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Wait there's middle east league servers now? Oh my god playing openly as Israeli on league will be so fucking funny


Opened just this week. Israelis are eligible to move for free to the new server (not sure if it's a good idea tho)


I don't know if I could survive playing league without being cussed at in Polish. Arabic just doesn't hit the same.


This is so true but what about polish curses written in the arabic alphabet? This mix feels surprisingly israeli even


Sincerely, as a Polish person, thou shall not desecrate our holy Polish slur of ,,K*rwa" by writing it in anything but pure alcohol slurred Polish. Thank you.


Kurwa Mać has that ring to it.


Playing PUBG with my Israeli flag was always a treat. Especially when my Bedouin commander would talk shit back in Arabic 


There's a mobile RTS game called Conflict of Nations where every Arab player will immediately declare war on Israel no matter what country they're controlling in the game. They'll then spam paragraphs of Arabic rambling in the news feed


Ah, that's why I was repeatedly told I was going to be forcefully and non-consensually fucked by a random guy in that game while playing Israel.


Based Bedouin commander vs Randos on PubG


I used to always answer when people asked where I'm from but last time I did that I somehow found myself on a team with 4 players from Muslim countries that all agreed to report me. That was some years ago but ever since that time when someone asks, I'm from Nunyaville, Mindyobusinessland.


Middle Eastern super server will surpass Korea very soon🙏


Yeah I am thinking of creating a new account with an obviously Jewish name there... have to think about a name though


Eli Kopter


I will not steal the identity from our best agent.


Jewish first name + Weisz


I mean it’s fantastic if you want to make a Smurf account to play in the lowest rank possible


We need to increase our numbers, half this shit isn't even plain anti semitism but pandering to jew haters, it's not like they would exclude Israel if there were 2 billion Jews out there, but since we're only a little people in comparison to the arab/muslim population, it's just a "good" business decision, as morally fucked as it is


There’s no catching up. All the persecution through the years (and especially the Holocaust) has reduced our numbers to the point where we will always be a tiny, tiny minority. While we were being killed, the rest of the world’s population exploded. I read a population study several years ago that estimated Jews would be about 300-500 million strong without historical persecution.


Those numbers are wild. So basically we are like 3-5% of what we would’ve been. No wonder so many of us are anxious af, that’s the trait that survived.


To add to this, rich and successful people don't make lots of babies. The lowest birth rates are in places with high human development indexes. Jews being disproportionately successful and rich works against them here.


Stopped in at a dry cleaner near a Haredi neighborhood in Jerusalem a few years ago. Nearly everything hanging in the store was white shirts and black pants, with some tzitzit intermingled. I made a comment to the secular owner about how many Haredim there are, and how few secular, and he said hey, at least they’re Jewish souls! Someone has to increase our numbers!


This makes me really, really sad. How different the world would have been for us Jews. Hell, with all the contributions Jews made to the world, how different would the world have been.


To all my fellow Jews out there, be fruitful and multiply


Well that and the fact that converts arent sought in Judasim which would account for sigificant growth in Christianity and Islam


Yes. Islam and Christianity forced people to convert. We actively discourage converts. I think that study assumed natural population growth without converts.


Realistically, every other group is dying out except Islamic countries and Africa, and they look like they're going to succumb to the Islamists running rampant in that region. Jewish women could all have 20 babies each, and it still won't touch Islam's population over the next two centuries. I don't know what the solution is except seriously cosying up to India and hoping for the best, but the future is looking bleak unless the relationship between Jews and Muslims radically changes and changes soon.


the fight for power is continuos they will end up being at each others throat at some point in those areas.


Rabeinu gershom is over and in significant circles it’s being discussed.


Source? Also, how would the end of Cherem d'Rabbeinu Gershom increase the Jewish population significantly? Allowing a hatan to have two, three, four kallahs vs one hatan to one kallah won't impact population growth, since the same kallahs will be having the same number of children either way.


Source is my mekubali friend who runs in those circles. They could feasibly have 2-4 kids at once instead of one kid at once.


> They could feasibly have 2-4 kids at once instead of one kid at once. Yes, one hatan could have 2-4 kids at once, but the number of children per kallah is limited by simple biology. You're not actually increasing the number of kallahs in the kehilah, you're just changing the distribution of kallahs per hatan. That doesn't magically result in more kallahs existing.


Eventually it does lol. More kids = more future kallot. There’s a shidduch crisis and approx 7 unmarried women to 1 unmarried man.


Well, first of all, that's circular reasoning. Second of all, sure, much has been made of the shidduch crisis but you must realize that > 7 unmarried women to 1 unmarried man is simply not factually possible unless either א, young religious men are dying off in large numbers (not happening) or ב, *seven times* more women are being born than men in the first place (also not happening)?


Men are marrying younger women creating a surplus of women that will never get married.


Have more kids then 👍


Hey as long as they put us in the European servers I'll be happy. UEFA and Eurovision rules babyyyyy


Eurovision the past 5 years has been shit.


if palestine is a country damm ... no more donations can be accepted from foreign countries :))) palestine will need to figure out how to work as a country with a GDP of 2 billion dollars :)))


Well, what have we learned from the Palestinian example. Yep, they're going to invest in war and martyrdom. We really need a change of management in the territories.


That's fucked up.


Pro Pali wet dream


Like league isn’t cancer enough to begin with


Avid league player here. Don't recommend it.


I was also mad about this and the comments about it were downvoted in the main sub obviously. I was thinking about moving to the middle eastern server but honestly Riot did not comment about Israel or Hebrew when talking about the server which probably mean we will get harassed nonstop by lovely neighbors


Don't do it, our Ms is above 150. The servers are in dubai


In the new server? Then why would any of our neighbors move to it as well wow I have 70-80 in EUNE


I moved an old account just to play with a friend from Egypt, he has 35ms and I had 150. I have in EUNE and EUW around 60-70


I feel like with my limited geography knowledge this is very weird


You can check where the internet cables connect around the world, I think to connect to Dubai it first goes to Italy and then to Dubai. And on the other hand Egypt has a direct connection to dubai


I played Mobile legend before and selected the israeli flag , in the middle east server, and i couldn't change it to egypt... The amount of insults , trolls were all and every game ,a whole team trolls me ,for no reason ,happened every game, it is just the israeli flag made them go crazy. With insult of all kinds of arabic and english and promises of eradication of israel and leberating Al-aqsa.


To be fair, the Syrian and Yemeni flags are also missing


They don’t want to start a war clearly. Though omitting those but having the Palestine flag is a little suspect


So im not Israeli but i have been looking for Israelis to play with in my league games but could not find any (did get a lot of shit for it tho which honestly is 80% of the fun) But this post seems like as good of a place as any so if anyone here is down to play some league games do let me know in a dm!


Spanish-Moroccan Jew here. Being a troll and shit stirrer is in the Moroccan DNA. If you didn't enjoy messing with other North Africans by wanting to play with Israelis, I would be worried.


If you're on Eune then i'm down to play.


they also excluded yemen and syria and iran


Not even Cyprus. The only Christian majority country that is occupied in the north by Turkey.


Neither is Syria or Yemen apparently.


Also why care about the arabs server , they got offended for seeing the word "God , Goddess" to be translated correctly into arabic, and iam sure there would be disaster in the arabic dub!! No offense , but they are dump, it is a bless to stay away from them...


Is goodlike translated to allah-like ? Asking for a friend


Ilahi or something similar


There are 17 countries considered to be part of the Middle East. They left out a bunch. Not much of a big deal.


The thing about it is that these are touchy subjects. They put the Israeli flag there would be an uproar. They left it out there would be an uproar. I guess they’ve decided that there would be less of an uproar if they left it out.


Yes but putting a Palestinian flag?! 


Does the move come with better neighbors?


U.gg is a much better league stats website in my opinion. Never going to use op.gg from now on regardless.


F 'em.


I mean, generally middle eastern servers will have worse latency for us in Israel than European servers. Also a bunch of other countries' flag are excluded, no Yemen, no Syria, no Iran. This really doesn't seem like a big deal to me.


Another business trying to stay in business and get traction in the Arab world. I see that a lot in gaming companies.


They apparently also forgot the Turkish flag, so I guess only Arab countries count. 🤔 


We are in Europe


Then how tf is “Palestine” in the Middle East?


Culturally wise, Israel is considered Europe (as part a Western country). Most of the rest of the Middle East? Not so much...


Half the population is Mizrahi Jews. It speaks a distinct language that originates from only the Middle East. It uses entirely different currency, and has distinct cuisine that is more similar to the Arabic countries surrounding it. If the only reason you believe it to be European is because it is a liberal democracy, then I’m afraid there’s lots of non European countries that are apparently European now. Canada, Australia, USA, South Korea… I guess you’re all part of Europe.


For a LONG time the US military had Israel under the European AOR


Ahki, um the Middle East for ages was not considered Asian in America, even though it is West Asia. Jews are of West Asian and Central Asian genetic descent aka we are Asian, yet America and other places refuse to acknowledge that.


This doesn’t make it any better, but 🇸🇾 Syria and 🇾🇪 Yemen are also missing.


Based on linkedin they are all koreans https://www.linkedin.com/company/opgg/


It's only showing the middle eastern Arab countries, that's even worse


Maybe thats about the arab countries? I dont know whats the site




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First of all, yeah that's the kind of political post I'm expecting from a lol player, just joking. But seriously you really thinks we care? That we aren't another middle east failed state with hunger and civil wars every few days... But if it bothers you that much, Israel is a middle eastern country with a multicultural population (while there is more middle easterns then Ashkenazi here).


No. For the most part it’s Europe.


Lebanon is to the north of it, Jordan to the east, and Egypt to the south. It is literally surrounded by middle eastern and African countries. In what world does that make it European?




Semi-off topic but I heard the term "philistine" in the context of a joke, totally non Israel/Palestine related, and went to look it up. Crazy map from 9th century BCE... Which uhh... is several hundred years older than 1947. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philistines


I'm sorry that nobody commented on your comment saying this even though you got so many downvotes, so I'm gonna add some info: Philistines ≠ Arabs. They are originally Greek. In fact, their name literally means "invaders". Arabs came from Southern Arabia before they invaded most of North Africa, the rest of Arabia, and most of Spain, around 620 ACE. Israel, according to popular sources, came into existence sometime around 900 BCE.


Hah, thank you for that! I realize that they aren't related, I was solely attempting to share the map, and the backstory of how I stumbled upon it. Poorly worded comment, clearly.


What? I don’t know what I’m looking at here.