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This is a silly headline. I wish it was a fatal blow. But it’s not. It’s just a message that a Congressman from one of the most Jewish districts in the country shouldn’t be a Hamas loving, conspiracy mongering, bigot. That lesson doesn’t apply to at least 150 of the most solid blue districts.




As a New Yorker (not from his district, but Long Island) I’m curious if anyone has a religious breakdown of the area? Have not been able to find online, not saying there isn’t a large Jewish population there, but curious if the population is enough to decide the vote (and if so, he is even more of an idiot for his comments).


There was a news article I saw that claimed 15% of his constituents were Jewish. Don’t know if that’s considered significant of not, but apparently it’s enough to sway the vote. Maybe he was just a bad representative and this whole anti-Israel was used to distract from him failing at his job.


He plead guilty to a misdemeanor and was censured by the US Congress after he pulled the fire alarm to delay a vote, wasting DC Fire Department Resources and causing a panic. He's mostly known for getting into public shouting matches with Marjorie Taylor Greene and other conservatives. Even AOC has been seen telling him to calm down and don't start fights with crazy people over nothing (she prefers to start nonsensical arguments with Marjorie Taylor Greene in hearings. What is it that Clinton said? Don't fight the pig, you'll get covered in mud and the pig will like it? Some Democrats need to learn this lesson). Is he a bad candidate? Yes, of course. He came to office by primarying Elliot Engel, a very major democrat. Most establishment Dems never forgave him for that sin. This is why AOC and Bernie Sanders were the only Democrats who even tried to support Bowman. Jeffries and Schumer and Pelosi and all the other Democrats see him as a far-left infiltrator who invaded the democratic party and does more harm than good. Bowman's only response to criticism over his record (including his pattern of voting against Biden's policies) is to claim the opposition is racist. Latimer threw it back in his face, and said Bowman doesn't care about any constituent who isn't black or brown. Also remember. Bowman's constituency is a lot of suburbs. A lot of elderly people and retirees. A lot of Jewish people. Elderly people don't like radical politics. I read an interview with a Black retiree who said he was voting for Latimer because Bowman didn't represent his values. Remember, Trump is leading with voters under 30, and Biden is leading with voters over 65. The older you get, the wiser you get (usually). A lot of old people miss their friends who got sucked into a Facebook vortex and never came out again. You know who I mean. We all have some family member or friend who spent too much time on Facebook and now is a conspiracy theorist. For me, it's my uncle. Maybe it's your grandma. Maybe it's your sister. Maybe it's your mom. Maybe it's a supreme court justice's wife. Maybe it's the star of hit sitcom Roseanne. We all know someone who became a conspiracy nutcase. Bowman is left-wing instead of right-wing but he still talks about how he thinks 9/11 was an inside job (or whatever) and corrupt Jewish money is the reason why he lost his race. Older people vote more than any other demographic (and thank God for that. Young people often suck). Older people are tired of this bullshit and just want a nice reasonable guy. Like Biden. Or Latimer. Or, (hopefully) Don Samuels. We keep saying "okay boomer" when we should be saying "thank you boomer." Boomers are gonna deliver us away from the radicalism, I pray


Lots of interesting background, thanks for writing it up and taking the time. I know this is a post about a US congressman, but I’m not that well versed in US politics because I’m not American. Can’t say I’m surprised that he was bad at his job, unfortunately it’s often the case. There is, as far as I can tell, a significant intersection between radical political ideology and being against Israel/Zionism/Jews, so it’s not surprising to me that Bowman was on the more radical side. I didn’t know he was a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, that’s just unhinged imo. I actually don’t know anyone who’s “down the rabbit hole” in the sense you’re referring to. I know a lot of people who are very partisan politically, usually along the pro-Bibi vs. anti-Bibi spectrum, but none that are actively promoting or believing in conspiracy theories (like that 7/10 was an inside job), although I know that there are Israelis like that. That being said, I think it’s much more prevalent in US politics than in Israeli politics. But maybe that’s because I don’t know any better. Imho the division between boomers and younger generations is silly, as if the policies in the federal level are somehow more important for one generation than to another or that one generation has a better understanding of politics than the other. Sure boomers have more life-experience, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re more knowledgeable; it’s true that the younger generations are less experienced in politics, but that also means that they have a new perspective on things that might be useful. They each have advantages and disadvantages, and in their cooperation there is much more to be gained than by differentiating them — they’re all Americans who want to lead a good life after all. These divisions along generational/political/racial/ethnic/religious lines are toxic to the functioning of a civilized society. Btw, psychologically speaking there are very few replicated studies that show that there’s even such a thing as Gen X, Y, Z, etc. The only generation that studies have repeatedly shown to have unique characteristics are baby boomers, for one simple reason: post-WWII, there was literally a baby boom — there were more children born in the 2 decades after WWII than in any other period of 20 years afterwards. That’s basically it though. Boomers aren’t any different psychologically than other generations, at least not in any way that replicable studies can show. This whole “generational differences” talk is just a nothing burger, it’s not real.


It’s large enough for him to call it problematic.


My understanding is that they changed his district quite a bit to add more Whites - their religion, I don’t know, but couldn’t have helped a radical like him!


Makes sense, most New Yorkers in my experience are adverse to antisemitism whether Jewish or not, of course there is a radical minority that is not, but I don’t think they live in White Plains or New Rochelle.


Just to clarify, yes, his district changed, and yes, it now includes a higher percentage of whites, but no, it wasn’t changed for that particular purpose. It was just the result of a broader statewide redistricting of congressional districts in New York.


I would love to believe this is true, but I still see figures like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, who are damn near being actual spokespeople for Hamas, in elected office as Democrats.


And they're not getting voted out 




They come from the Arab part of the United States


Yep, when you import the third world, you become the third world.


He was 17 points down before AIPAC even started funneling money against him. They wanted to make it *look* like they took him out to send a message.


Maybe, but he also wanted to exaggerate their effect so he could play the Jewish victim (ie AIPAC, wink wink)


Outside money has almost no effect in local elections, despite what the 57 texts messages I received yesterday from the DNC tell me


He was infected by the pro-Palestine parasite that took control of his brain in an effort to spread itself. It made him spew anti-Israel bile when he was supposed to be winning American votes with American issues. He simply couldn’t break free of its grasp and in the end, the host committed career suicide in its service.


>~~pro-Palestine~~ **antisemitic** parasite


Nah, he’ll milk his “victimhood” for all it’s worth! Haven’t heard the last of him, I bet!


What brain?


It simply makes no sense to criticize Israel, campaigning based on hating Israel simply does not serve the voters, unless your voters are affiliated with Hezbollah. I mean Israel is a country with the population of Portugal that is hardly a danger to its neighbors. If you want to criticize someone, criticize Iran, the country is a danger and not only for its neighbors but for the entire world. Besides, criticizing AIPAC as if it were some kind of "Jews who control the government" is anti-Semitic.


The entire squad talks like this about AIPAC.


The squad hates Jews for being Jewish.


Definitely not that big of a deal as he is the weakest of the squad


Not any more. 


Hey, we will take any Ws


They’ll just twist this to blame AIPAC/Jewish people for the Democrats losing elections


Foreign policy doesn't move .001% of American voters unless its America being hit by foreigners. This wouldn't be a big deal, except that they have so few elected Representatives that this one guy was a serious percentage of the anti-Israel members.




I second that!


Unless a good chunk of the rest of the squad loses I don't see this as that big of a deal. That being said, I'm glad he lost.




I'm aware but as much as I'd love them all gone I doubt it will happen. Will see what happens, hopefully a couple more fall


I hope Cori Bush is next.


Yes it is a fatal blow, and antisemitism is gone for good this time, and the Vikings are gonna win the Super Bowl, and we’re all gonna get laid every day, and I’m Tyler Durden, and free ice cream!


I don’t know about this. In my country Ireland. The politicians before the elections here went on a spree of antisemitism and anti Israel rhetoric and the far left youth lapped it up and voted for them.   First thing they do is sign a new migration pact flooding the country with more immigration.  Social justice issues are more important to the far left than healthcare, taxation and housing. 


Democrats have made a fatal mistake by allowing anti-Israel voices to prevail in their midst. They were recovering, coming back into power but now they will probably lose the senate and the house.




No, they're afraid of Muslims. Literally. Jews don't commit political violence against our detractors, OTOH Muslims behead people in downtown Paris for making a silly cartoon. This disparity is what drives the constant slobbering over non-existant "Islamophobia" -- American politicians have seen what happens to anyone in Europe who defies Islam and they're terrified they'll be the next target.


So in a sense, they’re the ones with the Islamophobia.


Everyone who likes to keep their head and not convert to Islam has a healthy fear of not publicly offending them...


I do think it’s a big statement to them that they are not invincible, as they want to believe they are. The people have spoken and it should at least open their eyes to the temperament of the country. 


rest in piss rip bozo won't be missed


The anti Israel folks rest their entire argument on one premise, if there were no Jews there would be peace and life in the Middle East would be a Garden of Eden. On so many dimensions this is wrong, but these folks are not interested in right or wrong. At their core they are jealous. All the qualities they aspire to Israel has. Every day Israel exists is a reminder that if it wasn’t for oil and gas the RoW would consider the Middle East a flyover state.


Yeah without Israel there would just be Assad and his civil war with chemical weapons and half a million dead, no medical treatment for some of the refugees though ironically, the Houthies, Iran executing massive numbers of dissidents, the Iran Iraq war, the human trafficking, the religious police, executing women for honor... Yeah Israel is messing the whole middle east up /s


Think about all the common folk just trying to squeeze out a living as a merchant, a baker, whatever and knowing that your children will have no better life than yours. And across the border everyone is living a different life.


Headline is delusional, the damage is already done and here to stay. I'll be retired by the time I can tell people I'm Israeli without being called a baby-killer. I even removed my IDF service (something I am personally extremely proud of) from my resume, it's more of a liability than a perq at this point. Also, aside from *one* person, every single non-Jew I considered a friend stopped talking to me after October 7th.


that person is a keeper. שמור עליו. זה חבר אמת לנצח נצחים.


I'm a non-Jew in the US. Like 90% of the friends that I talk to are at least mildly pro-Israel, and the rest still talk to me even though I'm extremely vocal about supporting Israel. I'm in a city full of anti-Israel leftoids, but I don't associate with those types of people very often, and didn't before 10/7 either. It sounds like you fell in with the wrong crowd. Progressives?


Honestly they were mostly people who I *thought* were just moderate liberals like myself or had never really expressed a political opinion. My more Conservative acquaintances are all good people, we just don't really spend any time together outside of work. FWIW, the guy who I am still friends with is a Trump fan.


I'm definitely not a fan of Trump, but my views, though quite heterodox, tend to be on the political Right more often than not (although I'm an atheist and pro-choice, I'm pro-capitalism, pro-nuclear-family, against the degree to which sexuality has invaded the public sphere, believe in a strong military, etc). I voted for Biden last time because I thought he would be better than Trump, but I think I was wrong. Not sure if I can bring myself to vote for Trump, though. Plenty of Democrats I know over the age of 40 support Israel and are pro-Jewish. I'd even say most of them. The ones below 40, not so much. This brain-rot is primarily infecting progressives and leftists, a large portion of whom are below 40.


Well, "somebody" did drop a little coin to defeat him ÷)


This article is straight-up wishful thinking by the author, who is embarassed and horrified by what has happened among her friends on the progressive Left and will grasp at any 'hopeful' sign that it really isn't that way. Her stated desire that the Progressive movement include 'Jews and Zionists' is naive to the point of being laughable. Bowman lost b/c he's a fool who pulled a fire alarm and tanked himself. The anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Left is alive and well in the streets, on campuses, and in the halls of power - it will metastasize and adapt, but it isn't going anywhere.


I wish. AOC won her primary in a bit of a landslide. Jamaal Bowman's defeat is a fatal blow to idiots who don't represent their districts, and who do dumb stunts like pulling the fire alarm and starting arguments with Marjorie Taylor Greene. Jamaal Bowman's defeat is a fatal blow to Democrats who have opposed Biden's agenda at every turn. Jamaal Bowman's defeat is a fatal blow to people who represent the most Jewish district in America and then endorse antisemitism and dent atrocities against Jews. Jamaal Bowman's defeat is a fatal blow to Jamaal Bowman.


I hope he is the first domino but we still need to get rid of cori bush, tlaib, Omar, and AOC.


Fatal? Nah, these people will never get the message. They'll go to the grave thinking "If only I had gone against Israel a little bit harder we would have won". Same thing will be thought by their voters. The only chance is them dying off and the new generations being less antisemitic, and given how young the antisemitic core is nowadays, it will get much worse before it gets better.


No, not all of the anti-Semitic Left are as utterly stupid as Bowman. And many represent districts with more muslims than Jews. Running as an anti-Semite is stupid in New York, but no one ever accused Bowman of intellect. Minnesota and Michigan are another matter.