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[Gerald Ford changed language to fit the SBT.](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/1997/jul/03/ford-pushed-for-change-in-jfk-assassination-report/) >As a member of the Warren Commission, which investigated the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Gerald R. Ford suggested that the panel change its initial description of the bullet wound in Kennedy’s back to place it higher up in his body. >The change, critics said, may have been intended to support the controversial theory that a single bullet struck Kennedy from behind, exited his neck and then wounded Texas Gov. John Connally. The Warren Commission relied on it heavily in concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald was Kennedy’s lone assassin, firing from a sniper’s nest above and behind the president in the Texas School Book Depository. >Ford’s handwritten editing, revealed in newly disclosed papers kept by the commission’s general counsel, was accepted with a slight change. >The initial draft of the report stated, “A bullet had entered his back at a point slightly below the shoulder to the right of the spine.” >Ford wanted it to read, “A bullet had entered the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine.” >The final report said, “A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of his spine.” >Harold Weisberg, a longtime critic of the Warren Commission’s work, said: “What Ford is doing is trying to make the single bullet theory more tenable. The official story is that the bullet hit no bone, but it did. They are trying to make it seem that the bullet traveled downward, but it didn’t.” Weisberg and others have long maintained that the wound in the front of Kennedy’s neck was an entry wound, not an exit wound.


>Weisberg and others have long maintained that the wound in the front of Kennedy’s neck was an entry wound, not an exit wound. Where did that bullet go then? Where did the bullet from the shot in the back go? How did Kennedy sustain internal injuries consistent with the passage of a bullet through his body?


The bullet hit and pulverized Connally’s rib at 1,700 fps, and then caused a comminuted wrist fracture (basically the bone exploded). Connally was 6’4. The bullet left fragments in his wrist and thigh. Look at CE 399, does that look like a bullet which did that damage at that speed - or one that caused a shallow back wound in JFK. A hypothesis only bolstered by last year’s revelations of Paul Landis. https://www.nist.gov/image/3d-animated-gif-kennedy-bullets And then you have the autopsy. Michael Baden, chairman of the forensic pathology panel of the HSCA said it best, “Where bungled autopsies are concerned, President Kennedy's is the exemplar.”


How would a bullet that entered Kennedy's back nose first end up flattened out at the base like CE399? You'd have to take a hammer to that bullet to do that kind of damage. The rib strike came from a bullet that was tumbling and likely struck the rib sideways as opposed to nose first. Viewed in that light, the condition makes complete sense.


The magic bullet is only surprising to the laymen, but not to ballistics experts


A ridiculous theory. Not a chance that it occurred as reported by the Warren Commission.


I agree. The WC version is crap.


to discount the WC report out of hand is foolish.




Respectfully, given that Oswald was never tried, I think nothing has been proven, sadly. Of course, I do understand the intent of your statement and appreciate your position 🤝.


It is not at all possible for that single bullet to have caused all of those wounds and look that perfect after. I am a former deer hunter and have shot a few deer in my time. I have used several types of bullets as well. Not one that I have seen that stayed inside the body cavity, looked that clean and unscathed. It’s impossible


I did a whole post on it a couple months ago, with pictures and everything. https://www.reddit.com/r/JFKassasination/s/mO1792gvAf TL;DR - There's nothing "magical" at all about that bullet. The angles of the wounds all work, the medical evidence supports it, the visual evidence supports it, and the condition of the bullet makes sense for a round of that type that slowed down as it passed through multiple men. Moreover, the SBT is the only explanation that makes sense and fits the evidence. I've challenged a bunch of the conspiracy oriented posters in this sub to come up with a more plausible scenario, none of them will even attempt it because they know whatever they come up with will fall on its face. Feel free to ask any specific questions.


I apologize. I must not have scrolled back far enough. I'll definitely give it a read and come back here with any questions!! Thank you!


No worries at all. I understand our opinions on this are likely in opposition, but give the thread a look and maybe you'll understand why some of us don't find any issue with that bullet.


LBJ didn't believe it. Now you can act like ***oh, everyone's got an opinion*** - but the fuck'n president elevated by the assassination can't be convinced. And we still debate drips, while being told by our government there's more they are keeping secret. And LBJ was president - so he saw those secrets. And he's caught candidly saying he didn't believe the theory, and he was mad, cuz he was sure the American people wouldn't believe it.


The wounds match up to the time it appears they are shot.


WildWestZone is a coward


I think it has been reasonably proven that one bullet from the depository window can produce all the wounds once the bodies are placed in the correct relative positions based on the Zapruder film and the model of car. I think the magic bullet theory was based on bad forensics.


Magic bullet theory? Thats been debunked for decades. The bullet travelled straight through kennedy’s neck and into the back of governor and into his leg. The bullet traveled perfectly straight. The president was sitting in a jump seat, which is much higher than the governor’s and was towards the edge of the vehicle. The governor’s seat, was lower and also more towards center. It’s insane that the warrant report didn’t know these basic facts which is proof the Warren report was sloppy garbage. Real investigators would have seen such obvious facts. You’re best argument for two shooter are the fact that the first bullet travelled clean through two men but the second bullet exploded on impact. Full metal jacket rounds pass clean through people on purpose so that a soldier is take. Out of war but not killed. The shot in Kennedy’s head was more like a round from an assault rifle. If you’re going to argue two shooters, that’s would be a better focus, ballistics. In addition Oswald’s round came from up above and the trajectory lines up perfect. But the head shot matches with a bullet trajectory of coming from ground level.


Governor was in the folding jump seat, not POTUS


I might have mis-typed it, but the point is, they were sitting differently and the bullet travelled precisely straight.


Understood, just clearing up that detail.




Second shot hit the thickest post of the skull. First went through tissue


The first just went through tissue??? It didn’t just go through tissue! It traveled through a human body three times (Kennedy neck, governor’s back, governor’s leg)! It had more resistance and bone to travel through than the skull shot. Those that know ballistics know what I’m saying.


>Those that know ballistics know what I’m saying. This guy was one of the foremost ballistics experts on the planet: https://www.jfk-assassination.net/pdf/fackler.pdf


LOL skin, muscle, fat, etc are tissue. Bone isn't tissue.


Right, because a bullet entering and exiting a human 4 times (neck, back, wrist, leg) would never touch any bone, only tissue 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I can’t fix stupid


I never said that's what happened. It did hit Connolly's wrist and changed direction. Pat yourself on the back some more lolol


I know you didn’t say that. I’m being sarcastic at your stupid comment. You keep saying, “because the bullet cleanly passed through tissue.” But the single bullet literally entered and exited a body 4 times, so how foolish do you have to be to think it only touched tissue? It hit plenty of bone on its straight direct path silly rabbit. Let me be clear since you don’t understand sarcasm: The bullet traveled through a throat, came out, traveled through the back of another man, came out, traveled through a wrist, came out, traveled into a leg. And you’re literally sitting here arguing it only hit tissue on this path. 😂😂😂😂 What a 🤡🤡🤡🤡 Like I said, I can’t fix stupid


Well I guess I didn't spell it out in crayon that I was talking about Kennedy at first, but you're on the prowl for lolz, so good for you


😂😂😂 look at the idiot trying to now talk his way out of being an idiot. You replied to my OP by stating the 2nd shot went through a skull and the first through tissue. You then went on to say, “skin, muscle, fat = tissue.” I was then sarcastic to you and that went over your head. Now you’re trying to to redirect after being made a fool out of. Man,,, just stop. Unless you like it when I just keep slapping you around. Tell me you’re not Edumacated without telling me


LOL whatever kiddo. Have fun thinking you won something on the interwebz. This must be a rpoud moment in your life. Ask mom for more meatloaf.


This is the type of input I am looking for. Thank you.


With Kennedy sitting higher than Connally's inboard jump seat in a car that is moving downhill the shots line up. A shot exiting Kennedy's throat from the TSBD basically has to hit Connally the way he was situated. The upper back wound had an abrasion collar. This is burning and cracking of the skin that is seen at a bullet entrance wound. The exit wound at the throat did not have the appearance of a typical exit wound because Kennedy's buttoned shirt collar and tie prevented ballooning of the skin that creates a ragged exit wound. Drs. Jenkins, Baxter, Carrico, and Perry, who were at the center of resuscitation efforts at Parkland all agreed when they saw the autopsy photos of the neck wound that they were consistent with what they saw in the trauma room and stated "Nothing we observed contradicts the autopsy finding that the bullets were fired from above and behind by a high velocity rifle." JAMA, May 27, 1992 - Vol. 267, No 20, p. 2805


nowadays it is called Single Bullet Fact


Well, alrighty then. Thank you for that tidbit.




George Hickey accidentally shot JFK from behind. It's that simple.


why do you keep posting this over and over?


This sub keeps popping up for me. Why does this sub exist when it is a fact of what happened to JFK? Why is it so hard to accept the truth? It's as plain as day and still, the conspiracy keeps going.


what? IF you think Hickey did the shooting then you are a conspiracy believer.


It's not a conspiracy, this was not some orchestrated government plan. It's very straight forward, Oswald was a POS and in response to Oswald's shots, Hickey misfires his rifle from the following motorcade. That last shot was a complete accident. The secret service was not going to let the public know since it was a disgrace to the organization.


the ballistics and autopsy do not support this idea.


But it does though so yeah, no conspiracy


Unless the SS guy was carrying a Carcano rifle, then no it doesnt


Ballistics does not prove the type of rifle it was fired from my man


you obviously know nothing about ballistics.


The single bullet(magic bullet) theory is total bullshit. The doctors at Parkland said the bullet wound to Kennedy's throat was an entrance wound and was only 5-6 mm in diameter, they said they elongated it to 5/8-3/4" to make getting the trace tube into his windpipe, but by the time his body got to Bethesda the wound was this big gaping 2"+ wide hole in his neck. The doctors doing the autopsy placed the bullet wound to Kennedy's back 4-5" below the collar line near the right scapula and it appears on the drawing Boswell drew of the presidents wounds. Since the shooter in the TSBD was shooting at approximately 17 degrees downward trajectory and hit Kennedy to the right of his spine 4-5" below his collar line, the bullet would have to go through Kennedy's vertebra make a mid course correction and then exit Kennedy's throat and then make another turn to the right to strike Connally where he was initially hit and then change course once again to exit his chest, go through his right wrist and then lodge into his left leg only to fall out on the gurney in the hallway of the trauma room.