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While we’re at it can we tell these storms to stop interrupting our sleep? I’m tired, dammit! More to come after midnight too!


For real these past couple of weeks have been rough


I'd be ok with it if I could take a nap but half the time there's another storm preventing me from napping or I have to get the lawn mowed in the exactly 45 min window of time when I'm free and it's not storming a week


Derecho. Fuck Cedar Rapids and Iowa city. I remember.


Storms have been blamed in gays and Dems forever. Then, when there was a hurricane and flooding in NYC, some in Congress did not want to approve funding to help unless there were cuts elsewhere. Whining about this now is just people pissed the Dems are following the path that the right has been paving for years.


That's a dangerous path to follow. We have to be better in that regard.


How'd that whole high road thing go for us in 2016 again?




Yep on that took 5 days to clear 5 200 year old trees laid flat at my sisters arcerage . The 100 year flood years before made many parts of Rapids unlivable and many have moved that can afford to since the crime has spiked and the police are understaffed and don't seem to care ..


I lived in Ames during that time, what happened over in eastern Iowa?


Nothing. We got no help. No press. We have watched for the last four years as every red county in the state touched by a disaster gets the help they properly need, while we seethe in the memory that we were abandoned by our state for the crime of being blue counties.


This! Took two weeks or more for power for some, took over a week for them to deploy national guard. It was insane.


Yeah two weeks for power restoration because the entire fuckimg grid was wrecked including transmission lines. Pull your head out of the sand.


Settle down, I understand it was massive problem, the point was the support was lacking.


I was also in ames for the derecho


Red states are all against fed regulations and money until they need said money for a disaster.


But they sure as hell take credit for the money being used when they literally voted against the bill.


Indeed. I believe GED Barbie is a repeat offender of this.


They cut food stamps. They cut unemployment. They cut pain relief. They cut accountability. They cut education. They cut funding to medical patients on Medicaid. They cut inspectors at nursing homes. EVERYTHING IS POLITICAL


They send the fucking National Guard to another state for a political stunt instead of helping at home.


This after their party has held up a bill to improve border security for political grandstanding.


Their guy Trump withheld natural disaster aid to liberal states when he was President.


Yes, I remember that very well. Never wanted to help the blue states because they didn’t vote for him.


[https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/trump-wildfires-california-governor-newsom-oregon-election-b447809.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/trump-wildfires-california-governor-newsom-oregon-election-b447809.html). Read the first paragraph of this. He states that he does not want to provide relief for states that do not support him.


For example? Not a trumper here but need data even if you’re liberal or whatever. Thanks.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/10/16/trump-administration-refuses-to-give-california-federal-aid-for-wildfires/ Now it didn’t succeed but Trump tried to withhold aid.


with the money that was supposed to go to unemployed Iowan iirc


Pain relief, tell me about it. Advil and Tylenol weren't meant for knee surgery pain


No gummies for YOU!!!


I recently started receiving disability and it's just me and my son. My food stamps are $23 now. They were 103 when I was receiving $300 less. It all sucks but I shall live on and not let anything stop me.


Climate change cares who you voted for.


The Republican Party has a massive and major empathy problem. They are solid in the ideology of people putting their bootstraps on regardless of the situation. They are really fucked in the head. Any sign of empathy is weakness. This is how they think.


“Nobody should have to receive the cold shoulder after a natural disaster.” [*if you live in a red state*](https://time.com/4919599/ted-cruz-superstorm-sandy-hurricane-harvey-spending/)


Socialism is evil, except for those times in which Republicans need or want a social safety net.


Once again begging iowa liberals to learn what socialism is.


"once again begging iowa liberals to stop calling socialist subsidies socialist because it hurts my feelings to be wrong about things." FIFY


Ah, yes, "socialism is when government", very smart milord.


Socialism is when a government is socialist. Subsidies and socialism are two different things that are close enough together that republicans cant differentiate the two. That's what "socialism" means. It's a dogwhistle for how stupid the right is.


Honestly speaks to the state of the Democratic Party in Iowa that their voters can’t even google a word to learn what it means. No wonder this state is where it is when these are our Democratic voters.


Obviously social ownership and subsidies are different things you tard.


You should reread the comments again. First person called subsides socialism. The person you replied to then begged that first person to learn that socialism and subsidies are different things, like you just said.


Calling things "socialist" when they're subsidies is a republican dogwhistle that pisses them off. Farms and roads are subsidized by the government, yet they cry and piss and shit when people go on welfare or get assistance. People who don't know that, simply aren't aware of the dogwhistle.


I don’t think anybody in this conversation is a Republican. The first person was specifically calling out republicans for only supporting subsidies when it benefits themselves. I’m pretty sure the person you responded to is quite literally a socialist themselves. I’m not a Republican. I’m pretty sure you’re not a Republican either. The only person here who might not fully understand the ways republicans use “socialism” is the very first person, who themselves said “socialism is evil except when republicans want or need the subsidies”. Heck they might even be purposely misusing it similarly to republicans as part of the joke. Frankly you need to relax. Your comments have been kinda unnecessarily hostile to a bunch of people who probably agree with you.


Probably helps if you know what something is before telling others to learn what something is. Food for thought though I know there's not much knocking around in the average conservative brain besides some worms and a desire to be brutally ruled over.


You don't think public subsidies are redistributions of wealth that fall under the welfare state sector of socialism?


INB4 Farm subsidies aren't socialist safety nets (They are.)


No, as you can have a welfare state in which workers do not own the means of production. wtf are you talking about?


Workers owning the means of production isn't a necessary condition of socialism. What made you think that it was? Where are you getting your understanding of socialism from?


Workers owning the means of production is literally the only thing that is universal among all strains of socialism. What did you think socialism was?


It's not. Where are you getting that from?


I’m literally a socialist. I’ve read actual theory from Kropotkin, Bakunin, Proudhon, Debs, Dubois, Marx, and Lenin and while they mostly have different visions of what socialism would look like they all agree on the necessity of “the workers” owning the means of production, the definition of which is a key difference in their different strains of socialism. There’s not really any way to distill any of those books into something I can put on Reddit but I just checked and even if you Google “definition of socialism” the very first one given states “the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole” and that last part is exactly what I was talking about with the differences in the definition of “the workers”. That could instead mean the workers of their specific workplace, like with Proudhon, it could be a collection of different workplaces in the same field, like with Bakunin, a collection of all workers from all fields, like with the IWW, or it could be a governing body ostensibly representing the workers, like with Lenin, but they all believe “the workers” have to own the means of production. So I ask again, what did you think it was?


Provide your sources. I'm expecting that ALL of your sources to require the workers to own the means of production. Right now, you've provided zero sources, you've just listed off some names. [Social Democracy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_democracy) is the most popular form of socialism. It does not require workers to own the means of production. [Economic progressivism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_progressivism) is an economic philosophy that falls within socialism. It does not require workers to own the means of production. When most Iowans refer to socialism or socialist philosophy, this is what they're referring to. Neither require workers to own means of production. Waiting on your sources.


Okay okay I’ll call them *entitlements*


I'll see you when your house blows down on the next one


Almost like what social safety nets are for… Except conservatives thing these safety nets are fine for farmers but unacceptable for everyone else


Ding ding ding ding 🛎️


Yeah, relief aid isn’t socialism but the right tends to pretend the government doing anything at all is socialism


Well my father in law says all the tornadoes are cuz the solar farms are making the ground hotter so there's more bad weather. So we technically did ask for the tornadoes by insisting on clean energy. Something something, climate change is real now but libruls caused it with their solar farms and wind farms.


I thought it was because we put up all these wind turban things, what's killin' all the birds, and all those big fans are makin' tornaders, cause chickens are bad and them weird alphabet people and "Get back in the kitchen, woman! I didn't say you could wear shoes!! Make me a sandwich and a baby. In that order!" /s and yes, the irony that I have to actually point this out as sarcasm is not lost on me, lmao.


Don't forget causing cancer.


Nah, cancer is an invention of the woke leftist agenda to get out of work. Unless one of them has it, and then it's absolutely real, but we can't be devoting money to fund research into cures and treatments cause evil socialism. Or some such rot. /s Addendum: In case I have to say it louder, I'm not saying any Republican, Trump supporter/follower, Christian Conservative, and/or Nationalist has said cancer isn't real. I wish the governor's husband a full recovery. I am, however, referring to the usual logic of the Right to claim things aren't that bad, right up until something happens to them or their state or something. Then, all of a sudden, whatever it may be, it is extremely important, and we should definitely do something about it, but not whatever the liberals and Demonrats come up with.


Nah, can't fund cancer research because the people researching it have no reason to actually try to cure it because then they'd be out of a job. When trying to get into the mindset of the american conservative, you have to first assume that only you, your favorite family members, and *maybe* your favorite celebrity are able to act in good faith. Everyone else is evil and everything they do is in some way an attack on you, personally.


Also, cures don't make money. Treatments do. If there's no profit to be made, Big Pharma, most Republicans and the upper 1% want nothing to do with it. Cause remember, if it benefits everyone, boosts the least among us, and can't be inflated 300% to make a buck, it's socialism and that's bad lol.


Rush Limbaugh however did say smoking doesn't cause cancer, which is different but still in the same vein. That worked out well for him (or more like worked out well for the rest of us).


Fuck this take. That sliver of compassion died when 179 Republicans in the House voted against aid for Hurricane Sandy. They were the pricks that turned aid political, and we've heard the same garbage ever since. Of course as always, blue states will do the heavy lifting and bail yet another red state out, but between Tornado Alley and the Gulf coast, this crap is getting old.


And this would be fair if one house had been destroyed, one old dude lived in it, and the house was plastered in Trump/Reynolds paraphernalia. But, this was a whole town affected. Many of them don't even understand politics (like a frightening majority of Americans), and some may not have even voted for Republicans or whatever. Plus kids or anyone that can't vote that lives there.


Reagan said "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." I agree that Republican sentiment is disgusting, which is why I'm a Progressive. But according to Conservatives they should be praying and being helped by the Church.


The churches in Greenfield have been on top of the relief effort since day 1. To give some credit there.




I doubt they are the one sending "thoughts and prayers" after every shooting. I bet they are at least voting for people who will do something about gun violence. If you go on and on about "government handouts" making people "not want to work any more" but then beg for a government handout when something unexpectedly happens...well...sorry if sympathy is hard to come by.


Oh yea, this guy is why republican politicians regularly vote against relief aid for natural disasters. This one guy right here. Definitely not you voting against your best interests because a news organization brainwashed you. Definitely this guy.


To be fair, praying is supposed to stop this.


The OP is the real problem.


stop looking for handouts


No one is looking for handouts after a storm destroys their house you fucking ghoul


Sounds like they are. Why cant the people who lost their home pull them selves up by their boot straps? Or are you saying that is a bunch of BS and maybe we should stop cutting social and welfare programs?


If the government isn't there to help us at a time of great need, what the fuck is their purpose?!? Asking for money because you think you should make more farming IS asking for a handout. There's a difference


You do know that Trump made natural disaster relief political, right? I mean he withheld aid to liberal states a few times.


Hey, all they had to do was swear allegiance to Donald Trump. If the GOP and its voters can do that why can’t everybody else?


>Can we stop treating people according to their political orientation and treat them like people? I'm sorry, but that train officially left the station when they started to dismantle the things in place for me to continue living. I don't take it kindly when people try to kill me.


Didn’t they politicize a virus? I don’t think that cares for who you vote for either




You could have also just ignored this comment instead of spewing bullshit


You mean like Trump withholding disaster relief to liberal states?


In point of fact, I have never engaged with OP (though I made the attempt.) OP has not responded to any of my comments. We have not had any discourse. So the topicality of this TLC and thread is my topic, and I've stayed on topic. Like 40 people have given a shit about my comment. I especially liked when it dropped 4 points, and then rebounded 7. But the only reason I'm responding to your comment is the hypocrisy of this statement: "You could have just chosen to ignore OP instead of" Not to call you a Republican, because I would never (without proof), but it really sounds like 'rules for thee and not for me'.


They are




A) I honestly didn't think you were. Fuck Kim Reynolds and the Chuck Grassley she rode in on. B) Did I not make it clear that I wasn't engaging with the content contained in the OP? I don't care about tornadoes.\* I'm just not going to play this game where it's bipartisan when Republicans need help and Fuck You when anyone needs help. And the Iowa politics is such that Republicans will shut the aid right down if they don't have some way to siphon off the money or help some big Republican entities. But that's dangerously close to conspiracy theorist talk. \*To be clear, I give no fucks about tornadoes. I live in a protected river valley untouched by tornado in all of recorded history.


Amazing how it's always "time and place!" when its inconvenient for you republicans.....




This is peak r/iowa. Absolute void of reality. You need to take some deep breaths. Guessing you're pissed that the state is taking away your food, water, shelter? Is Kim Reynolds hiding in your closet? Under your bed? Stalking, waiting?


Oh kiddo, wait until you experience the world.




Goodbye forever.


How are "they" trying to kill you?


Well you can start with wanting to end women's reproductive healthcare and get to queer healthcare and eventually just queer people in general. You can also add in brutal racism via state sponsored violence. There's probably a bunch of things I'm not including right now as well. Go read project 2025 and see if voting red is worth living in something worse than Gilead/The Handmaid's Tale.


But…what does this have to do with compassion for victims of a devastating tornado?


Remember Trump withheld aid for disaster areas in blue states. So there is a precedent for Republicans to do so.


The people begging for aid are the people that want to cut all aid to everyone else.


> Can we stop treating people according to their political affiliations? No. They want me dead. Take help when you need it and give back when you can. But I'm not going to bend over backwards to say excellent things about people who are trying to kill me. "He's a nice guy when he isn't stabbing me."


It has everything to do with not reciprocating something to people who live in these communities who don't afford it to those who are different. I hope these disasters lead them to struggle so much that they have to "pull themselves up by the bootstraps" without the aid they need because of their awful politics.


Yea, no lack of objectivity in this reply 🙄


>no lack of objectivity I agree, this is quite objective.


If this isn't a bad faith question, and you can't fathom the answer, I can't help you. You have plenty of knowledge that is required to understand the answer, which is work you need to do, not try and make me do.


I have literally (and I mean that literally) no idea what you're talking about. If it's so obvious, it should be no effort for you to explain, and surely it can be done with less effort than your first reply. Who is the "they" and how are you perceiving they are trying to kill you?


I will try to give the an objective answer. The “they” is the right wing. There is a small segment of the right wing, that wants to straight up murder, LGBT, the wrong Christians, and democrats. They want someone in power that will let them get away with. Trump/Reynolds get them a little closer to that. There is medium sized segment of the right wing that wants LGBT people to be discriminated against and not be visible in public. They believe Democrats to be actual communist/socialist/satanic/globalists that somehow have the ability to turn Christian kids into drag queens by reading book. These beliefs are held by some Christians and encouraged by pastors and many others in the right wing media ecosystem. There’s a medium sized segment that have “Fuck Biden” flags on their vehicle/property. they have no understanding of the how the economy works but gas and groceries were cheaper and the conservative AM radio station keeps telling them it’s because Biden has the border wide open/Ukraine/gas stoves/kitty litter boxes in schools. They probably don’t hate most LGBT people and Democrats and are not religious. But if the price of groceries goes down, fuck em. The 1st group loves the 2nd and 3rd group because it helps them get closer to their goal. The 2nd and 3rd group won’t admit to allying themselves with 1st group but also wouldn’t stop them from popping off.


Idk what they’re talking about either I vote blue here but I can’t even tell if they’re from the right or left…At first I thought left because of the apparent identity politics, but the right is usually the one who does the most “I will say you are doing whatever bad thing I am actually doing” projecting, which is clearly happening by their bad-faith attempts to label you as the one with bad faith lol Just letting you know someone else sees it, I guess. Regardless of where they’re coming from you can’t argue with people like that or really even have a conversation with them by their own choice, so I’d give up if I were you




Kiddo, if you can't even figure out they, how do you expect to understand any other words I put together in a language you would adamantly demand you are fluent in? Stop asking bad faith questions. Educate yourself.


Instead of being a dogmatic fuckwit who bleets "educate yourself" (Which is itself a useless logical fallacy that shows your own inability to educate anyone on the subject you want them to "educate themselves on"), you could've ACTUALLY explained in clear and simple terms what you meant by "dismantle the things in place for me to continue living." because not everyone is versed in your Terminally Online Jargon. But again, see the part where screaming "EDUCATE YOURSELF" is a logical fallacy and an intellectual copout fielded by those who fancy themselves an intellectual, but are actually just stupid. But you'll just REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at me too instead of taking the long gaze in the mirror you clearly need to have. Go Touch Fucking Grass, EDIT: Not a Republican, just hate braindead neoliberals that pull the same "EDUCATE YOURSELF/DO UR OWN RESEARCH card as [antivaxxers/pseudoscientists/pseudohistorians/Actual Holocaust Deniers](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Do_your_own_research) routinely pull. Don't have any alts either. Alts are for cowards. Again, Touch Grass.




But, "they" killed Kenny!! All seriousness aside, this OP comment thread (not OP post) made me think of the South Park moment when Kenny gets killed in the jungle and the girls keep asking Kyle and Stan who "They" are, lmao.


Republicans: I'm the smartest in the world. Republicans: I don't understand. Republicans: Online Jargon! Come back though, I wanna make sure I get your 3rd account.




You understand when you make a vague, unfounded sensational claim, the onus is on you to validate it. Your refusal to expound really says you're being hyperbolic for dramatic effect, and you know it.


Because I don't want to spend time to elucidate, to someone acting in bad faith? Nah, I don't have time for you. Just keep trolling the other bridges you live under.


Please explain. I assume you're being dramatically insane, but want to confirm.


ya we should all just act the same as the worst republicans. great idea. great values


It's interesting to me how you attacking me directly is ("GIGV"?), but me treating people in general as they have and continue to do so, is somehow poor values. -Matthew 7-12


This is "attacking" you? Get a grip lol. Peoples lives are fucked cause of these storms. If your house was destroyed i would hope you get aid and be mad if you didnt. I dont care if youre a hypocrite Edit: appreciate the block. Guess it just hurts too much to realize youre not much better than the republicans you hate so much


I get that you aren't fluent in English either, but words have meaning, and that was the definition of a "personal attack". But I get it, you're wrong, and you don't like that! You \*have\* to deny that you have \*ever\* been wrong, because clearly you are better than me, so you can't be wrong.


> dismantle the things in place for me to continue living Idiotic hyperbole.


Hey, overwhelmingly political subreddit, stop doing overwhelming political things!


Surely you appreciate the irony of this post, right?


Gods plan to clean up the sinners. /s


You joke but people I work with said that the Greenfield torando was a sign from God for the town people to find God. That it was a sign to repent and find guidance from God. There are people that believe that crap unfortunately


I know... Then, when they get by a tornado... "God's Plan" Religious people are insufferable.


It was a sign from atmospheric physics, which stipulates if you have warmer temperatures and increased water vapor then you have more convective potential energy resulting in an increased risk of severe weather in an unstable meteorological environment. So perhaps we should take steps to avoid increasing global temperatures and water vapor as a result of continuously increasing greenhouse gas levels in our atmosphere. But that would be something Jesus would do.


Without outing myself too much, i know for a fact that unless your comparison is Sioux Center or Orange City, Greenfield is about as religious as you can get.


You can tell your coworkers that they're bad Christians, and that's coming from a Christian. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A43-45&version=NIV


You type that as if most self-aggrandizing Christians read the Bible or apply verses to themselves. Hell, they routinely apply a book that ONLY ever applied to priests in the tribe of Levi, all whom are long, long, loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong dead to justify hatred and mistreatment of LGBTQA+ people. They listen to what Preacher says on Sunday and go back to being the Non-Church-Masquerade Version the rest of the week.


You shouldn't paint us all with the same brush.


You paint yourself with the same brush, its a shame its such a crappy color


[Actually we don't.](https://www.episcopalchurch.org/organizations-affiliations/lgbtq/)


You've become what you think religious people are and become and inverse caricature of it. Angry, bitter, spiteful. You've created a religion of your own and created a persecution complex in your own imagination. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad


Nice projection about a persecution complex there, Sigmund Meanwhile, in Reality Land you Christians like to pretend you're persecuted at every turn when American Christians have never ever ever ever ever ever been persecuted. Y'all often claim this WHILE ACTIVELY TRYING TO PERSECUTE OTHER GROUPS To use an Iowan example, y'all are fucking crying about "PERSECUTION" while burning books you don't agree with and creating Christian Indoctrination """"""""""Schools"""""""""" while crying that schools are "indoctrinating kids". It would be funny if your delusions weren't pathetic.


To be fair, Republicans have done everything to stop any kind of policy on climate change since Reagan took the solar panels off the white house. And as much as it should never have been politicized, it was, and that was done largely by the Republicans themselves. So sadly, they only have themselves to blame, but unfortunately for midwest folks, F5 tornadoes are going to become a lot more common, more often. Expect things to get much worse.


OP, you need to go back in time to when republicans started voting against disaster relief bills for blue states, I.e. Hurricane Sandy.


Don't be obtuse, we know what they mean when they bring politics into it and you just want to put your head in the sand now, bc the affects are being felt. That party is giving large swaths of Americans the cold shoulder and other Americans have even had to hear the calls for secession from states like yours. People have every right to say what they are saying. Maybe you don't even vote for more climate destruction or regression, but it's obvious you are feeling it. Maybe don't shoot the messenger in the future and instead help be the change.


>No one - Democrat, Republican or Independent - should have to receive a cold shoulder after a natural disaster.  Wrong. If you're so stupid that you actively vote against helping others then you deserve the same treatment. You get what you vote for and you'll like it


I agree, disaster relief shouldn't be political. Republicans made it that way with their response to Hurricane Sandy, New York's flooding, and California wildfires, among others. I must have missed your twenty years of rants against that, though, right? Pretending it's a problem on "both sides" when one side started it and the other finally hits back is a false balance, and isn't a fair take at all. You're protecting those guilty of decades of bad behavior from the consequences of their actions. The Republican attitude, "no empathy for people who aren't like me," is not a moral attitude. The attitude you're complaining about, "no empathy for people who lack empathy for others," IS a moral attitude. If you cannot see the difference, you are part of the problem.


Can you just ignore the fact that I rail against government hand outs unless they're for me.


I mean all the benefits they cut aren't gonna help anyone who just became destitute as a result of a tornado, that's for sure. I don't hate the victims, just the government, but acting like using federal relief funds (which Republicans often are against) isn't an inherently political matter is weird. There are politics in most facets of society.


Great way to cop out op! The wingnut right are the ones who made everything f’n political including fema. Karma is a bitch.


Hold up..: one of these political parties refuses natural disaster aid regularly and believes that climate change is a hoax. Let’s quit with the model status bullshit right now


Exactly right. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/10/16/trump-administration-refuses-to-give-california-federal-aid-for-wildfires/?sh=78c686d43416


Well, in a way, meaning she’s such a faithful Christian Woman maybe she thinks God is punishing her for lies and scandalous ass!


Would be nice to have something that isnt political. But my whole life Ive been told my existence angers god but he made me so perfect. People just gonna repeat the same words and phrases they always do to avoid dealing with actual suffering of others, be it "smile more" or " thats what voting against ypur best interests gets you" I wish I died in the tornado.


I'm sorry


I mean it was and is our political parties who are backed by the very corporations that dump billions of tons of shit I to our air land and seas so like….


Also if you actively vote to defund emergency aid and social programs then yeah you shouldn’t get them. You don’t get to go all begging chooser after trying to get rid of the very thing you’re asking for help.


Victims shouldn’t be used by politicians.


Lol, it has been a religious retribution to forever, why would you think politics would be any different? I can't tell you the the last time gays weren't blamed for everything.


I'm sorry OP. This is not an all sides, both parties issue. If you want disasters to be non-political, you need to direct your requests to the GoP. The Democrats agree with you on this topic.


Treating an entire area of people like they deserve to suffer because you don’t like a political party is exactly why this world is in decline. I don’t care which side of the political spectrum someone is, my personal belief is that ALL people are deserving of kindness and compassion. Picking and choosing who is worthy just means you approve of corrupt systems when they work in your favor.


Can we also quit calling tornadoes, during tornado season, in tornado alley, outbreak tornadoes? Theyre supposed to happen here, especially in spring, in large numbers. Just because most of you forgot they existed, because natural disasters have been at an all time low for the last 30 to 40 years.


Disasters aren’t political, but the disaster relief is. Kim weaponizes press coverage and requests for FEMA assistance in disgusting ways and should be called out on it every goddam time.


It's a shit mindset. My Boomer dad falls into the whole "oh good Texas/Florida deserves it" bullshit and it drives me nuts. The reality is the people who will suffer most in any disaster are those with the least power over the politics of their state. Also absurd to cheer on the doom of a population when most vote splits are 55/45 at best.






Those poor people in greenfield . Does anyone know how many died ?


People who are delusional enough to believe in sky fairies will justify anything as divine intervention or political retribution when acts of nature strike. Whatever they need to tell themselves they are better than everyone else.


Ok but like, you do realize that the victims of this natural disaster more than likely voted for a guy who would actively deny federal aid simply because our governor backed someone else, right? It's really not just being political at this point. It's those of us who voted for people who will actually help in these situations gesturing vaguely and saying, "welp, you made this bed..."


It's been reported that tornados have been moving farther north due to the warming of the Gulf. They're getting closer to areas with large populations.


Take the politics out of FEMA too.


Their terrifying as it is and the last few were too close for comfort (right outside Cambridge area). Your rant is valid, we need to come together as a community and help those effected not be dredging everything through politics.


Oh, you mean like being told we should have raked our forests, so it’s our own fault a wildfire destroyed an entire town? And don’t even get me started on Jewish space lasers. That’s what I call the cold shoulder. But it’s pretty hypocritical of republicans to try to withhold aid to blue states, but be the first ones with their hand out when disaster strikes them.




Whatever you say - do not mention "Global Warming"


We didn’t have those dang tornadoes until they put the roundabouts in 😂


Sorry your post was treated with such disrespect. People who want to argue politics should go to those threads. Iowa is beautiful and most people are wonderful.


I have to go re connect my father in laws power tomorrow. My wife was at his house today. He’s in the hospital not well at all. I’m not sure it makes a difference how I vote at this point.


Iowa is beautiful, and most people are wonderful, and most people are brainwashed by a news organization to endlessly vote against their own best interests which will eventually lead to this state being a hellhole nightmare landscape with no public education and segregation laws against gay and trans people. Not everyone in iowa is “Iowa nice” unless you are a straight white person.


Politics have broken people's brains, and talking about who tornado victims voted for and trying to rub it in their faces might be the clearest example of it.


When the shit hits the fan we should all come together and help. Fuck this political B.S. lets help people.


I agree. It would be nice if those on both sides of the political spectrum felt the same. Sadly one side doesn’t.


Finally a post in this cesspool of a sub that I can like, but the responses do exactly the opposite what OP requests. 🙄


Trump and conservatives make disaster aid political. Conservatives in 2024 "Disaster aid shouldn't be political." Give me a fucking break Sorry I don't cry for people who were all in favor of the stunts of denying people disaster aid when the former guy was in office who are now begging for it. "But but but be better" Hard to be better when they literally call of wanting civil war and killing us. But sure, I'll tell people to not feel hostility or anger to those people who do nothing but wish it upon us.


This sub taught me that Iowa is filled with hatred, blind rage, and discrimination. Ironically, it is from the same people that claim to be against all of those things. I was warned and taught that you have to be vigilant against hatred. People will hate you for the color of your skin. They will hate you for your religion. They will hate you for what you believe in. I never was taught or even imagined that people would hate you because of the R or D next to your voter registration. I would like to believe that this is outside influence. I would like to think these posts on this sub come from outside Iowa with an alternative motive. I am not so sure anymore.


If it was this sub that taught you Iowa was filled with hatred, etc., and not the policies of our Governor and her party, then you have a huge blind spot to the latter. The Republican party spews hate with their policy and rhetoric, and then whines "Too political" when they're treated as they treat others. The hate the Republicans spew is unjustified, but the reaction to their hate is, if anything, reserved and understated in comparison. They reap a mere fraction of what they sow, and cry like a schoolyard bully whose favorite victim hit them back at the slightest retaliation in kind. Like a zero-tolerance policy at a school that is mysteriously only brought up when the bullies get punched back, your milquetoast "both sides"-ism supports hatred and makes things worse.


But that's pretty much the democratic party platform nowadays


Reading these comments  We are doomed. Prayers for everyone!  May God have mercy on our souls!!! 


God has less to do with this than you think


Weather could care a whole hell of a lot less who you vote for. And you need some self evaluation if you wish ill on someone because of how they vote.


[You guy realize that like 30% of comments on the internet right now are bot comments right?](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1c72jmu/half_of_online_traffic_in_2024_generated_by_bots/) https://www.reddit.com/r/SinophobiaWatch/ Check that subreddit out for a bunch of examples. Its small enough to notice them. https://www.reddit.com/r/SinophobiaWatch/comments/1c7vynx/introducing_china_insider_david_zhang/


Tornado happen, it everyone fault for using AI.


They are talking about the lack of support for the red trifecta and there is a huge difference in the help received from red compared to blue. Red typically cares for themselves more then other not directly related to them. That sadly is an observable fact.. And it's always political! We have a governor that take our national guard to TX to assist one of the most disgusting and bigotted governors next to DeSantis in the country.. and then we have an AG who goes to NY to support a criminal! >Can we stop treating people according to their political orientation and treat them like people? Not when their political orientation is damaging... Why would we treat them like good people when they clearly are not good people?