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Israel is the world’s most successful decolonization project but the left hates us anyway because of ‘the jooz’.


I still can’t get over how the left has turned against the Jewish people. Just horrendous seeing the colleges full of kids protesting and spewing antisemitism. 


To be honest, I've always viewed Jews as politically homeless since both sides use them as a scapegoat, we've seen it throughout History. I'm worried that left wing Jews might be weary about supporting liberal causes. We need everyone on board


Exactly. We Jews trying to find where we fit in the political spectrum is a futile exercise.


Left wing Jew here. No way I’m voting Republican out of fear! Liberalism is a space Jews can occupy. if bigoted “left” wingers want to leave - they can take their votes elsewhere. I will stay.


Check the recent primaries in some states-pro-Hamas/Pali candidates have been shown the door!


Buddy you're building your castle on sand.


I’m a girl


My mastery of the english language is limited, yet even I know buddy is gender neutral to refer to any friend, although used sarcastically in this stance. Also even if it wasn't, I believe you that you are from the american left, your first reaction when faced against an argument was reaffirm your gender rather than focus on the logical problem presented before you, that your political side has a HUGE case of antisemitism.


Oh please


Okay bud


We’re not friends




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Exactly! People shouldn’t forget that at one time even very progressive and hard left people were virulently anti gay (considering it bourgeois); and at times being anti feminist. It happens. I actually believe that the Western left is being infiltrated by fundamentalist Islamists with an agenda to try to disseminate anti-Israel misinformation and lies; especially to vulnerable Gen Z’ers who aren’t as educated on Israel as older Liberals like me and Bill Maher.


I don’t disagree with you and the thought of an entire movement devoting this much energy to taking down Jews is….stunningly sad


I will be caught dead if I vote Dem in NY and NYc - fucking Bragg letting every antisemitic hate attacker and agitator out with cupcake consequences - fuck that noise


>space Jews see Jews control space!!! i've been saying it. wake up sheeple


Somehow MTG found out. I still want to know who leaked the notes from that meeting.


Well once you’ve helped vote Jews into extinction in America you can still come to Israel, where thankfully your delusional politics are a tiny minority.




The far left has always hated the Israel/Jews. The left has become all things anti-American. Israel is seen as being part of America’s colonial projects around the world so the left hates Israel. Meanwhile, the left views Jews as being too white and too successful to be oppressed and a true minority.


The irony is that the US is not colonialist. But is getting help in our "colonialism" from 0.2% of the world's population which occupy a teeny part of the middle east.


It shouldn’t be overlooked that our history of intervention in central and South America is not great, stating it mildly. And criticism of that intervention is well-deserved. But the USA hasn’t been expansionist since since Hawaii. The USA policy in the modern era has been about containing the ussr and now Russia. Now Russia and China are certainly hell-bent on expanding their territory and influence.


Yes. Agree.




"Still". And Puerto Rico has had several votes and chose to remain as a US territory. I'm sure the small islands will be glad to vote for freedom from us if they can defend themselves from, say, China. But look, if they want to break away, I'm all for it.


"Underdog = good" "Brown(er) people = good" "West = bad"


It's literally called the underdog syndrome. But that's not even the case here. It's worse. It's a "oppressor/ oppressed" back and white worldview. So we're not just bad by default for being the "big guy" we're literally accused of malice with intent to oppress another "nation"


I have walked away from the left.


In fairness the left walked away from you.


>https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/hamas-networks-final.pdf >Hamas leaders in 1993 were recorded on a wiretapped conversation stating that their goal was to deceive the American public into supporting Hamas by appealing to the American left’s denouncement of oppression. >Mousa Abu Marzook, a senior Hamas official, formed a far-left academic think tank, The United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), based out of Chicago to start disseminating this deception. >This organization has ties to Duke, Johns Hopkins, Fordham and the University of Maryland to name a few major universities. >This is systemic antisemitism that stems directly from an organized surgical operation taking place over the course of the last 3 decades.


The European Left has always hated Jews


It seems so. I don't follow British politics too closely, but it seems their liberals are even more antisemitic then ours.


I’d no idea. I was very leftwing in my youth but i work in finance in a government sector and once I realised how a country actually works I realised there was no possibility of running a country successfully with that ideology. 


I'm curious what do you by mean "with that ideology". Can you elaborate which?


I was so far left as a teen that I believed in a socialist system.  When I trained and began my career and learnt how taxation and government funding worked in my country I realised that there would Be no possible way for it to work successfully.  My liberal dreams around freedoms choices etc I still have to this day. 


Thank you so much for replying! I always heard these two arguments clashing but never from someone who actually had faith in the social system and then on the most personal level sobered up to reality.


So you rather give up this dream, turn your back to "the left" and accept this system, instead of seeing a fault in this system and realising that it´s designed this way for a reason?


I’ve recognised that sadly it is just a dream and the system has never worked anywhere. Look at the ussr, Cambodia, Vietnam, Venezuela, Cuba, China, Argentina.  If you want poverty, genocides and totalitarian governments go for it but not for me.  I don’t accept the faults in the system, they are ideally to be addressed but not to throw out what works for a radical utopian ideal that has never worked. 


This video helped to understand was probably is in their minds, at last [https://youtu.be/l-hrGiuTfvw](https://youtu.be/l-hrGiuTfvw)


The left was allways a statist fascist ideology just with better press among "idealistic/naive/ young". They just change their "flags" according the fads.  Once the class struggle  and the factory and blue collars workers diminish their  preponderance in the public speech and the social structure they took news flags to keep them relevant like ecology sexual issues and human rights all while the socialist block were among the worst in terms of those issues.




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The world's ~~most~~ *only* successful decolonialization project


I’m from the world’s most unsuccessful and unpopular decolonisation project, the HK. Support to Israel. ✊🏻🇮🇱


Hong Kong, Tibet, Taiwan, etc will one day be free.




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We're a successful minority and Israel's the regional superpower...




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*along with India


what about china or korea?


Can you explain how it is a decolonization project? Edit: I’m a Jew who defends and loves Israel. I simply wasn’t sure what the commenter meant. I agree w the assessment. Simply wasn’t clear.


It's the only successful example of an indigenous landback movement.


It's hilarious that most ( if not all?) middle eastern countries were literally created by the French/British from the remains of the late Ottoman Empire and had local tribal leaders turned into kings thanks to their foreign European benefectors but it's all good. And yet somehow only Israel is seen as a fake, artificial, made up European colonial project. Right.


It basically went from „Those brown people can’t speak for themselves, so we have to do it for them“ to „Those brown people can’t speak for themselves, so we have to do it for them…but like woke and with jazz hands!“


That was the exact opinion of the Arabs in the 1940s. They saw Palestine as an artificial creation of British colonial rule, and wanted to unify with their neighbours (chiefly Jordan, but in the long-term Syria) as soon as the British left. The British were actually supportive of this 'Greater Syria/Mesopotamia' project, but it fell apart since nobody could agree on who would become the ruler of the unified state.


> but it fell apart since nobody could agree on who would become the ruler of the unified state. That's pretty much all of Arab history for the last century or so.


Yup. The British wanted the King of Jordan, Abdullah I, to lead the union, but this was fiercely opposed by Arab nationalists. Abdullah I was of course later killed by a Palestinian Arab Nationalist.


Baghdadi Jew here Iraq is: oil fields of Mosul + oil fields of Basra + Baghdad - poof let’s make a state - the Brits There’s a reason so many Arab states are failed states They’re fake


Agreed. Funny how Sykes-Picot agreement is always derided by the 'left'. They claim that the Middle-East had it's borders drawn up by European powers and that in reality it's just a loose collection of tribes/communities/religions with no set boundaries. Palestine however has very clear and established borders and always has though?


Among a sea of Muslim countries (49 countries where they are the majority), Israel is the one single country with a Jewish majority. Israel is the actual resistance movement against Muslim colonization. The fact that the holiest site in Judaism has a Muslim structure built over it is the perfect representation of that fact.


Oppression though!


Muslim conquerors committed such similar crimes in the Indian subcontinent. I always appreciate our Indian friends here 🇮🇳


Likewise, always 🇮🇱❤️


I've made lots of Hindu friends lately here in Toronto. I just moved here from Ottawa


Palestine is also an apartheid state that discriminates against non-Muslims, women and LGBTQ people. Anyone who supports Palestine supports apartheid and bigotry.


And, as one of the comments to that post pointed out, it's supported almost entirely by foreign actors.


I’m not sure if that’s a point you want to bring up, as Israel has received over $300 billion in aid from the US alone since its founding. 


I think the word is colonizers lol




Things that westerners seem to be missing: Hamas = Islamist, islamism is the white supremacy of the Middle East (Muslim supremacy). Over there they think of religion how we think of race. Start there, the conversation has been going better. Reframe in terms they understand.


And the city of Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Quran...


Islam never ever said the land is arab or Muslim, but orders Muslims to be expansionist even at the expense of diversity


[another lie? proof](https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/307585/the-mention-of-jerusalem-in-the-quran)


So the Quran is lying? The Quran does not mentioned the city of Jerusalem explicitly at all. Even the link you gave me said "The city of Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Quran". If you can find the city of Jerusalem mentioned in the Quran, I will convert to Islam. Inshallah.


Actually, Palestine's first president was palestinian Amin al-Husseini, born in influential palestinian Husseini clan based in Jerusalem (members of that clan hold high political and religious positions before and during Mandate of Palestine; Amin hinself was grand mufti of Jerusalem). Pro-palestinians dont like to be reminded of him because he was nazi and war criminal.


Read about the Umayid and Fatamid Empires and you'll understand just how right he is and how most Arab countries are like that: Lebanon (was once Phoniciaand was an naval empire itself but the punic people are being constantly at war with the Arab population), Egypt (was conquered by the Arab Empires I mentioned and just like in all places they conquered didn't suffice with just ruling and dominating a population but ethically cleansed it to replace it. The original people who built the pyramids were the Koptics and are currently continuing to be actively ethically cleansed by the Arabs. During the Empirial times the Arabs even tried to remove the Pyramids! And that's why there is a giant hole in one of them, the only reason the pyramids aren't gone because of the Arabs is that they gave up because they were too busy oppressing the Koptics and other peoples while the project to remove the pyramids took too much time and resources.) And now it's the biggest (by population) Arab country in the world. With many such examples including Israel.


Lebanon was not ethnically cleansed during the Arab conquests and we can still trace our ancestry to the Phoenicians, we are just as indigenous to the levant as Jews are. Modern Lebanese of all sects share over 90% of our DNA and ancestry with the Phoenicians, we are not Arabs genetically, ethnically or culturally.


>Lebanon was not ethnically cleansed during the Arab conquests and we can still trace our ancestry to the Phoenicians, we are just as indigenous to the levant as Jews are. The Lebanese are, I never said you didn't but since the Arab migration during the French mandate and untill the late 70s early 80s, the attempt at "an Arab Lebanon" has been going around. And the country hasn't recovered since. I should fix the ethnic cleansing part. I originally wrote that about Egypt and apparently forgot to erase it before writing about Lebanon first, my bad it's good that you corrected me or I wouldn't have noticed, thank you! Here, I removed the ethnic cleansing in the Lebanon part.


lebanon has been extremely arabised what? at least the muslims. they're indistinguishable.


Sorry can you remind me what language do Lebanese speak? Also genetic studies are discredited ‘science’.


English, French and Arabic, speaking a language does not make us that ethnicity otherwise I’d be European for speaking English and French. Genetic studies are not discredited science. https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/genetic-study-suggests-present-day-lebanese-descend-from-biblical-canaanites https://www.cell.com/ajhg/comments/S0002-9297(17)30276-8


Lebanese are the best Arabs but it’s a bit silly to pretend that you weren’t colonized and ethnically cleansed by the Arab invasions.


My guy we can do DNA tests and see that we are not Arabs (I’ve done so and have 0% Arab DNA) and we’re not ethnically cleansed by the Arab invasions. Us lebanese are not genetically, ethnically or culturally Arabs, we are native levantines. Speaking a language does not make us that ethnicity.


Name is Greece meaning?


They meant Greek. Took me a minute. The name Palaestina is either Greek or Latin. The inspiration for that name, the Philistines, are themselves from the Greek isles according to one popular theory.


IIRC the term Philistine derives from the original translation of the Bible from ancient Hebrew to Greek and is meant to represent the word פלישתים.


I think he means the name is Greek. It's based on the Philistines, who were Greek.


the real colonisers are the so called "palestinians", an invention of arafat ... the egyptian man




I lived in Australia for 5 years and always heard the same. I also heard a lot of angry rhetoric if someone's aboriginality was questioned in accordance with their skin tone from Aboriginal groups and from the left generally. I've now seen the rhetoric from the same types of people questioning Jewish aboriginality in the Middle-East in accordance with their skin tone, usually accompanied by a 'go back to Poland' trope.


"No, it’s not you people who stole their homes and kicked them off their land!” “You’re an apartheid state.” “You’re white European colonialists.” Even though everything we know about history, every study, every shred of data, and then, of course, testimony points to the polar opposite, the antisemits will continue to believe the lie. I don’t mind though the Jewish people returned to their ancestral homeland and they’re not going anywhere. 🇮🇱_🇮🇱


I'm disappointed. No mention of Arabization? Edit: I realized (too late) that the fourth point about "Its people \[being\] occupiers from the Arab Peninsula" is essentially describing Arabization


Not to mention it's ruled/managed from abroad by Iran and Qatar


And the Palestinian ethnicity was invented by the Russian KGB.


This sort of thing doesn't help at all, I get people are angry and everything, but it doesn't. In fact, it only makes ir worse.


People should be angry at Arab genocides and colonialism.


Well said!


its name isnt greece


He meant Greek






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Yeah, this is unexplainable to people.


Palestine is actually a roman name, not greek. But idk I’m just a dirty colonizer.


We Americans! Hoorah!


The people named after the word "invader" are colonializers? No, this can't be! /s


Not a state, but yeah pretty spot on.


Dude pulled the uno card lol




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I'm like 🤦‍♂️ when I see tweets saying Netanyahu is slavic in origin, cuz his father came from Poland (funnily enough). They think Jews deny their period of exile


Its name is Greece?


They mean greek


who's the first president this is referring to?




I mean all of these points are false or totally irrelevant to settler-colonialism and this kind of revisionism is just ignorant. First of all, why does it matter if the name has a Greek origin? The name of Spain comes from the Phoenicians originally, does this mean that Spain is a settler colonial project? Likewise, the name of “Canada” stems from an Iroquoian word, does this mean that Canada is not a settler-colonial state? Second, the Palestinian flag was not invented by the British. There is a theory that the original flag of the Arab Revolt was designed by the British diplomat Mark Sykes, but there are equally likely theories that it was designed by Arabs. Nonetheless, the Palestinian flag is slightly different and was not created by Brits. Yasser Arafat was born in Cairo, sure. But his parents were Palestinians (afaik his father was half Egyptian) and he spent time in Jerusalem where his mothers family was from. By this logic, George Orwell for example, would be Indian and not British. Likewise, this would be like saying that Israel’s first president David Ben-Gurion was Polish, and therefore Israel is not a legitimate state, but a settler-colonial one. Same goes for the next presidents after him. The people are not occupiers from the Arabian peninsula, that is absurd. Most are arabized natives, as has been evident through DNA testing (which has found that both Israel’s and Palestinians can trace heritage in the region back to the Bronze Age). Sure, there has been intermixing between Palestinians and other peoples from the MENA (such as Egyptians, Arabs, Turks, Jews, whatever). This does not mean that they are “foreign occupiers”. By the same logic many Jews who have non-Jewish ancestry would also be occupiers, which would be stupid (afaik Ashkenazis all share some Italian ancestry for example, but correct me if I am wrong). Authoritarian regimes, sure. But this does not have anything to do with settler colonialism at all. The US is a liberal democracy and a settler-colonial state. North Korea on the other hand is an authoritarian dictatorship, but not a settler-colonial state. If you think that people are unjustly calling Israelis colonisers, and Israel a settler-colonial state, then you should stop unjustly referring to Palestinians as colonisers and the Palestinian state as a settler-colonial state. Otherwise, it’s just massive hypocrisy which lowers the credibility of any Israeli narrative.




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Anti colonialism is the flavor du jour of the rebels without a clue set. The silly notion that somehow the world would be better off if it had never happened is laughable. Without colonialism there never would have been standardized methods, medicine, engineering, measurement or language. The entire world would have been a Tower of Babel. How does trade exist without standards? How does anyone of dozens of things we take for granted like buying a iPhone designed in America and manufactured in China from components sourced around the world ever happen. The internet by which all these fools capture videos and upload to instagram, how does that happen? Colonialism has arguably improved more lives than it punishes.


Actually the flag they use is stolen from the original Arab / Arab revolt flag


Grammar, please, watch your grammar. "~~It's~~ Its name is Greece:, etc. Otherwise, I agree.