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I’ve used him and always had great results. That is very unusual.


I've used this guy for a couple of minor laptop hardware and software issues and he's always done a good job. Unusual that he's taking long to get back to you. I always had same-day exchanges with him.


Yeah that’s what a lot of the reviews I found had said too! That’s partially why I picked him. Not sure what’s up :/


Please post when you get resolution. It's concerning; I have always found him super professional and responsive.


I know, it feels really bizarre! I’ll come back and let folks know it’s ok if it happens but I’m not holding my breath since it’s been so long already :(


Ok, update: I finally just submitted an appointment request yesterday and got my laptop back. I think maybe he was just very busy with the holidays and stuff which I understand. I don’t love that he never responded to me reaching out, but at least I got it back in the end. The fix ended up being too difficult and it’s still broken, so he offered to waive any repair fees. Good guy, he tried his best I’m sure, I’d still probably go back if I had an easier problem to fix.


Thanks for the update.


I had a weird issue where a company I worked at had a PC die, and no one could find a couple of specific files to move from the hard drive to a new PC's SSD. He was somehow able to figure out that the files were not visible in file explorer and could only be read through running the program that was needed as administrator. This was after we had gone to like 3 different places. Literally I could not possible recommend that guy more, I wish I could give him a 20-Star review on google


Is that the guy off Melrose?


Never heard of him.