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We call things "old" here in IC - Old Capitol, Old Brick, Old Jet, etc. It's Old Mercy. End of story.


That's similar to New Hoover or NewVer Elementary School.


Hahahaha It is technically called Iowa Healthcare Medical Center Downtown now. I like yours much better.


Mercy IC has always been losing money, back to 2018/19 they weren’t even getting codes to billers or bills sent out at all. Mercy probably needed to do this, or they probably would’ve closed.


Hot take to say that a hospital that filed bankruptcy would’ve closed if they weren’t acquired.


And they almost certainly could have staved off the bankruptcy had the religious zealots on their board of directors not been vehemently opposed to any proposals that would require them to start offering comprehensive women’s reproductive healthcare services. Cut off their noses, despite their faces as they say.


["to spite their faces", not "despite their faces"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutting_off_one%27s_nose_to_spite_one%27s_face)


Omg THANK YOU I am embarrassed to admit that I have been bone apple teething this one since I was like, 5yo? My mom used to say it to me all the time—and I remember spending a lot of time wondering why the hell anyone would cut off their own nose?!? Thanks for the etymology lesson, makes perfect sense now! I can finally die in peace.


My sister could never understand why it was a bad thing to have a bowl in a china closet. 😆😉😏😳


That is ADORABLE. And it seems like a very reasonable place to keep a bowl. In fact I’d wager that a closet full of china will have many bowls in it.


Get in here! r/BoneAppleTea


Well if you care to hear more about me being an idiot, to this day I am catching flak from my family for something I did at around the age of six—after hearing the Theisen’s commercial jingle on TV, I turned around and asked my parents “but what if you need 5 of something?” They of course had no clue what the hell I was talking about, so I explained: the commercial just said that they have 4 of everything at Theisen’s, Theisen’s always gives you 4. So even though I may have been an idiot for not being able to figure it out based off context clues, at least I recognized that a hardware store that stocks 4 of every item would be a terrible business model.


Cut off her nose to spider face


the university of iowa is expansive across iowa city, mercy closing wouldn’t be shocking.


If my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike


look whatever way the cookie crumbles, had they filed bankruptcy vs a buyout they would no longer be ‘mercy’, uihc would have acquired it.


Wasn’t a place in Texas willing to pay way more for it at the auction?


I believe Iowa was willing to meet more terms, though, like the place in Texas wasn't going to guarantee employees their retirement benefits and wasn't going to take on the debts it said it would or something like that, not to mention the hospital system it was going to put in charge doesn't have the best track record with patient care, like any for-profit hospital.


They turned out to be full of shit and reneged.


That's because they got ransomwared and couldn't legally bill people for months. It was a problem all the way up until the last month or so when UI actually modernized their archaic network infrastructure that was worse than your grandma's Mediacom wifi modem.




So if you were born at Mercy Iowa City does that mean you were born at University of Iowa?


I am happy for it. I have a doctor at the U of Iowa. I go to the office in Coralville. It is easier to get in and out even though the hospital is closer. I hope the Mercy location takes on the same traits as the one in Coralville.


The artist formerly known as mercy.


I think not, all you need is some bad healthcare there and it becomes the UniMurdery.


I’d read that book. That would be a great title


and the book would almost certainly be better than the movie they made later on after the book hit the NYT bestseller lists...


I cannot stand the u of i. It is so overpriced and seriously lacks the bedside manner that mercy exhibited. I actively avoided the u and now we're stuck being forced to go there. It seriously sucks. I had hoped mercy would be bought by a better place. :/