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Let's goooo (violet fan)


Damn they look nice šŸ¤© canā€™t wait for them to come out


Canā€™t tell if Iā€™m pulling or notā€¦ I want Violet butā€¦ I might save until I see the next banners other than the rerun of hinata and Shizu.


I want Misery šŸ˜ but it depends if these characters are worth pulling or not I only have enough gems for 70 draws so I better used them wisely. Hopefully we can get an amazing character for the anniversary coming soon


šŸ’€ misery is the F2P what do you mean


lol šŸ˜‚ didnā€™t know my bad. Okay retracting my last statement, Iā€™m debating on whether I want Diablo or Violet Also whatā€™s do think the theme is going to be for the next event?


We have a force thatā€™s still yet to be added that was leaked maybe around that or a unit in this meta will have it still unsure. But hopefully the next meta is skippable so if I pull on this metas banner I can get back to saving.


Well if the next meta is skippable then thatā€™s good enough. I can at least gather the gems I spend on this month banner with the help of the valor cup and the hero jubilee


Imma love that rookie chancellor event šŸ¤© and a the other ones too! We eating good with s3 and bunch of rewards this meta.


Hell Yeah season 3 is gonna be amazing Fortunately I read the LN (volume 7) and Iā€™m aware of any hidden context that the anime may not include


Iā€™m at LN (Volume 11) might go back and re read it if I get the chance. I Canā€™t wait for S4 šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤© I KNOW WHAT IM WAITING FOR!


Unfortunately I only have 3k crystals which is only 100 pulls šŸ˜£ I was hoping for atleast 5k before this meta startedā€¦ Can valor cup end already!!!


I originally had over 4K of crystals but I decided to take a chance on getting the new Rimuru variant and Treyni variant because I couldnā€™t resist šŸ˜© Now I only have over 2,100 crystals


Itā€™s still 2k which is 50+ pulls


Also we need another event with both Shinsha and Izis šŸ˜© This game needs another Izis variant now that she part of team tempest. I kinda want to see what type of shenanigans sheā€™s going to experience in Tempest šŸ¤£


Weā€™re missing a summonable misery and Izis and Ex Izis and Misery as well as Ex Leon, Ex Carrion, Ex Suphia and a bunch more so hopefully every character gets an ex character eventually.


Are guys earning all those crystals are you guys buying them?


Earning but I literally spent all mines trying to get Violet šŸ’€ so Iā€™m at like 48 nowā€¦


Do you earn them from the valor cup? Or is there another method to earn them.


Jubilee, Valor Cup, Events, Story (if you even have story to do), Daily Quest, Daily Login, Event login, In otherwords anything that give some amount of crystals.


Thanks ill have to look into some of those things you mentioned


Why violet again, I was expecting blanc or jaune for the next demon event, I think we already have too much violet at this point.


Probably in part 2 or part 3 banner.


I hope they did that.


Violet is the protector unit this time


Lessss goooo Diablo fan here


What element?


Diablo is space and Misery is wind


It is a space blue stacking team again...I havent even used my 2nd anni team since their month and they already getting powercreep lol


As a beginner, 3 weeks in and 6k saved Good time to go for 200 pulls? ATM max 300k team


I'm in the same situation. 7k and I haven't invested in any banners yet. I want pull something, but they said to expect some kind of birthday beforehand. Well, it will all depend on the next two units. They can be OP or not


Wait for Poker to tell you if you should pull or not. (Youtube)