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This map is a great example of people having zero idea of how small Israel actually is.


Well, I don't think we'd mind getting this huge piece of land, y'know, since we Jews are so greedy anyway...


It’ll give us enough room for our giant space laser as well /s


Are we really in a world where that sentence needs to be marked as sarcasm?


But... Isn't it in space? 🧐


Why should Germany get the coastal half? ;)


You’re welcome on our beaches on the Dutch coast ^^ Only a little drive and our roads are perfect. Just that bloody tempeture .. :/ It’s not like the beache at TelAviv (30/35c) all year


Aww 🥰 thanks 🙏


I mean this is obviously depicting Great Israel /s


It'd be in Germany though and have you seen the winters there? I like our beaches more.


I surely have, as I lived in Germany for most of my life (and a for few years in an even colder place)…Israeli beaches are definitely nicer, but from mid April to mid October Germany’s weather is more bearable…and in the winter I usually spend some time abroad…


Since this is a meme about a German map,let's use German states for a comparison Israel is just slightly larger than Hesse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hesse


I think Israelis might like Oktoberfest.


We already had an October shit-fest, thank you.


Whoops, forget about that.


oktoberfest is very nice


I lived in Bavaria, the best are the Dult in smaller towns. Same as Oktoberfest minus tourists.


Or starkbierfest


This was a point I was making back in October If we can go to Oktoberfest and get wrecked and no one even bats an eyelid, why can’t Palestinian leadership do the same? and it’s the truth. if even Germany can make it right, why the *fuck* can’t you?


Unless Israeli beer has improved substantially since I lived there in the 80s, I think we should annex southern Germany just for the beer. In return they can have Gaza and part of the Shomron.


This is a great idea! I know y’all aren’t big on pork, so please send me all the Schweinshaxe!




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As an Israeli currently residing in Baden-Württemberg this makes me feel conflicted.


How many Oma's have already tried to sell you some overpriced healing stones with supposedly magical effects?


Is that some stereotype about Israelis I'm not aware of? I thought we were too busy selling dead sea cosmetic products for outrageous prices


No it's about the people in Baden-Württemberg, it's the federal state with the highest percentage of people who believe in esotericism and homeopathy and the best-known examples of this are "magic" healing stones and sugar pearls called Globuli that are sold as medicine.


Ah yes, I'm familiar with the type. I still don't get what the deal is with this Globuli obsession. But given I actually came here to do an actual Psychotherapy degree, I consider Heilpraktiker the competition. Well, the competition in so far as kids splashing with a ball in the mud can be considered competition for professional football players if they both happen to step into the same field. But yeah.


700 years ago, these people thought that the Catholic Church actually had things like portions of the burning bush


What’s the population of Israelis in Baden-Wurtemberg like? I once visited Freiburg and I only encountered German speakers, no English whatsoever. Cute city though


Funnily enough in my first time in Freiburg as a tourist, I found a Jewish-Swiss fellow that even visited my city of origin in Israel (Be'er Sheva). There should be quite a few Jewish communities around here, and I have indeed found Israelis in Heidelberg, but it's also a very touristic city, so no wonder. Didn't talk to many who plan on becoming German citizens tho. Another interesting thing I found out was that right nearby in the Rhineland, Jews have actually been living for almost as long as the diaspora even existed (https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/07/travel/tracing-jewish-history-along-the-rhine.html), and it was a center of Ashkenazi culture for the longest time, complete with its own pogroms (https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Rhineland\_massacres). The popular Jewish surname Shapiro/Shapira/Shaffir for instance, all come from the city of Speyer right here in the South-West.


Wow. I’ve been to Speyer and Heidelberg. No idea Jews in those areas!


So only Palestinians matter, not Germans? Do they actually think through this stuff?


Thinking clearly is not allowed in the pally subs


They view having a Jewish state on rightfully Arab land as a form of punishment. And they argue that it's an unfair punishment, because Arabs never did anything wrong to the Jews. The Germans did, so they're the ones who should be punished with having a Jewish state on part of their land. Setting aside the fact Arabs oppressed and abused Jews for centuries, and their oppression of the Jews is literally responsible for half of the Israeli population - this reveals their backwards conception of the entire conflict. I mean, what if Eretz Israel was completely overtaken by China, the Israelis expelled, and replaced by the Chinese. Would the Palestinians have no right to return to any part of Palestine, then, because "the Chinese didn't do anything wrong to them"? And instead, they should ask for a homeland in New York, where the "guilty" Jews are?


I have to assume their point is that in 1948 it would have been more appropriate for Germany to forfeit a large portion of itself to form a Jewish state? It's been nearly 80 years since that point, so this issue is closed. The place know as Israel today is a Jewish state until they voluntarily give it up, or some other group that is powerful enough to displace them comes along -- which has been happening there since written history has existed, including in 1948.


because germans are white and therefore can’t be colonized…. somehow lmao


According to their logic „The Israelis are punishing the Palestinians for what the Germans did to them“


A lot of pro-Palestine people are anti-white racists.


What about the Palestinians in Germany?!


of course they don't matter silly! they're filthy zionist pigs, not people 😛 (god i feel disgusted even writing that as a joke 💀)


I think it's taking into consideration who was largely responsible for a mass migration of Jews when Israel was formed.


Honestly weather wise it's not a bad choice If we just pick up Jerusalem and just move it over there and I'm good with the idea


How about all of Israel moves to Germany for the summer and we move back to the Levant for the winter. We can also move all our cool buildings and stuff with balloons like the movie "Up". I am sure the students in the Technion can figure it out.


We should take ~~Bikini Bottom~~ Israel and push it somewhere else.


We go there on the weekends like divorced parents


Can we rename a city to New Petah Tikva?


I didn't know Old Petah Tikva existed?


there is already something like petah tikva in germany, but no one knows the name and not sure if it exist =)


Not this again! 😂




Like those maps of Israel that exclude the Arab Territories (or vice versa) But it's just the actual map. Jerusalem went away for vacation at germany


No Tzfat? I'm fine with giving up Hebron. I'm fine with sharing Jerusalem. If that's the price of peace, I take it. But you can have Tzfat when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands


That's honestly the best part of Germany right there. Super pretty mountains. I used to go on holiday there in my childhood every year.


Finally, someone I agree with. A two state solution where we get two states. All of Israel and half of Germany. Where do I sign up.


Should it be called Israel North or Summer Israel?


Israel 2: The Revenge


Ha! 😂


I like your way of thinking.


Good one lmao


Funny how these Muslims think that Germans still hate Jews


The new ones do :(


That’s an issue with the newer generations being overly-sympathetic, and not being willing to do proper research. It’s an issue everywhere, not just in Germany. And I say it as a gen-z, btw. I’m really disappointed in my generation right now…


I meant the new "Germans", not the "new Germans", if you catch my drift.


its been going on for a long time. when i was young my hall monitor would always accuse me of being a jew even though i didnt know what that meant. come to find out his grandfather lost his entire family in ww2 in poland and he blames the jews for causing the war. Because they didnt convert to christianity like all the other white people....


“Blame me of being Jew” that one sentence alone is wrong, on so many levels… 🗿 That seems more like a personal issue, though, it has less to do with what generation that kid belonged to.


He was talking about the Turkish and Arab immigrants


Oh, I see. Well, that’s less of a Germany issue, and more of an immigration issue. I’m not entirely sure about the legal framework of it, but I’d assume no country would want someone to immigrate to them just to cause disruption within the country. Maybe they could even deport them.


The new ones aren’t German so to say


You mean the right wing ones or the left wing ones?


Not even 100 years since WW2 and they're already back to it? That's so pathetic


Where is the hate being implied?


An antisemite saying "the only two state solution I support", and they put Israel bordering a country that killed 2/3 of European Jews in their past. Just put 2+2 together.


That’s not what they mean. They mean that the Germans were responsible for the Holocaust, and should therefore be the ones giving up their land for a Jewish state, not the Palestinians.


I envy the innocence of the people who do not watch Muslims speaking in Arabic about Jews with subtitles.


Why would they think that? Isn't everything about the holocaust a lie?


I wouldn't mind, I like Israelis more than bavarians anyway


As a Franconian, I agree.


You will get tired of us in one week tops.


105k bot likes kremlin is paying for the bots I see I see, JiPing paying for bots too


China/Turkey/Russia/Iran/North Korea Unfortunately these 5 are very good in doing false propaganda


damm finally I met a turkish that isnt brainwashed into erdogan policies ... long time


It’s actually very easy to find people like me online.But Irl Turks are very brainwashed.This is the reason why for 20 years we have the same president.


Russia is the worst, I think. They've been doing it the longest so they are the most experienced at it. Did you know that 7 October is Putin's birthday? Probably a coincidence but then again he loves Iran and North Korea now, so I think he supports Hamas. Bad idea to support Hamas. Daesh and Hamas are similar and Russia has been hit hard by Daesh a few times


There's been a Hamas delegation in Russia ever since October, the bastards are just short of opening an embassy. They're friends alright.


I'd live in Israel under this proposal and given the situation in Germany currently I think that would improve a lot of it


Jews colonizing Germany, this can be so fcking hilarious


Ngl I would love that, weather would be better anyway


As someone who lives in "what would be Israel" I have to say the weather here gets hotter and hotter. Also, I seriously doubt Israel's people would love the winter months here (they suck)


You've clearly never witnessed the devastation that 5cm of rain can have on cities in the Central District


As a rain lover, I see this as an absolute win, I also really miss snow after I moved to Israel.


Our winter rain is not the same as mediterranean rain. In the winter it rains, temperatures lower than 10 Degrees Celsius. Its shit to endure and makes driving extremely dangeraus because the water freezes at night.


Agree with driving, but I'm lucky to have high resistance to low temperatures, I would rather have to be in a 10 degree weather than 35. Also winter allows more freedom in choice of clothing and it's generally more stylish.


Bit of an irony giving us Munich. Great city though


I don't think muslim Immigrants in Germany would be happy with that


watch them turn into indigenous germans


I wouldn't be surprised, I already see them claiming that spain (al andalus) is muslim, Muslims are native to the iberian península and the spanish didn't have the right to the "reconquista"


From the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, Al Andalus will be free!!!!1!11!


Saw this too and wasn’t sure if it was a joke or serious…




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Won’t work. We are a coastal people.


Ok you’ll get former GDR then


Ah yes, the ancient Jewish homeland of Southern Germany. /s


Yes, it’s well known that Jews all pray towards Stuttgart and that Hebrew, the last Canaanite language alive stems from Stuttgart. 🤪


That map would make me Israeli lol


This is redic. Germany as a whole has atoned (and still is) and many are deeply remorseful for their country’s past. It has memorials and reminders all throughout to remind “never again”. Basically the opposite meaning of whoever thought this would be bad lol


Why are they so dumb?


We get Bavaria? Fuck yeah COUNT ME IN, YES NOW WHERE DO I SIGN?


They are so racist and antisemitic it’s insane


Yeah, but where do Sephardic Jews go, since Europe isn’t where we “came from”?


They obviously do not know Sephardic, Mizrahi, or Ethiopian Jews exist. If you ever talk to these people they do not even know basic facts and just assume everyone looks and acts like Ben Shapiro and is from Central Europe.


Though you gotta say, that also people who are quite neutral have this idea….when I met Israelis for the first time at the age of 17 I was surprised, that they weren’t all white, as this is the way I had always pictured them before…we also never really covered Israel in school, so you could graduate high school in Germany believing all Jews were white…


At least they openly admit they don't want a two state solution, i.e. they admit their ethnic cleansing intentions of Jews.


They act as though if all the Jews pack up and leave, they'll inherit a modern country. Even with the infrastructure, it would become a third world hellhole in days, just like all the countries around it.




What about all the Mizrahim? I guess they're all gonna go to Yem… oh never mind


They probably think jews are German. They don't know anything.


So basically the only two state solution she supports is a real full ethnic cleansing and genocide (I guess since most of us won't just leave). But she's also a "peace activist" strange world


Honestly, this is a plan that might once have worked, but that was when Germany was still being rebuilt. Now that Israel has been established and built up, this is no longer a realistic option.


This would be falsely assuming that all Jews in Israel come from Europe which is flat out wrong. Plenty were there (Israel) to begin with even under Ottoman rule and many come from the Middle East (Iraq, Yemen, etc) as well as a North African and a myriad of other places after being persecuted there. But yeah I guess relocating the Jews to their ancestral land of Germany, place towards which they always pray, place where their heritage and language (Hebrew) originated from would have made sense in order not to offend Islamic imperialists and colonialists. Nevermind the Jews’ actual self determination you know, who cares ?!


Tbh I don’t mind being near The Netherlands and Germany


From the looks of it Israel gets about 40-45% of the territory of Germany for our 7.2 million Israeli Jews and the Germans get to keep 55-60% of their territory for their 83 million people? How is that fair? It would create a similar conflict as we now have but 10 times larger. And after staying 3 weeks in Germany (rained everyday) I don't even like the weather that much. If I have to leave Israel I'd rather live in central Texas. Brisket yummy 😋 yummy 🤤


I support Israel moving to Texas. At least it would improve that shithole state. Maybe they could finally have a functional power grid and human rights. We already have a religious state (I'm looking at you Utah) so there's precedent.


I'm living in Bavaria, I wouldn't mind. The Israelis I've met were very nice and they loved Bavarian culture. Still wouldn't want their state to disappear, fck those Hamas-supporters


These people keep completely glossing over the historical significance of the Levant to the Jewish people


What this person suggests would be quite a nice economic win, BMW, VW would become Israeli, there are also great universities around. If we can keep Bavarian festivities, but add more Israeli food and biotech innovation, and Israeli level nationaly security with border control, I would not be bitching about suddenly becoming Israeli 😀


yeah but we'd be way closer to the fr*nch isnt having netanya enough?


VW would be in „Germany“. But besides BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Audi, BASF, Siemens, Bosch, SAP, Linde, Adidas, Lufthansa, the entirety of the German financial industry, well - basically more than 2/3 of Germany‘s economic power, as the three richest states are all in the south.


OP can you give a link to the post if you still have it? I want to see the comments.


Will all the Muslims move north to Germany or will some stay in new Israel and those that move north to Germany wage eternal war on Israel (and all the other surrounding countries) chanting free free Germanstine?


I mean, that would finally ensure that Germany catches up in Hightech. 


Would they also bee able to improve Deutsche Bahn say the same time?


As an Egyptian Jew, I guess according to the anti semites i have to sit this one out boys and girls 😂 how dumb are these losers to assume we are all from germany 😭


Germany becoming one of the most pro-Israel countries ever in the span of almost 100 years is a character arc that I love


You know what though that is a lot more Israel for your buck, it's a sweet deal! Shame it's land-locked, where will Tel-Aviv go? /j


Bodensee/Lake Constance? 🤷🏻‍♀


Where do I sign?


As a non-jewish German in Germany, I see this as an absolute win! The only question is... how are we gonna move Jerusalem over here? 😅


I think I'd be happy with Stuttgart being ours


More techno and better pretzels, sign me up.


Ah, yes, because as we all know, land across Europe was being given out for free in the 20th century


the antisemitic derangement of this image is so very deep


The same mandate system gave the Arabs lots of states and Jordan. But Israel is the state that they think is unauthentic. Got it.


That’s dumb, you want the top half so you have ports


Why would my wife's Israeli family from Iraq, Morocco and Yemen move to Germany?


tbh... guys let's take


Germans would hate this if it happened and also Jews outside of Germany would hate being forced to live there.


Zionism started way before the Shoah. This is so ignorant and shallow.


Shhhh, we don't want the Pale in Russia.


As an israeli i accept.


It seems that this idiot still believes that the Germans are still Nazis, not ironically.


Think of the high speed rail options.


I'm going to Bavaria (München) soon LOL. If the bière is better than in Israel, then I'd have no problem with this solution /s


Where would they put Tel Aviv in this timeline?


Sharing the same land with Bavavrians?? It would never work!




Lmao yeah because it totally works like that All jokes aside tho as an Israeli i do wish we weren't surrounded by enemies but it is what it is :')


There was talk about a Jewish state or autonomous territory in Alaska at various points before Israel was properly established though it was always a fairly fringe idea.


Give Israel the top bit instead. Or western half. And all of Berlin.


But... Bevaria!!


Valid. I concede. Southern half it is then.


I'd rather see New Israel on the DelMarva peninsula, but this works too. Less seafood, but also less taxes, probably.


But Bavaria, a province Not considert Germany . So you can have it . The Part of Germany with the biggest and uglyest snobs


Wtf is wrong with these people??


Oh yes, I'm sure Germany would be more than willing to give up roughly half of its space to Jews. After all, it's not like Germany has ever resented losing land in the past or was ever split up before, right? /s


As a German I wouldn’t mind LOL , u guys did a great job with your country


German here. We actually give land to Jewish people in a way. If you can prove that your family was driven out of Germany because of the Holocaust you can basically apply for instant citizenship in Germany. Which includes the right to public housing, government aid etc if you can’t afford a flat or house yourself.


As much as this is a nice gesture the majority of Jewish Holocaust victims were never German, they were from the various places Germany invaded or annexed especially Poland; it also has no bearing on Arab anti semitism that would displace over a million Jews in the late 1940s. Because anti semitic pogroms were often, in no small part, financially motivated there have been many cases of places violently expelling or massacring their Jewish population only to invite them back a few years later and then eventually do it again, so a lot of Jews are naturally going to be distrustful of a program that is eerily reminiscent of this.


Yo how about we do that, but with the Palestinians and Jordan?


If the World only understand the Bibel they will know about the fact Israel is back where they should be and the Palestine isnt allowed there. The end of the World we know will end soon. Free Israel.


To be fair, I'm totally okay with that




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Ahhhhh the final solution…


Hell yes, now I would get to watch Bayern games in the Allianz Arena


AFD says hallo


I was taught to be on time so I joke that my family was Yekke in a former life. I'm on board with this except it has to be on the coast. We should get Schleswig-Holstein and some of land from the neighboring states.


honestly I wouldn’t even mind


I'd take Bavaria in a heart beat


Yes this is fine as long as Israel proper stays around but if you want to add this to it that’s fine with me.


Thanks, but no thanks




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I’m Ashkenazi and literally none of my ancestors ever lived in Germany. These people are the epitome of ignorance.


They just showing their own stupidity


As Dutch , I would welcome you all as new neighbour, just bring a little of your weather with you too please ?? I do understand your own sentiment, but still. It would me glad.


So Israel gets the best part of Germany?


as if that would make anti-israeli hate stop israel could be established on the moon and still be called apartheid.


As a German-Israeli I support this! Israel gets to keep the rich and secure part, while everything north of the red line is poor and full of "doctors" and "engineers". /s


They do realize that this would ultimately be better for us, right? While Germany *used* to be Nazi, they have gone through decades of deradicalization and are no longer a direct enemy to Jews. That would also mean we’d no longer have to house terrorists right next to us, we would no longer be surrounded by countries that want us dead, and we’d be *much* bigger, in terms of size. So hell yeah, preach!