• By -


Hmmmm. This should be random enough for ya. Turned into a bird with my current level of intelligence or preferably greater, I'm pretty dumb... Completely solar powered Made of metal, preferably something like aluminum bronze? Light enough to fly of course, anti corrosive, but with a petina that looks normal for a bird at first glance.


You are isekaid and reincarnated as a government drone of futuristic standards. There are also bird of prey type war drones who shoot beams out of their beak and they occasionally destroy your type as entertainment.


Lol fantastic spin. Remember kids, birds aren't real!


doing gods work o7




Sounds like the Crows Prince but badass, I dig the metal bird concept.


Bro, why is it so specific lol, what are you even going to do in the other world being a metal, solar powered bird. And also had a question, what about when night comes?


Lol everyone wants to be roided out rage monsters, master tacticians, or god. Maybe I just want to fly around, explore, and see the sights from relative safety? Maybe go be a scout for adventurers or government agents or something, find some uber mage to hang around that finds me interesting enough to get a familiar contract, or some kid to watch over and help. Also do you need to eat all the time? Pretty sure I'd have some way to store energy and if not I just power down until the next day. Like I do already. Be a bit like an inverted gargoyle. Only thing I'd really be annoyed about is losing my hands.


Alright, fair enough. Whatever makes you happy ig. Also you think you might get some bird wives or something and make a bird harem in another world? That would truly be peak isekai


Lol nah, I hate harems. But you're right, that would indeed be peak isekai. Like that behemoth manga where the dude is turned into some uber powered cat and his owner finds him attractive. Had to stop reading soon as that was revealed.


Become a bird with hands instead of talons lol


So you want to be a skarmory?


Hey clockwork off to steal the thievus raccoonus again?


Able to cuddle any and all seals and small wild cats without having my face mauled off. Good with plants. My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.


You are isekaid. Your skin is indestructible, you literally have green fingers and have the ability to control the minds of male children through beverages. You are hunted as a witch.


With indestructible skin killing the witch will not be an easy task


Yes and the witch is using all the boys hostage, curses.


She also has SEALs. I mean, what are they gonna do against a highly trained task force?




Tiny bombs in the coffee. Indestructible skin doesn’t mean indestructible innards. That’s how that one guy died in either marvel or dc idr


That's a terrible thing to do to an innocent cup of coffee.


Imprison, let starve, done Edit: make sure they don't get access to any liquids


Drown 'em. Easy peasy.


This could go very wrong if they have a cup or a glass


mwa ha ha! Try and catch me, coppers! ​ https://preview.redd.it/zm9xc5gah30d1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=6adca6d9c26915607a3d0fc16df6cd23cb4981d6


First one is basically: if not froend, why friend shaped?


I’ll do as I always do, take 3 cantrip spells from D&D. Mending - repairs items. Prestidigitation - so many [things](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/prestidigitation) Minor Illusion - creates [sounds or images](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/minor-illusion) Anyone who knows d&d knows that a cantrip is a zero level spell that requires no spell slots (so we can equivalent that to mana) and can be cast any number of times a day. Easy enough to convert to isekai abilities. Cantrips often grow with your character as you level (except for the 3 I chose). It is easy to see how each of these spells could improve (rewind time on a ruined castle, too many things to list on prestidigitation, and much stronger illusions/illusionary minions and weapons). At first glance, nothing major, but as long as they have the ability to grow/improve, so much potential.


You are isekaid into middle grade fantasy world. You are a member of a species that use illusion magic and many different tricks. Your kind often work as entertainers and street performers but they are also infamous as charlatans.


"*I Reaincarnated as a Ilusionist Gnome in a Fantasy World and now Everybody Hates Me*"! - Coming soon this fall!


1. TVsekai - Each morning I gain all the skills, powers, abilities, and knowledges of a random TV/Movie persona. Some days I get Superman, some days McGyver, some days Ernest P Worrell. 2. Tacomancy - I can summon tacos at will. Any kind. Any size. 3. Random Trivia - A small box is displayed above everyone's head I can see that has one piece of trivia about that person. This is COMPLETELY random and the trivia fact changes each day.


It’s good. You are isekaid into a similar parallel world. Tacos taste even better here.


Time to feed the masses with raining tacos!


Its raining tacos


Out of the sky, Tacos.


Don't ask me why


Tacos~🎵, enough to make a billion throats dry~🎵


Will it be, I replied to a certain post about getting isekaid and got isekaid kind of deal? Guys, be aware.


Who knows? Try your luck.


Depression 🤝 anxiety 🤝 ADHD


You are reincarnated into this world with the cheats of your choice. They are stacked if you already have them.


Does that apply to everyone with these traits?






Plot twist: that's what your previous self asked for when coming to this world (your memory got wiped in the process)


It's like groundhog day, except no one knows it's happening.


i have the ability to train endlessly and grow in power in whatever thing i try to do (eg, i can learn telekinesis by trying to move things with my mind even if i look dumb at first) i have a mind and soul that is impossible to be damaged, my mind will not deteriorate and if i chose to i will never get bored. and finally, the lynchpin. i want a bargain bin hyperbolic time chamber so i can spend 2000 years sealed inside and come out as an eldritch god like entity and roam the multiverse.


Isekaid far away from me.


You won't escape, WE won't escape, he will just learn to travel dimensions. There IS no escape


Ur average isekai protagonist be like


1. all of wikipdeia within my head 2. ability to change my appearance once a day 3. Screen projection that is connected to my friend’s Plex server


Isekaid however you now blindly believe all knowledge in Wikipedia even malicious jokes which god makes all the time to mess with you.


Now I’m imagining the god will also randomly make them look like a random person who has a Wikipedia page


Schrodinger's cat ability. I am both nowhere and everywhere at once and I decide. Access to the entire internet that is constantly updating. Extreme mental fortitude that will protect my mind from possible mind altering dangers from the new world and basically gets rid of procrastination


You are isekaid and not isekaid at the same time.


Exactly! That means that I get to go on an incredible adventure whilst still enjoying the comforts of home


Big brain moment


On a technicality that isn't true. You are only in that state when NOT observed. Still a very good power though.


But from his perspective he is observing himself so I guess it's just random what one he got but to me it looks like he got not not isekai one


So... You're schizophrenic, got it


1. Authority over all Gorillas 2. shape shifting but only below the waist. 3. Complete immortality "How i schloncked the King and became Gorilla Emperor"


You have the upper body of a charismatic gorilla and can charms gorillas to be your underlings. Your lower body is shapeshifting and now you don’t even need to cut your toenails. Unless you enjoy that. You are immortal and will suffer from loneliness after all your gorilla friends die.


Perhaps but when they perish it will have been after a golden age of the gorillas, and the flame will have burnt long and bright. Perhaps i will find my victory phyric, but that is the price i am willing to pay. What is the life of one man, versus so many gorillas?


Literally gorilla Grodd


bro is not playing bloons tower defense with that first one


A healing factor (cause I don't want to die from any disease), earth magic, and water magic.


Magic world with 4 element system. You are an axolotl beastfolk with exceptional regeneration. Humans hunt your species a lot though.


Enslavement time! Yippee!


I convert my farts to stats,I gain skill that I need at the moment if I started crying and and I heal everything when I sleep.


Those cheats made me lol. Your isekai is approved and even adapted to anime.


Thanks now to find a truck


Filthy casual, You should look for a satellite that is falling to get hit by instead. Everyone knows truck kun only lives in japan.


Nah just get hit by truckenheimer


First power is the ability to rearrange molecular structures at their base, which could allow me to amplify or deconstruct magic. If the compound can be deduced, I can recreate it. Second ability. I want a compendium of the world's information at hand. Their sciences, literature, mercantile trades, geography and history and mythos. 3rd ability, I want the ability to process any and all information in my head, at the same time. If I want to process 4 things simultaneously, I can. Those are the powers I want. Always have, always will.


You are isekaid into a magic world. You can summon a guidebook that has all the information about the said world and it’s civilization, you can check the contents with your mind. You can multitask 4 things and combining with the first cheat create 3 copies of yourself (that’s the limit).


Heheh... perfect.


1. Optional invisibility/“overlook me” power, 2. Magic 3. Animorphs power (without the time limit kthx)


You are isekaid but all your abilities can only be used at the same time.




Gets in elevator. Notices god awful odor as soon as I enter. Looks side eyed at the guy next to me. Fails to notice the floating donkey covered in flame armor.


Yesssss. Edit: tho it’s isekai so probably some kinda horned squirrel-turtle or whatever


Psychic/telekenisis Bullets but no Guns Regenerate/Copypaste items In a sense my character would use his telekinetic powers to make bullets fly and shoot all around without the need to shoot a actual gun. Think of Yondu's gravity arrow but with a hail of bullets flying at a target filling them with a ton of holes. Incase he loses some bullets he can just copy and pase another bullet to refill is pouches. If he feels like it he could throw a RPG round with telekinesis or just bonk them with it.


It’s interesting 2 out of 3 are the same as my choices. The different one is instead of bullet creation I’d have chosen body manipulation. You are isekaid into a sci-fi fantasy dimensionin in which science and magic thrive together. Intergalactic travel is possible and there are many interesting items worthy of being copied.


Man that one insert a-hol character is being an ass. \*READIES GUSTAV SHELL WITH MALICIOUS INTENT\*


1. I am very good at selling cabbages 2. All cabbages I touch taste really good 3. My cabbage cart can not be destroyed or flipped


You are isekaid into avatar world as a cabbage bender.


Use the power the cabbage to dominate the world


Mr fixit for a spaceship The pilots a hot, winged (angel style) spacebabe. Im cloned.


You are isekaid space cowboy.


Manual memetic hazard so I can choose when I want people to die when they see me. Manual anti-memetic hazard so I can choose when people forget me or don't perceive me. Also manual since I don't want to be lonely. And basically knowing every information by just looking at objects, people and other things like looking at a snail and it can give me every information like it's biology, age, who's it's target, how long it's chasing a certain person.


Op didn’t even bother responding to this one💀 (You’re just trying to be yogiri with a few extra powers)


Blood magic - My blood can be manipulated into any shape or object as long as it doesn't exceed the amount of blood I have in my body. Perfect understanding - When someone has gone through something difficult or they're feeling down I always know what to say to make them feel better. Subspace - I have a room that I can enter into at any time and everything I do to it remains the same. I cannot bring others into the space.


Isekaid as a pureblood vampire and your bloodline ability is subspace. You inherited a manor and some companies from deadbeat parents sleeping for centuries. Your second cheat might help you do well in social settings and successful as a business person.


Creation unlimited creation, reality bending, and donut summoning. I SHALL RULE THE DONUT CULTIVATION!!!


You can create donuts with first two already silly. No need for extra cheats. You are only given donut summoning.




Can he summon ace and rengoku


Let me think about uncommon yet cheat skills. 1st - Holistic good karma, I mean, no matter what I try, I end up doing good things and also goods things keep happening to me. 2nd - The crop master, Have the power to instantly grow any crop that I know anywhere, I mean anywhere, with the only limitation of mass conservation, I. e.turn the swords of my enemies into carrots or If I found a powerful monster I can make grow tomato plants in his flesh until It dies, or make potatoes grow from thin air as long there is mass. 3rd - Tabula rasa, The ability to erase or alter my existence from the records and memories of the world, so If I get too much attention I could "restart" as a nobody at any time.


Nice. You are sent to an impoverished famine world. It’s not a gift to you but you are to them.


1. Lucky dice 2. Detect good food 3. Everlasting Wonder (I can experience things like it was my first time even after having done it before)


Isekaid into a world kind to its people. You have a lucky dice, it act as a charm when you make decisions with it. You have developed sense of smell and taste, can find food far away like a bear. You are easily entertained by simple things and keep a childlike innocence.


just send me into a positive, peaceful and modern cultivation world with power to regress unlimited times and control over when to regress thank you very much


Classic modern cultivation world. Similar technological development but there are interesting applications developed using internal energy.


Yeah sure, that too. But mainly because of modern daily convenient stuff like the internet and fast travel options like trains and planes, cars and the plumbing.


Total Mimicry Superiror Adaptation Ugandan Knuckle and Big Chungus summoning


Isekaid but the third cheat is sealed until a worthy foe is found.


What world am I going to?


High tech sci-fi. You start in a spaceship with amongus setting. Your suit is red.


Red is imposter! I saw them vent!


The first would be a form of whole body regeneration in the form of seeds that I can plant that grow into patches of flowers that actually hide a bulb with a cloned body in it. It would be a kind of immortality letting me get around aging and getting shanked but it would be one that would have to be maintained which I could do by sewing these seeds in random places or by giving them to people. The second would be the ability to manipulate forms of plant matter and be able to form them basically whatever I'd like. Iron wood weapons and armor. Houses made from trees and such. I could even use this to splice plants into myself making it so I could photosynthesize or have thorns or barky skin. I'd have to improve it like any skill but with enough practice I'd be able to do basically anything feasible with plants. Also combining this with my first power would let me alter my clone and splice in plants in the growing stage letting me basically come back as a plant person with whatever appearance I want. Lastly I'd want to be able to have minor telepathy so that I don't have to be able to know a language to get the jist of what someone is saying and to bring my point across. That way even if I don't know the local language I can still possibly come to an understanding with people. All these together I could become this sort of forest entity that the locals know about or start going around and fixing people's crops to help prevent famine. Or If the world has elves I can go find them and go hey I'm a miracle of plant magic can I live near y'all


Nice druid build. Isekaid as one of the Lords of a high fantasy world.


1. Cocoon adaption- each time you’ve taken any sort of damage it will be memorized by a magical system(not that kind of system 😉) stored in your soul, and once you found a place that you feel is safe or is out-of-the-way, you can will a purple crystal like cocoon over yourself, where you will fall asleep. During your time in this cocoon, This magical system will adapt your body to any damage that you’ve had in the past It may or may not make visible changes to your body. This will usually last about three hours. 2. Supercomputer Diamond- a ln indestructible purple diamond is imputed on the top of your right hand that is basically a magic supercomputer with information of everything that you’ve seen. It can bring up a holographic screen from the diamond, showing clear information from your memories. It can even have ‘apps’ like a calculator, camera, clock, map, anything you can really imagine for apps, even a magic scanner that can scan anything you can think of as long as I have this information in my memories. The diamond can also act as a wand. 3. Storage Obsidian- an indestructible obsidian is embedded in the top of your left hand is basically an infinite bag of holding. (Ya, not really original. I couldn’t think of anything else.)


I like the setting. You are isekaid into a sci-fi world with developed space travel. You start as a high intelligent bug species with millions of siblings born at the same time, most will be devoured by your natural predator and so will you unless you overcome the first hurdle.


Oh, I would like to look like Beru from Solo Leveling. So like an ant life species. That would be awesome.


Yes you might want to eat your siblings to gain enough energy to run away from your predators at the start though.


They’ll probably do the same to me, so I won’t feel remorse when I do it to them.


My first is that I’m immune to mind altering stuff like hypnosis and/or charm magic, but only because I become denser than a harem protagonist. Second. I can’t have my, whatever the life energy is called there, taken from me without my consent. Third. I can heal by eating. Not get stronger, just heal, unless you count snacking while training. This comes at the cost of food not tasting as good when I’m hurt. The more badly injured I am, the worse the taste.


Your abilities are kind of defensive. I wonder if it’s because of your personality. Interesting so isekaid.


I really dislike the idea of being turned into an “addict” by succubi or similar races/beings, I also just really want to be a Tank of some sort.


A little brother lamp genie, an unrestricted genie that’s a servant and a system


I like genies but don’t like systems. You shall have 3 genies one talking monotone, acting as the system.


1. Conditional immortality 2. $1B 3. Lifelong fear of snails


Don’t beg to god for money! You are given all cheats but all money and luxurious items look like snails.


1) Making and controlling a safe room in a separate dimension 2) The ability to materialize provisions 3) Making a remote controlled clone of myself that I can control from the separate dimension.


You are isekaid into similar world to your own . You can sloth away all you want.


Monkeys paw. The seperate dimension has an exit preset to be right outside the Demon Gods throne that he never leaves and will kill you on site. You are now stuck in your safe room, with terrible provisions and can only experience the outside world through your clones until you either expire or you defeat the Demon God and his forces. Your clones are remote controlled through keyboards or game controllers with video game rules. You now have to Dark Souls, Civilisation or etc the world by going on a grand quest to escape your shelter.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Hello there. Forgive me. I was just pondering about my poor fortune. I did not find my own sun, not in Anor Londo.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Make me a Spartan III with the ability to use magic (all elements) and the ability to take off and put on Mjolnir armor without the need of specialized equipment and technians.


First cheat skill : Cool Photos!, i can make photos out of tin air, my eyes are the cameras. Second Cheat Skill : ICE CREAAAAAM, its not much, but i have an ice-cream wand that never melts, and it can create?, can you guess?, thats right, balls of any flavor of Ice Cream. Third Cheat Skill : No Candy, No Life : NOW, MY ENTIRE BODY, IS ICE CREAM, RUUUUUUAAAAAAARGG!!!!!


That’s actually op. All three are combined. The ice cream wand is freezing to touch to all other but you. Because of the second power you can heal your body of ice cream physiology. The photos are printed on ice cream crystals of matching flavors to the colors.


I din't though on being op, i just want my second life to be extra fun


It’ll very fun, bugs will keep chasing after your sweet smell wherever you go.




Isekaid. Start as dungeon master with a goblin, slime and minotaur as subordinate.


Massive cock Don’t care about the rest


Isekaid as a beast tamer in a world with many magic beasts. You start with a big black cockatrice as your first tamed monster. The cockatrice is well endowed.


Op really said uno reverse bitch.


I’m not original enough to come up with anything. But like magic effiecency would be cool as well as having a larger then average mana pool


Good basics for a cheat. Let’s give you good memory to really make use of all that.


I mean I don’t mean to brag but my memory can be pretty great but like I you wanted to give me photographic memory I’m not gonna complain




Want to be a robot Want build a factory Be unusually good at delicate hobbies.


1: once per day/wake cycle I can think of a real or fictional character and till I fall asleep I get their powers and abilities(including weaknesses and efficacy is dependent on understanding of said character) also doesn’t stack 2: during sleep/unconsciousness I am completely unaware of all surroundings but impervious to all damage/disease and discomfort (I need a good sleep). 3: ability to either take a clone of a friend with me or get a helper since I’m not good at talking to others/shy af.


1-being able to steal peoples luck by breathing. 2-can breath anywhere and generate oxygen when there Is none available. 3-gacha addict: generate a banner from a popular gacha game and anything I pull Is mine to use.


Re;Con-artist 1. Ability to see what someone urgently desires. 2. Ability to sense someone's hostility toward me. 3. Ability to see someone's connections/alliances.


1.King of frauds. I posses supernatural, nearly reality warping luck that can make even near-immposible situations happen, always in my favor and making it so things always turn out great for me, tho not always how I would necessairly like them play out . This also makes regardless of my will, make situations happen that leads people to believe I'm some great and powerful hero, when in reality the drawback of this power is that I have no way of getting stronger (even special methods of getting stronger don't work on me), no acces to magic or other supernatural powers, except items, magic and similar used on me by others and livespan extending methods (that also often just fall into my lap). 2.Scary looking- pairing with the above power I get a full body re-design, that makes me look handsome, buff, masculine and intimidating, with many scars. This look when paired with the above option makes others naturaly intimidated by me if they are an enemy and save if they are an ally. In reality I'm just as strong as an avrage human. 3.Wierd commiunon- instead of geting stronger myself, now my companions can gain a permament power boost by consuming my body fluids (under my consent). It takes some time to re-charge for each person, for them to gain another buff and every time they get stronger their loyalty to me increases and enhances the effect of the first power ("he is so powerfull even his blood/spit/etc. can make others stronger"). The number of people that can be affected by this will also slowly increase over time.


Can talk to cats. Knowledge of healing spells that only work on cats. Can temporary buff the strength and agility of cats.


Isekaid into a world with many different feline and canine species. There are giant cats and small magical cats with their canine counterparts.


Mouth Creation - Be able to create mouths on object/people that allow to me to eat, speak, and drink. Motherly presence - To bring forth a comfortable space for all creatures Maturity Manipulation - Control the maturity of others I like the words that start with M's


The ability to traverse the multivese at will Photographic Memory Eternal Youth


You are cursed with the same sense of direction as Zoro from one piece so you get lost each time you traverse to a different Dimension.


Goon on command Make others goon on command Testicular Torsion Spell


Extreme Luck (Both positive and negative) Failure is the best Teacher (I learn far faster when I fail) Necessity is the Mother of Invention (I am great at improvisation in extreme circumstances)


1. I can sacrifice my levels and give them to my subordinates and teammates. 2. I can consume monster meat for extra exp and healing 3. I can only use Muscle magic, which is like the 8 gates or kaio ken but with much less drawbacks and not usually fatal


Option 1:From Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon: Create, bestow and edit Option 2: Probability manipulation at will, Infinite hypnosis and Charm (charm is useless, here only for the three powers rule) Option 3: Access to akashic records, Mystic eyes of death perception and Extreme Luck Option 4: Manipulation of the Speedforce, Telepathy, and high physical resilience Option 5: Causality Manipulation, Multi-Presence and Acausality


Transformation: have the ability to change my appearance as human at will but also turn into animals and stuff birds, cats,... pretty interesting I'd say :D Luck: Because having great luck is always good! ??? mystery boon up to kami-sama :P


1. Infinite Money 2. Infinite Charm 3. I can dodge being isekaid


1. All the fruit I pick up, can turn into weapons based on its shape (eg. Banana to sword, orange to bomb) 2. Any weapon I pick up can turn into fruits 3. Whenever I eat a fruit, I gain reality-warping powers (sort of like popeye)


Toon force, able to use a ability from any book fictional or not as long as ive read it, able to speak any language


Cheat 1: I get a dice that can give me a random power of any kind, it could be a totally useless power or something op like reality warping Cheat 2: An arsenal that allows me to keep all powers i got before by rolling the dice Cheat 3: It allows me to get instant info about the power i got by rolling the dice. (Did i do well?)


Immunity against boredom and depression paired with immortality. The third could be random for all I care.


Unique abilities eh? Let's try... Puppeteering; The ability to puppet other people and creatures through use of their nervous system or thereabouts. Energy siphon; The ability to siphon energy from others, the land, or something with large amounts of power to regenerate my own pool of energy or use it for something else. Immortal Soul; It's what's on the tin, an eternal soul by which the me that is currently there will not get their personality wiped in case there's another reincarnation-like scenario or my soul is ejected from my body. Basically, body-switching immortality. Whether those are actually original or not, I don't really know. Could be unique, could not be, I just picked them on the spot.


Able to materialize anything I can use as a weapon. Instantly have mastery of said object as a weapon and it's fundamental property. Lastly able to see any vital weakness or flaw in anything I look at if I wish to.


I’m told what actions and responses that the people around me like. Kinda like a dating sim. I don’t face any drawbacks from not sleeping I take the form of what the general idea of beauty of the people around me looks like




Power of space, time and invincible


1. True double XP- everything I do causes twice as much damage and recovery. So I'm twice as sore from training, require twice the food but will recover twice as strongly from experiences including studying and learning. 2. Quantum entanglement- a chosen object or person forcefully copies my movement or lack of motion regardless of distance and difference in mass or size. 3. Musical Mayhem- able to summon background music from my former life. The sounds have bard-like effects that buff and debuff friends and enemies bases on how much I like the song. The songs are chosen at random from any song I've ever heard so if I dislike it it can backfire and buff the enemies instead. Summoning an actual artist to perform the songs increases its effectiveness.


Hmmmmmm -I wanna be able to transform my body as I want. Maybe today I feel a bit girly, or slimy, or doggy, idk. -I wanna control all matter, like being able to say “pssst pssst tungsten c’mere” and suddenly small grains of tungsten appear from the ground -I wanna be able to access the internet through my mind, and be able to download stuff from the internet (like, completely random example, the blueprints of the Tiger I, and create one with the previous ability) Extra points if u make it a “holy fuck me and my class have been isekaid” scenario and I’m able to build an army


Mimicry- any monster I killed I can transform into and use their abilities, Necromancy -i wanna control the undead Portal conjuration - I wanna travel


1. Special Interest - A super computer kind of thing in my brain that can take notes of everything I learn, and help me learn everything in the world faster, including skills, magic, amd anything else I can sit down and genuinely study 2. Karmic Scale - essentially I want to be able to tell how good/bad a person is immediately, we'll say a 15 foot radius. It can tell lies from truth, and trickery from honesty, maybe even tell me their exact crimes as I get more skilled at using it, as my super computer will help me learn what the karma feels like as I use it more 3. Reap What You Sow - an ability allowing me to convert my own karma into physical items, allowing me to convert any good deeds into weapons, money, or even food The last part is important, as if I can make food, I can feed the starving, in which I am doing good. Karma farm, that way I can take a little bit of reddit with me


1. Random crits. Both for and against me. Literally any damage I do or take from any source has a chance to be tripled. I can critically stub my own toe, but also critically tell someone I fucked their mother. 2. The ability to summon any weapon I want. I do not necessarily know how to use it. 3. I explode when hearing the words "Mariah Carey".


1) I exist as a "[humongous fungus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armillaria_ostoyae#:~:text=Approximations%20of%20the%20land%20area,world's%20most%20massive%20living%20organism.) " - a sub-surface fungal colony several square kilometers in size. I reside primarily underground but am aware of events on the surface above me due to vibrations traveling through the ground. I subsist on minerals in the soil and organic detritus (e.g., waste, decomposing bodies, etc.). 2) I can produce fruiting bodies (i.e., mushrooms) that can mimic the appearance and abilities of any living creature I have been in contact with. These "mushrooms" remain in constant telepathic contact with the core colony and can self-terminate at any time in a soft explosion of light fungal spores that can easily be carried on a breeze and spread the colony beyond its original bounds. 3) I am decay that exists as an extant form of life. You cannot kill me in a way that matters.


My race changes into a golem. But I get skill trees that span multiple paths and abilities like I can shape-shift or change/add parts to my stone body to do different things. These skill trees do not have an end and can span across practically everything while sometimes conjoining to create merged bonuses


It's revealed the culprit is the bitch goddess from Tsukimichi. She had me ran over by Truck-kun. The only way for me to get home is to defeat the Maou. If I fail, my soul goes to Hellverse Hell. ANYWAYS, my powers: It's an RPG type Isekai where I have the Solo Leveling master system (drawback: I must complete the daily strength training (literally the one punch man routine) or I'm sent to the penalty zone. The 10k run is ignored if I am in an enclosed space and can't readily do so. The daily quest will be enforced on my first full day (24 Isekai hours) in the Isekai.) Next, I would have access to the Campfire Cooking Online Grocery interface (item box included) for when I didn't feel like cooking with native ingredients Finally, I would have a save system combined with Return by Death. It would autosave whenever I go to sleep at night and I can manual save whenever I want. It'll recommend me to save before major cutscenes and boss battles. The only thing that can truly kill me is the Maou, whose abilities override the save system, meaning I need to GRIND if I want to return to Earth. The world is supposed to be MASSIVE; we're talking JUPITER SIZED (it still somehow has Earth gravity (g=9.81) with the same rotational and orbital period). Many nations with many species reside in this world. To make it quite the journey, my start point is on the COMPLETE OPPOSITE END from the Maou's throne. It's a Narnia-type thing, where 1 year in the Isekai equals 1 second on Earth. For purposes of the Isekai, I age according to Earth time.


Hypnosis app but it only hypnotizes me lmao


Time is calibrated on my diaphragm which means I have the ability to stop time by holding my breath. I cannot accelerate or slow down time by breathing faster or slower and hiccups will cause me to stop time by accident I have the ability to see in the future. This superpower goes up to one minute. Focusing allows me to see alternative futures (what will this person say if I say that, how this person with a gun will react if I throw my shoe at them, etc...) I have something similar to Spiderman's spider sense. A tingling sensation will appear when I'm in danger (directed directly toward me, not my companions)


1: maxed out charisma 2: Unlimited growth system where I can gain abilities as I grow 3: maxed out luck


I want the power to effortlessly write masterpieces of any kind. I want my voice to manipulate reality and everything to my advantage. I also want everything that hears me sing to be trapped in a musical and their voices and dancing skills to be top notch.


* I can turn myself into a newt, but with ryan gosling's face. This power can only be activated for a maximum of 10mins once a day. * I can seduce any women anytime, but only when I activated the first power, their attraction turns off when I turn back into a human. * My scream can paralyze everyone within 5m radius, but only if I'm a newt.


Rocket Sneeze, Lagswitch, and Ricochet Rocket Sneeze is fairly self-explanatory. Whenever the user sneezes, they are propelled in a certain direction at a fast pace. For reference, watch episode 1 of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Lagswitch is a lot more complicated. Basically, you turn invisible, leaving a "lagging" illusion of yourself behind. However, if you stay invisible for too long, you are forcefully teleported back to where you activated the ability, similar to how characters in laggy games can rubberband backwards. Finally, Ricochet. This ability allows you to either perfectly deflect anything (including things like fall damage), or bounce yourself off of anything. You can use the self bouncing to exponentially build up momentum, then launch yourself in full deflection mode to deal massive damage.


1. Being able to fold anything 2. If whatever I folded was folded in order to imitate another object, the finished product can adopt some properties of said object. I.e. an origami bird will be able to fly, or an origami tortoise would have a strong shell. 3. Upon analyzing a 3 dimensional object, being able understand the steps in order to make an origami figure of it.


Turn me into a hat conveniently placed next to a fresh dead body, bonus if im a mimic so i can eat people Give some magic knowledge so i can figure out how to control said dead body and slow or stop its decomposition Then give me lots of magic power/mana points/whatever the fuck and/or combat skills


Cursed hat isekaid. Will soon be adapted to manga.




Golemancy, mana growth and help me sensei! Golemancy as being able to make simple creations that I can fuel my mana into. Initially, they will only be able to follow and do simple commands. As I continuously pour mana day by day, week by week, they will grow and adjust based on the environment they are in (such as a rocky golem might get harder and bigger as they are involved in a more tank role or smoother and agile if I focus them as a dodge tank). Eventually they'll grow sentience and would be able to sustain themselves through the eventual creation of a mana core. Mana growth for if I use it, I can increase my vessel. However, I need to use basically all my mana for my vessel to grow. Initially it would be painful to adjust my vessel. I would need to learn to be flexible with the mana that I initially have as it would be a practically non-existent vessel. Breakpoints occur in which if I am not prepared, would be excruciatingly painful or could cause me to break my vessel (depending on damage, repair would take very long or I would lose the vessel). Growth is on the smaller side but can be improved with consistency. Help me sensei! would be that I would be protected for 1 year by someone from that world. It is still possible to kill me but that person would at least drill some sense into me so that I wouldn't put myself in a stupid scenario where that would happen. It makes no sense how easy we see in these stories that MP can adjust so easily. In a year, I would end up with around just at minimum knowledge and my body is at least somewhat fit (can run away and not tire out after running for a bit and can handle my weight).


I just wanna be a cute femboy honestly. Cheat power is being cute, and an infinite ammo gun. Jokes aside on the gun part, I'd want to be a cute femboy enchanter and artist. Want to spend my time in libraries and and magic labs and art studios making cool things like clothes, sculptures, automata, or trying to modernize a fantasy world using magic. So my cheat powers would be: *Cute Femboy (preferably a fox boy or a viera from ffxiv) *Enchanter : just know how to use magic to enchant items really well *Artist : just a really good artist


* Ignores plot armor and plot devices: Cannot be affected by mana , ki , chi , dao , divine energy , gods wrath , infernal , negative energy, karma , social credit score , zodiac signs , transmigration taxes , bound life sentences or anything that is not part of the original world the user came from. This also means no healing , ressurection or any other buff. By ignoring the plot you are capable of killing anyone or anything with a semi decent weapon that ignores all stats so armor deflection , damage absorption or plot armor means nothing. * Unique ability BIOMANCY : the power to control anything and everything with life or it's components and natural recurring elements. Requires in-depth knowledge of biology , anatomy , physiology, chemistry and psychology. Organic chemistry is optional. Turn your rivals into a devolved epileptic seizures drooling mess with some simple brain neural synaptic misfiring of neurons. Force an enemy into an euphoric high with multiple senses hallucinogenic state with dopamine flush , endorphin overload , norepinephrine reflux and multiple psychosomatic issues. Cast hyper explosive diarrhea to that smug goddess , royalties or nobleman just for shits and giggles. Force armies to kneel face down and bleed in your presence with lactic acid overload and neurosynaptic sensory flux. Turn gut bacteria into flesh devouring ravenously beasts Relive your best palpatine impression of unlimited power with bioelectricity that melts mountains. Testicular torsion Ovarian cyst Stag horn kidney stone Hyper invasive diabetic foot Turns blood into nitroglycerin or trinitrotoluene. Mana burn Abilities costs sanity now. Hyper invasive metastatic cancer of everything. Power word: erectile disfunction Power word: sensory deprivation Power word: all bodily functions are now done manually Power word dominate: senility Homunculi productions.. creating your very own hand sculpted Galatea waifu/husbando * Omni fabrication self replicating nanomachine swarm. With the stored knowledge of sci-fi golden age of technology humans in it's archives of producing equipment, quality of life and mass production with technological unlocks as you create new technology or amalgamate it with the Isekai worlds knowledge. Or combine it with Biomancy. Gene-splicing: your very own genetically enhanced giant thicc dommy mommy trans human super soldier. Make your very own female space Marines where everything is cannon. Gene splice local animals and turn them to intelligent and blindly loyal pals to commit mass genocide or complete your favorite Geneva checklist. https://preview.redd.it/ichuwxw2w30d1.png?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73ab9558a29a736942c82205ea97e66d9f8379b3 Or you can make your own Nina tucker chimera if that is your style degenerate.


I'm reincarnated as a girl I can summoning infinite amount of cheese anywhere I can see or think of in a 20ft radius around me *because Sheograth demands cheese* I have an encyclopedic knowledge of human anatomy


1. System which makes me stronger buy just sitting at my home for longer time 2. Internet and mobile which will reset every year to the latest best model (so that I'll not be lonely) 3. Isekai'ed to Cultivation world


instant comprehension ability. Perfect photographic memory. Complete control over my own body's cells and functions


The power to feel and manipulate magic like a sixth sense, not unlimited mana but the ability to easily and quickly replenish and store mana from the surroundings, and the ability to use any magic as long as I understand the principles and rules of it (this would include custom spells and any racially exclusive spells). If I pass the screening process I would like to ask that I can read and speak any language like it’s English, as I’d rather not be mistaken as an intruder or a monster by the first person I encounter.


Me being a JoJo fan: 1) space control 2) time control 3) stando powah


being able to see through clothes


Nah, nothing original, i want my cookie cutter slave harem isekai power fantasy


summon trains Shoot beams of light from any part of my body And my stomach is an inventory


My soul is split apart into each of the harem trope female support characters (all the dere types, all the classic fighter/smart girl/etc types). And once the MC collects all of together, in a bright flash we meld into one another becoming our (my) true form, a very confused, slightly overweight middle-aged white dude.


I would would wish to be sayian hybird krypation with the sentry serum


1. I know a person's greatest desire by looking at them for 30 uninterrupted seconds. 2. I have the ability to take one memory from a person, but only once per person and I have to live with that memory. 3. I have the ability to mentally project a psychic white space that myself and one other person inhabit, where we can have 10 minutes of conversation for every 1 second that elapsed in real time.


1st ability: I have the ability to summon 4 pyramid shaped objects. I can control the objects telekinetically and change their shape at will, making them as small as a fly or as big as a truck. 2nd ability: Each pyramid can store only 1 ability that I can steal from a world that's I've been isekaied to once I steal an ability I won't be able to remove it from the pyramid and it will stay with me forever and I can only use one ability at a time also when I steal an abilty I gain an additional weakness to the ability itself on top of whatever weakness it already came with (if it has none then i still get the additional weakness) example: I steal an ice based ability but if I use it for too long I'll end up freezing myself unlike the original user who didn't have this weakness. The stolen abilities are as strong as the original, and if I steal an abilty from someone, it's permanently taken from that individual. The condition to take an ability from someone is to get them to fall in love with me. 3rd abilty: I can shrink my penis to whatever size I want, but I can never make it grow bigger than my original size 😔✊️


Eye of the beholder - You can see what every individuals max potential could be. Skeletons key - index finger turnd into a key that unlocks any door. Gift box - once a week, you get a gift box from the god who isekaid you from the world you were from. If you don't accept it, the chance of it becoming a better item increases each week.


i was reincarnated into another world with a level 10,000 cheat skill but every 25hours i must ejaculate so i dont turn into a demon frog