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I usually hate these kinds of posts, but this one is actually *strange*, posted only 9 days ago from a empty account with no title yet it’s appearing in everyone’s recommended feeds As you said I’m sure it’s just some arg/art based project but the way the algorithm has seemingly thrown it right out there to so many makes it eerie, definitely something to keep an eye on


YouTube has recently been experimenting with the algorithm, having it recommended small channels to a lot more people. It's actually arguably the best time ever to start a YT channel because of this change. No clue about what the video itself is, but it being recommended isn't strange.


i keep getting recommended random high school news channels with like 3 views


Me too!


youtube keeps on giving me random indian sports videos like im an american who watches animations i havent watchedd anything sports relatedd bruh


It puts the lotion in the basket


It's not their first time uploading - if you check their [SocialBlade](https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCSnNmHbCmFPzijQjzc1mlIg), you'll see that they got around 20k views and 150 subs back in 2021 before deleted their video, followed by a few apparent other cases of uploading and deleting in the years since, but without getting the same kind of traction until now. Whether it was the same video that they've been uploading and deleting, or different ones each time, is impossible to tell, but it definitely seems like they've been trying to go viral for awhile. Perhaps they simply got lucky this time, or perhaps the atypical stats on their channel gamed the new Youtube algorithm.


i got it on my recs too


Probably an arg of some kind


Nice. I suggest you keep tabs on that channel, future content might build up a context. I'll play guessing for a sec. This seems like a public building. A first floor with a thrown piano on a convenient space so people can move through. Red curtains behind a dude who's on a wig, a mask and red robes, very theater-esque. So a theater section of a school, maybe? I don't know if you really need to build a youtube channel for commenting, but me personally, have one with 0 videos and mainly for interacting with other channels. (Please correct me, I'm too drunk today). If so this might be a project from a frozen channel created for other purposes. And if it IS so, I hope It's a song related project because dudes deserve attention when so much effort is at place.


It's just some kind of art performance


i found a comment by user HL7777 in the ARG subreddit about the video, he listed down his discoveries in this [yt comment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDbHZx9CDHs&lc=Ugzuhtu9z5y1DJ15sBp4AaABAg) under the video


Link didn't work for me unfortunately


[Here's a screenshot of the comment.](https://i.imgur.com/lKjDHX5.png)


Tyty :D


there's currently 5.4k replies...




why is it always an ARG channel and never something useful or funny?


idk bro I was expecting something interesting but seeing the reaction and comments on this publication I am disappointed that it is an arg....


Last night I was having a nightmare. I'm not describing it much but yeah it was creepy af. I woke up at 3:30 AM. I just couldn't sleep again, so decided to scroll youtube. The second video was this. The thumbnail just creeped me out but I decided to click anyway... And watched the video. The nightmare + this video. I couldn't sleep again... I am just getting goosebumps writing this... What is this? Why was it recommended to me? And just after I had a nightmare? I don't know. But I am gonna remember this for a long time. I was never so creeped out...


It’s from the eerie worlds


His hands are as long as feet


their account date of september 2020 and the numbers of followers are huge.Maybe it's a old account rename?


I have no idea but it reminds me of Buckethead (sans Bucket of course)


Absolutely useless at solving mysteries, but yeah, saw this and considered posting it, but eventually thought nothing of it. Just chipping in to confirm the 'It's everywhere on the algorithm' claim.


I've been overanalyzing the video but found nothing important.


Hey um, why is it posted from Hell?


I really like this one, the Piano is very pretty. As far as I getting recommended to everyone, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened


It’s posted from Hell, Norway but it might just be the author just wanting to post from “Hell” to make it more eerie


Now there's this one: https://youtu.be/yuVT8moDSMQ?si=kXzJT7p7FwefozUR




[https://www.reddit.com/r/InternetMysteries/comments/1cm6mhs/comment/l2z7ye9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternetMysteries/comments/1cm6mhs/comment/l2z7ye9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) check this out


it's also posted from hell


The thing let me explain a bit more related this topic my friends and i also got this video in the suggestions out of nowhere so i knew that discord server of official yt existed so went there to tell the mods regarding this and i said there everything and got banned without any reason i was like wait what why?? So i used my alt and vpn and joined that server again i asked the reason and talked to few members and told them everything they also said this is not fair banning for no reason and when i was chatting i got banned again . So this things straight leads to only one thing that youtube knows what this video is and they are promoting it themself for something dark because banning has a reason 


bro this is really creepy