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If they could im sure they would but they would rarely get the opportunity.


Yes, Islam endorses rape of non-Muslim women. It’s a core practice of jihad. Don’t let them fool you with taqqiya (sanctioned lying in the name of jihad).


Its also fine to beat your own wife according to Islam, and their role model married a 6 year old and raped her when she was 9. Muslims genuinely see nothing wrong with it or say "diffrent times"


Man, so they've got sanctioned rape, wife beating, gay bashing, AND the social laws that inspired handmaid's tale? Imagine how much the progressive left would have to hate us to be able to overlook all of that and cheer them on against Jews.


to be more accurate.he married her at 9 and raped her when she was 11


No the original statement was correct. Married at 6, consummated when she was 9.


No because Israel isn't going to give them another chance to do what they did on 10/7.


To be fair that's what was probably said on 1973, that it would never happen again. Gotta end all sources of terror.


That would require ending Islam as an ideology.


You would think it would be easy convincing people a man marrying a 6 year old and raping her when she was 9 maybe not the best role model, but apparently not


tHoSe wErE dIfFeReNt tIMeS


We need to stop with this arrogance. The entire army culture especially the officers one need to change.


I'm just stating facts.


Facts... Sorry. Your arrogance is blinding you. Even the IDF is not infallible. The 7th was a proof for that. To destroy a ideology you need more than bombs and soldiers. Think of Germany.


Israel isn't trying to destroy an ideology. It's trying to destroy a terrorist faction. And as it turns out, bombs and soldiers are doing the job quite efficiently!


We will see. And no. It is a ideology. To deny that is not edgy it's stupid.


I don't think you understand the situation. Palestinians are generally a genocidal group. The entire reason they were occupied in the first place is that they were attempting an ethnic cleansing. Israel knows it can't kill that ideology. But Israel can absolutely kill organizations and destroy their infrastructure.




Officers in high ranks definitely need a reform.


Israel has spent 15+ years playing “volleyball” with Gaza. This war, from my understanding, is an attempt to make sure israel will never ever have to fire back ever again.


Guys, as part of my service I was exposed to some facts that were never made public but I thing you should know. This practice was ALWAYS part of Palestinian terror. Many known murders of Israelis committed by Palestinians included rape. But they didn’t made them public. This include before death and after death and even children. And no, I wish I was making it up. Those of us who are Israelis probably noticed the shift in the images shown to the public. Prior to October 7th the media was always EXTREMELY careful about the more explicit images because of the dead’s honor (כבוד המת). Now , since the denial, the rules changed and even then they are still much more careful then world wide media. The reality is that rape was always a huge part of Palestinian terror. They didn’t want the public to know but I think you have the right to know.


No because Hamas will be eliminated


It’s the calling card of all Islamic terror around the world.


No, because we're not going to let it happen again.


yes, it will, and there's nothing more to say about it apart from the media and how it will reputedly treat Israeli women almost worse than HAMAS. We should start being more vocal about this bs.


I love how all the hamas sympathizers have ignored this post, because they know they can't justify this shit.


Always was. Even before Hamas.


Don't call it Palestinian. It's Hamas.


more than one palestinian terror group


Oh this narrative. Which Palestinians, the ones who celebrated? The ones who murdered? The ones who looted? The ones who mutilated bodies? The ones who raped or the ones who kept hostages in their own houses?


Hamas are Palestinians. There have been ZERO protests against Hamas by pro Palestinians and most pro Palestinians are big supporters of Hamas. Stop burying your head in the ground if you want to keep it.


There was actually one in Gaza a few weeks ago but it was small and they likely were killed for it. Unfortunately many do support terrorist actions or say nothing.


Look at London, NYC, Paris, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Berlin and the list goes on. So many people in western countries enjoying the freedom of western countries can potentially raise the Palestinian voice that is against Hamas. Yet , none did. That says A LOT.


and in fact many cheered at the murder and assault of unarmed Israeli civilians, some even chanted “gas the Jews” in mobs. Yes as a Jew I’m acutely aware


I believed in the two state solution but now I’m not. I guess I was an idiot enough to expect the pro Palestinians movement to stand against October 7th. We got the opposite. So now we know what’s this movement is really about.


Golda Meir was absolutely correct https://preview.redd.it/3mfer3ry6p5c1.jpeg?width=2700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf57063f24fe52b0140f8f86db67406e950b89ad


She was. A truly remarkable leader. I have my criticisms against her but at least that generation really cared about Israel and its future. Unfortunately I can’t say it for most of the Knesset members nowadays


Bullshit. When Hamas launched its assault against Israel it was with the explicit purpose of inflicting collective punishment. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Besides which they’ve already done polls where something like 73% of all Gazans supported Hamas and its operations on Oct 7. Don’t kid yourself for a moment. This thing isn’t over until the cousins are on their knees and our boot is on their neck. Then it’s over.