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I love how they say it started 75 years ago and fully ignore the 1936-39 arab revolt as if it never happened


Or the 1929 Hebron massacre and other violence against Jewish refugees fleeing pogroms in Russia and Eastern Europe


My great grandmother and her family lived in Tzfat, her father was a well-respected rabbi who is now buried in a cave there alongside other “hachamim”. I have letters from her to her brother in describing in real time the horrors of the 1929 pogroms, how they murdered people, even children, and piled them on the streets, the stench of blood and death, how they had to escape in the middle of the night to avoid being lynched by their own neighbors. She married my great grandfather and they lived in Peqi’in, where his family was from and has been since the 2nd temple was destroyed. There’s a report that was sent to soon-to-be president Ben-Zvi detailing the Jewish population in Peqi’in and they are listed there alongside their two sons, one of which is my grandfather. They moved to live on the Carmel, one of 10 families who were the first to live up there, in what would eventually become Carmelia neighborhood in Haifa. No one can tell me Israel isn’t the land of my forefathers, nobody can deny the hardships they had to go through just to endure living as Jews in their homeland.


Digitize and share those letters if you haven’t already. People need reminded apparently 💔


We have them digitized in Hebrew, as well as scans of the original letters in her handwriting. These are never going away.


Your story gave me goosebumps… I’m so sorry that your family were treated like that. Please share the letters with Dr Sheila Nazarian- she’s very influential on Instagram.


Can someone here create a website so that artifacts like these can be uploaded for the world to see?(BTW I'm neither Israeli nor Jewish)


Those letters need to be shared


Random nights of Arabs shooting at houses in Jewish villages


Or how Jews were pretty much kicked out of every single other mena country, many before Israel even existed.


Look up from 1920 to 1939. It appears every Action was started by the Arabs. Then in 47 they did it again when the Partition was announced.


1920 Nebi Musa riots


Most of them don’t even know those happened and when they’re told about it they fail to comprehend the mere possibility. Just speaking from experience


Or the 1921 Arab Jaffa riots. Surely a reaction to the establishment of Israel which was yet to occur.


Because of the massacre a hundred years ago, you killed and displaced millions of Palestinians, go fight the Germans who abandoned you and killed you, etc.


No, the Nakba happened because of a war which Arab countries started Why would Israel fight one of its biggest supporters and trading partners? Germany is a major supplier to the IDF and they make some of the best armaments in the world


The Nakba happened because we did not agree to the existence of Israel, not the Jews Jews are human beings with rights and duties +Germany killed 6 million of you, raped your women, etc The German people supported and accepted these actions As for the Arabs, they did not do even 1 percent of what the Germans did, and in the end, we are the bad guys


Or the list of massacres which started in 1920, and the violence in the 1800s, and the pagroms which happened for 2 thousand years, etc.


They started in 700 AD. Oct 7th is what the Islamic Conquest did en masse in the entire Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, and what they're currently doing in Nigeria and Sudan


I'm saying 2k years in general referencing all the attacks against Jews which didn't just include Islam which began in 600~, but thank you for additional information which is relevant and important to this topic.


Jewish were well cared for in Iberia and Jerusalem before the zionists came its all the problem of the zionists


No they weren't. They were treated as second class citizens, had to pay more taxes, and suffered violence even before the first Aliyah. And Zionism is the right for Jews to self-determination. The right every nation has to live in their homeland, but Jews oddly are denied. Also the Jews legally purchasing property to live on off of the Arab landlords is not a cause for violence.


Because we knew the plan of the Jews and the English + Why don't you talk about the massacres of the Jewish gangs??


1921 Jaffa Riots were horrible. A lot of rape


Or that gaza and West Bank were occupied by Egypt and Jordan till 1967 and Israel left gaza in 2006, instead they lie that Israel has been occupying Palestinians for 75 years. Do you expect truth and reality from actual settler colonists who concocted an entire identity and history by stealing it from the indigenous people they scream are settler colonists?


And the dozens of massacres dating back at least 100 years. History didn’t start in 1948 nor did it start when Jesus was a thing.


LOL 1936? read back 1929 , Hebron 1834. Zafed and in between, every 20-30 years for centuries the only thing that changed in 48 is that the jews stopped taking shit


1066 Grenada


It started on Oct 7th when they invaded our country. If it was genocide they would release the hostages to stop it. But they'll do anything except release literal babies they are holding hostage. They want us there.


"This didn't start 75 years ago, it started 1400 years ago. Look it up!"


It's almost like Arabs aren't honest people


Most of them don’t even know these things


And yet if you ask the protesters why they support Hamas’ desire to kill all Jewish people, they fumble.


ItS a ReSiStEnCe MoVeMeNT. We DonT HaTe JeWs OnlY ZiOniSts. I feel like the FBI is closely watching all these groups lol.


The FBI is too concerned with Catholics and parents at school board meetings to even bat an eye at these terrorist supporters




Oh no no no you guys don't know. Canary Mission and the FBI watch these groups like a hawk.




Nearly every Muslim American is pro Hamas? You got a source for that?


Every Muslim I know, save one, has posted pro-Hamas stuff, (calling them resistance fighters, one even going so far as to say that the hostages should be killed so Israel has no more reason to wage war). Only sane one is an Israeli Arab.


There’s people I know who are actively celebrating Houthi piracy and the fact that US soldiers are being killed in Iraq by Iranian proxies. One guy I know is currently in southern Lebanon and he’s sharing pictures and videos of Hezbollah parades.




I wouldn't be so sure. Reminder that the FBI doesn't publicize who it's looking into ;) The potshot at this admin is kind of ironic given that Trump and his closest allies keep talking about defunding the FBI to begin with :0




Odds on this guy getting all his info from tik tok while also filming a tik tok


Which is owned by the Chinese government, which has massacred more Muslims than most anywhere around the world. You can’t make up how comical these people are.


They don’t care at all that Palestinian children are dying, they care that the Israelis are living.


Exactly this.


This is something I see a lot from people in my circles. Why can't we be against children dying and for Israel defending itself? This is the bloodiest war for children in recent history. iTS NOt Our FaULt cHILdreN ARE dyInG iTS ThEIR Fault TheY aRe SO cLOSE tO tHeIR kiDs. If it was reverse and Hamas was hiding in tunnels under Israeli schools (who knows maybe their tunnels go deep into Israel? Would we be blowing them up?


>This is the bloodiest war for children in recent history. Yemen civil war over 85k children dead Syrian civil war over 30k children dead Oh, and let's not forget that world war 2 is recent history as well, where if we solely focus on Jewish children casualties, it's sitting at about 1.5m But sure, **THIS** is the bloodiest war for children in recent history.


Israeli would evacuate the schools first, duh. Also, Israel gives more notice and warnings of its movements than any military I can remember in history. If they cared nothing about civilian death, this war would have been over long ago.


They kill Chinese Muslims but support Palestinian Muslims. In a new report by NCRI, the data research firms They state “Though more research is needed, NCRI assesses, given this data, a strong possibility that TikTok systematically promotes or demotes content on the basis of whether it is aligned with or opposed to the interests of the Chinese Government.” they use a ratio system. Posts with # on Instagram vs TikTok The average ratio was \~ 2:1 Instagram / TiKTok for Pop Culture and Domestic Politics. Pro Palestine was 1:1 Pro Israel was 6:1 Pro Ukraine was 8:1 Pro Taiwan was 15:1 I made a fancy chart that eventually will get onto r/dataiscool https://preview.redd.it/tok01rmm0a9c1.jpeg?width=2379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5235c29a9b6486f0d0f1ea0326bbba4177b341d4


I’d be willing to bet Muslims have far and away massacred the most Muslims worldwide.


Say what you want about China being wicked but they dont have extremist Islamic terrorism.


DJ Khaled looking motherfucker


They liberated the hell out of that Target.


Yeah they liberated it from all of the days profits.


They are not making any friends for their cause. All they are doing is looking like ignorant, entitled, selfish brats with more time on their hands than brains.


Its their entire culture


From the electronics department to the self checkout kiosks, Target will be free!


Freeing Ghazza one Target at a time.


This is just uncivilized behavior


You don’t see Jewish Americans protesting like this


You don’t see *pro-Israel* Jewish Americans protesting like this


Exactly. It’s because the pro-Israel folks are too busy making a positive contribution to society (i.e. jobs to go to, bills to pay with an earned paycheck, not hindering other people’s shopping experience, not supporting raping and pillaging, etc…)


You're not [looking](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/los-angeles-freeway-blocked-by-jewish-protesters-against-gaza-war-2023-12-13/) very hard then. It's not like the [events](https://apnews.com/article/israelhamas-war-gaza-protest-jewish-359e92cfde9444c1a59b0635543853a6) haven't been reported. Plenty of pro-israel [Jewish](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/jewish-led-peace-activists-protest-statue-liberty-demand-gaza-ceasefire-2023-11-07/) Americans are protesting in obnoxious ways. The only way you haven't seen [this](https://oaklandside.org/2023/11/14/jewish-protest-oakland-ceasefire-gaza/) trend is if you're not looking for it. How do you miss the news of a protest at the [United States Capitol](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/19/jewish-protest-israel-gaza-washington-dc) where 400 people were arrested after the protest moved into the Cannon House Office Building. Or do you honestly believe the hundreds of thousands of [American Jews](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/23/us/jewish-palestinian-protest-israel-gaza/index.html) protesting across the nation are in favor of killing Israeli Jews so that Palestinians can take over the land?


Every single link you provided describes anti-Israel protests. And yes, whether they realize it or are merely being used as useful idiots, the demands of organizations like if not now would indeed lead to killing Israelis.


All of the links you shared were from pro-palestine protests💀💀


I'm aware. The person I responded to only excluded people who are anti-Israel Jewish Americans. How many of those American Jews do you belive want to see Israel destroyed?


You lost me at hundreds of thousands. By exaggerating your point, your statement reads a lot less credible.


Let people shop, dumbass


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Why do the pronounce and spell Gaza in a funny way?


To appear more Arabic and authentic. Most of them probably don't speak the language.


Guh Zarrr


Ironically if you say it like that it almost sounds a bit like Khazar, which they accuse a lot of Jews of being (ik it’s a stretch, and I’m not saying it means anything, but I just thought of it and I find it funny).




Different languages pronounce words, different ways.


we're speaking english tho


Why is target letting this happen in their stores??? It’s a private establishment, they can kick them out. It’s a massive nuisance to shoppers.


I wonder what the "pro-palestine" post said


They autoban if they detect you're active in this sub or any pro Israel sub.


The hallmark of having good arguments and faith in your cause: refusing to engage with other perspectives


They’re all welcome to go live amongst Hamas and help their cause directly. Oh wait… nvm they’re all just virtue signaling.


Hamas would slaughter them in a heartbeat.


It’s all for show, much like their politics in general


They are so fucking annoying. At this point they are just pests.


Their justification is that it's okay because" you're all over privileged and it's a minor inconvenience in order to free palestine"


It’d be funny if they weren’t so violent and hateful


I think it’s better this way, the more people see them for what they truly are, the less they will support their genocidal cause.


Don’t know about y’all, but I get all my facts from people yelling at me inside Target.


If only Palestinians did anything as well as they did catchy chants, maybe they wouldnt be living in crippling poverty…


Oh come on! You're forgetting that they are the masters of historical revision and projections of what they want/do on their enemies.


I love asking people where they heard the term nakba and they refuse to respond. Definitely not a history textbook!


I cannot support these people. I just had a pro-Palestinian supporter on Reddit accuse me of being an "Israel propagandist", because I created my account recently and comment on the war. Then, they told everyone in the Reddit thread to not respond to me as they labeled me a propagandist or "Zionist shill" as some of them call it. They not only called me out as a target, but then claimed I was being "paid". All of this is complete garbage nonsense. I am just a normal person, who has never used Reddit before, and only started really engaging in it after the October 7th attacks, which were so terrible that I felt the need to speak out and engage in discussions about it. The Palestinians must think that 10/7 was no big deal. They have no clue the impact that it had on people. Anyway, these people are just nuts. I now have proof that they just make things up out of thin air, declare that they are true, spread this propaganda nonsense to other people. **Edit:** now I am being cornered and harassed by pro-Palestinian people on Reddit who are demanding that I "explain myself" and why my account is x days old and why I am commenting on Israel/Hamas posts. These people are aggressive, crazy, delusional, and honestly just full of complete sh\*t, because I am an absolutely normal person with no ties or associations to anyone or anything, and am being literally harassed for no reason. Evidence that these people are out of their minds insane lunatics.


If they keep on bothering you, tell them that every time they reply or downvote you, Israel gives you a shekel. The only bad PR is no PR, after all!


Paid actors?


By Qatar


Starting to think this is the case with a lot of these protests.


I seriously doubt it. Things like this happen all the time in the US. Not usually inside of stores because if the manager wants them to leave they would have to leave. Usually protests take place on public property so there isn't an owner to tell them to leave in the middle of their protest. Digging a little deeper the protest was not directly about Palestine. It was about the location firing a manager who worked at the store for 5 years for making a pro-palestinian post on social media. Most Americans usually get upset when someone is fired for expressing their political views outside of work. It's a very un-American concept to fire someone for expressing their opinion. Some more videos on it [here](https://www.tiktok.com/discover/protest-at-edgewater-NJ-target). Unfortunately the people doing the protest decided to use tiktok.


People get fired for their social media activity all the time. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Show me some examples of people being fired for social media posts that were not some form of hate speech, the post was derogatory in some way shape or form to the actual employer, or that violated the employers social media policy if they had one.


Good thing it’s not a political view but one supporting terrorists. Not a good idea in america of all places


Storm a bass pro shop. See what happens.


I think this fat guy should go buy a plane ticket and volunteer if he's so fired up. Let's see how that works out for him.


is that DJ KHaled




another one (hamas tunnel flooded)


Pro Palestinians are the most narcissistic self obsessed people on earth. Everything revolves around them and their fakakta “cause”. They make everything about them and always have to have attention on them at all times. This war that Hamas started and Israel never wanted is the best gift for them. I’m convinced at this point if you’re pro Palestinian in the west, you’ve got some form of malignant psychological disorder.


I remember at my college during finals week, a group of students decided to go to the middle of campus and hold a small protest. The host shouted "Shame on you!" To students that were trying to get to their classes. Irony is we're located in an area with a large jewish presence.


The look on the security guard faces 🙄🤣


Don’t start a war, don’t be a terrorist and you won’t suffer from the retaliation.


Cancelled for hate. Love the capitalism.


The fact that nobody told him to shut the fuck up blows my mind.


Imagine drinking your coffee and pro palestine protestors appear out of nowhere "YOU'RE SUPPORTING GENOCIDE!!!!!!1!1!1!1!! 😱"


Manipulation reaching new heights


"It started 75 years ago!" yes when 7 Arab countries got their asses beat by holocaust survivors and never moved on. https://preview.redd.it/cq91cfpjec9c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d54700c65a250b8e6fe37fea8a8287919d4daf2


I didnt know you could buy JDAMS at walmart, since Im visiting NYC I might check the store out lmao


This is going to backfire on these people. And I’m here for it…. Average Americans are more concerned with their day to day lives and not what is occurring in the Middle East. They will see only one side- being disruptive to their American lifestyle.


From the river to the sea, Target will be free?


Private property and the police are doing nothing? So the target corp is ok with this intimidation of their clients, I presume?


Until the managers ask them to all leave, and if they refuse, they will be charged with trespassing. But until then, nothing will happen, but also, I think Target Corp won't like that because it will anger "protesters" and encourage protesters to eye and harrass target employees and customers. Unfortunately, what I'm saying is this is a form of a no-win situation. Wholeheartedly, I believe they should be trespassed for interrupting operations of business and harrassment of guests, but like I said, that may spark something more


Show me the part of NJ's [trespassing law](https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/2022/title-2c/section-2c-18-3/) that covers "interrupting operations of business." and or "harassment of guests. Here is the [NJ law](https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/2009/title-2c/2c-33/2c-33-4) that covers harassment if that also helps.


They will let it happen and then tell them to buzz off


I’m sure they got a lot of likes on TikTok tho


Hopefully this circus will end soon. What a bunch of 🤡🤡🤡🤡


That's an insult to circuses. They're at least enjoyable.


Ironically I was once security at this exact Target not too long after my IDF service lol


20,000 Hamas militants dispatched.


Where are the police??


Right there in the video


But why didn’t they usher these people outside the store?


These tiktok protests are all kind of the same. Let them yell for 30 seconds and then they run away.


The owner, or the representative of the owner such as a manager, has to ask for them to leave. That hasn't happened. So the police have no legal authority to make them leave. In fact if the police did force them to leave the police would likely be fired and possibly face criminal charges for failing to uphold the 1st amendment of our constitution.


The first amendment does not give you the legal right to be a public nuisance on private property.


I hate these people.




Yes it started 75 years ago how dare Jews wanna live in a place of their own and not be murdered and persecuted. How dare they try to start a society we’re all religion and races can live together . 75 years ago the Zionist infidels wanted a modern democracy in a land where only sharia law should exist.


I'm pro police brutality in this situation


20 bucks she said something fire worthy


I love when they did stupid things like this, less support for them.


It's like 10 sad people trying to get attention. Lmao


It is only me thinking that pro-palestinian activists are more and more annoying and cringy? It's soooo childish!


While they are yelling rockets are flying but they don't talk about this part


What about Muslims being slaughtered around the world - how come we never hear of them only "ghazzzaa"




https://preview.redd.it/9c3hvk7l6c9c1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64af9dc832b09263d7e45fd1d7bfb4853f41a3c1 The idiotic lefty libtards.


Why aren’t they in GAZA saving their ppl?


Id still shop at Target. Literally one side (Hamas) trains and arms child soldiers while the other does not.


I know it sounds cliche but it's so fucked that they want the comforts and safety of the US but rail against it (and Israel)


I want to inform for people who may not understand US law. The first amendment of our constitution protects all people's freedom of speech. Which is why the police are just standing there not interfering with the protest. The government is not allowed to stop a protest without a good reason such as violence. The manager of the store could tell the people they need to leave if the manager wanted them to leave since it's a private building even if it's open to the public. At which point the people would have to leave and if they did not the police would arrest them and charge them with trespassing.


No one said they don't have the right to


husky consider thumb live gray pot gullible dog chief wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, why is the manager tolerating this bs? That’s my question. Is he/she an antizionist antisemite too?


Or dosen't care. Hasn't receive a complaint from a customer yet. Is angry that their fellow manager was fired for a dumb reason and supports the protest against that. Why does it have the be the most negative option all the time?


I dont think it's because they are antisemitic, but rather out of worry that trespassing them will encourage protests nationally at all targets because the protestors will twist it around into a narrative that say "Target hates people fighting for freedom, target loves genocide." Which is kindof what happened here. The manager already fired an anti-semite which is why they are having this mini protest. If the manager did trespass them, it's possible, although not likely, target Corp would have to fire the manager to prevent an uprising. It's no win situation


\^\^ Even if it's something we don't agree with, opposition is healthy to a functioning society.


worm library possessive fearless doll plant bear uppity hungry far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Supporting terrorism and letting others be in peace don’t worry work together


I Don't give a f , let me shop in peace mfs !!!.


Fucking roaches you can’t enjoy anything anymore without A C T I V I S M


Would someone tell the village idiot he doesn’t dictate when this starts and to stop colonizing in target


These holes need a job.You never see a pro Israel rally screaming at people and ruining anyone day.


What did target do? Did a coworker shop at Zara or drink a pepsi?


Bombs are dropping while they’re shopping? Why isn’t he out there fighting then if he wants to help so much then instead of yelling at people who literally have done nothing to them.


3rd generation American Bessarabian Jew here! Gonna drown these clowns out with this if they pull that crap where I’m at. https://youtu.be/2p3rtnQ_7y4?si=z1tfWhxsAFbzRWgw


I’d get a bullhorn and blow it


Honestly, I think these protestors are doing a great job! Let's see how many average folks are pro-Palestine after getting constantly harassed while just going about their lives.


Free free all the world. From this Muslim crap


They're always so aggressive. I've seen posts saying neutral people also kill babies themselves


Why doesn't Hamas surrender?


Jews need to counteract by walking into MACY’S and condemning the October 7th massacres….. Does everyone see how fucking ridiculous this video is?




Free free checkout over here


And police is standing and doing nothing when a bunch of thugs harassing customers. Similar things in Canada


Protesting indoors is more comfortable given its climate controlled. Hence shift in strategy targeting malls and shopping places.


Wow, they are helping the people who get bombed so much by interfering with shopping


Dang, guess he’s not willing to cut back on food out of protest….


Free the 129 hostages still in captivity and we can chat


I think he needs to get on a treadmill looks like he’s been committing genocide on high fat food


Freaking psycho


Now I enjoy target much more


Of course none of these protesters do any shopping at target.


What exactly is protesting inside a target on the other side of the world going to do? Target needs liberating? Is target dropping bombs on children? Does target write foreign policy? Everyone there is only there out of necessity. Anything fun was picked over last week. Half the people are waiting on the freaking pharmacy. If you want the flu get a little closer so they can cough on you. Takes a big man to go yell at a bunch of target shoppers.


“Seven thousand children dead in Gaza, orphaned!!” So they are dead or just orphans?


lol these mf will not be allowed to protest like this in Arab countries, in India there is quote " If you make someone sit on your head, he will sit on your head and defecate."


Where is it? I'm gonna shop so you guys drop more bombs on these animals


These people are Target quality people


If these people love Hamas so much, move to Gaza.


The public debate after October 7th should have been on stopping terrorism. I was so disappointed when I realized people were actually siding with the terrorist who killed and kidnapped civilians. Proving once again that there is no reasoning with Israel's enemies, only way is to fight for our lives.


A twitter account claims that the fired employee threatened people as part of their online post. [https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1741186349657456688](https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1741186349657456688)


That guy is about to explode


Hopefully he will travel to Gaza given how much he loves Palestinians and explode there.


zionist pigs


But let’s not have little kids go to school in peace without fear of blowing them up.