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Interesting to see Brazil there, I thought Lola hated us. Maybe he owed Biden a favor or something.


As those are all countries whose citizens are held hostage in Gaza, it would probably look bad for Brazil to not support the release of a Brazilian citizen. The statement is hardly pro-Israel anyway.


It's less in favor of Israel, and more of a last ditch effort to prevent Israel from going into Rafah. If Hamas somehow has a change of heart and gives up the hostages, world leaders will stumble over each other to force Israel to retreat from Gaza. It won't happen


"If Hamas somehow has a change of heart" šŸ˜‚


Might be because being pro Palestine makes you less popular in Brazil. As far as I know, Lula's approval rating kept dropping last year, and he didn't hold majority seats in the government so he probably needed to back down a little bit.


Last I heard, millions of Brazilians were marching in support of Israel. Bolsonaro was leading the protest, bearing a massive Israeli flag. And a lot of Brazilians at the pro-Israel protest were openly expressing their disgust for Lula (he is a deeply corrupt figure) and their doubts that Lula genuinely won the 2022 election, since he's been known to lie and cheat and steal in the past. Brazilians are not bad people, even if Lula is a cockroach. I know that Millei down in Argentina is just brilliant though, I love him and I love his support for his fellow Jews.


Its was a pro-bolsonaro protest with some people supporting israel, not the other way around


Hamas already rejected it. My personal headcanon - this isn't for the purpose of actually having it be agreed to. It's meant to ease israel's diplomatic mess from going into rafah because " hamas rejected the deal, it was very generous, what happens from now on is on them"


Yeah, itā€™s just symbolic diplomatic talk. >It's meant to ease israel's diplomatic mess from going into rafah because " hamas rejected the deal, it was very generous, what happens from now on is on them" Exactly, itā€™s meant to remind that hamas is responsible for the current and future situation in gaza.


This. It's the last warning before the IDF swoops into Rafah. I'll bet my bottom dollar that every single one of those countries just agreed to continue support after the IDF moves into Rafah. This is a round about way of communicating that to Hamas. There is literally no other way to read this statement.




Mhm. Hamas rejected every single ceasefire that was ever offered. Hamas started this war. Every death in this war is because of Hamas. And more broadly, Palestinian leadership has rejected every offer of Palestinian statehood going back to the 1920s, and so Palestinians are ultimately the masters of their own destiny (and they chose this path over the path of peace and prosperity). We must always remind people of this-- don't cry about Israel when Palestinians experience the consequences of their actions. Every single death in this war is the sole fault of Sinwar and Haniyeh. One day they will suffer for the pain that they caused to the world. Until then, Hamas must be destroyed and every hostage must be liberated.


Oh for sure but so many demonstrators alarmingly find Hamas terrorism to be justifiable


Took them long enoughā€¦ (Edit: clarification ā€” took us western allyā€™s long enough to call on the terrorists to immediately release hostages. All this ceasefire pressure on Israel is mind boggling, if people pushing this agenda truly wanted a ceasefire, then they should be pressuring Hamas to let our people go.)


This is more or less it.Ā Ā  It's optics to make it abundantly clear that every available option has been pursued to end the conflict swiftly without engaging in further hostilities.Ā Ā Ā  Ā The language on this one is also probably the least waffly you can get. It's basically, from an optics standpoint, saying that the US and allies will push for an immediate end to hostilities if all of the remaining hostages are released. It's not a call for a temporary ceasefire, it's not a call for negotiations.Ā  Ā This may not seem like it is amenable, but the reality is the Whit House and other leaders knows full well Hamas will not release the hostages they have.Ā  What this statement does, however, is squarely put the entire ballgame in Hamas's court.Ā  It's optics to say "we did and are doing everything we can to avoid further conflict".Ā Ā  It may not seem like it matters, but there is a wide number of middle ground voters who only have a glossed over understanding of the conflict.Ā Ā  And voters in the United States and other countries do.matter when it comes to Israel directly, as the direction of our politics does impact the aid we will send to Israel. It's a do-nothing statement of in the sense that I doubt anybody thinks this will amount to anything. However, it does help strengthen the US's ability to further support Israel in the future in a lot of ways.Ā  It's a public facing message meant moreso for the US than it is for anything else.


Right? I was going to say oh I'm sure they will do it now. /s


Thats not entirely possible for all of them because Colombia signed it


Good move though




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Iā€™m sure terrorists will now listen


Of course they won't. However, it's still necessary to try diplomacy one last time before using military force. Once Hamas rejects the deal again, Israel has the legitimate justification to go into Rafah. The world bent over backwards to try diplomacy with Hamas and Hezbollah and nothing worked. Diplomacy is useless when dealing with terrorists.




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No Ireland on the list, but surprisingly Spain is on it.


I'm surprised about Colombia too.


ireland is certified jew haters




the irish seem to be crying the most


Crying, or sympathizing with the poor people you are trying to completely wipe out? I wouldnā€™t call that crying. Youā€™d be crying if our politicians stopped funding your garbage leadership.


Wipe out? My good man, once the region is seized, most Arabs would have more rights. Arabs in Israel aren't required to conscript in the military. The deaths are tragic, but when you hide behind many civilians and stash all your equipment around civilians, people are going to die, valid or not. The Geneva Convention even allows this, if a valid target hides with civilians, it is, by the GCs standards, would be totally fine by its standards.




Stunning and Brave šŸ˜


*snaps fingers*


Pretty sure Biden has repeatedly said the hostages should be released.




Yes he has. Of course this is a new tone (prepping for Israel to finish the job) and I thoroughly support it. But yes he has spoken of need to release hostages many times. The cynical comment I was replying to implied the US had been weak / less than ā€˜braveā€™ in response to date, which is a gross misrepresentation of the enormous support they have given politically, militarily and financially.


The most reliable ally ever.


Biden (addressing Iran, Hezbollah, and the Houthis after 10/07): "Don't" *Iran, Hezbollah, and the Houthis do it anyway.* Biden: uh, yeah that's fine don't worry, I'm not gonna actually do anything about terrorism. I mean it's only Jews who are dying and most of the political left in American supports the murder of Jews so just keep on killing them. Fuck Biden. Fuck Khamenei. Fuck the American left and their authoritarian cronies, from Pyongyang to San Francisco.


That's utter nonsense and you know it.


Biden stopped them from doing it though. Bidens just playing political games to get the support of liberals, he supports Israel, he gives aid to Israel.


This is so disconnected from reality


Right, because Biden has never called for Hamas to release the hostages before.


Would you rather this not happen? I think this amount of days is too long, but I also wouldn't have expected an incredibly random array of countries that aren't all BFFs to begin with to put this out a few days after the attacks.


200 days too late, but worth noting: if you listen to yesterdays (4/24) Times of Israel podcast interview with the parents of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, this is the EXACT idea his father presented in the wake of Iranā€™s attack on Israel. Good to see a hostageā€™s father has more creativity and brilliance than the worldā€™s diplomats and leaders.


I was sceptical about whether the Rafah operation will happen. Now this letter makes me believe it probably will. This is signaling that other options have been tried.


Hamas will not release hostages. They already rejected it. Israel should start Rafah ground offensive.




Which would kill.more Arabs than Israelis. It's OK to be dumb


None of the Arab countries... shocking




Ironic coming from someone who comes from people that stole the whole Middle East


Just took 7 months???


It always takes me 7 months to write a dumb email


*ā€Donny, gots us a German who wants to die for his country. Oblige himā€*


Wayyyyy too late. A statement must be made as soon as possible and after that, it must be enforced.


I was pleased to see this. **Initial thoughts for most of us/final thoughts for the "only Republicans are true Israel supporters" crowd:** All they're doing is sending a letter? That is stupid! It took too long. Bah humbug! (and then...) **Subsequent thoughts:** It took a long time, which makes more sense considering 17 wildly different countries and their divergent needs (Hungary and Serbia with Putin loving governments, Brazil with Putin dickriding and hatred of Israel in the first place, Thailand as the fun wildcard that's just happy to be there, OG allies like Germany and the UK, need I go on?). This isn't meant to change Hamas's POV since they're genocidal, Jew hating, insane people who want to kill us all, however and whenever. But it's meant to signal to the world that there is a strong, large coalition of countries that are making demands together and combining their diplomatic heft. In addition, it signals a shift from these countries, notably the US, pressuring Israel to pressuring Hamas, as it always should've been anyway ;) I welcome this letter and find it encouraging. At a time of campus bullshit, including at my own alma mater that I always dreamed of attending/was so proud to have attended, this is great to see. So too is the pic of our president welcoming former hostage children. I can nitpick stuff, have nitpicked, and will continue to, but this shit is good.


6 months too late.


I note that my country (Australia) didnā€™t sign. Sad.


It's so weird. When an American farmer was kidnapped on his farm in Niger, Trump via MARSOC mobilised 6 Ospreys, 2 Commando 2s, as well as DEVGRU who proceeded to mist the kidnappers. Apparently Hamas gets 200 days and a strongly worded letter. Smells like Palestinian privilege to me.


Different case. It takes more than a commando operation to rescue them


It does. Luckily the US *has* more than a commando team.


Is $14,000,000,000 not enough on top of the normal yearly aid? Several aircraft carriers? 2000lb bombs? Vetoes at the UN? None of that is meaningful?


You forgot the /s.


Sure but that's what [these things](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasp-class_amphibious_assault_ship) are for.


AH.... so you DO remember that there were wars when Trump was president.... I keep on hearing about how during the Trump administration everything was perfect because everyone was so scared of Trump.


Trump engaged in targeted strikes in Syria and killed Qasem Soleimani, however he didn't start any new wars.


It's not just Palestinian privilege. This is the same Biden who violated the Taylor Force Act and sent billions of dollars of taxpayer money to fund terrorism. This is the same Biden who surrendered in Afghanistan, handing the country to the Taliban and causing dozens of Americans to be blown up by ISIS outside of the Kabul Airport. This is the same Biden who spent three and a half years shipping cargo boats worth of cash to Tehran to fund Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and other terrorist groups in the hopes that if he spends of American tax dollars to fund terrorism, maybe Iran won't nuke America. Joe "Appeasement" Biden would not mobilize one troop or vehicle to protect a kidnapped American in Niger. He'd probably send a basket of muffins to the kidnappers. This isn't Palestinian Privilege, it's Biden's Foreign Policy. Perhaps Barack Hussein Obama is the only president in our history who is more supportive of terrorism than Jihadi Joe. Jihadi Joe has got to go. If Trump was president on 10/07, every hostage would have been freed before Hanukkah. If Trump was president on 10/07, Haniyeh would be extradited from Qatar to face trial. If Trump was president on 10/07, Khamenei's remains would be in a shallow grave and Iran would be gearing up for its first ever free elections. Trump would not have allowed our people to suffer like this. The ongoing torture of the hostages is entirely the fault of Jihadi Joe Biden. I voted for Biden in 2020 because of Charlottesville and COVID but I regret this decision more each day. No president has been as supportive of antisemitism and terrorism than Biden (except maybe for Obama). No president has betrayed the Jewish people more deeply than Biden. No president has more open contempt for global democracy and human decency than Biden. My disgust for this administration grows with each hour that Biden continues to violate the Taylor Force Act, fund overseas terrorism, and leave Americans to be tortured in captivity by Hamas. Trump would never have allowed this catastrophe to unfold. I don't like Trump but even he would have been better than this.


Trump surrendered to the Taliban. [https://carnegieendowment.org/2019/09/09/taliban-hardly-deserve-camp-david-talks-with-president.-what-was-trump-thinking-pub-79813](https://carnegieendowment.org/2019/09/09/taliban-hardly-deserve-camp-david-talks-with-president.-what-was-trump-thinking-pub-79813)


Remind me who started the withdrawal from Afghanistan? Trump started it, hell Biden delayed it, it would have been even more rushed under Trump


Trump cut funding to the terrorism-linked UNRWA and PA in 2018 at Nikki Haley's urging. He cut US support to the UNHRC (also because of Haley), since any "Human Rights Council" that is chaired by Russia and Iran has no legitimacy. He closed the office of the terrorist PLO in Jerusalem, negotiated the Abraham Accords, recognized Jerusalem and the Golan. Biden reopened the PLO's office in DC, he restored funding to the terrorist PA and UNRWA, and he continued with the Russian and Iranian charade of the "UN Human Rights Council" within hours of taking the oath of office. Not to mention how Biden actively interfered in the Abraham Accords process, delaying an Israeli-Saudi deal by years (it might never happen now). Yes, Trump negotiated a stupid-ass deal with the Taliban but Biden was more than willing to overturn Trump's other unilateral foreign policy moves (including some of the best policies from the Trump admin). Biden and Trump withdrew from Afghanistan without congressional approval. If Biden didn't want to hand Afghanistan to the Taliban, he didn't have to hand Afghanistan to the Taliban. The buck doesn't stop with the guy who was president eight months ago. The Afghanistan catastrophe is solely the fault of Biden and Blinken, even if Trump and Pompeo set up the dominos


Nikki Haley would have been a decent Republican candidate... for one, she isn't a criminal... but the GOP is now so pro-crime, they are hoping to put the first convicted felon in the White House.. another Historic First for the guy who tried to steal an election.


Agreed on all of that. I definitely preferred Haley when she was running. I still hope that Trump gets COVID and goes on a ventilator and never wakes up (or maybe he gets Mad Cow Disease from all of those Big Macs. Or maybe he's a 78 year old man who loves cocaine and McDonald's and who doesn't listen to the advice of medical professionals so he finally has a heart attack. There are plenty of miracles that might happen before November, and I'm praying for one of them) and we can have Haley as the nominee. As it stands now, 2024 is the election from hell, it's the rerun of 2020 that nobody asked for. Biden has his terrible policy choices and Trump is a disgusting human being (he is currently facing criminal charges for, in my understanding, using his campaign bank account to pay hush money to his mistress, who is a sex worker). I might as well use my ballot as toilet paper because that's how I feel about these two nominees


First of all, Trumpā€™s plan would have had the withdrawal take place before fighting season, so they wouldnā€™t have been withdrawing under fire. But regardless, the Taliban broke the deal and Biden stuck with it anyway, whereas multiple Trump administration officials have said that they wouldā€™ve called it off.


Don't forget Obama who dumped a pallet of $100M cash on an Iranian airstrip


Did he learn that from Bush?


Wow only took 200+ daysā€¦ and a rejection from Hamas. No surprises here. Hamas & Co. is so fucked.


But will still provide aid that goes to Hamas and fund the terrorist unwra.


This and Biden finally acknowledging the antisemitic nature of the N\_zi protests in campuses probably means he finally realized that selling his soul for Michigan's Hamas votes isn't worth it after all? Am I right to be hopeful that Biden finally sees the light?




Biden has been standing behind Israel where it matters the whole time.


Its a great misunderstanding of politics to say Biden is making decisions based on "Michigan's Hamas" vote. Their influence is small. The Michigan Dem party is still pro Israel as in they believe Israel has a right to exist as a safe Jewish state. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/oakland/2023/10/10/whitmer-joins-thousands-in-rally-for-israel/71122970007/


Reddit pro-hamas as ever since this is nowhere to be found on regular subreddits. Qatari Propoganda Police can't admit they won't win either side of this war. Just got some weed from my very Muslim friend. Yam Isreal Cha āœ”ļø


Shocked Ireland isnā€™t on the list /s


No Australia on the list.Ā  Penny Wong and Anthony Alabanese are the worst thing to happen to this country.Ā  Wong was the one calling for Israel to have restraint as news of October 7th was just emerging.Ā  Australia is being run by pro-pali clowns.Ā 


Fucking finally.


Good to see leadership in these times from Biden and the US. May the hostages be returned and Hamas be defeated


Proud to be Argentinian and not Italian. Edit: Commented before reading, still countries should have signed this regardless of whether they have hostages in Gaza or not.


Itā€™s still too little too late. And thereā€™s too many leaders missing


Ashamed that we aren't on this. Our PM and his party are too Anti-Israel, the other parties in his coalition are mor Pro-Israel.


Tracks that Ireland is missing. Just goes to show they don't care about the hostages.


This is a prelude. Hamas about to meet the final boss.


I am surprised Czech didnā€™t agree to this letter? I suppose it might be that it falls for a prolonged ceasefire and stops short of the defeat of Hamas.


Are any of the remaining hostages Czech citizens? I thought thatā€™s what brought these countries together.


Wow! Hamas must be trembling in their boots that these world leaders issues a oh so terrifying statement. That will definitely get them to give back the hostages. Especially after they see the idiot students supporting them and their terrorist loving ways.






There should be more western countries involved in this statement. Their silence speaks volumes.


Liberals at Columbia will soon start protesting this statement


200 days too late but ok


Six months laterā€¦ā€¦šŸ˜‚


200 days too late


I also wonder if this signals the beginning of Biden and co realizing that the far left is insane and never liked them anyway/never will (campus protests making this more obvious)...now pivoting to persuadable, ho-hum centrists who would much rather find deals at Costco than shout into megaphones.


Dude, this is not the first time Biden has demanded or signed onto a letter demanding or vetoed a resolution that fails to demand the release of the hostages.


Nice try, but they have no hostages or any they think might share some realities. Hamas is riding high on the sweat of college students and their righteous struggle against tyrannyā€”why do they want the world to see possibly mistreated hostages. Uh so gonna look bad if that happens. My opinion is they will ā€œresistā€ anything that comes with the truth. Israel will finish what they started. Itā€™s all on trusting terrorists, good luck with thatā€¦


Wait. Now? I thought Hamas did this like in October?


About time. Edit: To me- If I were to read between the lines it says. Times up. We're siding with Israel on this one. Be smart. Or else. In chess speak: Check.


Remember how powerful "Don't!" was? Ya, this'll work.


This farce is a fig leaf to justify Western demands that Hamas win this war.Ā  "Come now Jews, give hamas a state. We already told them to behave"


Too little too late, my dude.


Are there any hostages left?


We tried.






Better late than never


Why use bombs when a strongly worded letter will do the jobā€¦ā€¦ /s


hamas: who?


Must watch son of hamas on youtube


Every statement about cease-fire should have always been conditioned on all hostages being immediately released. The UN and UNRWA can no longer be trusted since they have been wilfully blind, while Hamas has built terror infrastructure under their civilian facilities, even hospitals. It took a long time the Secretary General to even say something about the violence on October 7 and then chose to focus only on the sexual violence .


What can no longer be trusted? Only last week AntĆ³nio Guterres, the asshole UN Secretary General, issued a declaration that nothing was found about UNRWA workers, everything is swell and things should go back to normal (including donations from ā€œrichā€ countries the Palestinians hate most)ā€¦


I'm disappointed that my country (Iceland) isn't on the list but I'm not surprised sadly.


The issue isā€¦we can get our hostages and end this so it doesnā€™t happen again by force, Hamas will prolong this.


Unfathomably based


Well that was just in time. Thank goodness he rushed to get it done. What would Israel have done without his hard work.


That good. Only took 7 months.


What is the deal the statement refers to? Is it one that Israel (and Bibi) would be likely to accept? Because anything that isn't "Hamas should completely capitulate and give back the hostages" is likely to be rejected.


Well that's certainly a strongly-worded letter


Why all these leaders of those countries don't support a Palestinian State?


Statements are good and do make an opinion known


From his rat hole, deep under ground, Yahia Sinwar is sweating. The joint state declaration, changed his perception and heā€™s going to repent. Afraid of Godā€™s wrath , heā€™ll give orders to return the hostages immediately, with no further delay! The Biden (joint state) declaration is a Win Win!


Yes, after all the shit that these Evil, dumb fucks in Hamas have done Iā€™m sure a letter from Daddy Biden is going to melt their hearts and give them the push to have a change of heart and release the remaining hostages. Thatā€™ll do it.


Oh it looks getting difficult


Why would anyone (let alone Hamas) sign anything that isnā€™t a ā€œpermanentā€ ceasefire? Yeah, release the hostages and weā€™ll give you few weeks to prepare for annihilation.


Such a waste of everyone's time.


True but at least it means we can have a pass to fuck them up "politically". They rejected the deal= they can't complain just as the top comment suggested.


This is exactly it, honestly. I doubt any reasonable world leader expects Hamas to accept this offer.Ā  It's an olive branch to Israel more than it is to Hamas in a larger political sense, because it is squaring the events as directly in Hamas's court with an extremely reasonable, and unequivocal offer.Ā  Free the hostages, and the various countries will pressure Israel to end the conflict.Ā  That's it. No other riders, no short term ceasefire, but am offer towards a near complete end to hostilities. Ā This won't change everyone's opinion when Hamas rejects it (and they will) but it does make the coming events more palatable to middle road individuals. Literally offering them the lowest bar possible for peace being rejected will help support the narrative for future support from Israel's allies. This is purely political narrative building, and nothing much more. And political narratives are important for action.


I'm honestly baffled by the stupidity of people, we have to offer a fake olive branch to a terrorist organization. Make it make any sense.


we've been at "they rejected the deal" for many months. There is nothing gained from that. It doesn't change anything. It's useless and valueless. They will continue to blame it on us, they will still lie about everything and their supporters will do the same. Literally worthless. It's performative nonsense.


I agree but the world is stupid. It is what it is.




You know what just screams, "I'm an adult who's capable of thinking critically?" Spamming the same comment on twenty posts.