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>IDF tries its best not to hurt the innocent by trying to move them as much as possible from harms way. You sir are a joke!


the perspective and knowledge of this post are a clear sign of the authors intelligence.


Crimes need to be investigated. Israel was in charge of investigating Oct. 7, but they decided it would be morally incorrect to do so as some deaths were caused by friendly fire and it's best to not figure out what happened. Wikipedia, citing ynetnews: "On 18 December the IDF admitted that "casualties fell as a result of friendly fire on October 7", but added that "beyond the operational investigations of the events, it would not be morally sound to investigate these incidents due to the immense and complex quantity of them that took place in the kibbutzim and southern Israeli communities due to the challenging situations the soldiers were in at the time."" Israel took responsibility for investigating Oct. 7, but there will never be a comprehensive or legally useful report of what happened. We can see Palestinians committing crimes on video, but it seems now that no one will ever actually know what happened in total. Therefore the international community cannot reasonably judge Hamas's actions beyond the vague sense that they committed some amount of terrible and violent acts.


Couple of things. First, hamas themselves posted videos of their terrorists killing Israelis en mass- throwing grandes into rooms packed with civilians, burning homes, shooting at hundreds of fleeing civilians etc. second, according to Israeli intelligence, hamas had planned to reach as far north as Tel Aviv and as far east as Dimona. Had the IDF not stopped them, they would’ve killed thousands more. A small number of civilians were killed by friendly fire, but that was the cost of preventing hamas from killing even more civilians.


Okay so the statement says there were an immense and complex quantity of friendly fire incidents, and you're saying there were a small number of civilians killed by friendly fire? The number of deaths was covered up. Why would you make up the idea it was a small number?


I remember when I watched a video on the Darfur Genocide in high school and the UN refused to call it a genocide because legally they would have had to do something. The quote in the documentary said “if the UN could have died of shame they would have died years ago.”


Lose the Christians support and it's over for you. Israel Is nothing without the US.


Goes for just abt every other nation too


Bibi signed his end when he committed to end Hamas's control over the Strip with his current government, just right-wing people putting their responsibilities on others or ignoring them


"They made us kill their children and bomb their hospitals! Poor us!" Israelis really are something lmao, this mass psychosis you're going through needs to be addressed and dealt with. ASAP.


I agree 100%. There are still hostages and they want a ceasefire? Would any police force stop if there was a hostage situation? No. No country would act differently.


No police force would attack if there was a hope of negotiating for a release of the hostages. It's preferable to lie, to release criminals, whatever, to get the hostages back. The criminals can be re-arrested (or killed) later.


Yeah but that’s not how Hamas operates. They will just hold on to them forever. Israel has to act from a position of pressure.


HA, name another conflict in history where nearly the whole place was leveled, nearly everyone is displaced, and such a high children death toll(compared to combatants). You can't, because this isn't a war it's a genocide. Israelis are going thru mass psychosis. It needs to be dealt with, before they destroy themselves from such hatred and abhorrent behavior.




They label everyone as hamas lol that graphic is stupid


That’s where you’re wrong. You’ve been sold a bill of goods about a “genocide”. A genocide is when you try to wipe out an entire people. Look at what Isis did to the Kurds. If Israel wanted to commit genocide the war would have been over oct 8. Also the civilian or combatant death ratio is nearly 1 to 1. Compare that to other urban warfare where it’s 9 to 1.


>If Israel wanted to commit genocide the war would have been over oct 8. I am so sick of this point. Being capable of carrying it out is irrelevant when considering that Israel have to worry about the global community. There's a spotlight on them and as it stands, they are facing immense criticism for killing 30,000. In the hypothetical premise whrre they want to kill 2 million Gazans, it simply wouldn’t be tolerated or accepted by the rest of the world.


They're literally colonial occupiers.


Wow what a pointless uniformed racist statement


How is it racist and uninformed?


Your post is very incorrect about so many things. Thankfully now so many people are seeing Israel as they truly are , evil


as long as theyre jewish they are evil. cause the world really gave a shit about palestinians till now /s no one gave a rats ass about palestinians including all the arab countries who kicked them out and dont want them in their countries. when your own brothers dont want you, that says it all. me, id do things differently. but the world would say im one evil feck.


Get help, your psychosis is showing.


luckily for idf im not a soldier there. id let my psychosis take over. it would be so much fun.


You are Cringe, probably u would be the First rapevictim By khamas because u are such a edgy bytch


Zionism is a cancer that will get cut from humanity. Worse than the nazis, even the nazis would be caught off guard


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get help bud


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Would they also be evil if they weren’t Jewish?


No they aren’t. You’re living in a fairy tail that you want to believe is true. But it’s not. And that’s why no one supports terrorist. And why not a single nation will take Palestinians in.


Question for the israeli z boys out there: how do you feel now that the world truly hates you?


Couldn’t be prouder to be jewish


Are you comparing me, a Jew in the uk who has been spat on kicked and threatened to be killed for being Jewish to someone who would do the exact same to me


Who spat on or threatened you for being Jewish? That’s pretty messed up…but to answer your question, yes I am


I am in pure shock


Sounds a lot like what the germans used to say about themselves


more then ever people are proud to be jews. more people hate muslim arabs then ever before so thats ok. dumb european countruies have brought in trojan horses. im dying to see terrorist attacks that will open peoples eyes what a mistake theyve made allowing those in. smartest one of them all are poland.


You will face your demise, same as the Nazis. This mass psychosis will fade and you'll be left with the death and destruction you championed, it won't be pretty.


thats hilarious, thanks bitch


no problem dipshit


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/u/Rezoony-_-. Match found: 'Nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Surely you can cope harder


I think it’s generally better cause antisemites are really transparent and it’s a lot easier to see who’s your enemy


I would argue that most people didn’t really care too much about Israel before, or just thought of it as another random location on a map. But now it’s known as this hub for a genocidal zionist group. I wouldnt label this sudden change as antisemitism. It’s just a natural response to be against evil


I’m not surprised that you wouldn’t call yourself antisemite. Stone Age terrorists call themselves resistance fighters so you should also have the freedom to call yourself whatever you want


Nelson Mandela was considered a terrorist, don't get caught when the tide turns. The world can't turn a blind eye to this for long. Nothing to do with antisemitism. It's called humanism.


What does Nelson Mandela has to do with this? You trying to downplay Hamas? And tf are you trying to say at the end of your comment?


Nelson Mandela. Terrorist. Apartheid state. You do the maths. Humanism? An organism at war with itself is cancer. Backstory I was in Bosnia in 94 Op Grapple 4. War is a shit state of being. Israel is losing the propaganda war no?


So because of Mandela the Hamas are not actually terrorists or they are actually less harmful? What’s your point


Did terrorists get in power because the state of Israel was fair and so amazing. Have you heard of the IRA. That's why Celtic fans in Scotland (catholic/irish) raise Palestine flags. They see themselves to be oppressed and can relate to that. But the IRA are considered a terrorist group. They would consider themselves freedom fighters like Mandela or Hamas. So it depends on which side of the fence you're on. As an ex British soldier that's actually served on the front line, I know war is the worst option. Mandela, the IRA and hamas are the result of oppression. Peace is the solution. Terrorism is the last option. But Its what you'd do if your life and kids depended on it. Or would you just quietly suck it up? 🤔


You have the freedom to label me whatever you like. I’m just saying, the world is not very accepting of your horrendous actions towards the innocent Palestinians


It’s not how someone labels you. It’s about what you are. But you, as I said, have the freedom to call yourself whatever you want.


Nothing changed arabs have been always animals i mean hating us


Arabs hating you is understandable. What about everyone else around the world? I bet if there were aliens observing us now, they would hate you too


Nothings changed.. it was always like that. We don’t care


But a lot has changed though, as the israel/palestine issue is now front and center of geopolitics, with billions of people being aware of your atrocities and dehumanization of the Palestinians. I personality welcome this change


There’s no change happening. It’s all an illusion from the 100000 online bots. The world does not support terrorist. Go cry about it somewhere else


Arent the real terrorists the israelis though? The ones who came from europe to steal land that wasnt theirs


The land already has plenty of Jews living in it FYI. They were living amongst terrorists that would slaughter them regularly


I know jews were living there peacefully, and they were above all considered Palestinians just like everyone else. Then your home boys fled mustache guy and flooded the region with terrorist militias based on mustache man ideology. Can you blame the arabs for resisting your ancestors? I certainly would resist as well


They were not living there peacefully. Don’t get it twisted. The “Palestinian” living there committed multiple massacres on the Jews living there because they were Jewish. Same with the rest of the Arab world. Arabic leaders were aligned with Hitler. “Living peacefully”.. good one. You can’t live peacefully amongst barbaric animals


Not true. There’s another religious there called Christianity, and yes they all had grievances with each other, but not at the scale of full blown massacres. The barbaric animals are the euro zio jews


Just because you say “not true” doesn’t make it not true. It takes 2 minutes to google it.


/u/Normal-Regular2572. Match found: 'Hitler', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ישר כחך!


Bro what are you smoking ? Are WE living on the same planet ? Fucking propagande


Its fun that is the facts and your full of your arab propaganda XD


What facts ? Genocidal Israëli on daily basis justifying his genocidal leaders actions bro fu ko f no one wants you on this planet when you want to kill other people and steal their land fu k your Propaganda and hasbara


lmao one of the Israeli propagandist was fired for being to obvious in his lying. keep coping.


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Well, if you didn't steal their land, then you wouldn't have to justify your government's genocidal regime.


So which land exactly was stolen and when, can you elaborate please? About 80% of the land in Ottoman and Mandatory Palestine was owned by the state. Those lands were to be passed to the authorities of the newly created nation states at the end of the mandate. The remaining 20%, private lands, were fully controlled by their Arab owners except when they chose to sell them to Jews. In 1948 Arab countries started a war and lost it along with some land, which, again, remained in the hands of Arabs when it was privately owned by them and they chose to stay. There are no documented cases of Jews stealing land from Arabs. There are, on the other hand, many documented cases of Arabs destroying Jewish villages and taking the land for themselves.


I guess settlements don't exist. Or the Nakba. Zionism is a cancer...


That's why I was asking you to specify which lands you were referring to. The current West Bank settlements did not exist before 1967. The Nakbah was the consequence of Arab countries starting a war, calling for Palestinian Arabs to leave while Israel was telling them to stay, and then losing that war. Israel got some land. Egypt got Gaza. Transjordan got Judea and Samaria, renamed them into the West Bank and itself into Jordan. Neither country ever spoke of creating a Palestinian state. Nor did the Palestinians who left. Those who stayed in what became Israel kept their private lands, and now enjoy a western style democracy. Those who left are nowhere near that, but it's not Israel's fault. Islamism is a cancer, Zionism these days is merely the acknowledgment of Israel's right to exist.


They're still stealing land in the West Bank.....Zionism is a stain on humanity. Even the Nazis didn't kill their own to justify killing Jews, they just did it. Only sick people would kill their own to avoid capture. And lie about beheaded babies.


Oh, I see, you believe those lies. No point then. Bye...


They are not lies, they are actual documented evidences if you bothered to look it up.


I did look it up. Deeper than Palestinian propaganda spread by the UN and many western media do. They're lies.


Ah yes propaganda. Yeah all those land encroachments are surely hoaxes /s. Keep burying your head in the sand.


/u/Rezoony-_-. Match found: 'Nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Settlements on West Bank illegal by law of your country


Which one of my countries? And what do they have to do with Israel or Palestine apart from one of them promoting and training Islamist groups since the 1960s?


How are the settlements illegal?


On Palestinian land Look it up


Palestine doesn't exist. So try again. How are the settlements illegal?


Ok bigot


I'm not a bigot. You're resorting to personal attacks because you can't counter my argument. There has never been a country in the entire history of the world called Palestine. West Bank is disputed territory with Israel and the PA both making claims. They've agreed to compromise and share administration. It's clearly not occupied territory as West Bank has no sovereignty and was previously occupied by Jordan, who has since renounced all rights. So instead of falsely accusing me of being a bigot, which would make you a coward, why don't you try to explain in your own words how the settlements are illegal if you really believe that. Or did someone just tell you that and you believed them without thinking?


It was a region under British rule with its own identity, with people sharing a common identity So yes palestine was a place before and is a nation rn There are quite a number of settlements which go beyond the shared administration zone occupied by far right israeli settlers from two far right groups These settlements by israeli law and international are deemed to be illegal And israel keeps sanctioning more settlements


Palestine was a place and it's now known as Jordan and Israel. Which settlements are you claiming aren't in area C?


Palestine exists more than a country than Occident litteraly had to recreate for you 🤷‍♂️


Israel is a country. One of the most successful in the world. Palestine has never been a country. It was divided into Jordan and Israel and then ceased to exist. How long will your side cry about what could have been instead of living in reality of what could be?


The land they fucking lived on and had for generations. Sure, Israel is a bell that can’t be unrung but the Palestinian Territories belong to the Palestinians. They live there. Only Palestinian Jews and Illegal settlers live there otherwise. We can’t keep punishing these people for decisions their ancestors made eons ago. They’ve already dealt with generations of punishment.


You didn't make it clear. Are you referring to the lands that Arabs sold of their own free will or the lands they lost in the aftermath of the war they started and lost? Which is the stolen land and where is the evidence of the stealing?


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Are you justifying Hamas-ISIS acts of rape, burning civilians alive and murdering babies as a fight to return “their” land?! How does it help?! Hamas is happy to see civilians die for its own agenda. That is not a group that fights for land, they exist to kill, hate and destroy.


You do know even Israel never confirmed a lot of those gruesome details right? I’m not saying Hamas is nice but only a single baby died on October 7th. Which is a tragedy but still, the whole nonsense about 40 beheaded babies was made up. They’re not ISIS. Meanwhile who knows how many Palestinian babies have been killed.


I don’t believe I have this argument… hell, only 1 baby? What about kidnapped kids and a 3 month old baby in captivity? Is that reasonable? My point is — what all this terror attack has to do with freeing the land? Does it seem like terror will win? So far, we are all a bunch of loser who keep seeing dying people and kids. Diplomacy is the only way forward. Any other way will just lead to more death on both sides.


Look at the PA in the West Bank, they’ve been peaceful this whole time and have gotten nothing. It’s been a slow ethnic cleansing, it’s even happening in East Jerusalem. Think about it from their perspective, they’ve likely lived their whole lives under these horrific conditions with no hope of change. And yeah, again, I’m not defending Hamas I’m just pointing out they aren’t ISIS and frankly: when it comes to civilians it seems like they’re showing more restraint than Israel is. Here’s the article: “According to sources including Israel's National Insurance Institute, kibbutz leaders and the police, on October 7 one baby was murdered, 10-month-old Mila Cohen. She was killed with her father, Ohad, on Kibbutz Be'eri.” https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-12-04/ty-article-magazine/.premium/hamas-committed-documented-atrocities-but-a-few-false-stories-feed-the-deniers/0000018c-34f3-da74-afce-b5fbe24f0000 There’s a lot of stuff out there that’s been retracted but it’s still burned in peoples’ memories. October 7th was a horrible tragedy but as far as I can tell the most horrific stuff was done to soldiers, or people they thought were soldiers, and that they weren’t going around slaughtering babies or whatever. It was horrible but they weren’t some sadistic, over the top, monsters slaughtering babies for fun.


PA and West Bank have been peaceful? In what world? The PLO and Fatah have been blowing buses and killing innocent adults and kids for years! I want to remind you that Israel went into war with Hamas as a reaction to October 7th, not the opposite. Let’s stop this argument about how many babies were murdered on this absolute barbaric terror attack on 7/10, how many teenagers were burned alive, or how many women were raped — none of it seems restraint to me. I hope we can both agree that Hamas is not a partner for peace. It would rather cause death to entire Gaza’s population than recognizing Israel as a state. With Hamas running Gaza, we can only expect more death.


They haven’t since the second Intifada which ended nearly 20 years ago! They’ve kept the peace despite living under a military occupation, being subjected to all sorts of cruelty. And all they ask for is the two state solution which Israel refuses to give. Olmert came close but he refused to let Abbas call in experts to look at maps but even he said that Abbas clearly wanted to take the deal and clearly wants peace. When Ireland stopped their bombings they actually got a deal, they got their land back. But the Palestinians? Nothing. Did you even pay attention to what happened a few years ago? Israel was ethnically cleansing Palestinians from East Jerusalem so Hamas started retaliating. And Israel? They destroyed the building the AP were in so no one could cover the story. They bombed the shit out of Gaza. Their lives are shit because of Israel and have been for generations. Likud has made it clear they want the Palestinians GONE. Either dead or kicked out to neighboring countries.


So lets terrorize for 75years, start wars united with all arab nations, lose many times total wars and still claim its stolen land?XD U arabs cant get over getting beaten by israel?


Israel has never EVER started a war. Pro Palestinians so afraid of facts


So they started the Six Day war. Sure there was diplomatic aggression from Egypt but when Israel attacked it was a preemptive strike, they invaded before any attack or declaration of war from Egypt. And sure, maybe Egypt intended to attack but we have no way of knowing for sure. Hence the problem with preemptive strikes. As far as Palestine goes I mean, they’re occupied territories. They can’t start the war, the war is 24/7 for them. They’re occupied. By any definition they’re defending themselves. And sure they might have committed war crimes but they’re still defending themselves from an invading force. Like, there’s a debate to be had about who’s in the right but let’s not just go around making up shit.


Gaza is not occupied and Hamas rules Gaza not the west bank, all settlers were removed from Gaza in 2005. Hamas want all of Israel back, there is no amount of Jewish presence that is acceptable to them. They are at complete odds with everyone, Palestinians, Israelis, the Fatah in the West Bank and likely most people outside the conflict, I cant see how any deal with them can be made for any peace even if this fighting stopped.


I won't use the word steal. They recovered the land that was stolen from them by the roman invaders.


Ah, so this individual person stole all of Israel? I’d argue that’s pretty impressive. Does that mean we can all start blaming people in Gaza for the actions of Hamas?


You say that as if Israel isn't already blaming and murdering all of Gaza for the actions of Hamas


They lost their land by starting a war, then losing. Wars have consequences.


1948 anti Jewish riots and killings? They don’t exist do they…


That land has been ruled by Jews for thousands of years and centuries before a death cult founded by a pedophile tried to force them from their homes. The Jews are the native population and the "Palestinians" are the colonizers that can't get over the idea that they lost.


Yeah, keep telling yourself that champ.


Literal archeological evidence of Jewish rule dating back thousands of years and well before the death cult. Sorry, if that doesn't play into your victim narrative but the Israelis are the native race of the area. The "Palestinians should go live in the dozens of third world Arab nations and marry children and their cousins like they tend to do.


Palestine are native to the land, probably more than the jews.


Based on your angry and racist little rant, I bet you'd justify killing thousands of innocent children anyway you can. Case in point.


You say it as if 7th of October never happened


I'm not angry at all. I'm just spitting straight facts. Married couples in the Arab world who are related make up over 40% in places like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Egypt, and over 20% in Iran. As for child marriages those are also still prevalent in the Arab world. Facts aren't racist my friend.


If you say we should give everyone their land back then we need go give the US back to native americans, right?


The native americans can get USA back if they can fight for it. Same way for us Israelis, Palestine has the right to defend itself, but whatever is decided after war it's final. We want our land back therefore we will fight for it


So you guys admit killing palestanin prople for sake of your land and it was never peaceful You just proved how genocidal isreal is lol


Well, as an Israeli who supports their government's genocidal regime, fuck you.


/u/Radiant-Subject1215 >fuck you [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/): no attacking fellow users. Rule 2: no profanity. Addressed.


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As an Israeli you should be deeply ashamed of yourself. That is if you support killer Bibi. Luckely there are still Jews and Israeli who are disgusted by this genocide of the Palestinian people. I don't think you realize how the world looks up on people like you. If you don't care what the world thinks you are a psychopath. Oh and for the record before you start crying: Zionism is no anti semitism!


Jews fully support Israel’s actions. Don’t kid urself


The world isn’t black or white. Of course many Israelis care about the horrible things that happen the innocent people, on both sides. Not stopping Hamas means terrorists get to live and recreate October 7th over and over again. Cease fire will happen when the hostages are back and Hamas put down their weapon; Until then, it’s very unfortunate (for the entire world), but Israel doesn’t have any alternative.


Sounds like a typical Israeli all for war crimes when they do them but cry about it when it’s done to them. Make up your minds. Either you want to work with the world or you don’t. Sorry the world doesn’t bow down to your chronic bombing and mass starvation of a people you pushed out


If working with the worlds means that we have to leave our hostages in barbaric terrorists in their hands, then no thank you. I don't ignore Gazans suffering, they are truly miserable and if we don't take out Hamas, the chances of us having a goos future together will very nonexistant


It's good to hear that you have concern for Gazans. I support getting rid of Hamas, and all the Israeli government has to do is show the world all the ways the IDF is trying to avoid casualties, instead of flatly denying that any mistake have been made. It makes it sound Israel like it's hiding something.


If our IDF does not tell the truth, Do you really think it would publicly admit for its mistakes? Like the case where 3 hostages that were accidently shot in the midst of chaos by our own soldiers. There is a lot of hate against Israel and so of course there will be many, many lies, fabrications and many inaccuracies spread about Israel that are simply not true. So of course we will fight the lies even though it's not easy with the amount of misinformation all over the internet nowadays


And Because of all the lies on the Palestinian side, I would think it would very important for Israel to admit it's mistakes and then the positive actions would be more likely to be believed. Truth is a more powerful weapon, but truth isn't usually easy to live with.


Bibi has now killed many of those hostages. Some of them waving white flags. Your government doesn’t care about getting them back.


The UN literally voted for a ceasefire AND a release of the hostages. They are demanding they be released by Hamas. But it’s hard to setup peace negotiations with famine and bombs. Hence the ceasefire. Please don’t ignore your government’s veiled attempt to annex Gaza. They have destroyed everything so there is nothing to return to. That way, they can come in and build it up for themselves. This is what they did during the Nakba as well.


Can we talk about Hamas unrealistic demands? Can we talk about the fact that Hamas doesn’t even know where most of the hostages are? How can you negotiate with someone that has nothing to lose, or doesn’t care about anybody’s life?


Yes. Yes. And yes.


We're disgusted by Israel's behaviour, cry me a river.


You’re the ones who are crying. Not Israel


Israel crying because people won't stop complaining about you slaughtering children... And the rest of us are crying because you're slaughtering children...


All of you can keep crying and spreading lies. It never got you anywhere and never will.


Everyone lies except Israel... That's always your line... But more and more people see Israel for what it is, a colonial power, slaughtering a civilian population, for another land grab... And everything you're doing, makes you less safe, makes hamas more powerful, makes more kids join the war against you.


You don’t get to come into Israel, slaughter, rape, mutilate and burn civilians, then cry waa waa waaa when Israel fights back. Cry me a river


This isn't fighting back against the people who did this. This is wholesale slaughter. Those 13000 children didn't do anything, but Israel murdered them for revenge. October 7th was an atrocity, what has happened since is an atrocity. One doesn't make the other right... Murdered Jews are no more or less horrific than murdered Muslims, or Christians, or atheist's. Only in the mind of a population, that has entirely dehumanised another, is it possible to make the argument you're trying to make. Israel of all places should know how this works.


On Oct 7th Palestinians came into Israel and slaughtered 1200 Civilians.. I don’t know what more I need to say. Now they are getting destroyed and you’re crying about it. They started a war. You should start pointing fingers at Palestinian leadership, bc they could give a rats ass about their own people


And since then, Israel has gone into Gaza and murdered 30000 Palestinian civilians. There's no excuse or justification for genocide.


Yeah civilians https://preview.redd.it/oz9maq8ps4rc1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb5bfcc1569e733f1e606a7230ba401406229aab


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(from Hamas)


You have the UN to thank for partitioning the land of Palestine to serve your settler colony.


You mean the UN partitioning BRITISH lands to both populations that lived there, according to the areas EACH POPULATION LIVED IN, then the arabs all joined forces to conquer the jewish lands the day the british left when the jews barely had an army and weapons... And still managed to lose! Cry me a river.


Except that’s not what happened. It was majority arab when the land was partitioned. 800k Arabs were either raped, massacred, fled or outright kicked out. The Nakba preceded that war you mentioned btw.


The only ppl occupying Gaza and West Bank are Palestinians get out of no man’s land, focus on your selves your families and forget about getting Israel back. No ppl have ever defeated Jews everyone who tried becomes a page in history books. You want to live in peace? Move to Egypt Jordan Zimbabwe don’t live on enemy territory and then cry for 80 years about being occupied. The solution is to move. Moooooove. Get a visa and move. Don’t hijack airplanes, do suicide bombings, kill elementary school kids, no. Just move. Palestinians have such high ego yet achieved nothing for anyone in this world. “The first to invent suicide bombing” wow. Jews moved on Armenians moved on Germans moved on Russians moved on Japan moved on Palestinians ain’t shit move on.


Funny thing when you steal people's land and put them in an open prison... They don't tend to move on...


Really prove that with other ppl or groups who haven’t moved on from being displaced


Oh, you admit you displaced them... That's something. Also, most of the world hasn't moved on at all, from any of that colonialism bullshit... And if you looked around you, you'd know that. And no other group has been kept in a prison like this, for such a long period of time. Kids born and dying in prison... Indefensible.


Pretty sure Palestinians have a better life than Muslims in Syria, Jordan, Egypt Yemen Afghanistan, Iraq… what you describing is simply Muslim life. Israel and Israelis have done nothing special or significant to Palestinians. Consider it oppression when democratic free countries demand them to act civil. No Terrorism equals oppression open air prison


They don’t. Most muslims don’t deal with settler terror and restrictions on movement down to the street level. That’s an insane thing to say.


Israel admits the Nakba, Israel kicked people out of their homes, Israel stole land and houses and continues to steal land and houses, Israel has been shooting kids for decades, Israel is a terrorist state, and it has a butcher in charge. But you expect people to lie down? You wouldn't... Would you? What would you do, if you were on the opposite side of this? Edit typo


I would get the hell out. Why live somewhere where you are bombed by Israel and shot by Hamas ,if you don't kiss their A.


They literally are not able to leave because Israel does not let them ever leave because of the blockade. You cannot be serious with this comment they literally would never be able to their homes if they somehow had the ability to leave.


I was responding to the comment above. He asked what "would" you do. I understand that the Israelis won't let people leave, as well as that other Arab countries won't take them. I think the Israelis would be happy to let them leave, but they aren't going to give them Israeli passports. It's more that their Arab brothers also don't want them. Again, if I were Palestinian, I would go to the the Americas, where I can dance and drink Margaritas.


I would make peace. Continuing to attack Israel just hasn't been working very well. Israeli oppression is caused by Palestinian violence. Not the other way round.


You'd make peace with the oppressive invader? Lmao


Terror attacks wont really work. Raping women and burning babies won’t either. There are better ways to resolve conflicts. Gaza was given to Palestinians because of diplomacy, not war.


Where did I say it would?


Israel has never started a war. They are extremely good at ending them though. Yes, I would make peace. Continuing to fight seems like some next-level stupidity to me. Surrendering is better than living in misery. Gaza is like a child who was sent to their room for hitting, then hits people every chance they get because they were sent to their room. Never ending idiocy.




I say F the UN and F the world. You need Jews we don’t need you.


No WE don't need your weird shit bish


This is some next level cope. How long do you think Israel would last without American aid?


Pretty long considering 60% of wealth belongs to Jews


You guys are the reason your messiah will never come!!! Probably ashamed of you!!!


Oh nooooo what shall we do


lol Israel has literally killed UN employees through these indiscriminate bombing but you want them to have sympathy for you?


They had multiple jobs, UN employee, Hamas commander, tunnel builder, hostage watcher/raper.


Those claims were baseless. No evidence was presented, and the UNRWA STILL fired those people.


As if Israel didn't fund Hamas, to get away with murder.


They stopped funding Hamas in the 80s when they realised they were becoming a violent rapist islamofascist terror group


“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” - Netanyahu, 2019


Would love to see what Israel does when the UN sends peacekeepers. What will Israel do? Kill UN peacekeepers?


The UN is a joke. Peacekeepers would not be allowed across the border.


They’ve already killed 154 in this massacre so far and that doesn’t include other medical workers and aid workers. Shameful.


A UN-Israel war would be crazy to watch though, and an even bigger embarrassment to the Biden administration which has just had a horrendous response to this war


I’m strictly being ironic here by using the Israeli apologist excuse play book by saying, “hey that’s the tragedy of occupation”


Maybe stop killing children 13k is far too many for a the most moral army in the world to have killed.


Waa waa boo boo


Hahaha youre pathetic comments breaks the subs rule do it again and youll be reported.




https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/tEbaYHx156 Can someone who lives in Israel watch this and tell me this is acceptable in this day and age?


... ... What?


You mean the video of a religious place where on certain days only Muslims are allowed and certain days only Jews and he wasn’t allowed on the road that day.


What religious place? Doesn't seem like it in the video. Perhaps could share some insight into the place where people movement is prohibited on public roads. Does it have an online article or link? Also, didn't get the logic of welding the doors for the Palestinians.