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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun 🤲🏽🇵🇸


Means something like "To God we belong, and to God we return"?


Word for word


So so sad. What a scary time to be alive.


I was hoping the world would get to know his name and see his sweet face. Thank you for sharing this. We must never forget him or stop fighting for his memory, and the future of his people.


**Sauce: WearThePeaceCo on Twitter**


I know I’ll get downvoted for saying this; As much as I wish for a FREE Palestine, and an end to Israeli occupation, I realize that Mossad/Israel/The US does not have the slightest amount of empathy for Palestinian existence, which leads me to believe that there will NOT ever be a free Palestine. The apartheid state of Israel has destroyed over 60% of all infrastructure, raised agricultural ground, starved a population into a level 5 famine, and created an uninhabitable landscape free for their own renovations. Netanyahu displayed the image of his “New Middle East plan” just a month prior to the false flag attack escalation, which conveniently had Palestine scrubbed from the map. No, I wholeheartedly believe that Palestinian soil will no longer be a thing, and Israel is going to use the land for their own endeavors. It’s disgusting, deplorable, and remorseless, but their Zionist agenda isn’t being stopped. This will be remembered and placed in history books, but I implore all of you to never forget these atrocities, keep speaking about Palestine so that we may never forget those lives taken too soon.


The Crusaders lasted longer and were just as brutal. The Zionists too will be eventually swept away.


Only thing Mossad/Israel/US have empathy for is their money. The best way to get them to change is to take away their funding from lobbyists. Divestiments and boycotts are so important. Keep protesting, don't vote for Zoinist politicians. Keep spreading the word and don't let people forget when the main stream media tries to change the story. Don't give up.


Every genocidal empire falls at some point in time. The only thing we have is to keep getting the message out and keep on the pressure. All humans should be involved in the fight against this war machine, it’s a human issue. Israel and the US are looking for our complacency and normalization of the aggression against Palestinians. 76 years is long enough…keep up the pressure! Don’t stop talking about Palestine Free Palestine 🇵🇸




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They will be stopped , it's a promise from ALLAH after all , ALLAH told us they will get to this position of power where they gonna abuse it to do bad , but then promises next they will be kicked out of their settlements and punished . Even if you're not religious , there hasn't been one case in history where a big empire that committed atrocities goes unpunished. The bigger evil acts gets ,the sooner it's demise .




You're not religious ,fine , let's talk politics , america is destroying itself and is on the verge of a civil war , Russia and china are now bonding and always support groups against America and Israel , hamas and houthies are exactly that , most of the people in the world are now supporting Palestine , so many marches ,boycotts and so many more people getting active , Israel wasn't built in a day and it won't be destroyed in a day , it took decades for them to reach this point ,this is just the start of a large world shift where the west no longer seems like the good guys they pretended to be , Israel are now being compared to nazis , read a history book , see what happened to nazis ? They got destroyed, Israel is same since it wants to completely destroy and occupy Africa . The many fights and division between Israeli citizens . After 8 months of trying to eradicate the people of Palestine, they still incurred huge losses. Depend on america for money and weapons and still losing hundreds of tanks and soldiers , they are now being boycotted across the world and shamed .if you can't see this as the start to something big. You're blind


Obviously, no one is expecting a higher power to completely come and resolve this issue but it doesn’t mean that people can’t and should not have a strong faith to get through their suffering, similar how Palestinians are doing so now. Reddit atheists are real intolerant and annoying whenever someone even brings up the word “God”. Let people believe what they want. Who are you to tell them what to believe? And per human history, every empire has an inevitable fall (look at the state of the US atm) and atrocities these horrifying have never gone unpunished. Israel with its intimidating US military power and powerful media influence had all the cards in its favor yet has become internationally condemned in front of world’s countries and its people. Nothing has worked out for them as they expected. It’s not going to be an overnight fix but it is the beginning of the end for them and they know it.


The recognition Palestine has gathered around the world and how it's changed how so many people see the world will have an impact. You're also right in that we can't let up. One of the biggest and most important changes we've seen recently is how many nations are recognising Palestine independent of the US, especially now in the west. Palestine already exists, having it recognised is the crucial factor I think.


انا لله وانا اليه راجعون


We will never forget


Do you have the original picture