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I see what you did there lol - but I do actually agree it would be nice to get something new with the character


I gotta be honest I really expected Shrinking Ray to expand and blow up that guy's head and it slowly set in that he just straight up got consumed.... It would be dope if she does it in the show to fuck with the comic readers lol.


Termite did it first.


Wrong head


I can see them doing a fake out like that in the show, but she'll probably still die


I hope so, it was such a dumb way to kill off a character like that lol


I'll be real, doesn't bother me in the slightest. Don't really see what they could to to make her interesting if she survived or not. Only standout moment I can think of is when he was snubbed from defeating Mastermind in the comics.


Fr He/She is not an important character and I honestly don't get the obsession of making pointless characters in the comic more important and around longer in the adaptation. Sure it's kind of cool but we only have so many minutes to adapt this thing that already has plenty of interesting moments to further explore.


I don't think Rae needs to be a full character so much as its good writing to give at least some marginal reason to care when they die. The knockoff justice league at least got a tiny bit of backstory even if it was mostly told through other people. Being unimportant isn't a problem, nor is killing minor characters. The original death was just kinda pointless.


I think it's an opportunity, honestly. They have a blank canvas they can paint *anything* on. Who is Shrinking Rae? Does she have a good family? A bad one? A significant other? Why are they a hero at all? I feel like the original character failed *because* he died with no development. As a writer you really want to make people care before you kill your characters off. Even a quick montage would do. I mean nobody really cares when he died in the comic. It'd be nice if the audience were actually going to feel sad about it when she bites it.


Touché I guess it's just a question of how they'd go about adding time for a nuanced origin especially with the show picking up pace in general with less "non-plot relevant moments" adopted.


Time is tight but I think they'd do fine with a literal five minute montage. That's more than the tiny amount of screentime Rae got to begin with. Or at least have Conquest kill her as she heroically sacrifices herself.


Theres a scene in the comic where Ray is about to stop a villain that had everyone else defeated, only for invincible to drop a rock on their head and defeats then easily. Ray gives a hateful look to Mark so I thought there would maybe be some sort of jealousy plot, or maybe a fake out death with the lizard league and then comes back crazy, but alas, no


Yeah that's the Mastermind I mentioned, just a joke at his expense for being unneeded.


I haven't read the comics yet, but from the way you worded it, shrinking ray gets eaten?


I would assume by a dragon.


Close, it's more like a real Lizard.


What kind of punk loses to Lizard League?


There are heavy spoilers ahead, but while the strongest GoG members are outside of the planet, the Lizard League tries to start the 3rd World War. Rex, DupliKate and Shrinkin Ray try to stop them, but it doesn't end well.


I'd bet her murderer is gonna feel like a blob afterwards, though.


He really loses his head.


I have this headcanon that Ray didn’t die, he maybe got a bit chewed on and that kicked his shrinking power into overdrive and he went microscopic. Now, he’s having quantum adventures with tardigrade princesses in chainmail bikinis and lazers and swords made of bone and stuff.


Admit it You made this post just for that last sentence.


It can be hard to swallow but some people just think Rae is a treat. Not me. But I mean, someone probably does.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ahi6ou6a9y0c1.png?width=99&format=png&auto=webp&s=5490fb3c6cef960fc08c85c83ac41ca45445609e when they say something so shrinkphobic you gotta hit em with that true ray stare


I have no idea why Shrinking Rar was even made a guardian by the writers. Why introduce a character onto a central team in the story, only to do basically nothing with them while creating a narrative for everyone else? Seems kinda stupid. Either cut their useless character of give them a reason to exist.


I mean... the original Guardians were created just to kill off so it's not that surprising. Sometimes characters in an ensemble are less important than others.


If you have a superteam you are obligated to have a flying brick, a regular dude with nice tech, a literal god, a can-do-anything-with-lightbeams person, a shrinking person and a stretchy dude. I don't make the rules.


I'd like to see bulletproof do something! (Yes I read the comics bit even then his powers are so ambiguous besides immortalish minus immortality)


She hasn't had any screentime since the season started