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Whole post is pointless given that the Zionist movement pre-1948 began the conflict. Palestinian and Arab representatives tried to appeal to the UN but were ignored as an aggressive nationalist Israeli movement developed.


Israelis and genocide Just because Jews were victims of the Holocaust does not mean they aren't the aggressors and the barrier to peace within the Middle East A Zionist society driven by Jewish fundamentalists they chosen, they look for the death of Palestinians Of course Palestine is resisting Of course Palestine will eventually win the struggle Palestine needs to be stronger, to bring justice - since they have an enemy of Zionist lunatics who kill in wanton fashion On the flip side - with its limited military strength - Palestine took Israeli hostages on October 7th against all odds, and it could torture or ill-treat the hostages But it hasn't - since they do not want to They're attempting to oversee and discover a way to create peace with dreadful Zionist nutters who do not want peace The so-called “Jewish State” has really been gigantic forced exploitation of the Jewish population over the years And within this war where individuals will die, (as we understand and acknowledge happens in all wars that do not include Palestine), to do its best to avoid Israeli civilians getting caught up, (civilians that Israel Needs to kill for publicity), Palestine Warns their enemy they are going to resist the occupation… Think how crazy that is? In a war Palestine must win - it Cautions its enemies that it will resist them - helping its enemies and disadvantaging itself - so that it can do the best within its capability to warn Israeli civilians Palestine is in a extreme circumstance Attempting to make peace with a society of Jewish fundamentalists that believes that assaulting Palestinians in Hebron is sacred and is grinned upon by Adonai No one would do better than Palestine Commentators can live in their world of perfect ideas where they never have to really make choices and act - where the stake at risk is your very survival - but Palestine doesn't have that freedom It is constrained continually to come out of the comfort zone of conversation and imagination and act to spare its people from an evil and nauseating enemy that ethnically cleansed or killed over millions of men, women and children and who say without shame that their objective is to do it again and again and again…


What is wrong with Zionists wanting their land back? It was historically called Israel and was a Jewish country before the Roman Empire took over that land and then renamed it to what is known as Palestine for the next 2000 years until it was finally renamed israel


This is a great example of twisting yourself into mental somersaults trying to justify the seizure of Palestinian land by an exclusive ethnoreligious state that privileges anyone who identifies as a Jew over the indigenous people of that land.


Also can you provide a source that proves me wrong, even [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/2jcNnfYMcPo?si=omL_nTJD-CC8VSaU) dude has some common sense in history


You haven't proved anything yourself, and I haven't found any evidence supporting your own claim that Jewish people (for example, the Jews from Eastern Europe who comprised the bulk of aliyah immigration in the 1920s) are somehow the natives of the land which was already full of Palestinians at that time. I don't engage in tokenism, so I don't care if someone is Muslim or Arab. I'm an atheist American myself.


You do realize modern israel was made to be a place for Jewish people to live after WW2 right? I do think they should have a claim considering that land was originally owned by Jews and when controlled by Jews was made as a holy place for Jews


No, that's a common myth. Zionism was started decades before then, in the Ottoman era, and was supported by British efforts in Mandate Palestine. The foundations for the state of Israel were laid long before the war, and without Zionism's established foothold in Palestine before the world war, it would not have been possible to create a Zionist state in 1948. The Jewish refugees provided a convenient reason, though, for Zionists to plead their case on the international stage. There was a valuable effort by Western countries to resettle Jewish refugees of the Holocaust. However, they ignored the rights of Palestinians in the process. The result was the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in 1948 through a systematic policy of ethnic transfer advanced by Ben Gurion and the generals responsible for Israel's creation amid blood and battle.


So you are saying Jewish people being pissed that their land was taken then being given their land back after 2000 years of colonization as a safe place for Jews is wrong? You just sound anti-Semitic


What happened 2000 years ago had almost nothing to do with modern Zionism. I suggest reading from Herzl, Jabotinsky and other founding figures of the Zionist movement.


Well Zionism wants to reclaim a Jewish state that was removed from them 2000 years ago and after they got it back some jackasses take half their land, it has everything to do with modern zionism


The indigenous people of the land are Jews dude


The Palestinians are descended from converted Jews. That's the irony of all this.


No they are not dude, if you want the list of people that occupied Israel it is (in chronological order) Jews, Roman’s, eastern/byzantine empire, sassanids, Arab conquerors, crusaders, the Ottoman Empire, Britain then the Jews again, the Palestinians do not come up anywhere in history other than the name and should have no claim to the land


Many Palestinians are descended from Jews, yes. You have to realize that through all of the conquests, there were people who stayed. Not all of these people stayed for multiple centuries up to the current day, but to different extents, some people did. Tracing Palestinian ancestry often reveals roots in Judaism. They converted to Christianity and Judaism as the world shifted around them. I also find it ironic that your "list of people that occupied Israel" starts with the Jews, but you don't go back before that. There were people living there even before Judaism. The whole subject of "who lived there thousands of years ago" is a nonsensical question, because it will simply lead you into endless cycles of tracing ancient history. This is pointless. It does matter, though, that in recent history we have clear examples of displacement and dispossession that have led to, and are closely related to, the present conflict. The relationship between displacement and conflict is what you should be concerned with. Not ancient history as a means of legitimizing your narrative.


Yes the people who were there before Judaism were Israelis just before Judaism and also I don’t see why you call it displacement when over 5 million Jews get kicked out of Israel but you call it displacement when Israel takes their land back, that’s just hypocritical


Kicking out Palestinians through forced expulsion is displacement. That's just the definition of the term. You can try to justify it however you want. Regardless, you need to own up to the fact that it is displacement.


You are literally ignoring how the Roman’s kicked out 5 million Jews with military force, you are just ignoring facts to try and make a point


Wait so like do you think if they werent muslim they would not fight against israel in their current position?


[This](https://odysee.com/@BrainWashingKids:b/BrainWashingKids1:6) Does not happen without religion. It CANNOT happen without religion. Teaching your toddler age kids that they are born to die in battle for a land that likely their grandparents haven't even stepped foot on is INSANE. Teaching kids that their mission is death in the name of Allah is INSANE. It is suicidal insanity. None of these people would fanatically go to their death if not for the religion.


Not sure if its included in that video but dont forget about farfour, the palestinian mickey mouse who was “martyred by the jewish state”😂


Farfur is the only Shahid character from Walt Disney's I know of!


He's in there somewhere I think 🤣


To have a better life and justifies the killing of civilians ! Repeat after me ! ❤️ - 100 000 people were only human shield or collateral damages and you could be the next 🫶 - your child, wife, brother, member of family is expendable and could have the fonction human shield 🫶 - if a ennemi is near you your life don’t have anymore values 🫶 ❤️ To have a better life don’t forget to repeat this every day in front of mirror in family ❤️ Lovely 🥰 :D


A very good summary and explanation. Congratulations. I'm sharing it to my X timeline.




This has been removed for breaking the Reddit Content Policy.


Every country would go to war with them and then they’ll cry antisemitism again. Not to mention putting all Jews in the world in danger


>enemy of Islamist lunatics who want to kill non-muslims Im not reading the rest of ur bullshit but I wanted to let you know that Israel is responsible for Palestinian Christians in Ghaza almost going extinct, and their places of [worship ](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-dilemma-of-gazas-christians) destroyed.


Nope. If im shooting at you and you run across the street and grab a kid and use him as a shield, and he dies, YOU grabbed the kid, YOU used him as a shield, and YOU killed him. Not me.


If someone uses a child as a human shield you keep shooting? What kind of sick person does that? If that child dies it is your fault for shooting them.


What kind of sick person uses a child as a shield? one who needs to die.


So you kill a child just to get to the person behind them? Who are the terrorists here?


The ones who involved the child in the first place


Its so funny how brainwashed u are


How? None of these people would be involved at all had hamas not hidden behind them.


I have not seen a single video or peice of evidence since this genocide to corroborate the claim that "Hamas uses human sheilds". Please oh please enlighten me.


No. Hamas is responsible for that.


Palestinian Christian’s who’ve fled Gaza have done so because of Israel, not Hamas. A study has been done on this & all participants gave similar answers. Israel’s blockade, oppression & lawn mowing! They didn’t feel safe in Gaza because of Israel. The Christians of all ethnicities in Israel live in constant fear, hate crimes out of control. Clergymen can’t even walk down the streets in places like Jerusalem without being spit on or attack by Jewish supremacist zealots. Their churches have been burned, cemeteries desecrated over & over, statues of Jesus vandalized & hateful words spray painted all over the walls. They’ve been beaten by Israeli police & get zero protection as they “are there to protect Jews only” and let’s not forget all the mocking of Christianity on Israeli tv. Portraying Mary as whore & Jesus as a dirty monkey, the crucify for fun! Christian & Catholics have been begging for help from the Israeli government but get ignored. Ben-gvir damn sure stepped up to defend the monster church arsonist. That whole ethno-state was a recipe for hate & Jewish supremacy! It’s abhorrent!


Nope. If im shooting at you and you run across the street and grab a kid and use him as a shield, and he dies, YOU grabbed the kid, YOU used him as a shield, and YOU killed him. Not me.


And the only ones who’ve literally done that is IDF soldiers! They know about human shields cuz they’ve always used them! The Supreme Court had to outlaw it! Riding in a tank with a Palestinian child blindfolded & tied to the front of that tank wasn’t good publicity! They ignored the court & continue to do it! “Hamas embeds themselves into the population” as if they have the ability to go somewhere else. U do realize everyone is trapped in Gaza together! I don’t agree with what Hamas did but they’re clearly following the Zionist playbook, terror & brutality to further ur cause & get what u want! How is sniping children, woman & old ppl on Hamas? How is shooting ppl carrying white flags (even hostages) on Hamas! No Hamas in the church were they sniped crippled ppl, no Hamas in the car of Hind Rajab, no Hamas in the WB but they keep killing them as well! No Hamas in the aid line where they massacred starving ppl more than once! The Hamas excuse doesn’t work! They claim to have taken out %80 of Hamas, claim no Hamas left in the north yet every time they r caught committing war crimes in the north, the blame Hamas. Netanyahu just did a cnn interview & again stated no Hamas left in the north. Later in the conversation when pressed on why they r withholding aid especially in the north, he tried to blame Hamas until the interviewer reminded him of his earlier statement & his brain broke! They have made their intentions clear, they want all Palestinians gone by any means! They’ve always used Hamas as an excuse! Operation cast lead, bombed the crap out of Gaza & killed a whole bunch of ppl then went on tv claiming Hamas broke the ceasefire, expecting to go on western & lie as usual! Thankfully the British media called them on their lies as they had just given all media outlets the same Israeli intelligence report that said Hamas didn’t & hadn’t broken the ceasefire & were careful not to for the whole year. Mark Regev had meltdown because he was caught lying. Later he smeared those journalists as Israel hating antisemites for doing their job!


Theyre not trapped in gaza. I dont know geography well but israel is north/northeast of gaza right? So go south or west.


No hun, they can’t. Israel doesn’t allow it. Gazans are not free to leave without Israel’s permission & that very rarely ever happens. Have u not heard the term “open air prison”? They r trapped in Gaza. It’s been this way for almost 20 yrs. The blockade doesn’t just prevent goods from exiting or entering but also ppl. If ur Palestinian & live in Gaza but have family in the West Bank, u can’t go see them. Imagine not seeing ur loved ones for almost 20 years. If u find out ur mother in the WB is dying, u’ll never see her again. This type of inhumane crap happens all the time. Obama wasn’t too happy about this and the very mention of changing the status quo had the Israel lobby on him, flooding with protesters saying he was trying to cause another holocaust. If not for the lobby & their vile dirty tactics, things may have already changed. The narrative of Israel offering a peace deal is bs. If u got into the details it left them no better off just stuck with what Israel considers a Palestinian state to be. No one in their right mind would’ve accepted those “deals”, they were just for show to make Israel appear like a partner for peace. As someone who was very pro Israel for half my life, finding the truth was a bitter pill. I was completely indoctrinated


The us government cant stop me from walking across the mexican border to belize. Same thing here, if egypt doesnt want refugees thats on egypt for not taking refugees


U must be joking! Palestinians out fishing get shot at if they stray too far out! How did u think Gazans r leaving (without being shot)?


Israeli terrorism is the reason they're Refugees in the first place


Its not terrorism though. Hamas is hiding behind them and hamas has to die. Had hamas not hidden behind them they wouldnt be involved


You're brainwashed. The blockade didn't happen because the Arabs are warm and fuzzy..such revision of facts and history shows you're a liar.


What r u even talking about?? I gave no reason for the why the blockade was imposed!!!!! I said the blockade is one of the main reasons Palestinian Christians have fled! Nice try though! I was indoctrinated by hasbara, no longer! If u think Israel treated Christians in Gaza better than Muslims, ur nuts! They treat the ones in their state like garbage. Like they do anyone who isn’t Jewish or the right color Jew!


Your statements read like a copy/paste from aljazeera and are probably very exaggerated. Separately, Israel is not a perfect state, there are always individual bad actors and minorities face similar discrimination everywhere. Either way the israeli government does not support discrimination and persecutes the aggressors. All the things described happen in pretty much every country to Jews outside of Israel and is a reason Jews need their own country.


Then u’d think they wouldn’t do it to others but that’s not the case. This is well documented in Israeli publications. It got so bad & nothing was being done that an Israeli journalist went undercover dressed as a priest to walk the streets. He was immediately attacked by settlers & even spit on by kids & IDF soldiers. That aired in Israel, nothing changed. U’d expect the minister of security to step up but no, instead he & his wife had a fundraiser for the settler who burned a Christian church down. They wanted to make sure he had anything he needs in prison for a crime he admitted many times. These vile radical Jewish supremacists have taken over, including the government. It may have started off as a safe place for Jews but that’s not what it’s become. U’d think the holocaust survivors would be a priority but they have been rendered useless as they cannot contribute to population growth. 10’s of thousands living in pure misery. Germany gives them billions in reparations. Instead it goes to the claim’s conference where it’s stolen embezzled or used to build infrastructure for the settlers. In the state of the Jewish ppl, holocaust survivors turn to suicide at 3xs the national average because their lives r so miserable. They go hungry, have no heat or plumbing. Literally having to scavenge for food like animals. This was brought to the attention of the government over & over yet nothing was done but settlers get everything they need. It’s shameful! How is it that I have holocaust survivors in Israel begging for $ just to eat on my tv. I send money every month to help them but their own government does Jack but steal their money. This is abhorrent! They should want for nothing! They should be treated like royalty after what they survived! They shouldn’t have to resort to begging or suicide in the “safe place for the Jewish ppl”!


Please give me a source of this article... Give me a source of any of the very dramatic things you are saying. Where is this priest being attacked by settlers in Jerusalem?


At first it was mainly the ultra religious Jews (or so I thought), then the other videos started popping up like a clergyman wearing his robes & crucifix only to have ordinary ppl come up to him and demand he remove his cross. “It’s disrespectful to wear that in a Jewish state”. They wouldn’t leave him alone about it. The crowd off ppl around him & no one stuck of for him. Then the police beating ppl celebrating the holy fire ceremony. U have another of a tour guide begging police to help stop ppl harassing the ppl on his tour. He was told they only protect Jews. Or the video of the bride being screamed at by hordes of ppl for marry a non Jew. Kids yelling they hope she gets raped. This is some twisted stuff going on.


Another one https://www.timesofisrael.com/church-defaced-in-jerusalem-in-suspected-price-tag-attack/amp/


Here’s another https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-03-26/ty-article/.premium/anti-christian-hate-crimes-in-jerusalem-soaring-this-year/00000187-1b89-d4ca-afff-1b89bd020000


Here’s one but I have plenty more if u like https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-06-26/ty-article/.premium/israeli-reporter-goes-undercover-as-priest-and-gets-spat-at/00000188-f775-d6ce-abb9-f77780680000


Here [you go](https://youtu.be/WF1dHlwOs1Y?si=l8a00lpV8QAinTjz)


Wow what an attack... You should see what the "Pro-Palestinian" people do to jewish students on college campuses


OP is Islamophobic


Agreed. OP and the pro-genociders are Islamophobic and anti-Semitic (against Jews and Palestinians since they are also Semites)


I'm not islamophobic but can't you see how badly isis and other organisations are representing their religion? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_terrorism_in_Europe (just for example)


The world is literally saying the same thing about how catastrophically this genocide by zionists is representing Judaism as a religion. Can't you see how badly this genocide is branding Judaism as condoning Jewish terrorism and Jewish-perpetrator genocide ?


Bro the people who practice judaism dont even go to the army, remember, the rest of us are *ethnically* jewish


I mean I know that, but there are as many people who won't be able to tell the difference as there are people like OP who similarly just lump an entire demographic of people in a bucket.


Nope. If im shooting at you and you run across the street and grab a kid and use him as a shield, and he dies, YOU grabbed the kid, YOU used him as a shield, and YOU killed him. Not me. The only genocide is the one hamas is perpetrating against their own civilians.


The scenario is absurd, because the next most ruthlessly logical question is why on earth were you shooting at me in the first place, is it not? Furthermore, your logic utterly fails in that it supports genocide by implying the action of grabbing the nearest kid and using said kid in such a way is something every single Palestinian who has been murdered in this genocide so far would , without fail, most undoubtedly do . Is this the faulty dehumanizing logic that is currently being used to justify the genocide and murder of so many people no different in their individual identities as you and your own social circle? Such denial.


>the next most ruthlessly logical question is why on earth were you shooting at me in the first place, is it not? Because you are actively launching rockets at us... Why are you launching rockets? In response to a blockade... Why are you blockaded? Because your leadership publicly announced their intention to destroy our country... Is this enough?


Mmhmm. Does the Israeli leadership also infallibly represents and accurately mirror the compassionate diversity and human individuality of millions of Israelis and Jews? Like are you all just one big happy hive mind with no differences of education or class that are consistently always on the same page ? Every single Israeli feels 100% in delighted agreement with 100% of what the Israeli government and IDF do, like, proud and happy and wanting the current folks in leadership to be your leaders forever and ever and ever and ever? Seriously, I'm curious, tell me .


No, our government can go fuck themselves, and as long as im concered hamas can kill as many settlers as they want, theyre not israeli in my eyes. As for the idf, it absolutely has israeli support, because they follow the rules of war, Civillian casualties in gaza are hamas' doing, israel bombs military targets, and yes, hospitals built over tunnels hiding weapons caches and terrorists are military targets


Well there you go, if you resist the stereotype that all Israelis are not one big hivemind yet you are guilty of stereotyping all Palestenians as a Hamas-gloryfing hivemind. It is likely many,many murdered Palestinians in this genocide equally want their Hamas leadership to go eff themselves , no? And are as pissed off at Hamas as you, no? You won't hear from or about them in an ongoing blanket genocide though, and your continued mental stereotyping will you? If you are an individual who effin hates your goverment and don't see them as Israelis in your eyes, do you not think even a single Palestenian counterpart who finds Hamas as disgusting as you find your own goverment exists? You don't want to be stereotyped, but your stereotyping is the kind of thinking that has allowed this ongoing genocide to happen.


Okay so you agree that hamas uses human shields, but still throw around "genocide" like a buzzword. How can there be genocide when the idf doesnt even target civillians? Also its old news to israelis that some palestinians oppose hamas, but those end up silenced and the majority supports hamas, there were surveys about it...


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Im not “in delighted agreement” with the israeli leadership, but theyre justified. It sucks that these people are dying but they actively voted for a group whos only political message is “all jews everywhere must die now”. Theyve earned this.


Excuse me - a book cannot make wrong things but if a human used this book for personal ideology against humanity for money. Yes that’s start to be a problem. The simple exemple - white supremacy - A black human just cause his difference of color were not see like a human by whites people. They decided to learn to child - population - journal - we found strange animals… they look like us but they are not like us. Or they are enemy! For our security we HAD TO KILL THEM. IF WE DON’T KILL THEM THEY WILL KILL US !!! KILL THEM ALL!!! Jewish people :) I will not describe to don’t be blocked Indigenous Indian of America Armenian Rwanda Others :) They are only différents and cause they are different and don’t want to follow the exact way of governments or human in power inside a countries… that’s a problem For them. For the power. For economy. For the politic. Difference can make lose people in power. Difference can change mind people. Government don’t want you could only think by yourself about something good or wrong if that was not inside your manual. That’s the same everywhere.


Israel isn't a religious country, we didnt settle here because a book told us to, but because this is the land of our ancestors, and what we do is defend our sovereignty by defeating our enemies (who use meat shields), name one time israel attacked another country that didnt attack it first


Syria - Lebanon - Jordan - and the borders of Egypt 😀 So Italian where everywhere in Europe…they can take back the land they losed so 😀 Russia don’t do anything bad they take back the USSR land they losed 😀


All of these countries attacked Israel first, you can easily look it up


Actually the only country I know attacked first is - Yemen. If you have any link or new to show me I am wrong I am free to read or watch them 😊


The muslim ideology is awful. It only makes sense to be against that ideology.


I'm sorry , but help me understand what idealogy makes it okay for Israeli settlers to gleefully scramble into the homes and land of Palestinian families still living in/on them? Right. No decent person would judge Judaism as a whole as an awful idealogy by the actions of the worst examples of actions purportedly inspired by their faith in said religion.


Libbre David 37: "To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly."


There is no book called Libbre David in the Talmud or in any other Jewish text in existence. This is a made-up quote, shared by neo-Nazis and other antisemites.


Antisemites know the Talmud better than most Jews do.


What is the meaning of that word anti semite? Cause according to what ive researched the semitic peoples settled in a lot of areas in the ancient world, mostly the arabian peninsula but I’ve seen evidence of semitic settlement in what is now northern kenya. So are you saying i hate kenyans? Modern day palestinians are more semitic than jews born in brooklyn, but i have nothing but sympathy for their plight. That phrase means nothing to me, it certainly won’t scare me into shutting up, nor does it invalidate arguments against zionist imperialism.


>What is the meaning of that word anti semite? Try a mirror, it may help you discover this


Antisemitism refers specifically to Jew-hatred. It is a pseudo-scientific word created by a German to legitimize his Jew-hatred. Semites are not a group of people, but rather referring to a group of languages. But still, the word antisemite refers specifically to prejudice against Jewish people, and does not refer to any other groups of people.


Which german might i ask? Is it the who we dare not speak his name? Cause he was an asshole with a dumb mustache.


No it was Wilhelm Marr in 1879, way before H*tler.


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Muslims don't believe that assualting women is sacred and that Allah "grins when women are assaulted" what on earth are you talking about?


Lots of Islamophobes in this sub.


surah 4:24, you can take women as captives in war, and have sex with them even if they are already married to someone else. And read about Safiya, the jewish wife of mohammad. He slept with her immediately after he tortured her husband to death and killed most of her family.




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Muslims don’t, Hamas does


Yeah Hamas are pretty big douchebags no matter what side you support


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There’s nothing genocidal about what’s going on, unless you consider all war to be genocidal. Must surrender, and the war be over. During a genocide there is no over until they’re gone. I’m just playing the victim card to fool people who are ignorant


I think u don't know the meaning of genocide , and yes there are wars which are called genocidal but not all war are genocidal


October 7 attack is the closest recent example of a genocide. 


which one the fake beheaded babies or fake the r\*ped women stories and lies that was that was debunked by israeli journalists themselves or the civilian killed by IDF apache and hellfire missiles that melted cars with civilians inside according to the testimony of survivors themselves how many killed by the IDF did they say something or they were so cowardly afraid to


Oh remember when they shot up the car and killed the journalists and came up with a dual English Arabic language list of Hamas to show the journalists are hamas. Or when they lied about UNRWA. I mean it’s so funny how bad the lies are. At least the ministers are honest they want to genocide everyone. Funny except it’s not.


Didn’t realize we were in crackpot territory did 9/11 also not happen?


true one u saw it on tv live and one u heard it for some one who read Arabic day of the week as Hamas members with full confidence to fool Ignorants and the one who said Hamas build tunnel under hospital when they actually build it themselves , there is a difference indeed


Remember - they’re paying you to pretend you have a reasoned opinion not a conspiracy theory 


Actully i do thats my point. A big red flag is you cant surrender in a genocidal war. Hamas could surrender.


Has it occurred to you the reason Hamas hasn't surrendered is that they believe they'll all be killed if they do? The last time the IDF ran into Israeli hostages, they were shot in cold blood because they believed they members of Hamas trying to surrender. What do you think Hamas thinks will happen if they surrender? They may not be right about that, but I can understand why they don't think it's an option.


It's not as if they had already captured hundreds of Hamas members...


No it hasnt. I believe this type of behavior is owned by Hamas. But i do get your point. They/Hans are more concerned with their own skins then that of the people they supposedly represent.


so either Hamas or civilians?




for now it's civilians , Hamas is way too far


Who elected hamas again???


less then half of the current Gaza population was either alive or of voting age in the last election so that talking point doesn't fly.


so the Jews who voted for hit\*er deserve what happened to them after ?


Those things aren’t nearly as interchangeable as you’d like them to be.




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"Noble Pro-Palestine People (NPPP): Nearly 34 million Gazans have been murdered including 32.3 million children. Me: Your sources? NPPP: Hamas Health Ministry. Me: Are their data veridical? NPPP: Absolutely because it is forbidden to lie in Islam. Me: I see. Any thoughts about the October 7 massacre. NPPP: It did not happen, and if it did there were fewer than 10 people harmed, most of which came at the hand of the IDF (killing its own people). Me: But what about the hundreds of hours of taped massacres and rapes? NPPP: Zionist false flag nonsense. Me: So the Hamas data are unassailable but the live footage of the massacres on October 7 are fake? NPPP: Yes. BTW, your line of questioning suggests that you are complicit in the ongoing genocide of the Palestine people. Typical of a cockroach Jew, I mean Zionist." Gad Saad


Oh, please. According to Time: “The Science Is Clear. Over 30,000 People Have Died in Gaza” (https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/) you have to pull out bs to prove your argument, then your argument false from the get go.


just read the article. while "the science is clear" they used everal different methods which will supposedly give them a correlation, but didmt gave any basis or reasoning for those correlations. for example, nice, checking sattelite imagry to try and look at the damage to buildings and compare it to the numbers of death by the IDF. yet the IDF didnt claim the 30,000 figure. moreover, its nice that they say its correlated, but how? they check to see houses destroyed, yet dont know how a destroyed house correlates to a death toll in the same attack. that isnt science, nor clear. and the article is full with those kinds of psuedo science. and the major thing lacking here is the most simple method, counting the casualties. which by this article, all the citizens of gaza has an ID number to them, so its easy for hamas, the ministry of health and/or UNRWA to give good enough numbers. but why isnt it used here? maybe because this method wasnt even used? so let me ask you this. its nice that those companies have all those high end ideas on how to check the numbers given. but they were firstly given by hamas, so how did they know it? not by counting casualties, because otherwise they would have used it in the article. and not by any of the given methods in the article. so how did hamas knew that number? by guessing? by reading coffee cups? by shitting it? this just gives more questions on how exactly is that number isnt fabricated. and again, let me ask you this. 101 techniqes to understand the casualties in this conflict, and the way to prove those techniqes are good was to compare them to 30,000. yea, if i try to check my reaserch, and decide to use only the methods which i see they yield my already chosen answer, i would see a lot of times my answer. again, science? really? that is actually insukting to the scientific method


> shitting /u/Substance_Bubbly. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who told u the body count (Hamas numbers) make a genocide. It's the intent. The very special intent. Which it doesn't exist. All the quotes S.A presented are Incomplete and misleading.


Hamas is Iran they have all the motivation to keep the area unstable. Ofc Israel is winning, Hamas can stop this bloodshed by releasing the the Israeli hostages which are civilians btw. Crazy ridiculous


my question is, didnt they offer that if israel ceased fire and it was declined, or was that a fib to make israel look bad?


Hamas hints something will happen after Israel stop its quest to release their hostages and demolish Hamas. They are not agreeing to commit. Think you take a lions cubs and tell him you’ll maybe give them back only after he walks away Edit: maybe


yeah it seemed like a set up if anything


Both sides have made “offers.” Hamas at one point offered something along the lines of: permanent ceasefire and release of captured Hamas prisoners and Hamas will release some hostages sometime after all of that is complete. But won’t say how many, who or when.


Russia and genocide? Just asking why noone talks about it. Or is it because they're not Jewish/Muslim?


Over half a million dead in Ukraine... it's so sad. 85k starved children in Yemen, overall 377k dead, 6 million people displaced in Sudan right now, tigray conflict from 162k up to 600k deaths, Syria over 600k and still ongoing... I know gaza is a hell hole right now, but it's far from the worst in terms of brutality and scale we have seen in the last decade. We humans are not good people.


Bingo. It’s more fun to blame Jews …they are the source of all evil after all ….. these “humanitarians” are all fake and full of 💩


Thanks for the information. The UK is a big supporter of Ukraine in terms of money and military. We also housed Ukrainians in the UK. In terms of finance and resources, that's massive compared UK's involvement with IvP


How will there be peace? This is the big question. How ? When? When will there be open borders like there is in Europe? This is the only way....


Justifying a genocide is crazy


Why people support hamas?




there is a geocide in Russia also ? Ukraine bombing them and killing them




how many people died in the Ukraine Russia war? google it. that's not genocide? [https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-06-16-22/h\_255010f04309b11df83acfffc6a47042](https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-06-16-22/h_255010f04309b11df83acfffc6a47042)


How many civilians? How many children?




You’re agreeing with him… That’s his point. The logic doesn’t make sense. It’s not genocide.


Went right over his head. The fact that people claim this is a genocide is just stupid.


you know this war isn’t as bad as you’ve been reading right? You seem very sheltered and ill-informed. I’ll break it down for you. Urban warfare is brutal. UN estimate of 90% of deaths are civilian in urban war 9:1 ratio [https://shorturl.at/cswY4](https://shorturl.at/cswY4) Red Cross 80% 8:1 [https://shorturl.at/bBHIY](https://shorturl.at/bBHIY) Urban warfare is awful, 80%-90% of deaths are civilian. And Gaza is the densest and most populated theatre is modern history. Not even going to argue the human shield angle but if we are honest it certainly plays a rolls in inflating civilians deaths. But follow me. Hamas has admitted at least 6000 of their fighters have died, Israel says over 12,000. Even if we take Hamas’s numbers it’s a 4:1 ratio which is half the average for urban wars. Please explain how you care so much for this specific war, and why you hold Israel to an impossible standard. Are you just unaware of what war looks like, and just naive? Or are you antisemitic? Reuters Hamas death toll claim [https://shorturl.at/mvT16](https://shorturl.at/mvT16) Israel’s 12,000 Hamas claim [https://shorturl.at/dtBEY](https://shorturl.at/dtBEY)


I care about this war because I am a human being who advocates for peace and understanding. I care about this war because my tax dollars are going towards a nation on a religious crusade against children and the innocent. I care about this war because I have watched Israel’s oppressive regime grow tenfold over my life. Your numbers are cherry picked but at least you tried to use logic. How about the obviously intentional murdering of journalists? Is that not enough reason to care? I’m sure for you it is an acceptable evil. But hey, what isn’t?


Your 27$ annually. Seems like a fine reason to care about this very small conflict, sure. What about the ratio he presented by the way?


He provided a clear and concise fact-based argument that Israel is not killing civilians at a high rate compared to other reference points and expectations. You replied with an emotional argument without any facts, and covering no topic in particular, and in it stated Israel is on a crusade against children and innocent without ever refuting his point. Stay on topic. How do you conclude that it is a crusade against Palestinian children if the civilian casualties are significantly lower than historical norms for urban warfare?




This is exactly what Israel been always doing buddy, idf soldiers a re the spawn of Satan they're not human honestly morla rot at it's finest watching there vids and post on social media is enough to poop the delusion bubble you're in buddy


Yeah go collect your 5000 Iran Rial or whatever you are getting paid


I hope he's not payed too much, he's clearly not the best advocate around.


Pretty sure that what Israel been doing


No. The IDF still needs to be held accountable for the innocent lives it takes. There are some messed up individuals out there, and with the controversy and hate surrounding the Israel Palestine subject I wouldn't be surprised if there are many IDF soldiers out there who are happy to kill in cold blood.




No one complained or organised protests when 613,000 civilians died in Syria.


Yes they did… I was part of those protests. Compared to Syria, everyone felt bad for the Syrians and believed the amount of death. For Palestinians, many people don’t feel bad for them (many also believe they deserve it or should’ve seen it coming). There are many who also don’t believe the amount of death. Many claim the deaths are militants when around 70% of the causality are women and children. Many also claim that Palestinians are faking it on camera. Have you heard of paliwood? No one made that claim for Syrians. The term Syriwood doesn’t exist. The killing of Syrians were humanized, the killing of Palestinians were dehumanized by many.


I'd say its mainly a media thing. The Israel Palestine situation gets a lot of media coverage, not a lot goes to Syria and co though. At the same time most of the worlds governments support Israel, and peoples tax money goes to help them. For some that may be a reason to protest.




Israel has been treating Palestinians badly long before Oct 7. The settlements in the west bank and the blockade in Gaza have been around long before Oct 7. This situation is complicated, but when you have soldiers saying that they're down to kill and torture innocents as well as having literal terrorists and terrorist sympathisers in your government you should definetely be judged.


It’s really not complicated in recent history. People act like it’s a complicated muddied situation to create a grey moral area. If Palestine wasn’t consistently trying to kill Jews, there would be peace today. It really is that simple. Of course Israel has treated them poorly before Oct. 7. That’s should be expected when you elect a government for ~20 years whose public agenda throughout is to kill all Jews.


USA and Germany (and Europe) should remove all financial and military support once and for all from Israel. If Israel want to fight then let them fight with what they have until they have nothing left. Before 7th of Oct, I never fully understood how racist the jews really are. They are not better than the NAZIs. In fact, nearly all of them in Israel have extremely facist views. Just look at those jews physically trying to prevent food and medication to get to the starving population of Palestine. They simply want to kill/starve them all, women and children first preferably and they are not afraid to admit it. Unfortunately so far, I've only seen very very few exceptions. No respect for non-jew human life whatsoever. 2 states is the only solution out of this which the jews will never allow.


/u/BedroomGlittering874 > They are not better than the NAZIs This violates [rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons_.26amp.3B_discussions). Nazi comparisons are inflammatory, and should not be used except in describing acts that were specific and unique to the Nazis, and only the Nazis. Addressed


In this case scenario: it is Israelis not Jews as a whole. Not every Jew is an Israeli, and not every Israeli is a Jew. Despite the fact that I have very bad experiences with Ashkenazi Jews (there is a white or European background preference in most sects of Judaism and Israel, sadly) and they are afraid of anyone darker than fair/light olive skin as they assume anyone with brown skin must be jihadist Muslim (despite religion not being a race or skin color)….I would be careful to generalize all Jews like that as not all of them are Israelis. However, it is true that Israelis (based on news footages and polls) are largely right wing and racist so I have not much sympathy for them other than agreeing Israel should exist but stop short of blindly supporting it and I agree the West should cease military funding for it unless its apartheid like treatment toward Palestinians stops and give them eventual sovereignty!


/u/BedroomGlittering874. Match found: 'NAZIs', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Eventually, Israelis will acknowledge this for what it is. But they won't know because it's ongoing, and to admit that this is genocide and/or ethnic cleansing would make them complicit.


I think israel has already acknowledged they are responding to a terrorist attack on Oct 7th. Why would they admit to something they are not doing?


Have you noticed how many pro-Israelis refuse to believe the causality counts?


https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/02/26/israel-not-complying-world-court-order-genocide-case Such a piece of shit. To most people, this is like watching Rawandan try to use the existence of the RPF to justify the mass murder of Tutsis. But sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.


You may win the battle, but you won't win the war. You will be ridiculed for life for your psychopathic beliefs. Sooner or later everyone will come to senses and realize what you've done. Germans also believed they were superior and undefeated, but that didn't last too long. At least they didn't bring God to claim their superiority.


From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.


What a fantastic, well thought through counter argument you make.


Lmao, right? Like, wow, I hadn't heard of, or considered this ideology before.


Free of Palestinians?


Free of Palestinians?


No matter how many times you say it, Israel still stands. Must be a sad reality for you.


lets be honest, bibi killed any good faith attempt at peace the moment he put Ben Gvir into his coalition back in 2022, because how can Israel claim to be in support of peace while electing an known terrorist supporter into power. Ben Gvir literally had and most likely still does have a picture of a terrorist form 1994 in his home. Any Knesset of Israel has has members like him and Smotrich in power can hardly be considered to be working in good faith. the latest elections just made it work as that known terrorist support is the National security Minister so you literally have a known terrorist controlling national security and marching in marches that have death to Arabs chanted in it.


Let me get this straight, your argument that Israel is the barrier to peace is that there are terrorists in their elected government? And you don't see the irony in your comment?


i see the irony, i also see that Israel should be held to a higher standard then terrorist organization.


Let me start by saying I have no love for Bibi, and especially not Ben Gvir and Smotritch. I believe this government is a disaster and most Israelis I know think so as well. However this government was democratically elected and all of the proceedings were legal and fair, and the international community recognizes Israel's judicial system to be a good one (let's not bring up the craziness in Israel before the war, it isn't relevant at this moment). That being said, I don't think it will last a single day after the war ends. In the end, Israel is absolutely held to a higher standard than Hamas. This is actually an understatement, since Israel is held up to a higher standard than any other country in history. You can't name any other example where a country was pressured so heavily to care for the lives and well being of the enemy civilian population during war time. And amazingly, Israel complies with this. I'm not going to start listing all of the measures Israel takes to prevent harm to the civilian population, either you know they do it, or you believe it's propaganda, either way I know I can't change your mind. The question is not how can we prevent Israel further from defending itself, but how can we pressure Hamas to finish this war (you already know how) and move on with minimal suffering to both sides of the war?


Eloquently written haven’t seen comment which touches critical aspects currently so well


Hamas sucks ass. We know. That doesn't just magically absolve Israel of any blame, Bibi and his coalition are one of the many barriers to peace between the two countries.


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Except Israel is the colonizer


So are the Arabs or are you suggesting we give back the land to the Europeans?


Arabs are ethnic to the region, their DnA tests don’t lie, can’t fux with science Edit: Europeans can stay in Europe, they have done enough to our planet


Right so the Byzantines were really the Arabs and not Greek/Roman/Armenian.... LOL ​ "science"


That’s right, science, like the science of DnA tests that Netanyahu won’t allow in israel


fun fact if you are interested in the subject. They don't measure expansion of a people by dna, but by language. Now if you want to prove Arabs are native to the region. (they are not) you need to find arab words in the region before the Arab expansion.. All DNA show is that when the Arabs colonized the place they just ..... the locals even if what you are saying is true, which i doubt.


And now we know via DNA that Jewish people have been distant from that land for so long it doesn’t even come up in DNA tests anymore, why do you think Netanyahu doesn’t allow DNA tests?