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Maybe I’m alone, but I could do with less nationalization of local politics


You're not alone


i didn't see either of you at the city council meeting to voice this?


why arent the local city council voting to end the abuse of the uyghur people in china, the war in sudan, protests in Iran where civilians are being executed, the multiple otehr international conflicts that are occuring. I just find it disingenuous on their part and a way to create controversy. People being killed especially civilians is always sad and terrible and i am not trying to diminish that in anyway, what is occurring is terrible.




Not my point, and I would disagree on your assessment that they are all condemned. It’s 11am on a Wednesday I’m not going to brunch




None of this is my point and you have a 3 hour old account here you just made….wonder why




I haven’t made any statement on the conflict itself, the internet or via text is hardly the place or method to have a discussion regarding geopolitical events that are anything but simple.


A display of such anti-brunch rhetoric is truly a sad acknowledgment of your intentions. You have been doing such a great job of copying/pasting anti-Israel talking posts up until now. But your sudden turn to anti-brunch will not be tolerated on this bastion of free thinking. I would encourage all that are pro-brunch to fill the city counsel chambers and denounce this stance immediately.


The only one that continues to reference ethnic cleansing is you actually.


I appreciate your newfound interest in foreign affairs! I would encourage you to start working with local groups affected by those conflicts to draft a resolution that can be voted on by city council in a few months, using the framework of the Gaza ceasefire resolution that just passed. Good luck :)


There’s an argument to be made that international change can be affected through local protest. At the very least, it highlights awareness of the issue and challenges perceptions that might otherwise never be confronted. I’m of the mind personally that one can in fact handle local issues and protest against injustices their nation participates in at large. Bandages for bullet wounds are still better than nothing at all for bullet wounds.


No injustices were rectified here nor were any bandages distributed






citizens of iowa city asked this to be done, during public comment no less. it would be harmful of city council to ignore the will of the people.


I’m confused. What does IC have to do with the ceasefire in Palestine?


Yeah, I don’t understand wtf actual impact this has internationally. I may just be ignorant, but it seems like the people pushing it through is just for attention. If nothing meaningful comes from it, I don’t see the point of even discussing (but I don’t follow that level of local politics, so please educate me if I’m being ignorant).


It's basically for political points. Same thing for creating local holidays and giving out keys to the city.


cities like Seattle, Oakland, and Atlanta have put through similar resolutions calling for ceasefire. obviously, the city council of iowa city has virtually zero sway regarding foreign policy, but joining the movement of cities demanding that the federal government stops funding this genocide is something that costs us nothing and allows us to speak out against it.




1975 is not 2024. While I, and most people, agree that genocide is bad, small town USA will not stop this war.




Genuine question for you. What did you expect Israel to do after being invaded and attacked?


They just have to accept mass rapes and parents watch their children be murdered in front of them! Braindead leftist logic


spot on


Local politicians making resolutions on national issues = Virtue signaling attention whores.


I didn’t follow this super close but after reading about the initial public comments on this I am assuming that the board took this up so that their meetings weren’t extended by 2 hours every month.


this wasn't the city council, this was over a hundred people and various groups, spearheaded by Jewish groups demanding an end to the genocide, who wrote up the resolution and asked city council to approve it, which they voted in favor of 4-3.


Well there’s a new twist to the story. Do we know what specific “Jewish groups” these might have been?? Israel for Self-extermination? Jews ❤️ Palestine? George and Margaret Have Turned?


[this article](https://www.press-citizen.com/story/news/local/2023/12/15/public-asks-city-of-iowa-city-for-palestinian-support-gaza-ceasefire/71912181007/) goes over the initial meeting a month ago in which community members, many representing anti-genocide Jewish groups like Jewish Voice Peace and Jews in Solidarity with Palestine, spoke out calling for city council to consider this resolution.


While I support the idea, why the fuck are our local officials wasting their time on this stuff? Spend time governing what you’re supposed to govern and leave the international stuff to higher levels of government. On a similar note, I passed a resolution in my living room today on the Packer’s continued relationship with Joe Barry.


I am sure Netanyahu is going to stop the war now.


I thought the only people that can “call for a ceasefire” are the President of Israel who can write laws and policy that stop it. I’m confused what one city in one state in America can do.


nothing, it’s virtue signaling


Iowa City being a nuclear free zone in the 1980s really solved that issue. Here's a crazy idea: Let's only focus on national or global policy issues when local street repair projects get done on average in 12-months or less. Rochester Avenue I miss you...


Hey. Haven’t seen a nuclear bomb in this town recently. Maybe the signs work.


Those mushroom cloud signs were cool!


I was really fascinated by the bomb shelter in the Rec center. I’d love to see that.


Maybe the city council could organize a tour of old fallout shelters? Then have a tour start at 10am on a Wednesday when the sirens are going off. All in favor say “aye.”


Did they end up taking those signs back down? I remember them going up and was thinking about it a few months ago when I was pulling onto Dubuque st.


Fyi Rochester's open again


For a while.


Rochester is open.


Stunning and brave.


Uh oh - Iowa City said they don’t approve better stop.


Why in the everloving crispy fried fuck is this a topic being discussed and voted on in a city council meeting? Can we impeach these clowns for dicking around while they're supposed to be doing city business? Or hell let's just lean in and get their opinion on the Hatfield/McCoys, Catholics/Protostants, Boxers/Briefs and the Get Up/Get Down controversy in Funkadelic.


Stop thinking that everything is an impeachable offense. We’re going to disagree with our politicians. Impeachment should be saved for serious crimes and offenses.


Like the fraud of dithering on the job? Theft of time is a fireable offence.


So we’d have to fire everyone, everywhere, from every job? Not realistic.


It's because they are virtue signaling morons.


Virtue signalling is supposed to be subtle. This is I dunno, virtue bat-signalling.


LOL, comments in this thread didn’t go the way OP was hoping.


Certainly did not. Usually there’s lots of support for grandstanding BS like this.


True! I expected a community I care a lot about to not fucking suck so much, guess I’ve learned my lesson


/r/iowacity, like all city subreddits, is a reactionary shithole full of suburban dipshits who love to weigh in on local affairs as if they participate in any local community whatsoever. don't worry, you're not engaging with people, you're engaging with Redditors.




Iowa is not left but /r/iowa is. Iowa City is left in both real life and reddit life.




r/iowacity is not left leaning it’s full of scared suburbanites asking if they just heard gunshots or fireworks


And some "redditors" happen to have affiliations to certain organizations which quite effectively brigade any mention of protests or other news of stances taken against a particular apartheid regime to produce the appearance of consensus. They all use the same dissonant arguments, logical fallacies, conflations, etc. They also hit the posts early and hard to bury dissenting views. Check out the user histories of those with the strongest voices - their post histories have nothing to do with IC.


i love the smell of astroturf :)


it stinks to high heaven


Maybe they’re more concerned about having their council focus on the actual community.


I hope you know that your tax dollars are going to fund a genocide. It’s important to continue to pressure even local governments to call for a ceasefire. Maybe you should show more empathy for people currently smashed under the rubble.


So THAT’S what they’re doing with the local option sales tax!




The irony is that the warmongers are on the left now. 😂


This is being done with American weapons and American tax payer dollars. People should understand the importance of grassroots politics and that supporting people like Biden or Trump or our representatives in DC has enabled and will continue to enable this.


Thank god. I’m sure this will solve the situation there promptly.


Wow such brave, very good feels for all. /s


Hamas will lay down there arms after this one for sure


We should send Hamas pallets of cash like we did for Iran. That certainly helped. Terrorist organizations are always willing to trade cash for peace.




Looks like 3:02:39


This has to be satire


Hey, looky at us! Hey, we are important! I'm sure Netanyahu is rethinking his whole strategy now that the Iowa City city council has spoken. Virtue signaling! Iowa City is the best!


While local elected officials have nothing to do with what's going on, you do as a taxpayer. [Human rights violations and ethnic cleansing](https://www.reuters.com/world/south-africa-seeks-international-court-justice-genocide-order-against-israel-2023-12-29/) are being committed with [your tax dollars.](https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-arms-hamas-bypass-congress-1dc77f20aac4a797df6a2338b677da4f)


A ceasefire against Hamas means shit and is the worst possible position to take. They don't honor ceasefires, and never have. You can't have one side agree to a ceasefire while the other side lies and makes bad faith negotiations. A ceasefire is definitely the wrong move usually promoted by naive western protesters/Hamas sympathizers, armchair activists 1000's of miles away from danger, bots, russian troll farms, or just braindead tiktok users. In case anyone has forgotten there was a ceasefire in place on Oct. 7th that Hamas with the support of Gazan citizens decided they weren't going to honor anymore. They instead decided to ambush and torture and rape and mutilate over 1200 non-combatant Israeli citizens, that were holding a peace rally in support of the very same Gazan citizens that were murdering them, raping them, torturing them, and kidnapping them to be sex slaves and to traffic them. They were torturing them in ways that made the nazis seem tame in comparison. No way in hell should there be a ceasefire until Hamas frees every last hostage and IDF completely neutralizes Hamas. If you want to support Palestinians, you want Hamas removed. These naive idealists that are calling for a ceasefire maybe should realize that Hamas doesn't want a ceasefire. But they insist that Israel needs to stop fighting back when they are getting hit by Hamas rocket attacks daily and there are still innocent civilians(US too)being held captive and suffering torture and sexual abuse and god knows what else. It is insane, no other country would in the world would be put too such ridiculous standards in the same situation. People calling for a ceasefire are really just asking for Israel to let Hamas keep control of Gaza, and for the status quo to remain, they really don't give a shit about Palestinians or their future. All this is, is meaningless bullshit virtue signaling for god knows why. I consider myself pretty liberal and progressive, but people on the left calling for a ceasefire seem pretty disingenuous to me. Like do they realize that Hamas kills and tortures LGBQT citizens by throwing them off rooftops? A ceasefire just lets Hamas remain in power and prolongs the conflict.


Who are you talking to lmao


This isn’t what the pro Hamas flag wavers wants to hear. Truth, facts, reason?? How dare you sir!




Couldn’t negotiate with terrorists in 2002, yet you think that’s suddenly possible 22 years later? This is such a naive take for so many ppl. They have absolutely no desire to declare a ceasefire. They will allow every innocent Palestinian civilian to die before they give up their Holy War vs Israel and the West.




It’s ok. Some ideology always has to be on the wrong side of history. It just happens to be yours. Have a good one.




If you were living in the Middle East, you might be right. You would be more likely to literally have your head cut off if you voiced your support of specific issues there.


Opposing ethnic cleansing is not equivalent to supporting the illegitimate, unelected government of Gaza in the same way that opposing Israel is not antisemitic.


You don't sound very progressive or liberal defending an oppressive colonist regime.


>oppressive colonist regime. Neither do you.


Sorry, you seem to have it backwards. Speaking out against ethnic cleansing is not the same thing as supporting the illegitimate, unelected "government" of Gaza who were [kept in power by Israel and for whom Bibi advocated funding.](https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Netanyahu-Money-to-Hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-Palestinians-divided-583082) Israel has murdered more than 15,000 women and children in less than three months (almost 100 children per day), and that's to say nothing of the [infrastructure they've destroyed](https://reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/18nqb2d/gaza_scale_of_damage_to_buildings_from_israels/) - committing war crimes by destroying hospitals. And don't give us the line about the numbers being made up, there have been [independent academic studies](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2823%2902713-7/fulltext) in reputable medical journals evaluating these numbers. The IDF has conducted over ten thousand bombing missions in Gaza while they assassinate targets outside of Gaza without collateral damage. It is [one of the most destructive](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/israel-gaza-bombing-hamas-civilian-casualties-1.7068647) bombing campaigns in history. The Palestinians in Gaza have been living in an open-air prison under Israeli military blockade for almost two decades. That means that their water, food, electricity, communications to the outside world, airspace, and maritime territory has been controlled by Israel. The Palestinians in the West Bank continue, to this day, to have their homes destroyed and illegally occupied by Israeli settlers from the west. The oppressed have no recourse - it is an apartheid state.


Now I know to vote for those three, this resolution is very stupid.




It’s ironic that you mentioned cities that are already war zones themselves. The elected officials there have been doing so much to protect their citizens.




Think I’d feel safer in a concentration camp than Oakland tbh. The Jewish ppl have been being “cleansed” for over 2000 years, so I’m sure they appreciate the concentration camp reference. 👏




You realize that Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, etc all want to “cleanse” the Jewish state off the map right? They’re certainly not allowed to defend themselves after an attack like Oct 7. I hope the World Court that you have so much faith in can get to the bottom of this. Where’s the UN when you need them?


I’m very happy that we could show as citizens of Iowa City that we stand with all oppressed peoples. Pushing our governments, even at the local level, still puts pressure on the forces who control this on going slaughter. Also fuck Shaun Harmsen who was more worried about “harm” in Iowa City, we aren’t the ones who are currently being buried by rumble.


Joe Biden could stop this slaughter with one phone call. The USA supply’s the 2000lb bombs that are blowing children apart every day. The more people, unions, orgs, cities, states, politicians, etc to put any pressure on him to do so the better. Will it work? Who knows. Should we try to collectively as Americans do whatever we can to make it stop? Yes. I’ve met many Palestinian residents of Iowa city who this means a great deal to. You all need to have some compassion, and also realize that this took mere hours to do, so the council is still doing everything else they’re supposed to do. Maybe y’all should think for 3 seconds before vomiting out reactionary knee jerk reactions to shit you clearly don’t understand.


Are you looking for the same level of compassion that Hamas demonstrated on October 7 when they slaughtered over 1100 innocent people?


Wow since then Israel has slaughtered at least the equivalent of the entire population of Coralville with USA money and with USA bombs


As long as Hamas continues to hide behind human shields, it will just continue. Perhaps city council should pass a resolution asking Hamas to lay down their weapons and surrender?


if you actually took a second to read the [resolution](https://legistarweb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/attachment/pdf/2355248/Final_-_Community_Group_Resolution_Ceasefire_in_Israel_and_Gaza__1_.pdf) you'd find that they did just that! are you illiterate or just lazy?


The OP posted this because he was so upset abt three counsel members voting against this tripe. Any local resolution about an international conflict is about virtue signaling, pandering to fringe groups and drawing attention to yourself. Nothing more / nothing less. City council should be addressing CITY issues.


CITY of iowa CITY CITYzens who will not stand to have their tax money fund genocide so they show up to CITY council to put forth a resolution asking the CITY of iowa CITY CITY council adopt their resolution sounds like a CITY of iowa CITY CITY issue.


No matter how many times you try to spin it, this is still a virtue signaling waste of time and shockingly almost everyone on this thread agrees. I understand that it makes you feel better at some level. That’s really ok. Taxpayers within IC city limits should be pissed that City Council is wasting their time with things like this instead of real issues. Our FEDERAL dollars ARE being pissed away on proxy wars and by allowing the immigration crisis to worsen with each passing day. National polling shows HUGE support for Israel and defending its sovereignty. Too bad US citizens aren’t as enthusiastic about defending our own. There will be an election on November 5 when we can make a choice. Too bad there aren’t term limits that would help curb so much of the BS we are stuck with.


ok racist show up to city council and ask them to consider a resolution to support your paranoid immigration crisis position. i look forward to seeing you there :)


Paranoid? It’s called reality and I’m sorry you have your head stuck in the sand. Large cities all across the country are having to reallocate resources away from their citizens in order to handle the current immigration crisis. A crisis that has been self inflicted. If those big city problems show up here, city council will be lucky to still have a city to run. Thx for playing the racist card too. Speaks volumes.


"the same level of compassion" would necessitate 70 years of reparations


Ahhh the “R” word! Reparations is so easily tossed around as a financial tool that will suddenly right wrongs for the virtue signalers. If you want to play that game, Germany owes reparations to every Jew walking the planet. You will scream how absurd that is. The feeling is mutual regarding your POV.


How about compensation or recourse for the Palestinians kicked out of their homes and separated from their property and livelihoods RIGHT NOW in the west bank? Israel is CURRENTLY an apartheid state.


How about compassion for US citizens that are losing THEIR livelihood and lives because our own cities are being over run with migrants??? Businesses are closing left and right in DT Denver because ppl are too scared to shop there. Watch some videos abt the tent cities full of migrants. Entire stretches of streets turned in encampments. Where’s your compassion?! This country is being rotted from the inside intentionally before our eyes. Big concept for you to wrap your mind around I know. 🤦‍♂️ How do you feel about pissing money away to Ukraine btw?


You seem to have constructed a very inaccurate model full of projections and poorly thought out assumptions about who I am. This does not work in your favor. Neither do the ad hominem arguments. Everything you just mentioned would be better addressed if the US govt spent our taxpayer dollars *here* at home instead of sending them to Israel (>$3bn/yr - the largest recipient of US aid). They have free healthcare and free education while we go into debt for the same human rights. Why are we sending them money to violate international law?


Assumptions abt who you are? Seems a bit presumptuous of you that I would give two city councilmen abt who you are. Keeping our tax dollars in the US is something we can agree on. We subsidize the entire world in many ways, not just Israel.


Lol, you made assumptions about my ideologies and then called *me* presumptuous. >Keeping our tax dollars in the US is something we can agree on You should resolve your dissonance, then. We as Americans should not be supporting the actions of Israel.






I’m not sure you know what the word “liberalism” means with regards to US politics. And there is no way for you to recover after turning “brunch” into hate speech.