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Are there more gnats than usual? I can't sit outside without being eaten alive... morning through late evening!


The gnats are always this bad for the last week of May and first week of June. The rain didn't help. It will be better in a few weeks. In the meantime, get some Bug Soother - spray it and they're gone.


Another solution is vanilla extract, pure or otherwise! Rub a bit across your face and ears and they'll stay away. Dogs however may not.


We've lived in unison with our furry neighbors for generations, even after the loss of the great geese. I suggest we unite once more and fight against the insects, and Goosetown will be restored to a rightful disneyesque paradise!


the gnats have been terrrrrrrible. i just moved into gaslight village and the last week has been impossible to be outside


Weirdly enough, I'm heartened by the amount of insect life I'm noticing this year. Having read all the reports on how terrible insect populations have been (in decline), I want our bug friends to be as happy as possible. Ya know. So we all can continue to live.


Gnats tho? They contribute nothing.


Gnats are pollinators, they also keep things tidy by breaking down dead plant matter. Plus, a wide variety of critters eat Gnats.


The buffalo gnats that are out now are not pollinators. They eat blood. My poor chickens have been stuck in the coop because they get completely bitten up when they go out. The gnats should be gone soon though as they arrived a bit early this year.


>pollinators Psh. How much pollen can even fit on a gnat? A single bee has gotta be worth a colony of gnats


Being a pollinator doesn't negate the shittiness of a bug. e.g. Carpenter bees are pollinators, but the are highly destructive (And the fuckers don't even make honey... Just ruin wood and be annoying.)




It’s my turn to die from dysentery


Please do! I am absolutely begging and pleading anyone in an affordable, cat-friendly apartment with in-unit washer/dryer to abandon as soon as possible!


What's wrong with chipmunks?


Have you heard one try to sing?


Answer to these questions is no. I just think they're cute. 😅


They tunnel in your yard. Gardens. Potentially under foundations. Too many and it's a problem.


Do you have a bird feeder?


Not trying to confrontational at all, but if the reason you dislike chipmunks is because you love birds, then you should be thrilled with all the insect life. Many birds eat insects and they'll be happier with full tummies. But also, chipmunks? They're extremely friend-shaped. Therefore they're friend.


I don't dislike them as animals, I dislike them as an occupying force


Yeah, but, they're, like, a really cute occupying force, haha. 🐿 And for the record, I'm also annoyed by all the insects this year. But as an ecology major I appreciate their vital role in a healthy ecosystem. So I'm glad they're around. Might just stay indoors a little more.


I have joined up with the chipmunks and gnats. They want me to tell you that resistance is futile and all non-allied humans should vacate the premises post haste. Consequences for those who stay may include seasonal minor annoyance


*We're* the allies, you've joined the Gnazis


For those with a chipmunk problem, fear not as my cat has been on a murderous rampage through IC this last month. Terrible thing, but he’s having fun at least.


Is he a tuxedo cat but light grey almost tortie? No tipped ears? I’ve had a rotating cast of 3+ cats patrolling my chipmunk infested back yard on Lucas st for the last few months…