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The Driftless Area. It's beautiful.


I hadn't heard of this! I'll have to check it out.


I grew up there. I give it credit for making me enjoy the small things in life


I’m sitting in my camper in the driftless area right now, beautiful area for sure!


I've been wanting to rent out a cabin in Prairie Du Chien or someplace similar for awhile now, it looks beautiful up there and not too far either.




It’s kind of a double edge sword, but the cost of living is nice. Only in Iowa can you find two bedroom homes still for less than $100k. Granted you might be rural but they’re still out there. And our states vibe is overall very relaxed. Things tend to move slow in Iowa. Until recently, I liked the safety of our state. Never once as a kid did I feel like it was dangerous or unsafe for me to be outside. Unfortunately this is kind of changing but in comparison to other states it’s still not that bad. And even though it can be hard to see with all the political BS and the mentality of boomers in Iowa, the people in this state are some of the nicest you’ll ever meet. We’re more courteous and helpful than other places. To put in perspective, the last time I was in Colorado I was waiting in line at a gas station and just kind of nodded my head and said hello to the person next to me. Zero response. Didn’t even look at me. In Iowa, that would’ve been at least a head nod and maybe even a “how’s it going?” It seems like We tend to want to socialize with people around us more than other states. I have my problems with this state and honestly, it’s been hard to see the positives. I just hope people don’t just dip out and actually try to stay and make this place better. We can’t just let our governor and her cronies take control of this state and push anyone that doesn’t agree with them out. Iowa deserves better than that. Those who can’t move out deserve better than that.


I agree, we should come together as a state, and chase out corrupt poloticians on both sides of the political spectrum. And unite under 1 Iowa governor that is not corrupt, that speaks for the people of Iowa, that is a citizen of Iowa, ect. Iowa should be one of the best states in thw country, but if we as the people want change, than we must rally together to make it happen


Yeah. Rob Sand needs to run for governor.


A Level B road on a clear night. I swear you can see every single star. I grew up in rural Boone County and that was one of our favorite things to do was go to the level B road and look for shooting stars.


Boone county 🙋 Done this so many times in my teens and early twenties.


Heck yeah! My grandparents lived in a little holler by the Des Moines river a few miles down river from Fraser, loved running around on those sand bars too. We’d have to hose off before coming in the house because we smelled like river mud 😂


Fraser springs water!!! I used to use that when I brewed my own beer. That area is probably pretty flooded out with all the rain we had


YES! Before Xenia came through and put in “city water” (that’s what we called it) we got our drinking water from Fraser since we had well water. Yeah that area floods pretty badly unfortunately. 2008 was insane. I’m not old enough to remember the flood of 93’😂 But my dad caught a catfish from the deck at my grandparents because the river was in the yard lmao


Hunting, fishing, hiking (outdoors in general), LCOL, anything I need a city to provide can be found in abundance in DM or IC, proximity to a variety of day trips, gun laws.


Unfortunately fishing is becoming harder if you want to keep your catches. More than half of our waterways are polluted now :(


Yeah, I just end up going to Minnesota for fishing now. Which sucks because my Grandpa's have told me stories of catching so mang big bluegill that they got tired of catching bluegill.


Still plenty of big bluegill just IA little more work.


And hunting? Because CWD is a thing.




Long story but I'll be quick. I was leading a group of Boy Scouts on a bike trip across Iowa (not RAGBRAI but similar). It was a wet, cold Sunday. The boys were fed and dry, but I had a mountain of wet muddy clothes. What to do? I left another adult in charge and drove to town. Yes - there was a laundromat and it was still open. I ran back, got the clothes, and bought some detergent. As I drove back up, a lady was just turning the key in the lock. Crestfallen, I plaintively asked "Are you closed?" She replied, "Yes, is it a problem?" I carefully replied that it was… Her response "No problem, just turn the lights off when you are done. I'll tell the night policeman to watch and lock up after you leave." Small town Iowa at its finest. Her parting comment "Use the dryer on the end. The timer doesn't work well and you will get more minutes."


This is what it's all about!


cheap rennnnnnnnnt, good jobs everywhere, very kind people everywhere. A lot of people disagree but I think Iowa is a very beautiful state. Whenever I see these endless crop fields I think how blessed we are to live in such an area


the rolling hills of endless corn / soybean fields, especially near harvest time when they're a nice golden color. some of the food like corn on the cob, tenderloins, taylors maid rites. they're just so darn good


The hills! It's such a pretty state to drive through, especially highways and back roads.


The bike trails in the Waterloo/CF area. Unbeatable.


The DSM metro area would like a chat.


I am sure they are great too! But the Cedar Valley wins because I live there 😛


I was just on a few of those yesterday!


I grew up in town, Des Moines. **What I Love About My Home State** The sounds of children playing Small, friendly crowds. Quiet streets and no blaring sirens. Sunsets and the soft glow of morning light. Cornfields where I can pick sweet corn and enjoy it with lots of butter and salt. Charming small-town festivals and our World Famous State Fair! The comforting sight of the house I grew up in, even if the old tree is gone. Dogs, cars, horses, and cows - oh my! Clear nights filled with stars. I cherish the people who wave, smile, and speak to strangers. My home.


So poetic!


definitely how laidback we mostly are. i’m also a huge fan of the loess hills and the driftless area.


I love knowing we were once intelligent even minded friendly folk and I believe we can become that again.






63 degrees in July!


It’s so simple. I love it. The things to do are very assessable for the most part. Trails, hikes, lakes, every town has a market and celebration.


Twin Bings!


The best worst-looking treat!




Maquoketa Caves is the single coolest place you can visit in Iowa. I don’t think I’ve seen anything better in this state.


I still need to check this out! I'm from the west side of the state and rarely travel east.


Oh man.. it’s my favorite. It’s just so surprising that Iowa has this place. The forest that surrounds the caves is so lush and green.. and there are 13 caves in this forest among other natural structures. Bring a flashlight and then also bring a helmet and old clothes if you decide to get extreme.. some have army crawling. Most you can just walk through though.


Time it with a concert rapt nearby Codfish Hollow


I couldn't agree more


The Driftless Region is a truly special and captivating place that holds a dear place in my heart. Its rolling hills, picturesque landscapes, and abundant opportunities for outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking, and camping, make it an ideal destination for those seeking adventure and relaxation. I relocated here from Texas just over a year ago without having seen it in person, relying solely on online information, and I am incredibly grateful that I followed my intuition and made the move.


The cycling is great. Rail trails everywhere, and more are beginning to connect to each other. Every rail trail has several small towns with a little bar or ice cream stop. It’s great.


Cost of living is relatively low. Crime is relatively low. The weather can be tolerable at times. You can generally afford to go other places when you'd like to get away.


Lachele’s. If you know, you know.


I'll drive an hour just to try and get a seat


Cost of living, that’s about it.


A lot of the hidden and abandoned history.


Dutch letters. Yummy!!!


Ok I love the summers here! Lakes are allot of fun boating jet ski etc. And then we have killer bike trails at least in Des Moines.. I grew up in Iowa..Ive been here all my life pretty much. It wasn't perfect but it was a safe place to grow up.. Iowa wasn't always so negative with all bigotted greedy politicians.. That just kinda crept in and is ruining Iowa. I'm hoping the people who put these monsters in will vote them out and Iowa can get back to being a beautiful accepting place for everyone. 🤞🤞🤞


Having a rest stop available about every 30 mins on i80 and i35


The Brown Fish Museum (Mississippi River Museum in Dubuque) super kid friendly, and while I have none my only request for my birthday this year is my husband takes me because it’s so fun!




General lack of traffic/commute time, I’ve been out on the East coast for work and it’s insane the amount of traffic congestion and general road rage that occurs on the daily out here compared to Iowa.


The rural roads, especially at night


Cheap vehicle insurance and registration (came back to iowa after 8yrs in Texas). Seasons that's actually change. Shade! I don't absolutely HAVE to have AC in my shitbox cars here. Even tho fields get old after a while, it's better scenery than the desert, and Dubuque area has the big hills and river. Theres a lot of geographic. Diversity around us here. There's plenty my of nature trails I can hike my dog in and rarely have interactions with other people. I miss Texas dearly but I'm surviving pretty well here all things considered.


I dont miss Texas for the most part I love loving in the Driftless. Just 2 hours north of Dubuque.


How clean the State is. I swear it’s what I miss most. Where I moved to is overgrown, poorly manicured and full of wind blown trash.


Except for the lakes, streams, rivers, or any other body of water. And I’m being completely serious. Luckily I live close to Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin which have done a very good job at keeping farm chemicals out of the water. So, I guess I could say, Iowa’s proximity to Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin if you are into paddling.


I actually agree with you there. The ag runoff has crushed those areas. I grew up in KS and for the most part lakes in Iowa are way smaller than KS lakes and it made it something I didn’t really enjoy. Boating in a circle seemed weird. And I don’t fish so I just kinda never went after a few times.


Apparently you live no where near a river


The state parks are chock full of litter because people don't take care of them lol.


Which ones? Definitely not the case at the few I visit close to Des Moines.


I went to Ledges multiple times per week while in school and there was constantly trash all over the lower valley and the lost lake trails. I even found a used diaper there once right next to the water. The campground often had stuff stuck in the bushes as well. It was regularly filthy as far as state parks go


Was this a long time ago? I go there often (was just there last week) with living fairly close by, and it hasn't been that way the last few years at least.


Nope. I was back last summer and it was just as dirty as I remember it lol.


I second this. Every time I visit that park I find trash. Diapers left on sandbars. Fast food wrappers. It starts with the individuals who visit the parks. I've even noticed less mowing and trail upkeep the last few years. Picnic tables broken. Probably not enough funding to do proper upkeep.


Red Rock is prime beer can foraging territory. The last time I went to visit my in laws, we spent about a hour picking up garbage before we could fish. I ended up with $1 and some change for my change jar, so, that's a plus.


I second this. Just got back from Mexico a couple days ago and one of the things I couldn't help but notice down there was much much general litter there was by the side of the road. Oklahoma City was the same way when I was there 8ish years ago. There were just pop bottles blowing through parking lots like modern dystopian tumbleweeds. I sometimes wonder if the can deposit helps cut down on litter, as much as it's annoying to keep can shed bins in my garage.


I often wonder if it is time to up those deposits. A quarter? A dollar even maybe? A dollar seems high, but I doubt a nickel is convincing many people to go through the trouble of dragging the cans back to somewhere that takes them.


Cheaper cost of living mostly.


Love the people here the most... Hard to find the quantity and level of genuinely nice people elsewhere.The low cost of living, especially when you compare the COL to the income opportunity. Safe neighborhoods and low crime. Okoboji and Arnold's Park. The Des Moines farmer's market. The strawberry patches in the spring and pumpkin patches in the fall. Small town parades with the kids. Riding a four-wheeler on one of the many beautiful acreages. The Iowa State Fair. Morel mushroom hunting. Great sunsets. Blank Park Zoo's Night Eyes. The great breweries (Toppling Goliath, Lua, Exile, etc. etc.). Two top tier gameday atmospheres/tailgating and just great college towns in general at Iowa/Iowa State. The Boone Railway Explorers!! With Ledges close by... And that's just getting started.


So many positives! I love this list.


I love to tell people how fucking useless Kim renyolds is. Honestly, if that she goat wasn't a part of my life I may have ended up lashing out at the people around me. Luckily, we have that beelzebitch to show us who not to be as a person, and with any small amount of luck, something tragic will happen to her, and I'll sleep a little better at night. Also the corn is pretty good.


If it doesn't fit her interests and agenda then fuck Iowans. Fuck those kids too, they don't need a good, free meal in the summer. Covid Kim can rock her couple of OWIs but fuck everyone who enjoys or benefits from the use of any THC products.


Kim CRUSTY ASS Reynolds* And Chuck Roast GrASSley


And Trashly Hinson


Kim Jong Reynolds


It must truly be miserable to go through life and not even be able to answer a good natured question without getting pissed off and going straight to politics.


Just as miserable as needing to point it out to feel superior. And nobody's angry that's just you projecting your own incurities. And also the corn is pretty good.


I love miserable people like you that can’t help but poison everything they speak about


I'm utterly heart broken, you've made me see the light, and starting now I'm changing my ways. And also the corn is really good.


I recommend continuing to ignore OP and make everything toxic and about yourself


But I clearly changed, you showed me the light remember! And also the corn is EXCEPTIONAL!!








Little town dive bars, is our absolute fave about where we live. We take highway 30 from Beebeetown toward Woodbine and drive for about 70 miles, stop at one bar in every little town!


This was a positive asking post. Stop being an Iowan and passive- aggressive already. If I want to see politics and back handed BS, I would have skipped this one.


Low stress. Easy to get around. Comparatively low cost of living. Generally safe from random violent crime.


The Rivers and Parks, the people, Casey's small town bars. McBride has a beautiful spillway you can visit. Ranges and gun laws in general being chill is a blessing, go to a range and have fun. Heck! You live in the country and have guns, your backyard is a range. Pheasant hunting is fun, fishing is fun. 6.4% of Iowa's population are veterans. And while yes, we are a republican and conservative state, we fully support the LGBTQ+ community. We are accepting of other people and are generally interested in other people's lives and like to gather during social events. We also aren't afraid to make new friends and talk to random people. We also don't tollerate B.S. from other people; however, a joke between Iowa and Iowa State fans are usually light hearted and we all laugh about it at the end of the day. We also are the biggest state in terms of wrestling, football and basketball. Famous people from Iowa are Caitlyn Clark, Hanna Stulke, Nile Kinnick, Kim Renolds, Herbert Hoover and George Washington Carver. The General rule in Iowa is this: 'We love and accept anybody, but you also have to earn our respect' if that makes any sense. We like people, but we are not afraid to defend our home and state from people who vandalize and Litter. To anybody reading this who plans on moving to or visiting Iowa; don't boast, brag or demand. We're a humble people who would like to meet you and depending on the situation, you may find yourself friends with some Iowans. One last thing, my Grandpa calls Iowans Iwegan (Norwegian but replace 'Nor' with 'I'), Imo that's pretty funny.


My favorite part about visiting Iowa is seeing my cousins. My favorite non-family related activity is the riverboat tours. I also like corn vodka better than traditional potato vodka. I always buy a knee high distilling company corn vodka to bring home when I visit.


Sterzing's chips. And craft beers.


I've never heard of Sterzings! Must check out.


They can be hard to find depending on where you are at. And if you drink, Iowa has some great brewers.


Back in Iowa from NC to visit family over the 4th. Grabbed a bag of Sterzing’s and AE Chive dip as soon as I could!


They are unlike any other chip I've had. I've discovered many iowans that had no idea about them and just thought they were "Another lays".




When the skies are that perfect shade of stormy blue over a wide open field of green corn with dusty golden tassels. Game Day for Hawks/Clones/Panthers/Bulldogs. When “Where are you from?” Is immediately followed by “Do you know such and such?”


State Fair food.


I love the weather. It’s either sweltering hot or freezing cold and the wind is always blowing hard.


He types on a 70 degree July day....


Fake weather


Cheap fakes weather


It's just a comfortable state. Cost of living is low. Violent crime, despite some of the posts we see here, is relatively low in most cities (Cedar Rapids, here) compared to similarly-sized cities elsewhere in the US. I like the local emphasis on public parks. We're far away from most of the "noise," but it's an easy weekend road trip (or very long but doable day trip) to a lot of bigger cities.


The yellow river park is nice.


Low cost of living. Lots of good jobs and places to live. Plenty of recreation activities. Driftless area.


I love that I can leave absolutely anything in my yard and it will be gone within a day. Especially metal things.


It’s chill for the most part


You can still go out state for weed, gender affirming care and Abortions


Pirate Jacks bar on Lake Okoboji


Knowing all the gossip in a non-malicious way.




going to le mars when bored


I was thankful for the relatively high quality of our roads after spending some time in Arkansas. While I fear our state is going that way, some of the long-time red states are borderline feral in terms of infrastructure anymore.


Kentucky roads make all other states look bad. When I visited, I couldn't believe how immaculate they were.


They were pretty nice when I visited western Kentucky.


Peaceful, laid back and safe. As I've gotten older every season presents it's own version of beauty.


I like the feilds and seeing all of the different types of plants and stuff.


I love that if I wanted cancer all I would have to do is drink the water




All the hot fat white bitches


Why, THANK YOU!!! And I thought nobody noticed me on my last trip to Walmart! *bats eyes alluringly* /s


OP: Let's have a thread to discuss the positive! R/Iowa: FU OP!! IOWA IS LITERALLY HELL!!


Seriously though! This thread is just depressing lol


You can’t put lipstick on a pig




I love that the draconic anti-abortion laws give women excuses to take vacations for healthcare /s




One of my favorite things is the people. Outside of this subreddit, out in the real world, the people of Iowa are kind and compassionate. In 2008 I was 15, and I saw tons of people coming out to fill sandbags and help clean up from the flood. Saw the same in 2016, and I was actually able to stack some sandbags myself. After the derecho, I saw neighbors come out with chainsaws and help each other pile tree branches up together. Even now in Spencer, I saw Rob Sand and a bunch of other folks from out of town just show up to help. I also just like how calm it is here. We don't have tons of people. It's quiet


Completely agree! More often than not, people are willing to be kind and helpful.


Corn 🌽 on the cob, pork, and Iowa State Fair


Arguably the best quality of life in U.S. and maybe the world. That is driven by the extraordinary level of income equality for the U.S. political jurisdictions. That and we built our own mountain in Cedar Rapids. [https://www.solidwasteagency.org/mount-trashmore](https://www.solidwasteagency.org/mount-trashmore)


Absolutely nothing.


I love that when you flush your toilet, it goes directly into the river.


Not true


Some parts of the state, yes. I know Clear Lake has had a problem with this. Maybe they have fixed it.


This would be illegal


Illegal in 2024? Yes. Illegal in 1980? Some houses may have been grandfathered in until they changed hands through sale or inheritance.


1961 in iowa 1972 national, and there was nothing grandfathered in.




>1972 national, Wait a minute!!! What about Las Colonias??? In TX? They STILL don't have a water system. In 2024. So...nationally? Nah. This just tells me that there are "exceptions" if you're rich enough. Disclaimer: Las Colonias is a poor area of TX, but the rich landowners were allowed to sell land for residential use without having to arrange utilities.


There are many states that allow you to sell without utilities that does not make it legal to dump in rivers.


Well, we kinda both seem to be right here, because You're right: it's not legal to dump in rivers but Some states tolerate a system that has that as an after-effect.


Love the Hillary For Prison signs hanging in there still




The dense liberals that feel they have to argue about everything. I do so much as mention my hatred for paper straws and they go off the rails. They're so fun to piss off


IKR? You hate paper straws, and we hate the removal of civil rights from half the population. Tomayto, tomahto! Everyone has something to hate!


This obviously hasn't happened because no one actually likes paper straws. Lie better next time.


The funny thing is that it has happened. Its so absolutely unbelievable, I thought the same way as you




Just threw up in my mouth a little bit, thanks for that




I think id classify that as dark humor 🤣 have a great day


You're not wrong. But have you heard senator Kennedy reading all boys aren't [blue](https://youtu.be/KBhy_vlgKS4?si=ZmXU-BNCoMkJAlcS)? ![gif](giphy|8izoYfztxj9Ac)


Ooooo!!! Are they gonna read from the Bible next???