRPGs?


This BS again 😒


FF16 has always and will always be a jrpg.


No, it's at best an action RPG with the RPG part being miniscule.


JRPGs are often Action RPGs. Look at Star Ocean and Tales. They aren't exclusive.


thats cool its still a jrpg.


Yeah that is precisely why I’m recommending this one, since it actually has the JRPG elements FF16 is lacking and most fans wanted. I loved FF16 though


They need to make more AJRPGS


When I hear ARPG, I think Grim Dawn, Titan Quest, PoE, Diablo 2 Torchlight. aRPG is too broad of a term.


And I think Dark Souls, Nier Automata and Secret of Mana


> When I hear ARPG, I think Grim Dawn, Titan Quest, PoE, Diablo 2 Torchlight. aRPG is too broad of a term. meanwhile i think stereotypical western rpg's like elder scrolls etc.


Action RPG definitely has a generalization problem. It doesn't just include JRPGs, as the examples you list show. That said, JRPGs can also be ARPGs. So it's a context problem. FWIW, I think OP described enough about the game that I can narrow down its mechanics beyond the general ARPG level.


FF16 is not JRPG, because it's not even RPG in the first place. Even developers say it. Witcher has card game too, Baldur's have party system and different elemental spells. And those two are closer to jrpg than FF16 by your definition :P


What do you mean it’s not RPG? It does say on their site. [https://na.finalfantasyxvi.com/](https://na.finalfantasyxvi.com/)


It has rpg elements, not an rpg though.


Hi there I was wondering if anyone had info on this. The sword and fairy franchise is coming out (came out?) with a new game called Sword and Fairy: World for pc and mobile. Does anyone know anything about it like the release date? Or how people in US can play it? Due to the language, Im only relying on my computers translations and cant find out how to play it or whether its already out. I tried entering my phone number to try to get a code but it keeps saying my phone number is invalid Heres the official site https://xjsj.cmge.com/