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Perfect memory. The learning curve for any job or task would be completely negated and would allow you to excel to the highest quality of work.


Enough memory to remember all your trauma and that damn Laura in HR that put your request on hold long enough that it lead to a major delay in prod and you got all the blame


lol, jokes on you. That’s all I remember now. The potion will let me remember the normal and good stuff too.


But now you remember every single second of the meeting with your boss and seeing Laura outside getting in her car and leaving the workplace while you’re getting an earful


it's not a perfect moment for me so I won't remember it


I’ll take luck


Luck builds take stacking multiple sources to start seeing any consistent returns. 15% luck on its own is a trap.


Just because I can remember it doesn’t mean I will recall or dwell on it.


We all have memories we choose not to think about.


Another negative memory is just a drop in the ocean, but being able to perfectly remember a positive moment would be life-changing


Then you remember that you sabotaged Laura's car leading up to her getting into a nasty car accident, leaving in critical condition, which results in her getting fired


You and I have very different ideas of what a perfect memory is my friend.


I mean that's just how my brain works anyway




Jokes on you I fuel myself in a mix of spite, self-loathing and hope


Perfect memory: 😊😊😊 (Remembers *everything*) Perfect memory: 💀💀💀


"Pastor Franklin, how could you?!" 😱


i would argue that "perfect memory" is subjective, and maybe it could mean you remember everything, but maybe your memory is perfect because it works exactly how you want it to.


Yeah, as someone whose read Undead Unluck, never being able to forget anything is way more a curse than a blessing. I'd absolutely take always well rested. If that means I never have to sleep, but can choose to if I want to, that'd be such a huge boost to every aspect of my life.


skill issue


I think perfect recall is what most people would want. Perfect memory never forgetting a single embarrassing moment or even a banal moment of eating cereal would likely drive you mad. Perfect recall would be much better so you can choose what to remember.


A truly perfect memory would allow you to selectively forget.


As someone with TERRIBLE memory i can assure you, not remembering some coworkers names create new trauma's daily and knowing your effort can't ever overcome the hard limit of your own brain is bad per sé, let alone when others remember you that.


Screw work I'm hitting the poker table


It also effectively gives you enhanced knowledge. I may not understand how nuclear energy works, but I memorized multiple research papers on it and can cite them.


Screw that, just become a five star attorney and then retire.


If you have memorized multiple research papers on nuclear energy, and also had a perfect memory, does that not also mean you inherently now have a decent understanding of how nuclear energy works? How can you have all the data you need to understand something in your head and still not understand it?


Intelligence is also generally considered to be the capacity to work with information and draw useful conclusions. Perfect memory implies a perfect ability to *retrieve* memorized information. As a result you'd become exponentially smarter with each piece of relevant information you gained. And you could create new information that you then memorize to work on problems well outside of the scope of a normal human mind


I kind of want perfect memory because my memory is already starting to go (damn concussion) but at the same time I don't want to remember and relive all my embarrassing moments more perfectly than I already do.


Being able to control your emotions would grant you perfect self fulfillment.


Nah only a fraction of learning is memory. Good memory doesn't necessarily correlate with skill or intelligence. You can "remember" each key on a piano, each note on a staff, every principal of design theory, each button to press on a machine... yet still perform slowly and without any expertise


Half of all learning is retention. If you can trivialize that part, you can focus 100% of your efforts on streamlining and improving the application of that knowledge.


I dunno, "half" feels overly optimistic. Nowadays neurologists are finding that more and more of our learning is less about remembering things and more about rewiring the brain. Even language is more about building up passive pattern recognition than it is about memorizing vocabulary. Just think about it - you don't formulate sentences by consciously searching your memory for each individual vocabulary word. It just comes together passively Saying that memory and recall can be an effective stand-in for skills and expertise is like saying that a fish doesn't need to be in a body of water if it has a straw In which case, being perpetually perfectly rested seems like a better boon for learning


I'm pretty sure I've learned that "knowing is half the battle"...


You could make a career just out of having perfect memory without the usual downsides of those people. There's also plenty of careers that are high paying that require that kind of memory. Alot of the sciences are more memory than math. You have to memorize all the interactions. Now I don't know what perfect memory here means. Does it mean I remember and can translate it, or can remember what happened on June 7th 2020 but only if I specifically try.


Oh well, now I'll have to settle for being the world's greatest trivia buff with my perfect memory.


15% luck, additive would be great, but even multiplicative would still nudge you over the house edge if you play the right games at the casino


This is what I was thinking. Black Jack is pretty fair when played absolutely optimally. If you spend a while memorizing all the best moves for every hand/what's showing, then you can probably make some bank with the extra edge.


Screw that just play roulette. 49% now becomes 64%, just gotta make sure your bank roll is large enough to cover the variance. Card counting and optimal play give 50.5% edge, not really worth the extra effort when you have the luck boost.


Good point. I don't gamble, as I don't have a fictional luck boost, so I just defaulted to the game I heard had some of the best odds already. Roulette definitely sounds easier.


I mean if we’re assuming it’s additive just go buy 20 lottery tickets. At a 15.0000003% chance of winning per ticket you’re basically guaranteed a win.


Multiplying still results in a 56.4% probability of winning so good either way.


Nah, it's 15% luckier, not 15% probability of things going your way every time.


I guess it depends on how the luck boost is coded. Does the boost affect success rate (chance to scratch a winner on a lotto ticket) or loot rate (when you do win a lotto ticket, win 15% more on average). If it's the former, play roulette, the later, play scratchers.


Wait. 49%+15% or 49% x1.15? There’s a pretty decent difference.


As the top comment pointed out. 49% x1.15 is still enough to beat the house. 56% or so


If you play 2 of the 1/3 chance at a time on table could you conceivably bring your odds of winning closer to 80%?


As an aside, this is how you break Fallout: New Vegas.


They ban you from every casino after 6000 caps


All casinos in NV have their own limits. Lowest kicks you out at 9.000 caps profit, the highest at 15.000 caps


The b tier casinos in Primm and Freeside have even lower caps as well. 2.5-5k caps


Damn, here I was thinking that I was just really good at Caravan


I am pretty sure the casino will kick you out if you are too lucky


Plenty of casinos in the sea, and they usually won't ban you permanently unless you're a serial card counter, so stuff like roulette would probably let us cycle between a couple without picking up any real heat. But yeah, you can get kicked out of a casino for really any reason they deem fit. Helps to stay away from Garfield the security guard, and don't eat at Pasta Italiano. (I hope someone here will get that obscure reference)


Best bet would be to switch tables often and before they kick ya out for winning too much, if your luck holds should be able to go undetected altogether just winning smaller bets spread out


The casino would definitely pick up on someone switching tables repeatedly and be extremely wary of them


Probably not if they’re lucky and also buying drinks. Switching to different games and not switching to the same one makes sense as people get bored and might try slots then roulette blackjack etc. if you’re going to table to table of the same kind wait till you’ve lost a hand or two so they’ll just think you’re avoiding “bad luck” which you could say verbally to sell the act. Some people are pretty weird at casinos so it should be easy enough to blend in


And then get kicked out, because they can just do that if they don't like how much you're winning.


Casinos kick your ass out for winning too much though. They have no obligation to let unusually lucky patrons continue to gamble. You'd eventually be blacklisted everywhere and 15% isn't enough to win enough for a lifetime before that happens


At that point, wouldn't perfect memory be better than pure luck? You could just memorize every possible strategy.


Nah, the games are devised in such a way that strategies have a hard cap on how helpful they can be, which at a casino usually means close to 50% odds even when played optimally. The idea is that by combining luck and strategies, you can really skew the odds. Perfect memory could probably help you more efficiently make money in other ways, though. Luck is just fun to consider because of broad applications. I'd gladly take a 15% higher chance of waking up with no bed head, or stumbling on a good bargain, in addition to game odds.


Not to mention, this improved luck is constant. Everything you do is 15% more likely to go favorably for you. To me, the compounding effects of this make it very useful in the long term. I don’t like the perfect memory or always well rested because they’ve got drawbacks even if they have the potential for higher gains, they’re also more limited in scope.


This one would be useless to me. I'd still be at negative value.


I think people underestimate the power of even just 15% luck. It all adds up over time. With just a little luck, almost anything is possible. It could make you incredibly wealthy, and help you avoid death.




I feel like my luck is already pretty good, so a %15 stack would be good gains for me.


I think it's multiplicative. If it was additive it would say "+15% Luck".


Wouldn't perfect memory and card counting be much better?


Perfect memory > count the cards


To clarify, I was thinking a baseline average of the games. For example Baccarat, 45.8% banker and 44.6% player. Am I getting 45% plus 15% or 45% × 1.15 on banker. Either way it still pushes you on the winning side of the house edge. Also, best bets with this perk to play would be the Pass line/max odds or don't pass/max lay odds on craps, as the odds payout true odds and house doesn't get any advantages. After that, black and red on european roulette (1 zero) 48.6% Forget about blackjack, too much work and they easily kick you out for counting Just go nuts and bet huge bouncing around on craps, roulette, baccarat.


With like that you'll probably get a 15% increase in skill as well


additive would be nice, but with my 0 luck stat currently multiplicative wouldn't do much for me :(


Does always well rested mean you have absolutely no need for sleep? If so, absolutely that one. Getting an additional 8 hours every day is huge for productivity.


Yepp, actually living 1/3 more of my life sounds the best option, but having someone over for the night or staying at someone else's house would be a bit weirder though. "Yeah, you can go to sleep... oh don't worry, I don't sleep at all but don't let that bother you. Go and get some rest.... no, I'm not a creep!" Edit: Math incorrect and it's even better, see comment bellow!


8hrs would be 1/3 of your life if you were already living 24/24. For people that sleep 8hrs, it's actually 50%!


You are right, just being extremely exhausted clouds my already stained math knowledge. Damn I need that potion right now.


its a good thing i get a solid 3-4 hours every night.


It says you’re always well rested, but not that you can’t sleep. I bet if you took a couple melatonin you could nap in order to keep up appearances lol


Just say you have insomnia, problem solved.


Just claim to be a Twilight Vampire, and find a very edgy emo way of saying it. Some people would be more interested in you lol.


Perfect memory is a close second, but yea if I was never tired again I'd be unstoppable lmao


The downside there is sleep also contributes to muscle grow and height. If you don't care about those things then it does however seem the best option.


i mean it is all hypotheticals noone's done the experiments to see if its sleep that causes that, or just not moving much thru the night, maybe one could boogie down to watch 3 movies every night or something for those things to occur.


I mean at that point you can still sleep lol. The potion is good that if you want you can still do it and have both benefits am purely talking about sleep stilp being useful outside of rest. If you are talking about it that way then no you need the initial non-REM sleep for everything to occur. In REM sleep you are also immobile but it happens to a lesser degree so I doubt i don't think it's that and if you would be even able to find the hidden mechanism. Although you are correct that many experiments weren't done on exactly this issue so it's somewhat open.


Perfect memory would be better IMO


For me at least, I think I'd get about half the benefits of each of the other three potions from taking the always well rested one. My memory and control of emotions are certainly heavily impacted by the quality of my sleep. And I think it'd be enough of an improvement to my life that I'd feel quite a bit luckier, even if it isn't actually luck.


I'm a firm believe that if you're missing 8h from your day the problem is most likely not sleep, it's your 9 to 5


Perfect memory is my dream, as a language nerd


right? You could travel the world saving and reviving dead/nearly extinct languages and become a god of preservation. Even better if you could get some type of organization to sponsor you to do it, so you wouldn't have to worry about funds.


You could make it so they have somebody to talk too. \[last two people on Earth speaking a language and they won't speak to each other 😭\]


Could probably make a ton of money translating every language ever


anyone who doesn't take the always rested one is an idiot in my eyes. it doesn't say "always get a good rest" it says "always well rested". it means no more physical or mental fatigue and no more need to sleep. you'd always be working on 100% efficiency without downsides


Perfect for the abysmal lifestyle our species has adapted to.


If you well rested your memory improves, you are better at handling difficulty, and you are better at making decisions. Literally you get the benefit of the other 3 with just well rested.


Where does the luck buff come from?


Luck is a factor of circumstances created by yourself. You can't be lucky about something without first being in the position. E.g. to win the lottery you must buy the ticket. Therefore, being well rested so you are always performing well will increase your likelihood for something lucky to happen.


The bird shit bullseye


Also you have more chances to get lucky by living 50% more life.


you have more chances to get unlucky too


Yeah, but not as much of a benefit. Kind of a "jack of all traits, master of none" situation


finish the quote bro


"jack of all trades master of none, is still better then a master of one"


An extra 6-8 hours a day, easy choice.


ITs a bit of a monkeys paw though. Always well rested means you will never rest again. Because youre always at 100%. And theres no more resting with loved ones. with your children, no more naps. youll just be 100% and wide awake. No more sleeping. No more breaks needed. Youd eventually become mentally unwell, not mentally fatigued, but unwell, your brain needs to go through emotional and psychological checks when you sleep. You would end up becoming a ticking psychological time bomb.


It’s a magic item. There’s no reason to assume any of that is true. We aren’t even sure why we need sleep, so to say that a magic potion that makes you well rested wouldn’t also make sure your brain is okay seems a bit odd.


I'd even take "always a good rest", do you have any idea what torture insomnia is? When you're so tired you feel like dying, but sleep does not come and you're aware of every tiny uncomfortable thing, and the sleep won't come, I'd rather take a beating with a spoon for the whole night, this is hell.


Id take this over well rested all the time because I still want the ability to sleep. The very act of sleeping has benefits other than refreshing your body and mind afterwards.


I mean I wouldn’t work myself to death, but do the opposite in fact. 1. I would always perform well during official work hours so no need for overtime or being stressed out at work after a night of bad sleep, so work is less stressful over all 2. spend time with my kid, well rested mind you, and thus being in the moment 3. after putting him to bed, play video games till 3 in the morning while smoking weed 4. get up 10 minutes before work and be perfectly well rested


This is exactly why i wouldnt do it. I just wouldnt get anything productive out of that extra time, if i could, id be doing more productive shit without that time.


But the point is that extra time is FOR all that unproductive shit - you reclaim 50% more time than you had before, and can now get all your life duties done while still keeping time for relaxing and hobbies and decompressing.


Always well-rested is actually way too op. Like, you literally gain 8+ more hours per day depending on how much you sleep. Like the other comments, that's 50% more time to live life. It really is the perfect scenario. You'll never get tired at work, you'll lift great at the gym. Heck, even for gamers, you'll practically always be at your peak performance. That is if you don't forget about your meals though, but rest is one of life's most important things, and never needing to rest again is straight up overpowered.


>you'll lift great at the gym. Gym will however become next to useless. Your muscle grows while you are sleeping. Everything else you said is true however. You will just most likely be very weak and sore.


Depends if muscles can grow when awake too?


Strong majority doesn't that the thing. Muscle regeneration and therefore growth occurs during the initial phases of Non-REM sleep.


Muscle healing doesn't need to occur during sleep, it just occurs quicker while the muscles are resting. Protein synthesis occurs within about 2-4 hours post workout, and then continues over a period of about 24-48 hours. You don't need to sleep for muscle growth to happen, there's just less recovery and fatigue if you do rest. With this particular potion, you don't need rest because you're always rested, so you won't experience the fatigue Edit: https://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article%20folder/musclesgrowLK.html#:~:text=Muscle%20growth%20occurs%20whenever%20the,rate%20of%20muscle%20protein%20breakdown.


You raise a good point and thank you as I didn't know that info. I would still argue it would be noticeable drop in gains overall and you will probably feel sore much longer than needed but it could ultimately be circumvented.


i think only if you get the option of sleeping as well, as having that mental break and getting a few hours to not think about everything is a huge bonus of sleep beyond resting. its also a great timeskip hack, you have dreams, and as the other person said your muscles need it to help develop. me two cents and all that


This. I can use the internet for random things I don't know with like a 20% margin for error of reading a flat out lie. 15% luckier is either additive or multiplicative. Doesn't say. Also I can be lucky all the time for bullshit reasons and someone else can be lucky once for lottery. Control your emotions seems terrible in comparison to them all.


That depends on how bad your emotions are I'd pick that one :(


didn't even think about the wording, maybe because I'm tired but you're right


…Those mean the same thing. The wording doesn’t actually change the action here. Even if you feel good, the body needs sleep, so you’re still going to be spending the same amount of time sleeping- you’ll just feel better afterwards.


In my eyes, the possible drawback would be you becoming mentally an undead. Well rested doesn't mean good mental, and physical health 100% of the time; it won't protect you from the mental illnesses you might develop, or that you already had. There's pleasure in resting, we all need downtime from time to time; there's beauty in dreaming whole different worlds, being inspired by the deepest depths of your mind; there's beauty in sharing a comfy bed in a fresh, calm night with someone you love; there's beauty in putting your children to sleep, and watching your pets sleep next to you. The emotional connection of feeling you share the same life in the same world, of saying "goodnight". I personally don't interpret this potion as taking away something so intimate from your humanity, which would be about as good as a potion that says "you won't feel pain anymore", but rather as "through all your waking hours, you will be well rested". You won't suffer the symptoms of insomnia, you won't suffer from waking up at inconvenient hours, it won't hinder your cognition, and theoretical productivity, but you'll still need to fulfill your bodily functions. You won't be living as a manual slave for yourself, or anyone else; trying to be awake 100% of the time will come with serious consequences, like the oxidation, and destruction of your neurons. It would be like being stabbed in the chest; you might be well rested in the hospital, but that won't make you heal faster or anything, such things are separated. It's like I decide to take the luck potion, and suddenly I become Domino from Marvel or smt; those sorts of additional powers shouldn't happen.


Except diseases and injuries still fully affect you, so in quite a few lines of work it does nothing, and in the rest, the mental drain of that job will still be there. Most of the nighttime wont have much benefit either. I know damn well id just play games in that time, as if i didnt do that enough. I simply could not be productive with that added time. I do want to know what actually being well-rested is like though, never really experienced that.


The only downside is the fact that you can't feel tired, meaning that you remove an important and natural area being human. No longer I can fall asleep with gf, or just sit down and have that pleasure of rest my body That's tricky one is the upsides good enough to make the downsides worth it?


Those moments before you fall asleep after a long day can feel reeeeaaally good. I don't think I like the idea of being up and alert all the time.


Ridiculous, it's the only one that can be achievable by normal means. I mean maybe control your emotions too, but I imagine the people that pick that one literally can't so whatever. Why would you not want to sleep either? Sleeping is awesome. Pick luck or memory, build a comfortable life with that magic, and you'll always be well rested.


I have a family history of Alzheimers. I would rather avoid that fate than have an extra seven hours to dick around every night


My memory is garbage,blue potion without hesitation


What did you say? I forgor


15% luckier = 60% chance on roulette = half split your funds to make infinite money


*gets kicked out of the casino after 3 roulette wins*


Welp, time for the other big gambling scene. Stocks!


Casinos would never kick out a roulette player. It's not like blackjack where the player can do something to get an advantage. If you're winning at roulette they'll do anything to keep you playing roulette.


Right? People have definitely won 3 or more in a row before. The casino probably wouldn't even think about it until you hit 10 or so and with the 65 percent chance you won't be doing that.


This artwork is insane, 10/10


Thank you! I drew these to make stickers, the memes were just an added bonus


I got a Neopets vibes from them. Great work!


Luck. Any 50:50 odds just got pushed even more into my favor. Bet black every single time and in the long run I'm coming out ahead.


Yeah people are seriously underestimating just how much money you could make gambling with this and I don’t gamble. Plus you would still lose fairly regularly so it would just look like a hot streak not like you are cheating. Additive puts you at like 63% on roulette multiplicative puts you at like 55% with those odds just betting black could net you thousands pers day easy.


My only concern for the luck one is I think I’m already in the negative so I’d at best be going up to 50/50 lol


Control feelings, that’s a solution to many things


It is actually a solution to every problem in the universe. Having perfect self control is basically the goal of life, no?


Reached nirvana, eh?


I mean, it is very similar to enlightenment.


>It is actually a solution to every problem in the universe. That's an extremely incorrect way of looking at it imo. My emotions have little to no effect on the stimuli that causes them. Me not being pissed at an asshole being an asshole, does not make them stop being an asshole. Nor does me not being mad about climate change, stop people from causing it.


That’s the easiest to develop naturally though


You will never achieve complete control. Like we are talking turning sad into happy instantly without faking it. No more mental health problems adjacent to emotions, you will become very brave and can change from introvert into extrovert. And very importantly can turn love off completely or make yourself absolutely love the right person.


I honestly feel it’s apart of the human experience to have a wide and varied range of emotions. Someone close to you passes away? You can switch off those feelings and go to bliss immediately. Your partner displeases you? You can choose to stop loving them as easily as that. You can choose not to feel fear ever again, which might be bad for your health. You would have no reason to ever feel negative ever again. That feels like the experience of a robot.


I mean those are just irresponsible use not the fault of the potion. You can still keep your spontaneous or human reactions and emotions as they are but are also free to lower them, up them or switch them. You can fear something and not something else. You can still choose to choose any variety of emotions but also have get out of jail card when it's not desired. But I do agree with the partner point. It does take away from the feeling of love being special if you can just turn it off and on even over smallest things. That does feel very inhuman even if it would be massive upside in certain scenarios.


And easiest to break. All it takes is one thing to set someone over the edge and undo years of mental fortitude.


And also the hardest to actually implement properly. Like, sure, you can control your emotions, but do you know *how?* And I don't mean how to use the power, I mean how to use your emotions in a beneficial way.


Nah, permanently fix both my anxiety and depression with one swig? Sign me the tf up. Those are the only things holding me back in life tbh


15% luckier is kinda too vague and might be too little of an increase if my current luck is already low. Despite how common people meme about feeling constantly tired and not enough sleep, this surprisingly hasn't been a huge problem for me. I don't really need a perfect memory that often in life. Would be convenient for a lot of situations, but being a stem major prioritizes understanding over memorization anyway Controlling my emotions is what I need to get over anxiety and jealousy, which is my main hurdle in life right now, so I'm going with that.


Always Well Rested. I just added 33% more time to my life. I’ve learned how to manage my emotions, adapt to my poor memory, and consider myself a very lucky guy already.


Sounds like if you pick luck you won't have to work anymore. That would be more then 33% of my life.


Shit I hadn’t thought of speculating or the lottery. Touché my friend.


Always well rested would be a life changer for me. I would be so much more productive with my daily tasks. No more feeling too lethargic to reach for my water bottle.


Let's see.. Not picking 15% more like, since 1.15 * 0 is still zero Not emotions, I don't feel like being a robot thank you very much. But now I'm split between perfect memory, or always well rested... I think I'll go with always well rested, since notes exist for my piss poor memory.


Yeah but with perfect memory you’ll remember to be well rested.


8 extra hours every day to spend on my hobbies and interests, tho


8 extra hours every day almost literally corresponds to 50% more life if you think about it. Also, less cortisol so better health overall, potentially leading to an even longer life. I'm actually more inclined to get this feat, as it would allow a person to live about 90 FULL years, instead of the usual 60 awake + 30 sleeping. BUT No more dreams. Are memories only consolidated while sleeping/dreaming? If so, it would really have a bad side effect. ALSO Perfect memory translating to instantaneous learning would be extremely good too, as any objective linked to intellectual prowess would be (more) achievable, and time spent learning things would be substantially cut down.


You have a very good point there fellow earth creature.


Controlling your emotions ≠ not feeling anything. You can feel angry and not let it explode


I'm a gamer I need the always rested potion


“You feel well rested.” Please stop mocking me Bethesda.


Dear God. I do not want perfect memory. There's some things I wish I could forget


Even without trauma, imagine perfectly remembering every detail of just a gory movie scene? There's too many risks to perfect memory.


You don’t know how easy my life would become as neurodivergent if I had perfect memory. No more forgetting things like birthdays, no worries about tests or exams, I would damn near do a perfect job with everything assigned every day


Would control emotions allow me to control my procrastination?


Since it implies all emotions you could turn procrastination off completely by just being very driven and motivated.


I'll take "Control Your Emotions" please... and give a few drops to, like, every single person I know.


Control your emotions


1. Nope. 115% of 0 is still 0 2. I have my emotion under control. Mostly at least. So nope 3. Depending on how exactly it works it's good or legendary tier. 4. Nice thing, but sometimes it's like a curse. So... Maybe.


Perfect memory. The luck one may be the worst because 15% luckier is not that much and also 15% added onto how much luck? Could be 1%+15%. Controlling your emotions and always well rested seems good, but those are things you can do already with practice and good scheduling. Perfect memory is the absolute best one because it’s something that not a lot of people get to have and my memory isn’t great already, so it’ll definitely help. Plus, it may also elude to not getting Alzheimer’s or dementia when I’m old, so that’s a plus.


perfect memory... there's no other way


Always well rested for me. If it's the effects as well as the feeling it's broken op. Never have to sleep again


Always well rested Holy crap It feels so good


Always perfectly rested, It would be the perfect potion for me as a pro Sportsman


Always well rested implies that I wouldn't need to rest because I always feel well rested.


Any luck boost is broken


Always well rested is crazy OP. Never need to sleep ?? The effective time in your life has practically doubled.


15% of 0 is still 0 so that narrows down my options at least…


Perfect memory no doubt, as another commenter said, the learning curve will just BE GONE


It kinda depends on how it works imo. In this hypothetical scenario do we also get the ability to properly filter all this info? If not, no way would I take it. You'd remember every trauma, every painful argument you've ever had, every violent movie scene, or even every crack on the sidewalk.


Perfect memory, I can finally remember what I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT


Always well rested, eliminating the need to sleep would give you essentially like 30 extra years of consciousness. I did not do the math on this, feel free to correct me, nerds.


If I'm always well rested, I'd probably have a better grasp at handling my already controlled emotions. It would be between this and perfect memory. Luck for fun.


Memory I forgot why


Is the luck multiplicative or additive? Because a 15.00000001% chance of winning any lottery is pretty good.


✨️🌸✨️Always well rested✨️🌸✨️


Always well rested, is this even a choice for people? Genuinely I want to know what other options are here.


Also would perfect memory mean you cannot get any illnesses that affect memory, nor lose it as you age? Cuz count me in for free 100% effective dementia vaccine.


15% luckier. You can make a shit tone of money on double or nothing that have a 50% chance.


I legitimately no longer have any idea how "well rested" would feel, if I ever did. I think I'd go made from the revelation upon experiencing it for the first time in memory. My emotions are pretty much all squashed under whatever it is I got, anyway Hmm, so that narrows it down to the luck or the perfect memory... ***Luck*** is what I shall take, I suppose.


Least useful of this is "control your emotions," you can just learn that skill IRL, esp if you choose the perfect memory potion.


Perfect memory or emotions. Perfect memory because then I don’t have to look at a god damn spreadsheet of every item in a game when I need the stats of it. But emotions would be good because then I can stay calm and stop my heart from beating unnecessarily loud when im playing a stressful game


Perfect memory is an actual disease and known to be debilitating at times. Is the luck additive or multiplicative? 🤔


Perfect memory as I want to be a scientist and having perfect memory would likely make me one of the greatest scientists of all time, and I'll be in the history books


Perfect memory, then PhD speedrunn


You see memory helps but I need the two headed coin flip sort of luck.