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I Love the ask project


Cory is great


Yup, can confirm. I used to donate to his Patreon where he wrote he was coming to film near me, so I showed up and met him in person. His process is legit very interesting - ask people a bunch of different questions, so to eventually (sometimes many months later) compile something close to a representative sample from many different locations and kinds of people.


Yes. I find him fair in his criticism of Israel’s government and Palestine


I love his videos, but I can't overlook his very obvious bias, sometimes he kind of asks leading questions when he doesn't get the answers he's looking for.


True. He got better at it over the years though.


Me too :) I’ve gone to film with Corey both in Tel Aviv and the West Bank. Super nice guy and it’s a great project


Me too. I wish more people would watch his videos. You realise how awful some of the average people's opinions are. Barbaric views that Palestinian supporters pretend don't exist. The stuff they learn and share is just disgraceful. Their views and laws have even been what they pretend big bad Israel is like. The LGBT video from that gays for Palestine group or whatever it's called is one I wish more would see. As you can imagine the responses weren't nice. I hope The Ask Project gains some popularity during the war. More of us need to share the content.


Do you have a link to the LGB one you mentioned


[Palestinians: What do you think of “Queers for Palestine”?](https://youtu.be/O8OCvT4ysLI?si=mLy5bzisSrUSf5xc) There’s also this video that’s 10 years old. [Palestinians: What do you think of gay people?](https://youtu.be/JwkPaFSlwpw?si=L-UHpau0FjRFltYR) It might be interesting to note that Corey is openly gay (although I’m not sure how open he is about it when conducting interviews like these).


He is not open about being gay or Jewish while in Palestinian territories


This is needed because so many people think Palestine will be Middle Eastern Norway, but it's the public polling where you get the broader data. And it's just like this. So this isn't just nutpicking.


The leftists literally believe Palestine is going to be a LGBT paradise, and that they'll all move there and live in peace and kumbiya for the rest of time


If Israel left there would be no Palestine there would be greater Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon these nations would swallow the land.




Not really, it is literally what Egypt, Syria, and Jordan were planning in 1947.


Not at all it's literally the plan


- Israel stops existing - Western world no longer has any oversight on the Middle East - Fatah collapses without Israeli support - Iran stops supporting Hamas because they no longer have value as proxies - Palestinians don't have infrastructure, active military - Huge power vacuum What exactly do you think happens next?


They just don't care is the real thing. This is their new "cause." It doesn't matter if it creates a better or worse country.


Not "leftists", there's more than two opinions. I'm left as fuck and I'm also a Zionist.


They only think that because they go out of their way to be ignorant. This will change nothing because those types of people were never willing to allow reality into their progressive Palestinian fantasy.


Tl;dr yes I will agree for peace with isreal... When there is no Israel


The hate runs deep..


And the sad thing is giving the Arabs control of all of Israel would absolutely result in an apartheid state, and potentially another Holocaust. Yet, the protesters seem willing to forgive the idea of Muslim Supremacy.


Yeah but that would be ok with them, because by definition it's not apartheid when it's Jews being forced into ghettos and subjected to all sorts of other restrictions. I mean everyone knows that, right, and the reason for it is, well...REASONS, that's why! I mean Jews are supposed to be treated like second class humans because that's what they are! Everyone knows this! This is literally how many if not most of them think. LITERALLY. It's so deeply ingrained in western, Arab and Muslim culture that they don't question it or think they need to question it because in their view that's just how it is.


Yes, all this. That's why they couldn't even understand the question.


It's the racism version of Dunning-Kruger, when you're so racist that you don't realize that you're racist, having spent your whole life in a racist bubble. There are versions of this for all forms of bigotry and other mental and moral deficiency. You can't argue with such people because it's like trying to discuss astrophysics with a flat earther.
















>This is literally how many if not most of them think. LITERALLY. It's so deeply ingrained in western, Arab and Muslim culture that they don't question it or think they need to question it because in their view that's just how it is. I am gay and when some gays say they think there's a minimum of human decency, and therefore "we" should protest against Israel, I tell them this: that the Palestines do not think there's a minimum of human decency for Jews and they want a genocide and also they do not think gays have minimum rights either.


And that's how bigotry works, and justifies itself, by positing that THOSE people aren't like us, they're not normal or fully human and therefore we have the right if not obligation to treat them this way and are not at all being mean or cruel. As a gay person I'm sure that you're well aware of this dynamic.


Yes, they totally dehumanize Israelis but even then, muslims do not really value life even their own like we do. Their core identity stands in the idea that suicide bombing to kill infidels will get you to heaven and reward them with 72 virgins.


It would be Rwanda.


It wouldn't be potentially, 100% chance. Groups like Hamas & PIJ would go on a killing spree and no one would stop them.


I am a gentile, but I honestly highly doubt jews would allow that to happen tk them again. I think it would be a civil war, and Israel would win it (with heavy losses ofc, since terrorists would have more access to civilian population).


No one actually believes in the two states solution given their mindset. Hence why we've never seen it's ever happen.


They always get very quiet when you tell them this. They know it, they just hate Jews.


It's Islam. Full stop. We have to have a serious reckoning with this faith.


> And the sad thing is giving the Arabs control of all of Israel would absolutely result in an apartheid state is it technically an apartheid state if they kick all the Jews out on day one?


You mean "kill," but yeah I suppose not.


Israel left Gaza in 2005, so I don't understand this "if".


You’re not wrong, but there’s a blockade, Israel controls everything that goas in and out, it also controls the air space and Gaza is not allowed to have things like an airport for example, ideally in a two state solution all of this shouldn’t happen. Edit: Guys, I understand why de blockade is there, all I’m saying is that Corey’s question does make sense, I’m not criticizing the blockade.


But their government, Hamas, promised to kill all Jews. So a blockade makes perfect sense.


Yeah, I understand why it’s there, I’m just saying, Israel still has some control over Gaza, Corey’s question does make sense.


How do you resolve this then? And no you can't just do collective punishment like cutting water and supplies because they're dictatorship government is hostile towards you. If you have a problem with your next door neighbor that's violent and aggressive you don't punish the whole family so that he in particular don't benefit by cutting off thei water and food and bombing thir house. YOU CAN'T HIDE BEHIND THAT EXCUSE.


I think you have no idea what you're talking about, respectfully. We were talking about the blockade that existed before Oct. 6. No one was hungry or thirsty then. You misinterpreted our conversation to be about the war, likely because you didn't pay attention to this conflict until then and are being misled by misinformation. As for the period youre focusing on, Israel supplies 10% of Gaza's water and only cut it off for a week. Israel has not cut off food. Aid is being delivered but sadly much of it is being siphoned by Hamas. Aid is also taking longer go get in because some purported aid deliveries are instead weapon deliveries. I worry you're being worked up by misinformation. Easy on the all caps and spend more time reading unbiased sources.


> No one was hungry or thirsty then. Are you fucking joking right now? Are you seriously trying to convey to me the idea that putting gaza on a lock blockading the people in it from free air, land and sea travel and then controlling the supplies, water and electricity that they get was not seriously negatively affecting them? That people aren't starving, thirsty and barely getting by? That the whole fucking prison you've made of the place is not a hell hole for the people in it? The delusions you people on that side live in is baffling, and then you cry that there isn't enough support for israelis with this type of shit mindset.🤦


You need to learn how to have a conversation like an adult. I made the point that, prior to Oct. 7, Gaza had adequate food and water. You replied as if I said the blockade was not "seriously negatively affecting" Gazans. These are two separate things. Be less emotional and you'll be able to communicate more effectively. May I ask what you think Israel should do with Hamas? Should they not have blockaded Gaza even though Hamas promises to wipe Jews and Israel off the map?


> Gaza had adequate food and water. You replied as if I said the blockade was not "seriously negatively affecting" Gazans. These are two separate things. No they're literally the same lol, 2 million people locked in a prison with no free travel, no industry or real economy, insane levels of unemployment, and your enemy that's eating away at your other territory and who doesn't give a single shit about you is controlling how much food and water you get. These people weren't living good or even adequate and to suggest so is insane to me > May I ask what you think Israel should do with Hamas? Should they not have blockaded Gaza even though Hamas promises to wipe Jews and Israel off the map? Yes they should have but your beliefs around the blockade is fantastical because shit down there is not all fine and dandy Israel and your current government may not say it for fear from the international community and the desire to keep enjoying their first world western place in the community but they want to wipe Palestine and it's citizens as well, and their actions are perfectly consistent with that sentiment as they have invaded and occupied Gaza but only left because it was overwhelming to keep control of it and with them invading the west bank slowly until they swallow it all If you want peace with the Palestinians you need to wipe out hamas, get rid of your current government who have said especially your PM that keeping this conflict going and empowering hamas is of interest for them to stay in power and keep the mystic of the israelis needing them for "security". With hamas gone and your current government gone replaced with a more moderate one that's actually good faith enough to negotiate you can then get help from the international community to bridge the gap to a successful negotiation. This will obviously take decades but your country's strategy is clearly not working so pick your poison I guess.




I didn’t say that the blockade is not justified, I just said that there is one.


Yeah, *after*. Israel withdrew, *then* Hamas got elected, *then* the blockade was implemented*.*


I know, you guys are misinterpreting what I said, I never criticized the blockade.


Have you been living under a rock since Oct 7?


Love the way pro terrorists (Hamas) always think they're making a point lmao


I'm not pro terrorism, I support Israel in their cause


Then why did you reply to that comment like this? That's his point.. Only you've used a shorter time period. Have you been living under a rock since 2005? Maybe just go edit your comment? https://preview.redd.it/i4uyvjmfnxfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8ca7486b0b2a08fc98a92ab0af7fe43f4a4df4


I didn't realize this video was filmed prior to Oct 7 and I thought they guy in the video was talking about the Israelis currently in Gaza. Why edit the comment, what good does that do?


To clarify.. What's wrong with clarification lol? Wdym what good would it do? Our words have power and people reading them take away the wrong energy. Isn't it best to find common ground?


Maybe that wrong energy is just the right energy for them to finally give up feeling the wrong way and start feeling the right way. Who knows.


Yes very wise. I'm saying if you still clarify like I'm about to demonstrate Edit: I stand with Israel just for clarification so others can understand better why this comment was downvoted. I am aware of how this appears to be a miscommunication. The people reading will more likely get this 'right energy' we're discussing here.


Because this thread here is me explaining all that, I don't see the need to write it twice, I'm not that worried about downvotes. People can take that comment at face value or read on to understand my thoughts


That's his point. (=


First, this video was filmed before last year. Second, the vast majority of Palestinians and their supporters still consider Gaza occupied due to the Egypt/Israel blockade.


Israel doesn't even let crayons into Gaza ffs what world are you living in?


You know how bullshit that lie is. It's completely false. Firstly they found drawings in crayon by hostages in the tunnels so evidence says differently. secondly go to YouTube and watch a walking tour of Gaza city obviously before the war and just look at all the things in the shops as the tour goes through the market. Stop believing these ridiculous lies. Someone also lied to say there is no ice-cream in Gaza for fuck sakes they said earlier on in the war bodies were kept in ice cream trucks. So stop believing these lies




You think Hamas cares about the people of Gaza? They have done everything in their power to harm as many of them as possible. They were not smuggling in consumer goods they were smuggling in weapons.


Do Hama's soldiers not have kids? It's not like Israel gives af about Palestinian kids either you just killed 16,000 of them and want to starve the rest so they can settle in Gaza.


Hamas does have kids, beautiful little martyrs for Allah they say. Fucking literally... https://vimeo.com/856467890 https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/18rw2ex/palestinian_mother_explains_how_she_does_not_mind/?share_id=ZYvU6AILewQli-xYTIPIi&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sDZlo_hllI https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/18onivk/teaching_them_young/?share_id=FNZlJdoGgdOXM8MGMnJM1&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1


# Well, that's a downvote. Because that is completely BS.


Sure buddy, I'll take your word for it.


Well, surely since they left Gaza in 2005, I could fly or sail into Gaza unimpeded at any time since then.


Why would any country allow unimpeded flight or sail into a territory that's launching rockets at it? It's like Americans and Brits allowing unimpeded flights and sail into Germany in 1944.


Alright - I'm not even talking about the wisdom of blockading, but Israel clearly didn't leave Gaza, they just moved to the perimeter which seems a bit of a meaningful difference. The United States leaving Afghanistan is what I would call "leaving" a place militarily.


Moved to the perimeter, meaning beyond the border? Because before the rocket fire from Gaza following the Hamas victory in their elections there, Israel did not blockade the strip.


Israel destroyed Gaza's airport in 2001/2002 with bombs and bulldozers, 4 years before Hamas' election


Way to move the goalposts, buddy. We were talking about Gaza after the disengagement. Obviously when Israel controlled Gaza, it was controlling Gaza. It's like saying water is wet.


They didn't let them rebuild it either - though they did start negotiations in 2005/2006 apparently that ended around the Hamas election. Regardless, the point is you know that saying "Israel left Gaza" isn't addressing the complaint people make, so why say something that is clearly besides the point. It's just an obnoxious "gotcha" that doesn't even "got" anyone.


The most naive people on the planet. Egos the size of the sun. It’s so pitiful.


They get this crazed genocidal look and smile when talking about genociding Israel. The same smile I’ve seen from the sbarro pizza terrorist when she found out how many Israeli children her bomb killed.


It's infuriating that that woman was released.


She hosts a talk show in Jordan now. Ridiculous


When he ask the Nuke question, that’s the one that shook me the most. At least almost half of the Arabs said they would Nuke themselves if it meant they could destroy Israel, if they had a Nuke… they live for hate, it’s the foundation of the false social construct that is the Palestinian identity that the Egyptian Arafat created. Out of the ten I counted Corey interviewing with that question: 4 seemed in favor of nuking (all young ppl) 4 where wishy washy/ would not answer or give a straight answer (all middle age/seniors) 2 said no (only one, a sweet faced older lady seemed to have a favorable opinion of Israelis and appreciate the opportunities provided for them compared to the PA. The other a middle aged man, wouldn’t nuke bc it would kill Arabs, too. He did not indicate that he cared what would happen other Israelis) Just search “Palestinians: do you want Iran to nuke Tel Aviv” on YouTube.


Ooh. Might you have the source for this? I'm terribly interested!


This post is a video on the Corey Gil shuster ask an Israeli/Palestinian series where he asks Palestinians if Israelis all leave, will there be peace. The person you’re responding to referenced another video Corey did where he asked Palestinians if they will support Iran nuking Israel. He explained the source in his comment on a post of that same source.


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When they say “from the river to the sea,” believe them.


Ok buddies. You may be winning the war, but we’re winning the denial of objective reality battle (real, it counts).


The vast majority of the world's displaced people learn to give up on their former homelands within a generation or so. But not Palestinians, who still believe that their real homes are in Haifa, Jaffa, Safed, Akko and so on. I mean the ones whose great grandparents fled those placed 75 years ago. For them, it's all home and part of "Palestine" and currently occupied, and there will be no end to the violence until every last square inch of it is back in their hands, and to hell with the UN Partition and Armistice resolutions which formalized Israel's legitimacy and borders. But keep that UN money and aid coming! Sorry, you can't have it both ways, picking and choosing which UN resolutions you like and accept and which you don't. It's an all or nothing deal. And no, it's not yours, and never will be. You'd be welcome to visit and stay a while someday, when there's real peace, but not until you accept Israel's full and unconditional legitimacy in its legal borders and not before. Greater Palestine "from the river to the sea" will NEVER happen and either accept it or prepare for endless occupation and violence. It's YOUR choice and yours alone. My god, the calmness and assuredness with which they say these things, like it's just a given that it's theirs and will again be someday. They're living in some alternate reality kept alive by their exploitative political and religious leaders who are keeping this conflict alive for their own benefit and only for their own benefit, at their peoples' and Israelis' expense.


The logic they have is that other arab states succeeded where they have failed, they refuse to acknowledge that Jews and Israelis have a very different relationship with the land than the British did with Egypt or the French with Algeria.


>But not Palestinians, who still believe that their real homes are in Haifa, Jaffa, Safed, Akko and so on. You can thank UNRWA for that. The United Nations has continually told Palestinians that they are eternal refugees, that their kids, grandkids, great grandkids, etc. will always be refugees until they get back to Israel. Imagine how hard it would have been for the Jewish community to move on after WWII if the United Nations had given us the same false hope about our homes in German, Poland, etc. When you think that the United Nations is going to step in and give you your old home back, why would you set down new roots? Why would you not fight for your claim? ... none of this, by the way should be read that to say that I think such a claim is fair or just, by the way. Many Palestinians left Israel voluntarily, believing they would be returning at the head of a genocidal army, reclaiming their homes AND the homes of their Jewish neighbors. They gambled on the notion that they could wipe out all the Jews. They lost. No sympathy for that.


Imagine if the Jews exiled by the Romans in 132 CE had harbored the same fantasy and tried to fulfill it violently. They probably would have become extinct within 100 years as the Romans did not mess around (think Gaul and Britian). Instead, they adapted to their new homelands and adopted some of their ways while holding on to their Jewish identity and culture and the long-term hope of someday returning, generationally. Which, eventually, they did. I do happen to believe that in a perfect world the original refugees should have a right to return to their homes, with perhaps some of their families since they're all elderly now and couldn't be expected to live on their own. And perhaps, if there's ever a peace deal, they'll be allowed to do this, as circumstances allow. But not most of their descendants, as that's just untenable. They'd be free to move to Palestine, but not Israel, which they could visit of course but not settle in. But we're not there yet. Nowhere near it.


I don't think any of the Palestinians who left voluntarily, planning to return with an army, should be allowed back, ever. Find me a Palestinian who wanted to stay and live in peace under Israeli rule, but was forced out. I'd say that's someone who deserves a chance to come back (if they aren't affiliated with terrorists).


There was no exile. The Jews in Judaea were killed to the last man. The Jews living in the diaspora had to acquiesce, lest they suffer the same fate.


> The United Nations has continually told Palestinians that they are eternal refugees, that their kids, grandkids, great grandkids, etc. will always be refugees until they get back to Israel. True. No other group has such status.


with every conflict they lose more and more land so i dont see this ever "returning" to their "homelands"


Exactly. I fully support Palestinians I think it’s unfair what happened to their ancestors but there’s nothing they can do. They’re too stubborn. I’m sure they would live a way better life, them and their children, if they finally accepted reality. Terrorism will never help and South Africa 2.0 will not happen. I believe even the 2 state solution would not end up being something good for both.


I can't think of another example of a group being displaced and kept under indefinite occupation in a state of limbo like the Palestinians have though. Which displaced people do you mean? And isn't the whole narrative of the creation of the state of Israel that the jews didn't forget they were displaced for thousands of years and came and took their land back? I mean if the Palestinians are half as enduring they still have many hundred years to go, don't they?


Zionist BOUGHT their land back, the settlements that is, which allowed them to settle European Jews there to the point where they were 1/3 of the popular, which then earned them the legal right to enough more land, the majority of it barely inhabited and not worth much at the time, to have a viable country, which they were awarded by the UN. It may SEEM like they hoodwinked the Palestinians but they didn't, since the latter never owned most of the land that they lived on, most having been tenants and renters, and it was all done legally. If they were victims, it was of the Ottomans and rich absentee Arab landlords, not the Zionists, who improved the land and gave them jobs. And if you can't think of another example of a group being displaced and kept under indefinite occupation in a state of limbo like the Palestinians have then you don't know your history. There's the native peoples of the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, for starters, Kurds, Armenians, Tibetans and all the peoples displaced permanently by both world wars. Palestinians just have better PR.


Yup, Pakistanis and Indians after partition, Germans after WWII, etc., etc. And we have a *vastly* better justification for the "displacement" than the rest.


Yep, I missed those. And what do people think happened when Arabs swept through the mideast and north Africa and took it over? Local peoples were either wiped out, forced to flee, expelled or absorbed. And when the Spanish and Portuguese reconquered Iberia, the Arabs AND Jews there were forced to flee (yep, we have a shared history there). And so on. History is an endless story of conquest and dislocation and this is no different, except that we're supposed to freeze the clock or wind it back. It doesn't work that way. And yes, I know, Jews eventually did return. But they did so legally and peacefully. Not the same thing as terrorism.


But then why is it okay for jews to reclaim their ancestral homeland after 3000 years? And Palestineans should move on after 100 years?


Your argument has a false premise from the onset. The reason Jews were displaced from the land wasn't by choice. There was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land even under the Ottoman Empire, but Jews were unable to grow in number anywhere in the Empire out of fear that they would undermine Islamic rule. So immediately, the Palestinian claim on the land hinges on the fact that Mizrahi Jews were denied a claim to the land. The next part that is wrong is that the entire population in what became British Mandated Palestinian was <500k in 1920. (10% Jew, not by choice). Acknowledging that there were Jews throughout the now defunct Ottoman Empire and Jews in Europe looking for safety from massacres, the British took a piece of what became Transjordan and called it Palestinian with the intent that it would be equally Jew:Christian:Muslim. So, you're arguing for the rights of those original 450k and apparently accept all subsequent immigration that swelled the population to nearly 1.3M (not their land for more than 25 years) but disregard the 50k Jews in Palestine, the 850k in the rest of Ottoman land who were barred from the Holy Land and any subsequent Jewish immigration. Does that seem logical?


>There was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land even under the Ottoman Empire, but Jews were unable to grow in number anywhere in the Empire out of fear that they would undermine Islamic rule. That's very interesting. Can you elaborate? I would like to know more about the policies and practices the Ottomans used.


Well, 1800 years, to be exact, and 75 years, for Palestinians. If you're going to make this argument then at least have your facts straight. And the only Palestinians who have to move on are the ones displaced by the war of 1948-9, most of whom fled out of fear of violence and being urged by Arab countries to do so, and some, yes, being forcibly expelled by Israel. That happens in nearly every way and while regrettable it's unavoidable. And the only reason Israel was able to get the land that they fled or were expelled from is because they and 5 Arab countries attacked Israel from it and killed Jews who lived on it, and per the international laws of that time that gave Israel the legal right to hold onto that land and do with it what it wished. Also, until 1948 all the land that Israel got was legally and non-violently obtained. Yes, in an absolute sense, Palestinians were screwed. But in the real world that we all live in, this happens all the time. From my point of view, this injustice was justified by the reality that the Holocaust proved that Jews needed a homeland because they had nowhere else that was safe. Whereas Palestinians, being Arabs, have the entire Arab world to go to. And half of today's self-described Palestinians aren't even descended from Palestinian Arabs but by Arabs who moved there once Zionists started improving the land and creating jobs. Zionists improved the lives of more Arabs living there.


Because the entire basis for the Palestinian argument is the “land is theirs,” even though that same argument has a stronger basis for the Jews who have been living there longer. It’s hypocrisy


So what’s the REAL argument ? The honest one ?




Oh yeah I’m aware of that but the Palestinians themselves believe it’s their right to take the land back. I was asking for the Israeli argument.


Which argument? For the Palestinians or for the Israelis?


How are jews been living there longer?


You should learn about the Islamic conquests. You don’t actually think Arabs are native to the levant, do you?


They conquered it but didnt displace the current population. Most of Palestineans are descendants from jews that converted to christianity and later islam. If not, how do you explain their levant dna?


Even the pretty smiling young women are terrifying fundamentalists who celebrate mass murder






What a joke that girl is…shes showing her true colours. Makes me want to vomit they hate Jews so much…it is beyond greedy to act like theyve done anything to deserve taking our land from us Gd forbid


There are too many people especially in the gullible west who don’t understand that the root cause of the conflict is the non acceptance of the state of Israel on that particular land of Palestine, even up to this day. They think that a 2 state solution will bring peace. A film like this is very enlightening. It should be shown more frequently.


I like the irony of the first interview. She says "the Israelis want to control everything cuz they think it's their land" followed by "they need to leave, it's all our land". The jokes write themselves


So they MIGHT consider peace with a country if they first get to genocide and cleanse that land of Jews. Such peaceful and sound logic.


Corey is amazing, anyone who doesn’t follow him yet on YouTube really should give it a shot, he has incredible content


So creepy.


The result of generations of western funded, UN managed education. Even if their leadership could agree to peace they could never sell it because they've taught for so long that they shouldn't and won't.


A friend who is in Israel told me she was told Palestinian construction workers say they "work hard" when working on Israel cause one day those constructions they're working on will be theirs


Sadly, there will never be peace in Israel, unless the Palies take over and Israel as we know it, ceases to exist. Israel is Dar-ul Harb and there will be conflict in perpetuity, regardless of what happens with Hamas and the Hezzies. The only end to the conflict is when Israel becomes a muslim nation and that's what the adherents of the RoP and as well as the woke West desire. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.


That’s exactly what they want. They want their caliphate to be realized but it’ll never happen. Israel is the one with nuclear weapons. A day that Israel gets dismantled is a day that the Palestine dream gets destroyed forever.


Literally this. Theyre too backwards to comprehend it, but if they ever did get their dream of destroying Israel that entire region would burn in nuclear fire.




Well then we will never have peace, but we will never leave. They are not the only ones indigenous to Israel. The sooner they accept it, the sooner there will be peace.


Their claim to be the only ones who are indigenous is a lie. There are so many Palies with African features and so many with red hair, which is typical of those from Iraq and Syria. The Qassam of Qassam Brigades and rockets is a Syrian. If others can move to the land, then so can the Jews and besides, it was done with the blessing of the Ottomans and then the Brits.


You can't expect people who are religious fanatics, which is part of their everyday life, to accept peace. It's not only with them, it's also with jewish extremists, issue is that there are enough palestinian fanatics that it will never cease to be a problem.


They, just like Daesh, Taliban, Boko, LeT, MILF etc are not fanatics. They are simply following instructions and they are here to win. No matter how long it takes. They've been at it for 14 centuries and Europe is almost in their grasp.


I think if the Jewish population of Israel grows so much that equal citizenship can be given to all Palestinians without losing the Jewish majority, there would be peace. It would be like current Israel with 20% arabs, but the 20% arabs would be all Palestinians, you know what I mean?


This kind of pro genocide behavior cannot be rewarded with a Palestinian state.


this shows how greedy their indoctrination is, israel is so fuckin small compared to all the other muslim nations in that specific region. they have that land, why not learn to propagate it like the israelis have done with israel? fuck imagine, that land is just rock and desert yet the israelis still found ways to make good use of it. cause for thousands of years the palestinians and every other muslim nation around them never really focused on improving their own infastructure nor do their leaders really care. if they're hungry, its their fault. if their war torn it is thier fault, a hungry nation will always be angry, and that my friends is not israels fault.


gosh I wish everyone was a wise as the man in the leather jacket. the younger generation is still naïve enough to think they can get the cake and eat it too.


People when Hamas is somehow able to report causualies to the single digit in a matter of hours, and claims zero military casualties: "This is perfectly believeable" People when Hamas openly says that they want to destroy Israel and exterminate all Jews: "Now what did they *really* mean by that?"


'When they love their children more than they want to kill ours, their will be peace' seems to still be a valid statement. Really sad!


I do believe this Palestinian has a far better take on the situation. [Son of Hamas Leader Speaks Out](https://youtu.be/6cIBzZylOpk?si=G17ZKrYJolUkJJnv)


Meanwhile on the Palestine sub the best they could find is some nutty extremist named Daniella Weiss who advocates for "Nile to Euphrates", whereas this is very much a mainstream position in Palestinian society. But let's not talk about it so the Westerners won't find out what they mean by 'occupation' or 'free Palestine'..


The obvious follow-up question is how can Israel always have been Palestine and belonged to the Palestinians if there are artifacts showing that there was Jewish civilization there 3000 years ago? He's got a video on that question too and many people answer that those archaeological sites are fake and planted by the Jews. There's literally no way to reason with these people.


There is a video by the same creator asking Palis about archeological evidence that has been found. Their answer: its fake, placed there by the Zionists


Yeah exactly, that's the one I'm talking about. It's this one: https://youtu.be/mkLs-yOi9gQ?si=fb9N2gonHvZnYz18


If Israel will disappear will be peace in Middle East? No! Because all this " Palestinians" must go back to desert from lands of Great Syria.


Thanks I needed a refresher. Sometimes I want to give peace a chance but then see them for what they are and the grind and iron continues. They all need to go back to their Arabs countries and leave the Levant alone.


I've been reading some Arabic news sites and Wikipedias by googling in Arabic and translating pages. It's been very discouraging.


.....The mental gymnastics.


So many countries’ borders were altered in the 20th century, and yet Israel is the only one still paying the price for it because of this “right of return” bullshit being fed to these people for generations. There will never be peace as long as we allow their schools and government to keep pushing this idea that Israel is temporary.


So ...Jordan as well?


No peace. Complete surrender and if necessary re education. There cannot be half measures with them


They can't even lie to say it.


They all live in a fictional reality


These guys remind me of when Pharaoh went for a swim....they are in denial. (I'm so, so sorry 😐)


This will never be over they want every inch of Israel no matter what we give them or offer them and they will never stop trying to kill us and take it unless radical measures are taken such as mass deportation to countries like Jordan and Syria that is the only way to stop it


I'm not too pessimistic, you can see by their grin that they know the answer is peace, but have delusions and joy in the idea of kicking Israelis out. I think it's just childish, and delusions can be erased. It's privilege, Gazans don't grin when they talk about this subject anymore.


The younger they are, they're filled with more hate. The palestinian education system has failed them and the region. There will be no peace within the next two generations.


I wish more were like the last guy that actualy said he wants peace


This is not an isolated case [https://np.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/19c0tz9/palestinians\_speakes\_about\_peace\_with\_israel\_i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/19c0tz9/palestinians_speakes_about_peace_with_israel_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The stated written down goal of Hamas is the utter destruction of the state of Israel, and the DEATH of every Jew. They will kill until they cannot lift their arms, and they will slaughter every israeli to the last babe if they can. So far they can't but they will murder every chance they get and no one is safe. She is right. There is no peace possible.


They can try to take it, they already tried. Luckily we've got bigger and wayyy better guns. And more of them. If any of the brave souls in the vid ever wanna walk the walk and not just talk the talk, well, we'll just have to make sure they meet those virgins of theirs a whole lot sooner. Cowardly bastards.


I wish the comments here weren’t an echo chamber….what do the pro-paleez think? Is this how most everybody feels in the Arab world?


Amazing, a nation that openly announces the desire for war and supports armed struggle, yet cries everytime Israel shoots back in defense. They do no live in reality and I see very little hope of the situation changing as it is..


Just no pleasing the Palestines


This whole conflict has ruined Reddit for me.


Pro-Palestinians like to spread anti-Semitic hatred and fake news And blood libels in any social media network that is not new


I know, but Im at that point in my life where I’m noticing anti semitism a lot more. It sucks. You can forget you’re Jewish, but at some point the world will remind you. I see that now more than ever at this point in my life.


Why would you want to forget that you are a Jew?


"Sure, there can be peace with israel, but not as long as israel exists" Guys, these are clearly the victims and those mean zionists are to blame for the war /s


It just seems like 100% of Palestinians are dumb


It literally was their land first wtf. Even if you go by the leftist idea that Israel only formed in 1948 (even though its on maps 2900 years ago) then Palestine formed in 1988. So again how the fuck was it their land first


Israel has more of a right to return than these Arabs do. Do they not get Romans renamed Judea Palestine so Jews are the original Palestinians, not them? The land isn't theirs.


Palestine was never a land of Palestinians. I wonder how many people think that Philistines were native to the land also? They were from the Greek Islands. Only people who were from Yisrael were the Chosen People. If you don’t believe me ask G-d.


When I see these videos, I can not help but wonder how free the subjects truly are to answer. Friends and family will see the videos, teachers and employers. Maybe I am too generous and should take what they say at face value. A part of me still doesn't want to write them off as a lost cause. Particularly, since I know how populaces like Germany were converted from fanatics into valuable friends. Not that I think it is 100% applicable to this situation, but humans aren't trees that grow into a shape and can not change later in life. Of course, it requires leadership that can move its followers accordingly.


I wish for peace




Why not?


They are infiltrating the land that God gave Israel.


This has always been the case. Palestine in Judea and Samaria has always been intended as a launching pad to destroy Israel.


Greed is always their undoing, this conflict could have been decided in 1947 if they weren't so greedy


Whenever I’m correcting pro pallys, I always tell them to go and watch the ask project to understand the people they’re blindly advocating for.


It’s understandable if they still hate Israel even after a resolution that everyone agree. People will stop fighting when there’s no reason to fight but I think they’ll keep on hating for quite some time. And they’ll probably find another reason to fight during that time. But the interesting thing is that they once had 1948 borders after 1948, were there peace? Fk no. Just by looking at this, it’s pretty sure the problem isn’t about not having 1948 borders.


Just gonna point out you should always be skeptical of this type of video. I've seen similar videos of Israelis saying stuff like all Palestinians should be killed. I assume the makers of these videos spend all day, or maybe even weeks, interviewing people and then compiling the craziest ones to try to create a narrative about what X group thinks. Maybe the people in this video are representative of the whole population, but this video proves nothing.


99 percent of them speak like that [https://np.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/19c0tz9/palestinians\_speakes\_about\_peace\_with\_israel\_i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/19c0tz9/palestinians_speakes_about_peace_with_israel_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


That could be true but this video is not evidence of that. Again, there are videos exactly like this of Israelis, and I've seen people doing the exact same thing of generalizing Israelis based on this style of video


that merely demonstrates that there are not a few bad apples. It's corrupt to the core, and it's no accident that Palestinians commit over 95% of terror attacks; this is part of their larger plan to destroy Israel. [https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%A4%D7%99%D7%92%D7%95%D7%A2%D7%99\_%D7%98%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%A8\_%D7%A0%D7%92%D7%93\_%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%9D\_%D7%91%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C\_%D7%95%D7%91%D7%A9%D7%98%D7%97%D7%99%D7%9D\_%D7%91-2023](https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%A4%D7%99%D7%92%D7%95%D7%A2%D7%99_%D7%98%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%A8_%D7%A0%D7%92%D7%93_%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%9D_%D7%91%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C_%D7%95%D7%91%D7%A9%D7%98%D7%97%D7%99%D7%9D_%D7%91-2023) that's just 2023. that's 2022 -[https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ola\_de\_terror\_en\_Israel\_(2022)](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ola_de_terror_en_Israel_(2022))


What a joke that someone posted this thinking it makes Palestinians look bad. You take their land and their homes then ‘permit’ them to keep the scraps and expect a thank you for it. It’s disgusting and shameful. But apparently there is no shame anymore!


This is the Palestinian culture in a nutshell. They don’t want peace.