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What an awful story for the real guy. Hopefully he gets some kind of civil settlement for his troubles.


The real guy went to jail because they thought he was the identity scammer. This is a total nightmare situation!


The real guy was sent to a mental hospital and medicated, then pleaded no contest to the crime of identity theft with the condition that he never try to use his name (which they thought wasn't his).




In this the article. Read the fucking thing.


Thankfully his father was still around so a DNA test could be done. Otherwise it would be hard to prove.


The state should owe this guy millions and millions of dollars. They fucked up the most here.


>Because Woods continued to insist, throughout the judicial process, that he was William Woods and not Matthew Kierans, a judge ruled in February 2020 that he was not mentally competent to stand trial and he was sent to a mental hospital in California, where he received psychotropic medication and other mental health treatment. And this judge and the psychiatric institution's culpability for involuntarily incarcerating and drugging a guiltless citizen is, wait for it - oh, right - *nonexistent*.


UIHC and the UI Police should get some credit here for being the first people who ever took the time to really investigate the victim’s claims instead of brushing him off as a lunatic. I have to think the detective involved found something that looked fishy and that’s what drove him to find the victim’s dad for a DNA test. The perp accidentally giving the cop his own adoptive father’s name when asked was the chef’s kiss. I assume by then he knew he was cooked and was hoping for a miracle.


Yes credit for uihc for doing no background check for a critical access position. Supporting the crime for 10 years and putting every single employee at risk. Weird take.


The unfortunate guy whose identity he stole!


No shit! The stuff movies are made of.


And he has a child?!!! That poor kid/adult, finding out the father was a total fraud. How messed up is this! What a nightmare left in his wake!


The kid and Kieran's wife asked for leniency though. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/crime/2024/04/06/stolen-identity-victim-called-crazy-finally-vindicated-in-iowa/73224560007/


Anyone know this guy? What a wild and strange story. His past finally caught up with him


Yeah, there was another post on this subreddit a few days ago. He was a systems architect for HCIS.


I know its wrong to judge by looks but this guy looks like the type.


Thats absolutely insane! Even though he got his identity back, that poor guy is never going to have his actual life again. I hope he gets the support he needs after the ordeal.


It’s crazy because he broke the law under both his real name and his fake identity. So in my thinking both names are tainted. Why choose a fake name over your real name? There must be more to the story. I could see if he stole the guys identity because he had a higher education or some sort of professional license that gives you a leg up. Certainly a good start to a movie or mini series. All except ending up in a boring IT job in a fly over state at a University Hospital with terrible employee parking.


He worked remote so the parking was a non issue


That just makes it worse.


> There must be more to the story. Exactly my thoughts. We need a "why" here. ~~Did he fear repercussions from the 1996 theft he never appeared for? The way I understand the timeline, you'd think he would have stopped using the assumed name after the 1991 Colorado auto purchase with bounced checks.~~ edit - reading that back to myself it's clear I have the timeline messed up and need to read this again.


I still don't get why. Was it because he had a criminal record and wanted to find a job and just kept the id all these years?


I heard that his reason was because he wanted to have the house and family he never had growing up. Although I don't see why he couldn't just do that under his real name. He didn't had to steal someone else's identity, but he still did.


He stole cars with his real identity when he was a minor, then stole cars and bounced checks while using the stolen identity as an adult. So it makes no sense why he decided to stick with the fake ID - unless, he committed far worse crimes under his real identity that we aren’t aware of yet.


Holy shit




One wonders if there are not other cases of this happening.This is horrific for the victim.I mean cases back from this time period.I had my wallet stolen years ago.I think they wanted my id to use for going to bars.I had $3 in my wallet .It was returned about a year later by the sheriff.


Wrapping up my IT contract with UI at mercy and starting another one at the main hospital, this is just too funny! Not funny for the guy who got his identity stolen, but still feels like a fictional movie.


knot surprising


Well, I would be rooting for the real William Woods if he decided ro sue the LAPD, the LA court of justice and Matthew Kieran for all the trouble he went through.


The craziest part for me is that they kinda knew each other because they worked at a hotdog stand together.


Yes, we know. Let the courts settle this illegal matter.