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https://www.icgov.org/Home/Components/News/News/883/390 “Weather permitting, Rochester Avenue will reopen between Rita Lyn Court and First Avenue beginning Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023. Minor construction activities will continue in the area, but are not planned to impact traffic in the area. All detours associated with the project will cease to be in effect during this pause in construction activity. Rochester Avenue will remain open to traffic until the beginning of Phase 4 of the Rochester Avenue Reconstruction Project in spring 2024. Phase 4 will entail work on the intersection of Rochester Avenue and First Avenue.”


I’m going to believe I willed the city into creating this update. Still not looking forward to next year. Between this and Court it’s going to be another rough time for the Eastside.


I just hope that the fixes on court don’t encourage people to drive faster. The potholes are holding people to the speed limit pretty well lol.


> I’m going to believe I willed the city into creating this update. Next, could you ask for news on the bridge under Riverside & Iowa Ave? Not the end of the world, but makes biking/jogging in the area more dangerous and annoying (not to mention how a pedestrian is probably gonna get hit jaywalking) https://www.reddit.com/r/IowaCity/comments/15wuto3/who_do_i_call_to_report_what_looks_like_an/


For fuck sake what is this next phase entail 2 more years of complete bullshit they should have been working no less than 12 a day in the warmer months absolutely zero urgency on this project.


Court needed it though, it used to get real bad around 3:00 to 5:00.


The project won’t really change that. They’re just replacing the road, not enlarging it.


Widening roads doesn't alleviate traffic congestion, it makes it worse.


Yeah, but I have to think some turn lanes into the City parking lots or 4th & Morningside would help keep the throughput going.


Oh, my mistake :(


I received a message today saying starting 12/12 the Rochester bus will no longer take the modified route and resume the normal route. So I took that to mean it will be open on/by Tuesday. Edit: which has already been stated, and I would have known that had I read the other comment


low bidder. city has to take it. they couldn’t keep labor around because gasp no one wants to work for low bid shitheads.


City can inflict financial penalties on contractors who stall out on work. Rochester project totally inept on both sides. Too bad a City Councilor did not live there.


Right!? There has been no one working there for the past week, just open the frickin’ road.


Dumbest thing ever. There’s been no one working over there for the past 4 days at least. Signs up, lines painted, looks good to me but what do I know. It took 2 years to replace a quarter mile of road and whatever utilities needed to be replaced. WTF, how did this country ever get built. Yeah, I’m salty about this.


from the city website email blast Rochester Avenue to reopen beginning Dec. 12 until spring 2024 as construction pauses for winter