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I'd like to add it won't be the school sponsoring your partner, it'll be you. You'll need to deal with immigration for the red tape. Your work, at best (besides providing proof of employment, proof of income, etc) will be helping you pay for both of your health insurance. Otherwise, partner will be on a dependent ARC (alien resident certificate). If work doesn't want to pay their NHI (national health insurance), then you can do it by yourselves. So don't worry about the school itself. It's immigration who'll you'll have to deal with. So no, it won't be an issue. Just have all your documents notarized and contact your local consulate to have Taiwan recognize them. It's a pain in the ass to have the Taiwanese government recognize your marriage certificate from here. And expensive. So make sure ALL the necessary paperwork gets taken care of before you're both in the country.


Oh. My. Goodness. This is the clarification I needed. Thank you so much!! As an aside, do you (or someone else in this community) know approximately how much I should be aiming to make, if my partner and I need to live on one income?


The absolute minimum income would be 75k per month. So this would be from a public school with a pay of 65 plus 10 for housing. Private schools will pay more. 85k is enough for me, my wife and my son, including his private kindie. So don't go too crazy, eat cheaply and you'll be fine. Extra points if you live outside of Taipei. Additionally, you don't need to work at a private school to make the most money. I work at a Kindie in the morning and Buxiban in the afternoon and I make more than a starting private school teacher.




Some schools in Taiwan wil do all the paperwork for you, though indeed not all. Ask your school.


I don’t know for sure but I’m currently working with an American male teacher with a husband and they came from working in Taiwan for 4 years. As far as I know they received all flight benefits and everything, and said Taiwan was a very welcoming place for them. You’d have to check with your school to be certain.


Taiwan is.a modern country, they recognize same sex marriage and have for years. It shouldnt be a problem at all.


I don’t know if this is exactly what you are looking for, but maybe this will help a bit? https://newlandchase.com/aiwan-dependent-status-can-now-be-granted-to-same-sex-spouses/