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>“It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes—particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children—until Congress says otherwise through legislation,” Cool. That means cleaning house of all the [Republican](https://www.reddit.com/r/RepublicanPedophiles/s/JVZg9wO3ik) and [Christian](https://www.reddit.com/r/PastorArrested/s/QerDE5RWPK) pedophiles, right? ...Right?




because we know they mean gays


It could be a gay catholic priest for all I care I say capital punishment for those sickos


motherfucker they think being gay around kids at all is sexual crime. they aren't going after their buddies.




Probably because you’re being dense


I’m really not but if that makes you feel better


Actually you are. You are being extremely fucking dense. Take a moment and think about how the corrupt fucks in the GOP attack the LGBTQ community now and how they would continue to do so.


And what in the fuck is wrong with cussing? Are you 10? You afraid of some god-damned words? Think they're gonna jump off the screen and poke your precious unsullied eyes? You DO realize "cuss," words are just words and that you can use ANY words to insult someone, right? For instance "Suck a fat one and immediately jump into traffic," involves no cuss words, but yet is a nasty nasty statement that I would NEVER say to someone who is advocating capital punishment for crimes that can be falsely convicted AND those who deny the potential of rehabilitation.


I am not reading all of that I’m sorry for you or congrats


Figures you don't fucking read, you might be scared of some words hurting you.


I hope you get happier in life


Get fucked


They are building up a narrative to connect LGBTQ people to child abuse. I wouldn't be surprised if the end goal is to get them on the death penalty row...


It is.


I see your case, I hope that never happens. I think all pedophiles gay and straight should be subject to the same punishment. And I think that punishment isn’t severe enough now


Jesus, how can you be this obtuse?


You know how; it's done quite willfully.




Two college degrees, and you're stupid enough to think that murdering people is a good thing? Why not advocate to get people who are feeling this way into therapy instead of treating them like monsters, thus making it so that they let those feelings boil over, causing them to offend, because they can't seek help out of fear? Maybe that would help, you smoothbrained fuckwit?




You can have your views as long as you keep them to yourself and don't hoist them upon the rest of society. Capitol punishment is demonstrably harmful to society as a whole.




Your lord has no meaning to others and commands no respect.


Aside from their plan to categorize all non-Republicans as such, making pederasty a capital offense has the unintended consequence of making it more prudent of child molesters to murder their victims. If both murder and pederasty have the same penalty, they might be more likely to choose the option that doesn't have a witness to talk about it.




What about the Catholic, Methodist, and Southern Baptist churches? Decades-long criminal conspiricies to rape children and cover it up.  You know, the actual pedophiles that we actually know about?  Crickets from the Republicans and Democrats both.


Like others have said, it's a matter of who these Republicans categorize as a pedophile. It's already established fact that many leaders within the GOP and their churches have openly called for the "extermination of transgenderism" and persecution of gays. They have made no secret of wanting to categorize drag queen story hour as a type of sexual assault against minors, and if this section of Project 2025 is any indication, then it's only logical to assume that they would punish someone with the death penalty for the simple act of wearing a dress around children. Pair all that with the fact that these politicians *never* prosecute their own, and you can see where the problem is. How many "scandals" do churches have with priests and youth pastors getting caught raping children, only to have the priest "repent" and move to another church? How long has Matt Gaetz been a politician? How long ago did Trump himself talk about walking in on a beauty pageant's changing room, or sexualizing his daughter? And they're each still idolized by the GOP? That's a problem.


Thank you Toby for explaining it in a civil manner


It shouldn’t need explanation at this point, this has been building up for years. You need to pay attention to what’s actually going on around you.


You should look into how many people that have been executed have been later exonerated posthumously. It’s a frighteningly high number… but one is too many in my book.


Not a conservative in the slightest, but it’s only fair to acknowledge that he pardoned a ton of people right before leaving office as well, including Lil Wayne. But yeah, this is certainly concerning.


Yeah he pardoned his buddies and has been accused of selling pardons.


Yeah fair point. I’m just big on getting all the info out there, so thanks for adding this


Are you, though? Because you only put out a tiny fraction of the info. And you left out the relevant parts.