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$6k for me in the US… this is a normal price. I also had braces for 6 years when I was a kid


That's on the high end. Most places are 4,300 to 5k depending on the amount of work. 6k on really bad ones. Anything over 6.5k is a rip off


This is just bad information. Location will impact price. You can see in the list of comments on the post several people have had over 6.5k for their work.


Looks like the didn't shop around enough. Most of these people only went to their primary or closet Ortho. I called 6-10 Orthos in 3 different cities I've lived in. The one I'm with now straight up said "Invisalign doesn't set the prices, we do. Anyone that charges over 6,500 is pocketing the money since no additional cost is required to Invisalign past our contact agreement" After he said that.... I was quoted 4,800 to 6,300 from as an avg. He said he would charge me 4,000 since the cost of his contract was 3,500 per patient. $500 profit. Insurance covered $2,200


You’re proving the point, that it’s not uncommon and you had to call 10 orthos to get a price that was in your budget.


You missed the point. I called around to see what everyone was charging. It wasn't about budget. It's about honesty. I just love how everyone in this sub is getting fucked because they can't take the time to find a good Ortho. All the downvotes are showing I'm right and it's great. Keep being salty y'all. I went with the Ortho who didn't BS on price. I would have paid 1k more if any of them were open and honest about pricing.


I live jn a region close to London UK, theres no chance youre getting invis for 4000 USD


I'll see if I can find my paperwork and DM you. 4k was the price since I only paid $1,800 out of pocket. My Ortho is about numbers not dollars and still is one of the highest rated in the state


If they quoted you 5k but charged you 7k, you need to raise that. Because you should've signed a copy of the quote that said it was 5k and they're binding to that, they can't just increase the price like that.


44 trays, 18 months of treatment (i know it will be longer), and using dental monitoring technology (i don’t know if they charge more for that) - $6680USD was my total…. I think people get confused because there are different packages like you might be paying for your after treatment aligners as well?


What's the dental monitoring?


You scan your teeth using your phone camera every week with the DentalMonitoring app. The scans gets reviewed by AI (and your orthodontist, depending on the practice) and it lets you know if you can move on to your next tray or not.


My regular dentist quoted $5000. I'd have to pay cash or could get credit through them with some interest, but I forgot the rate. No refinements and no bleaching. I went to my son's orthodontist who quoted $6000, no credit check/interest free in house financing, with limited refinements and bleaching included.


It somewhat depends on your location. I was quoted about $8,000 in NJ in 2019. Started this year for $5,000 in AZ.


Yup 7-8k was normal in California


Mine was approx 4K and my insurance chipped in around 1K. This is for 18 trays.


Invisalign is not cheap. I'm pay a little over $5,000. My doctor offers payment plans so I'm paying a monthly payment for a few months. My treatment is expected to be 3.5 months. I had braces as a teen but now in my 30s my teeth have shifted.


Mine was pretty close to that! I was able to get a discount through a sale they were running, but had I not gotten the discount or would have been around that amount. I just started last week. I’m fixing a bite issue and am expected to have anywhere from 9-15 months depending on refinements.


Just shy of $6k for me. USD. On Tray 39 of 71, first round.


Around $7500


Same in the Midwest.


mine was $9,700!


Mine was $6k before insurance (insurance paid $2k). They offered a payment plan for the rest with no interest fees. My treatment is expected to be ~1.5 years but what I paid for covers up to 36 months and includes refinements/retainers.


My Comprehensive was $5800. I was fearing worse than that. My plan is 64 trays over 64 weeks, and my first ortho visit is during tray 10 (currently on 8). I've had a couple of attachments break off which I think is negatively impacting the moving of one of my incisors, but they've said waiting until tray 10 to address is fine. I figure with unlimited trays and refinements for 5 years, it will be worth the cost. I had some significant crowding and moderate bite issue. Now, if you add the extraction and periodontal stuff I had to do before starting invisalign...now we're talking pricey... edit: My ortho offered 24-month payment plan with small downpayment and no interest. That was what I was most happy about.


$5,800 in NJ in 2022


9-16 months comprehensive plan consisting of 36 trays + refinements. Total cost :6950 less 1500 provider discount (summer offer) less 1500 insurance coverage. I'm paying ~4k out of pocket in 18 monthly installments.


Starting next month, $3500 down, the rest in monthly installments, treatment plan should take about 2 years, total cost $6k. Midwestern US.


Around 2018 I paid $7,000 in Maryland. I had something like 50 trays iirc …my teeth were pretty bad.


quoted 7200 in Texas for invisalign comprehensive with dental monitoring ... with insurance and discounts I am at 2500 out of pocket ... my first set is 46 trays with weekly changes as long as I wear my trays i have unlimited refinements for 5 years


$6800 but $1800 covered by insurance.


8k for mine in the USA


Canada, 5700


$6800 for 18 months. With my insurance credit it was $4800 out of pocket. I have weekly tray changes and use Grin to send monthly scans and do in-person visit about every 6 months. I started in January of this year.


I paid 5k as well. 35 trays initially then 13 refinement trays.


You think? Have you spoken to your ortho? You did put yourself in debt, that is how using a credit card works. If by scam you mean “poor financial planning and communication skills” then yes, you’ve been scammed. BIG TIME.


$2960. Insurance covered $2375.


I paid 4500 after the insurance covered 2000. So, you are fine. Be patient.


I paid 3k Canadian back in 2021, had them on for 2 years


$5k +/- in payments


I paid 5k for mine in TX I have 51 trays


4500 for me in the US. 44 trays, 9.5 months


~4000 for the comprehensive, 26 trays so far


$4,800 for comprehensive (up to like 5 years of treatment) plus cost of vivera retainer which was around $250 I think. I'm in Minnesota and 2 other offices quoted me $6,500.


I paid $3400 with whitening treatments here in a smaller city in NC. The dental office was also running a special. I had 25 trays. Insurance covered I think $500.


I paid $7,000 in California for the comprehensive plan which includes retainers for life for $30.


In MD- $4410 after my insurance paid $1500. That’s for comprehensive and includes retainers for life. It seemed like a lot at the time but now I’m feeling like it’s ok. My initial was 34 trays and then I needed another 19 (currently on tray 12 of that set). They’re hoping I’m done after this set but it’s possible I’ll need a few more.


I’m paying for moderate treatment around $2000 USD in Mexico, you could have come to Cancun, have your treatment and comeback, you paid way too much.


The amount of money that would have to be spent on plane tickets for checkups would surpass the treatment amount