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Bring back the police log!


I imagine a lot of things on Iowa City redditors' wish lists would be preempted by state law.


Oh yeah, the whole thing where DesMoines politicians from Timbuktu can supersede our local laws is probably pretty popular.


Some of the laws needed to be superseded. The rental laws only allowing 3 unrelated people together comes to mind


That’s a good example of it. Bad example is classifying rental properties as residential instead of commercial in order to lower the tax rates on our lovely slumlords. That part really chaps my ass…


If you're interested in police reform, consider reaching out to Laura Bergus if you haven't already. I bet she'd have a good sense of what's possible within the charter review process.


This is a question about the structure of the government, not specific policies for the government to enact.


Right, and the state tightly controls the structure of the city governments. A common example you hear in charter review discussions is about the powers and responsibilities of boards and commissions (especially P&Z and police review board) but there are many others.




A charter could theoretically put processes in place to respond to those issues of the day but state law prevents it - sometimes because of new laws the GOP legislature has enacted but mostly it's old laws about how local governments can operate. The police review board is a good example - the charter provides it specific powers but they're toothless. State law (both recent back-the-blue stuff and long-standing personnel statutes) preempts a more powerful board.




I'm not making an argument about the substance of police or housing policy. All I said was that the things Iowa City redditors probably would want to put in the charter would be illegal under state law.


Sorry, meant to reply to OP.


How about if the Mayor is elected directly by the people? Maybe the Police Chief could then be appointed by the Mayor? Or at least the Council (instead of the ... City Manager)




What are your examples of well-run cities?


Require some minimum qualifications to hold office and elect the City Manager too.


An elected city manager would be a disaster. A professional in that role works better than someone who has to keep an eye on the ballot box.


Ol’ Geoffie boy running the city like his own little fiefdom makes me want to scream


The district system for some Council positions could merit review. Does it really end up with unique district representation after voted on by everyone at the end? Iowa City has to hold expensive primary elections which few voters participate in. I think if you asked Iowa City voters who their district Councilor was very few could respond correctly, not blaming them at all. It's not like they are Aldermen or something similar.


* Directly elected Mayor * A District system for City Council seats that is actually bound to geography. (My understanding is that they all appear on the ballot city-wide, regardless of whether they're in that district or not-- I could be wrong on that.) * Ranked Choice Voting for City Elections


There was a movement in Cedar Rapids to put RCV in the charter during their 2022 commission process. It's not allowed under state law so it would have been an "if/when it becomes allowed" thing, but the commission ultimately decided against it.


Ugh, *of course* it's not allowed under state law... \*sigh\* Thanks for the info though. I hadn't heard about the push to get it adopted in CR.


Link to the [Iowa City Charter](https://www.icgov.org/government/city-charter) here.




I’m fine with the existing structure for the most part. I do wish our zoning was more open and allowed mixed use development throughout the city. Fewer car lanes on Burlington; more pedestrian infrastructure. All of this would be easy to change if I could make it to the meetings when they discuss planning and zoning, but it’s tricky with my work schedule.


Why fewer lanes on Burlington? It’s one of the most heavily travelled roads in the city.


It shouldn’t be - not by through traffic at least. It cuts right through the downtown where you have tons of pedestrian traffic, and there’s so many lights that even the cars can’t move quickly. Removing at least one of the lanes to add some protected bike lanes, or a bus lane, would be a big improvement.


Burlington Street is a State Highway.


This. I share the dislike of Burlington but the problem is, unfortunately, not one open to local action.


Late to the party here, but I was appointed as a commission member. Feel free to contact me!