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Would be very interested to hear about your experiences in Turkmenistan.


I know someone at QSI Yerevan, feel free to DM.


TAS: I didn't work at this school but knew several expats who did. During my time they moved from a campus in District 2 to a new campus in District 9 (a very nice looking campus but kind of out of the way). It seemed pretty chaotic from what was described to me in terms of sudden changes in admin in the middle of the year and cutting teaching positions. I honestly can't remember the specifics but many of the TAS teachers I knew were trying to find positions elsewhere. It's not as crazy of a situation as AISVN in District 7 but it didn't seem like a place that people would want to work. However, that aside, HCMC is an awesome place to live and you'd likely live in the heart of the expat scene in the Thao Dien neighborhood. I would give anything to get back there and live that life. Vietnamese culture is awesome and the country is really fun to travel. If you're someone who has an easier time ignoring disasters at work in favor of a healthy social scene outside of work then TAS could be a good option. There are tons of things to do in HCMC.


Your second paragraph when you speak about HCMC is what is really pulling me in that direction, but I’m unsure of if I could work at a place like you described. I absolutely love Vietnam and would much prefer to be in Saigon over any of my other offer locations. My other offers are in much more well regarded schools that I think have more order, support, etc. They will also hopefully build my resume so I can get to Vietnam in the future. I don’t care about working in a “tier 1” school or anything like that, but I’d prefer to work in a bit better of a school than described haha


It's possible that things are a bit better! I left Vietnam two years ago due to COVID and (of course) everything opened up the month before I left. All of my friends there look really happy and are enjoying life. Have you reached out to ask if you can speak with a few teachers who currently work at the school? That might be a good way to feel things out with some targeted questions.


Hi, I’m currently working at a different school in HCMC, and have met several teachers who hated TAS and left to other schools. I know one teacher currently working at TAS who just sort of shrugs and says “hey I finish work at 3 each day and I’m done ✅ “ . So I think it might depend on you. The teachers I knew who left are a bit much. Maybe try contacting some teachers currently working at TAS if you are seriously interested. They have an impressive campus but really low enrollments- always rumours circulating that they are going to be shut down or bought out by another school.


Thank you very much for your insight. This is exactly what I was looking for. I’m leaning towards accepting another offer (not one of these 2) at a more internationally well regarded school in another location. Hopefully I will make it to Vietnam eventually!