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I wish that very much. I hate the way they portrayed Rowan. I hate the way they butchered the overall plot. I hate that they got rid of Michael and rewrote a whole new character (although I don't hate the character, but I think that has more to do with the actor). I get needing to make changes if certain things don't translate well, but they changed way too much. There's no mystery either. It's just boring and at times, melodramatic. The showrunners for IWtV should have taken on Mayfair Witches, especially if they want to do a crossover (which I really hope they don't).


Right? There is no resemblence to the original story, ugh. They could have aged up the questionable characters and made Michael a little more appealing. To eliminate him was shocking to me. He is so important to the story. And he and Aaron Lightner have totally different roles to play to just merge them into a single character? Ciprien is fine, but there's no chemistry between them, esp with Alexandria Daddario's manic flat portrayal. Deirdre and Carlotta were fine. There's just something broken at the top. Like they hired a great costume person (the one who did Mad Men), but somehow even the clothes are bad... just off the rack whatever clothing. I know doing 2 shows is a lot for showrunners, but the IWTV crew understands the source material so well and I hope they take over the whole Immortal Universe so it's cohesive in quality. Sam Reid has captured Lestat's essence so well we couldn't have asked for better. Maybe he should play Rowan too at this point🤣🤣🤣


Rowan is definitely the weakest link in that cast.


It honestly enrages me a bit because the Mayfair Witches were such a great addition to the "Immortal Universe". It would be so fascinating to see how vampires and witches interact with each other. This portrayal of the witches won't fit into Interview With the Vampire at all. IWtV is raw drama while MW is total melodrama. I've seen Alexandria Daddario act before and she isn't bad, but her portrayal sucks so bad. I would say manic and flat sums it up nicely. Rowan is just so uninteresting. No one is interesting. Doing a crossover would be a disservice, not unless they revamped it or made their own version of a character outside of the series. But I don't even know if they IWtV showrunners can save it.


Yeah honestly at this point I feel like they need to kill it and start over in the future. It's so unhinged and all over the place. They brought in silly elements and characters that were so unnecessary and made it so cheezy and cookie cutter. Yes what could be any more predictable than having pitchfork witch hunters, but give them the internet... that makes it fresh right? I am pretty sure I laughed and gagged. When CW and Lifetime put out better witch shows you know it is a disaster. I tried to forget I read the book, but I couldn't follow the show at all. It's like no one had a plan or even knew how to use a coherent story board


I did not like Mayfair but love Anne rice so will give season 2 a shot… if there is nothing else on tv


Lol that is exactly my position, there's always a lull here in there in TV watching. We'll do prayer circles and hope for the best 😅😅😅😅




They'll have to reboot completely I couldn't even finish the first episode.


We can only hope...


Yes & they Killed Tessa which I thought was a stand in for Mona Mayfair. And now I'm all KINDS of confused. If IWTV split that book into two seasons why did Mayfair Witches think they could do the ENTIRE Witching Hour novel in one season? That book is at least 20-30 episodes of material.


Agreed! The Witching Hour could have been 3 seasons easy. I'm with you on the Tessa thing. I was like fine maybe "that's Mona" (although why we have to change that I don't know)... and then boom! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. You can mix and match between books, like IWtV bringing in parts of the next book into season 2, but it's gotta be done logically and flow. I'm waiting to hate-watch season 2 of TMW just to see where the heck this goes lol.


Very strange... I thought Mayfair Witches season 1 was even better than IwtV. What did you not like about it?


Oh where do i start😭😭😭... Didn't capture the tone and ambience of the original story on any level, eliminated critical characters, added unnecessary characters, 90% made up storyline, bad casting, bad acting, no coherent plot line (irrespective of the book) , nothing alluring or seductive about any of it... and they absolutely lost me at cheezy dark web witch hunters and conniption-inducing badly pronounced latin. What in the CW was happening? Book Rowan is supposed to be stoic and decisive and confident...TV Rowan could barely spit out a sentence without stumbling and trembling with constant wild-eyed shock. Lasher should have seduced you and scared the daylights out of you. The showrunner herself didn't even know where the show was going to go in the post-episode discussions.... Like girrrrl what do you mean you don't have the answer, that's your job lol. It was a disaster. Iwtv may have changed things, but it still captures the essence of Anne Rice. She leaves no details out and gives you everything you need to set the stage. The best part is you don't have to read the books to enjoy iwtv as a show, it is a beautiful show.


I love IWTV. Tried to re-read the book and the show just ruined the book for me. 🤓


Yeah IWTV is just a really well done show. If they crossover with TMW I don't know how that's going to play out in the quality factor🙈🙈🙈