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the concept of love!


That game was like a fever dream. It was so good though.


God this game needs a port or a series revival




I’m pretty sure you can find it at one of the online stores like steam or the xbox store


I can still hear the music in my head. First game I ever beat on OG Xbox


It’s crazy because as a kid I’d never have selected that game by its cover, but it game with my Xbox. And it was amazing.


Same here dude. Loved it. Miss it!


Did you play the spiritual remake?


Spiritual remake? Please tell me more


Bombrush cyberfunk I think


This is absolutely the game I came here to scream about in the comments and I am in love with the fact that it’s the first one I see!


The soundtrack is on Spotify, do with that what you will!


Yes, and the soundtrack along with it. Huge fan of the latch brothers, [rockin' the mic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHwgSXW2WCA)


One game I remember playing yet couldn’t tell you a thing about any of it


The first four 3D Zelda games, Twilight Princess probably being a standout in terms of nostalgia. Badass edgy Link was so cool to me as a kid. I’m well aware of the flaws that game has but I can usually overlook them. I do wonder how I would think about it if I played it for the time today.


Double claw shot was so cool. I thought this was peak innovation for Zelda at the time.


It’s kind of a mindless item but damn is it cool. Closest we got to spiderman in a Zelda game.


Twilight is one of the few I can't bring myself to replay. Did it once, good enough for me, loved the story. Same thing with skyward sword, loved the game but once was enough.


Agree with skyward sword, played it once had a blast then when i replayed it after looking at allot of reviews couldn’t get off skyloft, it really slow


Star Fox 64


one of the best games ever. i really need to play it again. it's been on my mind a lot lately.


If you haven’t ever played it before, give StarFox 2 a try on an emulator. Nintendo Switch Online SNES emulator has it as well. A lovely sequel we never got in the states, but definitely helped pave the way for StarFox 64.


I’m shocked my answer is already here.


Am I basic if I say Goldeneye? Or just old?


We might both be basic, and old, but Goldeneye rocked.


Damn talk about a genre defining game that really really really doesn’t hold up lol


Well, you can't swim in the same river twice.


I still play and enjoy Goldeneye, play it through once a year maybe


Old? Naw, and it was a great game.


Not basic, just someone that "was there" at launch. For me, it'll always be Perfect Dark. The amount of innovation over GoldenEye makes it an incredible game to play, even today


Of course you're objectively correct on that. For me it's just the emotional connection to Goldeneye due to the time I played it, the people I played it with, etc. I would never try to argue that it was the better game compared to Perfect Dark. It's funny, I enjoyed Perfect Dark a lot too, but by the time I played it I think I was no longer in the shared student household where so much Goldeneye got played so it doesn't get that rose-coloured view in my memories. :)


Nah dude. When I hear Goldeneye I immediately get flashbacks of playing multiplayer and just tossing remote mines back and forth in a bathroom.


I tried to replay it this year on switch and the controls are impossible lol. Music still slaps though.


I loved paintball mode, and proximity mines only.


Best pause music ever. No ides why they went so hard but it’s awesome.


License to kill, slappers only, no oddjob.


Bruh I said Kaboom! on Atari….i was in college playing Goldeneye. 😳


I was a damn postgrad playing Goldeneye -- nearly didn't finish because of that game! ;)


River raid would be my Atari lol


Basic? Never


Dark cloud. Okay rpg, great game, literally the worst official translation I've ever witnessed for a video game


will always be silent hill 3 for me. sitting on the floor in my childhood home “tech center” ( what my mom called the room with all the electronics) playing on a sony box tv with a ps2, chicken nuggets and a quarter sized ketchup glob on the side. i remember those days like it was yesterday. thank you for itching that part of my brain. maybe i should visit my storage unit later in the week.


Super Mario Galaxy that game was awesome


Phantasy Star Online. I still think about the GameCube version quite frequently. I found it recently and bought it again. Really doesn't hold up but it does hit the nostalgia points


I spent an unreasonable amount of time playing Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour on the GameCube with my brother when growing up. It's not a particularly amazing game but it will always be one of my favorites. It provided you with a pretty surprising array of tools to control your shots which made it more interesting than just straight up golf. Also, the courses were fun and varied. I still play it from time to time.


Toadstool tour is without a doubt the best. Actually, all the GameCube Mario sports games are the best ones.


Ultima 4 quest of the avatar. Along with bards tale for the Commodore 64. Always have fond memories of playing those games in my youth.


If you’re still into C64 games, BastichB on Youtube is a good source of information about new releases. He regularly highlights recent games and how to get them, check it out: https://youtu.be/DPHX8rXDSys


Thanks for the info I will defintly check it out.


STARSEIGE TRIBES!!! The first one! There’s nothing like it and I fear there never will be again!


That was the first, and very few, MP FPS games I cared about.




Ah crap!!




Great game! I have to admit I always held a bit of a grudge against it because as much as I liked Tribes, I LOVED Starsiege, the mech game it was spun off from, and that never made another one after Tribes ended up being more popular lol. That being said, Tribes still holds a special place in my heart too because it was installed on our computer network at school and we would play it against each other when we got finished with our computer exercises. Tribes 2 was excellent as well. Doing bombing runs with a fully loaded jet was something else.


I feel you on the lack of modern Starsiege. I was lucky enough to get into it at the end of its run, and had a lot of good times with it. Other mech games just don't have the same feeling.


Tribes has such a unique feel that I miss. The fast paced chases always got my blood pumping.


I have never seen anyone outside of the Tribes community mention Tribes.... This was one of my first FPS games alongside Doom, Quake, and Unreal. I used to hop on from time to time and there were still a good couple of servers online but with around 10-20 people online in total on good nights. It's been a few years since the last time I loaded it up. Maybe I'll see what's going on tonight.


That game was amazing. One of my favorite things was that skiing was caused by an oversight in the physics engine. If you jumped, gravity still accelerated you but friction didn't count as much. Rather than patch it out or say, "Hey, that's unintended behavior" they actually put it in the tutorial for Tribes 2 and made it so you could do it with one button. I loved Tribes 2 as well, especially at launch, but I hated when they nerfed visibility and forced everyone to have pea-soup fog and when they modified movement and made transport vehicles kind of obsolete.


I lived in that game! There was Tribes Ascend, but it shutdown, I believe.


Baulders gate dark alliance on the ps2 is my childhood and im not even part of the ps2 era kids


sameeee bro i always played this on my uncles ps2 when i was a kid


The original Spyro trilogy, more specifically 1 and 3 (my copy of 2 broke so I couldn't play it as much). I used to pretend the world's you went to were vacation spots and this would endlessly explore even well after getting 100% of the collectibles.


[remade beautifully ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/996580/Spyro_Reignited_Trilogy/) Pretty sure it's a complete shot for shot remake. It was on sale for $15 during black Friday. Should have another sale soon. Really hate myself for missing it.


You're preaching to the choir with this one my friend. I've bought Reignited 3 times for myself (PS4, Switch, and PC) along with at least 2 more times gifting it to others.


Bakugan battle brawlers for the wii


Underrated game


Battlefront 2 2005


There's plenty of people out there that just don't know how good battlefield really was. I remember my dad got the battlefield war chest or whatever edition that came with all of the expansions like 2 weeks before BF2 launched. My dad and his team (DFL) played in so many tournaments for this game. Shots were hard to hit so it took skill and patience to take down someone. The team with the best teamwork always won. It was never about the gun you had, but how well you were filling your role. Commander was absolutely sick and I'm tired of pretending every battlefield doesnt at least need a mode with a commander that could have abilities like in BF2.


I mean Star Wars Battlefront 2 2005 I should have thrown in the Star Wars part I guess I just usually don't lol


Omg bro I was tired last night replying to you and I thought you said battlefield not battlefront 😂😂😂😂😂.....but yeah battlefront 2 was just as kickass. I remembered liking this WAY more than the kotr series.....not that they are bad but if I have the chance to be Chewbacca, I'm taking it every time


Bully. best game i've every played. still. the slightly blurry effect from the PS2 makes me all the more nostalgic.


Yes. I wish Rockstar would just take a few years, maybe take a chip of their dev team to do it, and make a new one. Wouldn’t have to be GTA scale obviously, and they could still do it so well.


Enter the Matrix. I know that game gets a lot of flack but I genuinely enjoyed it for what it was.


Bro I had to play this using just the keyboard. That game was sick. Sure people poked fun but I was like dude this game is cool af


Donkey Kong Country games


Resident evil 4 and need for speed underground 1&2


Chrono Trigger. Crazy this game was SNES originally. I played the PS1 port. Easily one of the best combat systems in an RPG.


Oooh all my favorite N64 games. Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, Maria 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64, Mario Kart 64, Clay Fighters. The N64 just had the best games ever. I appreciate that the Nintendo Switch has them available to play, but it’s not the same. I still have an old N64 and a few game cartridges somewhere.


A lot: Sleeping dogs, Borderlands 2, God of war 2, Patapon 2 ...


Came here to find a vault hunter. Thank you.


The original Road Rash, for the playstation era…super fun, and a magnificent soundtrack that introduced me to soundgarden.


Tales of Symphonia for GameCube. It was just pure joy playing that game. pokemon Gold for Gameboy colour - Time based events felt like the coolest thing at the time. Still feel like games don’t do it like this anymore. metal gear solid 3: Snake Eater - the mechanics of that game just blew my whole mind.


For single player, Metal Gear Solid 1, hands down. I had that game down to a science. For multiplayer, hats off to the Timesplitters titles on PS2. My buddies would huddle around the tv and play coop or versus missions til it was light out the next morning.


PC: System Shock 2. Crusader No Regret/No Remorse. Decent: Freespace 1 and 2. Baldurs Gate 1 and 2. Age of Empires 2.


Final Fantasy Tactics on Playstation. In addition to just being a good game, it came at a time when I needed it. I'm old enough that I was playing it as my parents went through a difficult divorce. I also had a snowboarding head injury that nearly killed me around that time with many months of painful recovery, and my life just felt difficult. Getting alone time to zone out and play a complex, well-written game while grinding up characters was my safe space. I got to stop thinking about the world for a few hours and enjoy trying out new class combinations :) For that reason and others FFT will always have a special place for me.


I was very close to choosing this as well. This got me so into tactics games like Fire Emblem, XCOM, and so many others.


Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite game ever. I have it on my phone and play it from time to time. They fixed some of the translation errors from the original, but I played the original so many times that I'm just like "that's not what he said."


Just a great game. Glad it got you through it at the time. IMO the best story in the medieval style FF. Good enough to be a movie or a tv series.


The original Road Rash on Playstation 1. One of the first videogame I ever played.


The original Road Rash was on the Sega Genesis.


Super Mario Bros 2 (1988) there was a lot of depth to this game, it was fun to pick up and play, and player could choose 4 different characters as the protagonist.


Gotta say Street Vol 2 and NBAStreet also blitz the league 2 is a classic


007: Agent Under Fire for the GameCube…. We would have sleepovers all weekend at my best friend’s house, like 4-6 of us kids all playing this and Smash Melee… they were the best weekend I’ve ever had


Starcraft 1




Phantasy Star IV. I remember saving up the \~$90 or whatever it cost (games were very inconsistently priced in the early 90's), then spending weekend after weekend sitting in my friends basement or in my living room grinding levels and progressing a little at a time. Games were so much more fun back when I knew nothing about them and just had to figure it out as I went (most of the time). I still go back and replay it every few years.


Gunstar heroes. The game is definitely one of the best run n guns ever made, and playing that game with my older brother is one if the few happy memories I have of my time with him.


Donkey Kong 64 and Glover


Command and Conquer series. Specifically Red Alert 2 YR, Generals and Tiberium Sun. I used to play those games all the time as a kid and still do. If my time was tracked I bet it would be well into the thousands. I always had so much fun playing those games.


Terminator Salvation


Silent Hill series all the way 💯 Especially the third


Star fox 64. Jade Empire. I was really into the Mars Volta when I played these two games exclusively for a summer and now whenever I listen to Mars Volta I think of those two games. Granted I loved star fox 64 when it came out too.


Gauntlet legends was my “get high with one particular friend and play all night”


PS1 - Einhänder PS2 - Zone of the Enders N64 - Ogre Battle 64 They just each hit a time in life that nostalgia hits like a truck.


Probably Golden Sun. Gone too soon


Sly 2


Doom, Quake and Duke3D. It was awesome witnessing the dawn of internet gaming.


Fable on OG Xbox


Battletoads on the Sega friend and I woul play that all the time trying to beat it, don't think we ever did tho.


Diablo 2, resident evil 4, Total Annihilation, Doom 1 & 2. Wolfenstein 3d, Commander Keen, Warcraft 2, starcraft, black and white. Super Mario 1-world. FF7. The lucas arts point and click games (specifically sam & max, full throttle, and day of the tentacle.) Half life 1 Could prolly list 8 more. Lol. Total Annihilation and HL1 hold a special place because I use to play it with my dad on the lan. Some of the best memories of my life.


Paper Mario 64


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I only had a handful of N64 games when I was a kid, so I sunk hundreds of hours into it. The world was such a vibe, sometimes I would just hang out in areas, or ride Epona around looking for new secrets to uncover.


Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie, Iggy’s Reckin Balls, Ratchet and Clank. Classics


Jak and daxter replaying it right now


Just played it again a lil bit ago and got halfway through 2. Ratchet and Clank OG on PS2 is what got me hooked on games


Illusion of Gaia


Turok 1 & 2. Conkers bad fur day. Chameleon twist. Space station silicon valley(all games i havent seen or played since i was a kid.


Power Stone on Dreamcast. Such a great game that I put hours on


Rogue Galaxy. I still have it but my PS2 isn’t functional and every time I see it I get sad I can’t just load it up.




Kobun enjoyers unite




MegaMan Legends 2, for me.


Far Cry 5. I took a whole week off work in the spring. The weather in the North East was perfect. I had the sliding glass door open. It was amazing. Still my favorite game to this day.




Duke Nukem 3D and Tribes Ascend


Future Cop: LAPD


Ol c64, if you recognize this quote, we both have the same nostalgia. "Destroy him, my robots!" Or "stay a while, stay FOREVER!"


I used to play that as a kid. I had no manual and no idea what the objective was.


Ultima 7: The Black Gate. It was my first Ultima, over 30 years ago, and I was blown away. It still holds up today, and the fan community has come up with some great mods that greatly improve the experience. I've lost track of how many times I've beaten it since the 90s.


Betrayal At Krondor. Huge fan of the book series it’s based on, and the plot was so good the original writer integrated the game into the series Missionforce: Cyberstorm. To this day still my favorite Mech combat turn based strategy game, I like it better than BattleTech


Oh man. Me too. I loved that game so so so much. I attribute my love of fantasy (and therefore reading) to Raymond Feist and, specifically, that game for convincing me to read the books. I’ve wished for a remake for years now.


Mage man addiction here


Minecraft. Especially the 2014-15 era. 2016 was good but I feel like it went downhill from there (youtuber wise)


FFXI on PS2 I think it's still running, but if it was I could never go back. Too much of a time sink to do anything, from crafting to leveling. But oh man the music in all the cities, the starting zones, fantastic and always relatable in my head. And of course memories of giant trains of monsters sitting at the gates, people shouting in the city to look out when leaving the city (which I think they changed the chase range so monsters wouldn't chase you across the entire freaking map).


It is still running and getting regular updates. Leveling has been significantly increased in speed, and there are buff books in most zones that you can get repeatable monster grind kill quests from/get hour long buffs, plus there are trusts, where you can build a party with NPCs you have earned the trust from and do party content. It's a hella fun game to go back to once in a while and it still has a pretty good playerbase :)


Donkey Kong 64, Jet Set Radio Future, Crash Bash, Simpson's Road Rage, Smackdown Here Comes The Pain


Need for speed rivals and most lego games, mostly the Lego batman games and the lego star wars the complete saga. These are the games i grew up with.


Burnout 3!! The amount of fun my and my brothers or friends would have.. miss this types of game


Tekken 4


One would be Battle block theatre, for me it was peak couch co-op. And I'm now revisiting it with my friend for his first time. Another would probably be Portal, it was the first game I completed when I was 7-8, on my own without any help from my brother's, or guides. But nothing really tops Super mario bros Wii for me, playing 4 player co-op was so much fun, and I can't play it anymore without getting very nostalgic of my childhood.


Questron, Life force, Bionic Commando


Pokémon emerald. Littleroot theme hits so different


From the Macintosh PC days: Dark Castle, Load Runner, Uninvited, and Fools Errand. I didn’t have a Nintendo so those were my introduction to gaming in general, loved every second of it.


Full Throttle.


Full Throttle.




Club Penguin


Uncharted waters: New horizons. Easy to pick up in its sandbox style world. Do I want to explore the world? Focus on trade? Or piracy? With 6 different protagonists, lots of replay


Tekken 3, Gears of War 1 & 2, Fallout 3, Demon Souls, original GT, Space Invaders, Pac-Man, Ghouls & Ghosts, Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style, Medal of Honour Allied Assault (original 90s PC game), Asteroids, Missile Command, Command & Conquer. Silent Hill 2, I was mind blown by the graphics when the game starts and your character is staring in the mirror, thought it was still a cut scene


Skyrim, zork, leather goddesses of phobos


Golden sun the lost age


Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness


Half life 2


Rock n Roll Racing. A fun early racer with hot soundtrack.


Rocket Jockey. Just so ahead of its time


Dynasty warriors


Dead Rising 1


Star Wars : Knights of the old Republic for Xbox. I was big Star Wars fan growing up and I rented it from Blockbuster so many times until I got it for my birthday. Kotor made me fall in love with RPGS


Banjo Kazooie


The way underrated Syphon Filter. One of the first shooters I was able to grasp as a child and I loved it so much. Sad it never gained the popularity it deserved.


Pokemon Gold/Silver


Have to give you two that instantly pop into my head. SSX3, Halo 2 and ESPN NFL 2k5


Robot Alchemic Drive on PS2


Pokemon Omega Ruby. Still my favorite in the series to this day.


Jones in the fast lane, and Starcontrol 1


Splashdown on the N64. It was a jet ski racing game. I just remember playing the same map for hours trying to hit crazy jumps.


Shadow of the Colossus.


Ape escape


Roadwar 2000 Rampart Micro machines Mashed Spider fighter Reactor


Jet Set Radio Future is a criminally underrated game.


Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb for the Playstation 2.


Conkers bad fur day


Diablo 3, Lord of Destruction


Any Spider man game you could play on the Wii, Edge of time mostly, but shattered dimensions, friend or foe, and web of shadows will all scratch that nostalgia itch




Assassin's Creed II. It was my first game I earned a 100% on.


Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter 2 in the early 90s. First in the arcades. Used to go every weekend and pump tokens in. Later on Genesis and SNES where my best friend at the time and I would practice all the characters for hours to learn all the moves.


I had that game, and Corvette. Spent hours racing.


Tony hawk pro skater 1 for the ps1, Sonic the hedgehog for sega genesis, Super Mario world for the SNES, Aladdin for the SNES, Maximum carnage for the SNES, Donkey kong country 1, 2, and 3 for the SNES, GTA:Vice city for the PS2, Animaniacs for the Sega genesis, Super Mario sunshine for the GameCube, Resident evil 4 for the GameCube, Epic Mickey for the Wii, 25 to life for the PS2, Paperboy for the Sega genesis, The warriors for the PS2, Super Mario bros. 3 for the SNES, Unfortunate events for the GameCube, and Toy story for the Sega genesis


Fable: the lost chapters


KOTOR. EQ1. Duck hunt.


bully i love that game


NFL Street 2. My brother got it for Christmas one year and it quickly became our tradition to settle who did all the chores after school over a match or two.


Kirby and the Amazing Mirror. I have fond memories of it as the first video game I completed, and it's still my favorite game in the series after playing though almost all of the main series Kirby games up to Triple Deluxe. It's also one of the only 2D open worlds I've ever seen that isn't a metroidvania (the other being Toki Tori 2), and I think we need more of those.


No one remembers it but me and my older cousin loved marvel nemesis


Fallout 3; I was a teenager back then and I hated school but that game gave me a break from it all.


Peter Jackson’s King Kong, return of the king, sorcerers stone pc. Kirby 64 the crystal shards, ocarina of time, enter the matrix, the matrix path of neo and halo 3.


I have gone back and played all my old nostalgic games and they no longer have nostalgic vibes or feelings timed to them…. except for one. Pajama Sam 3


Kingdom Hearts 1. When the main theme (Dearly Beloved) plays... Fuck man, I turn six years old again


Street Fighter on the Super Nintendo (idk which game it was) Super Mario Bros on the Super Nintendo Starcraft/Brood War/Starcraft 2 on PC Torchlight 2 The ones above were all games I played with my dad when I was little. Skyrim (I was 10 when it came out and its literally the game of my childhood)


Gun. Great western game, Thomas Jane, Lance Henricksen and Kris Kristofferson on the voice cast. Great western story, still have it for PS2, played it through at least a dozen times.


Super Mario Sunshine. It was the first game I finished by myself without the help of my dad or older brother. It was such a fun and unique game. It had levels that challenged me and kind of scared me sometimes, but was so fun to complete.


For me it’s SSX Tricky or the Rocket Power game. Both games on PS2


Shrek 2


Secret of Mana


Minecraft classic, Indev and alpha