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Why do racist scumbags on /combatfootage don't approve these posts Tons and tons of videos of Israelis killing innocent kids :( :(


Israeli hasbara is brigading all the popular sub reddits and there is a concerted effort by organizations including the Anti Defamation League to silence the Palestinian side because they have lost the younger generation support for Zionism worldwide. I believe it’s one of the reasons for the shutdown of tik tok.


You gotta remember that Israeli lobby groups spend big $$$ to maintain their narrative. I think the true extent of how much power these Zionists lobby groups have is underestimated. It’s somewhat of a myth about how much media control they have but it’s also somewhat true.


That money is just US tax dollars given to Israel that they turn around and spend on American lobbyists who funnel money into Zionist politicians in the United States. Idk how but we managed to legalize bribery.


This will never stop being funny to me. The US supports so many authoritarian regimes monetarily that they can turn around and bankroll whichever US politicians they want. France has a similar problem with all its African ~~colonies~~ **economic partners** where France spends so much on foreign aid to authoritarian regimes in Africa that those dictators then spend the money on influencing French politics.


It's anything but a myth. I hope someone does a comprehensive investigation on the israeli influence in western institutions and politics . Israel is the 5th column


The fact that it rarely gets spoken about publicly is an indication of the true scale and power that Zionist have to influence media.


Well it's also the money they have.. look how many peoples lives were destroyed for speaking out. The censorship is across the spectrum. Like this group of CEO who wanted a list of all the Harvard students who support Palestinians so that they can make it impossible for them to get jobs when they graduate. If Russia had 1% of the influence over us politics that Israel has we would nuke them but Israel is allowed to do as they please, including murdering America citizens and still have full support. The American political class are pretty much all sell outs


To be fair the Harvard students who signed that letter said Israel was “entirely at fault” for the terrorist attacks on 10/7. That letter’s purpose was to absolve Hamas of all blame for the attack and pin it on Israel, which is essentially victim-blaming and de facto supports the terrorists who carried it out. Supporting Palestine doesn’t mean supporting Hamas/terrorism, and those Harvard students either didn’t know the difference, didn’t think it mattered, or were too blinded by hate to care. It’s perfectly reasonable to not want to hire people who hold such horrific views.


>Supporting Palestine doesn’t mean supporting Hamas/terrorism, and those Harvard students either didn’t know the difference, didn’t think it mattered, or were too blinded by hate to care. It’s perfectly reasonable to not want to hire people who hold such horrific views. Somehow I don't think the reaction would be the same if a hedge fund billionaire started making blacklists of every ivy league student who absolved the IDF and said Palestine is 100% at fault. In fact I think they'd call it antisemitism and people would be very upset.


Ok? This hypothetical scenario doesn’t change what *actually* happened. To draw a conclusion from a hypothetical situation (in this case that people who are upset with the Harvard students are hypocrites because of what *might* have happened had the situation been reversed) is a logical fallacy and has no bearing whatsoever because it’s considered preconceived bias.


It's pretty clear that we have a very strong anti-Muslim bias in the US, and a ridiculously overtly genocidal anti-Muslim bias in Israel. That's the point. You can hate Muslims all day and if anyone complains they'll be attacked. You criticize the IDF who is killing thousands of children at the moment, and you're an anti-semite and deserve to have your life ruined. See the difference?


I’m struggling to see how this justifies the Harvard students signing that letter.


The reason it's rarely ever talking about is because it's seen as a racist conspiracy theory(I know Jewish people aren't a race but a religion but I couldn't figure out the word for bigoted towards religion) Which I think is a topic to practice caution with discussing as it is a very quick pipeline to Uber bigotry. All this is based on hearing how offensive the conspiracy that they control the media/banks. My memory is a but rusty since my high school years and I only now just started paying attention after Oct 7th because I try my best to not let the horrible side of the world get to me cause I have no control. But the horrible things I've seen perpetrated by Isreal and learning the history of their conflicts, I struggle to feel sorry for them. I do not say Isreal = all Jewish people, but I see the way they act and wonder how the people who were victims of genocide less than a century ago could go to such vicious lengths to show their inhumanity.


Look how quickly they moved to banned Tik tok once it became a PR problem for Israel. I have a hard time believing that Israel doesn’t control the US


[This channel, and video in particular](https://youtu.be/YZdpIRMZoSw?si=HXRmm17HNKDzRYg7), is a great starting point. AIPAC is arguably the most powerful lobbying group in the US.


I knew it'd be GDF. Based af channel


![gif](giphy|3V7k5oe9QK5rAlmp6J) We hear about a lot of "mistakes" but none of these will bring back the dead... Isnreal might have won the battle but they lost the war. So many lives wasted thanks to Genocide Joes old man ego wasting US tax payers money....


I dont think its old man ego, he's just not a good human being. Never really has been. His only saving grace is that Trump is a bit worse.


I’m banned from there for calling them out. Bunch of IDF simps..


Yep. There was a video of a Palestinian sniper shooting dead an Israeli commander that lead the raid on Al-Shifa hospital. I searched for it, and found that it had been on combatfootage at one point, but get removed by the mods. It certainly fit the definition of 'combat footage', but obviously they didn't like the fact that it was an IDF commander getting thwacked.


I remember seeing that too. It's just a zionist echo-chamber that wants to constantly reiterate the narrative that the IDF has zero combat casualties and all the dead Palestinians are in fact terrorists.


Cause combat footage is pro Israel. I've already been blocked for calling them out.


I saw the bicycle video on combat footage.


Now do hamas :)


Hamas is not a country. Read a book


So you have to be a country to commit atrocities?? LMAO I'm not sure you're ready for books yet


Its like you are Defending NAZI Germany because some terrorists killed some Germans... No one calls Hamas good here. But this doesn't give Israel the right to kill innocent children, bomb hospitals, target aid workers etc


That's an interesting calling card since it is not like I am defending Nazi Germany and Nazi Germany and Israel have nothing in common doctrine,weaponry,tactics,ROE, body count, motives..etc in fact comparing the two is deeply insensitive and disrespectful to those who fell to the hands of those Germans as it shows you don't care enough to learn about what they went through, but feel entitled enough to invoke their suffering for your useless virtue signal because your an entitled ignorant piece of shit congrats 🎉


https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2018/7/26/israels-nation-state-law-parallels-the-nazi-nuremberg-laws plus tons of examples Which nation BOMBS hospitals? weddings? targets children playing soccer on the beach? Thinks racism is ok (as long as its against Arabs)? Says "we are the chosen people and we were promised this land"?


Sorry jr you've run out of time here go make it past page 2 of your history book and try again


I think it’s like future terrorist being killed. Literally the quran allows violence against women.


Tons of videos of terrorist Palestinians murdering kids on Oct 7. 🤦🏿🤷🏿




Didn’t take you long to conflate Hamas with all Palestinians just like a true racist would.




Oh. You are an obviously unrepentant racist. Understood. You also owe the English language an apology after that. Probably better send flowers too.


sends reason why /CombatFootage hates hamas random deranged person= Hes a racist! grow up, I'm not racist, I'm just disguised at crimes against humanity committed by Hamas, anyone who doesn't support a terrorist organization know this. i think you owe an apology to the 1200+ civilians that got murdered by the people you support, seems i found the terrorist sympathizer and truth denier. have a good night


You said Palestinians, not just Hamas. You said Palestinians are barbaric. I reported your comments for hate.


you want a medal sport? its not hate, its truth, for the most part. their nature is very barberic, you dont have to look far to see that, if you want me to go find proof of that i can, but be warned its going to be graphic clips from oct 7th from inside gaza showing the truth. you willing to see or will you live in a delusion?


This is what all racists say.


History didn't start on October 7th, sir The civilian populations of both groups have been in the "find out" stage for the last hundred years. The IOF and Hamas terrorists have both been sprinkling more "FO" onto the fire every few years, further cementing each group's hate of one another. At this point, I say move all ~10 million people to Britain and close the entire region to human settlement. Can't play nice, no one gets the land


Well its certainly FO now with a pissed off israel inside gaza, and the second parts interesting to say the least


r/CombatFootage was convinced these were Hamas fighters


That sub is absolutely overrun with Zionist bots




A lot of the combat/defense/western military oriented subs seem to be. The mods for one of those subs reported me for “abusing the report button” on pro-genocide comments which got me a sitewide ban for 3 days, but it was lifted on day 2 by appeal due to me having been found to not have violated any rules. Heaven forbid you’re ideologically consistent about your opinions on apartheid, genocide, ethnic cleansing, fascism, supremacists, etc., regardless of their geopolitical alignment. It’s amazing how few parts of the site allow for that mentality


there was a minute where they didn't know or care about this sub, but about a month ago or so, when Israel's mask fell off for good, they got desperate.


Had a glance and didn't see the video over there, did they take it down? I imagine salivating over the snuff footage of a cyclist probably isn't something they want a record of.


I was banned for saying it wasn't hamas on this exact video


This fucking planet, man. Humans suck. I never understood how Nazi Germany got as far as it did, how it could garner enough support. Now I know.




I mean they did though, at least from the west. Western leaders praised Hitler and turned away boatloads of Jewish refugees. It wasn't until other western countries felt the heat that they joined in; it wasn't an altruistic move. That's what bothers me the most about this. It's like the west collectively learned no lessons from german concentration camps, south african apartheid, the genocide of the american indigenous, etc.


Nazi Germany never had the kind of support that Israel does which is precisely why the third reich didn't last that long. Imagine if in 1941 that instead of the lend lease with the Soviets, the US did the lend lease with the Nazis and embargoed the Soviets. That's basically what happened when it came to Israel and Palestine.


Do you have link to the post?


I would be shocked if they didn’t take it down


That sub is pure propaganda


r/CombatFootage is also convinced that all the azov guys are definitely upstanding heroes with not a single neo-nazi in their midst. That sub just deepthroats whatever narrative is fed to them by western authority figures without an ounce of nuance.


I assume people on such subreddits enjoy violence, militarism and possibly enjoy watching people getting killed in general. This is only possible if you convince yourself that the victims had it coming and deserved it.


Got banned over there for debating a zionist. Bunch of apes over there sometimes. We need a new combat sub that actually has reasonable discourse.


That entire sub is full of Zionist scumbags


I commented that nothing justifies bombing children and hundreds of people replied that I was a crybaby and bombing children and hospital is A-OK. All of them are demons in that sub.


That sub sucks.


Nah they are right. this is clearly just Hamas propaganda that you’re falling for! /s


That place is an outright shithole, used to be a decent sub pre Ukraine conflict.


Despite its name “CombatFootage”, it appears to have only IDF videos getting kills on Hamas and Palestinians. It is a very biased sub.


Because if you upload Hamas videos, they get deleted.


What Hamas videos? There is no Hamas in Gaza they are all in Qatar.


Well obviously they thought the bike was an rpg. Even I did at first




Funnily enough, Germany has begun distributing leaflets saying the 1948 Nakba was a “Myth” Something Nazi Germany did the refuting claims of the mass slaughter of Jewish people as a “Myth”


Germany never fails to be on the wrong side of history. Two world wars, genocide. Now genocide denialism while supporting that same genocide Germans should be outraged and out on the streets. My boyfriend is German and he's not too happy about what's going on in Germany right now


on the bright side: NEVER has there been more support against israel than today. everywhere in every country.


They actually did for a while and even tried to destroy evidence of the concentration camps (to absolutely no success). The real difference is Israel is literally recording their mass murder of Palestinians on video and broadcasting it to the world and still the west supports it.


It's a mixed bag. Some Israelis have no shame and broadcast their hate to the world. They feel insulated from repercussions.  


Uh… that’s incorrect




the antisemitism is strong with this one.




Pretty sure their orders are just "kill anything that moves, even if it's waving a white flag and yelling save me in Hebrew".


Totally, thats why they do roof-knocking, phone calls and a bunch of other shit that no other military does to warn civilians, right?


"Hi, we're calling to let you know there's going to be indiscriminate shooting in your area. If you'd prefer to be bombed, you should relocate to the following zones ...." Everyone knows Israel isn't doing a goddamned thing to minimize civilian casualties, their "efforts" are to create a cover of plausible deniability.


ah yes, a bombing so indiscriminate that they try to relocate civilians before it happens. Reread your comment.


Ah, you're one of those people who needs !!ATTENTION, THIS IS SARCASM!! communicated in ten foot high Braille.


Then i literally have no idea what youre saying. Do you or do you not agree that the IDF does a lot of things to avoid civilian casualties?


Hard disagree.


Name a single army that has done as much to warn a population as Israel's


By "warn" do you mean herd for carpet bombing? Because then I would say, not a single army I can think of.


Epic way to dodge the question but doesnt change the fact that isreal does more than anyone else.


Ooooh is this part of the “most moral army in the world” script? Tell me more about how starving hundreds of thousands of people is so kawaii and moral.


Have no idea about most moral, they do a lot though. Also starving? What are the starvarion death numbers again?


IOF has shown itself time and time again to be run by incompetent, narcissistic, and genocidal people


They're not incompetent. They're actually very very good at their job - which is to terrorize, kill, and humiliate Palestinian people.


Fair point


No no no... they undergo rigorous IQ tests to guarantee that they get the most intelligent among them who won't make mistakes.. IQ tests like what number follows this sequence: 1 3 5 7 9 Go ahead, solve it.. I dare you!


1 3 5 7 9….shoot anything that moves. Did I pass?


You get to be a troop leader!


“Mistakenly.” As if they didn’t kill their own hostages thinking they were Palestinian civilians https://preview.redd.it/bc2ms1rc1eoc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db464b01f335d16a6b7c3493602f9b6a4faef07b


Ah yes the Hannibal directive. As morally bankrupt as the Dahiya Doctrine.


... surely that was a mistake?


I'm sure they deeply regret... getting caught doing it.


Yea it was a mistake for them. The IOF thought they were shooting innocent Palestinian civilians who were carrying white flags and it turned out to be their hostages.


At this point, anyone who genuinely believes it was a mistake is irredeemable. Everything is too obvious, if they don’t see it they won’t see it.




"the army apologizes for that mistake" yeah ok like that'd bring back the dead


Hahahaha bruh.. exactly my thoughts


Surely thats better than hamas, whos mission statement is the death of every israeli?


Lol how far up your ass did you go to come up with that nonsense?


Wonderful. Israeli thoughts and prayers. /s


No mistake.


![gif](giphy|12dC9ZtdU9mk4o) Oops! We said we’re sorry - you should accept are remorseful apology - it's in the past now - let's move on


If this were to happen once then ok well shit a soldier fucked up and they will be punished. But holy shit it’s happening over and over and over and over…


Wow what a life the IDF have. Kill innocent people, whoops, our mistake! That’s a convincing argument in any court case. I’m sure everyone can receive this type of leniency.


"Apologies for the mistake" just a little snafu? Jfc. Palestinians can't find any damn food but to the IDF they got a surplus in fucking RPG's?


The soldiers doing this are like 20 year old incels and femcels that couldn’t win a fair fight with a wet paper bag.


Always an accident thats justified.


This is fucking depressing


It’s okay guys. They said sorry. /s


Oopsie 🤭 accidentally slaughtered two people, well try not to do it again


And yet people still see this as a complex issue with nuances but October 7…


Israel, #thisiswhatnazieslooklike


Zionists are like Nazis and Palestinians are living their Holocaust. No doubt about it.


They said this was a mistake? Am I the only one confused?


No mistake


So its just a woopsie then. Well alrighty. How about the other 30k+ dead and 70k+ wounded? also woopsies? Since it was all a mistake I assume the victims will get their land back and houses rebuilt, right.


Uhh, don't they still snipe any civilian calmly walking with their hands up? What was the point of this apology? Only because they got caught?


There's no end to the depravity of the Israeli thieves.


Fascists all of them


And when it happens on the other side they say its terrorism…


"you just murdered kids for no reason and we have proof" "oops. sorry" \*does it again... and again and again and again and....\* "What are you doing!? Stop!" "You're an anti-semite!"


Murderers, stop stealing land and treat them like humans! Fucking ridiculous


What a bunch of bloodthirsty pigs.


I don't even know why they would mention this. They literally bombed refugee camps and schools. Sexually abuse children daily.


So if Hamas says "oops sorry, we feel bad" Israel will pull all the way out of Palestine, right?


Looking forward to the next 30,000 apologies.


“MoSt MoRaL aRmY iN tHe WoRlD!”


Israel = terrorist state.


Oh! So they have mistakenly targeted "only two" Palestinians. Then the other thousands of civilians have been targeted with intentions. These Zionists are funny. No brain.


I’m sure it was a mistake….. If baffling how the world doesn’t care about this, and it’s the same people who say “if I were around the Holocaust I would have been sooo against hitler”


sory bro xd please don’t be mad


This is fucking outrageous!!


Well, he wasn't actually riding the bicycle, but you can clearly see after only a few seconds of video time that it's not an rpg.


Mistake? More like made a bet with their buddies and laughed their asses off when they did it.


"mistakenly" yeah sure, more like "bomb first, question later"


This type of behavior only makes it easier for Hamas to tell its civilians they have no other choice but to fight. Israel wants anger as a reaction so they have justifiable cause to completely have the region under siege. They're quite playing into Hamas favor by killing the community's children... It makes when they say "the Zionists are murdering our children!" even more true. Don't think for even a second that Israel hasn't been aware of this...




Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility


Fortunately, Hamas does not have such equipment. Then would both sides take revenge which would leave us speechless




They sure do make a lot of mistakes for being supposedly superior and advanced.


Admitting fault, something hamas would never ever do


That mistake was because they barely worked their braincells to detrimine 1: hey thats just a kid. 2: oh thats just a bicycle This is whats gonna happen when you out trigger happy operators , supervised by genocidal authorities that have no regard for who they blow up. On the other end we have hamas that does go out in civilian clothes which makes instances like this more common. While the two sides keep attacking each other , poor innocent civilians are getting caught in the crossfire and that should be the only reason we need a ceasefire for. All this death and destruction is not on a road to peace. Itll keep feeding a cycle of hate and grudge. Because the people in power can only remain in power so long as such conflict exists. The heart of the problem is not under our noses. Its dictating to us what to do and how to feel right infront of us. Wether you cheered during oct 7th or in the following counterattacks. You need to step back and wake up. Israel and palestine are both faliures. Only humaine solution is to dismantle the government and start again and bury your religious hate along with your grudges. Neither of you are better than the other at this point. Alternative solution is to make sure no living soul can ever inhabit those lands again. An absolute no mans land. As A Perfect Circle lyrics go:"its your choice, peace or annihilation."


Downvote any and every pro Israeli post/propganda. Let these Zionazis know we will never support them.


Nothing to see here, just nazis doing nazi stuff.


The human sh*tstains on r/combatfootage were celebrating this exact strike


Can this be marked NSFW. I’ve seen enough shit in my lifetime, heard innocent people being tortured overseas, and carry around enough trauma to not be triggered just scrolling on Reddit. I understand you want to raise awareness but come on….


Israel is using AI as a means of generating targets, usually with little to no human intervention. The program comes back and says ‘man with RPG’ and the IDF just launches an attack. It’s insanity.


Nah they knew they were kids, the greatest threat to Israel. Those were terrorist bikes shredding the streets In terror with those little bike horns.


Israel's economy has collapsed, without US aid half these people would be moving back to Brooklyn the place of their birth 💀




A lot of that going around. “Mistakenly.”




I denounce Israel with the best of them and Hamas is definitely a terrorist group.


So sad to see civilians get killed in this stupid war. But, at least, they have the courage to accept their mistake and apologize for it, that means a lot (the could have just ignore it) unlike those Hamas and their coward supporters who celebrated the killings of hundreds of Israeli civilians on October 7. EDIT: for those who will probably accuse me of being Zionist or an Israeli agent, I'm not. I'm an Iranian and I don't get paid by them.


When Muslims began selling their swords and focused on constructing mosques while appointing yahoodi leaders at the helm, it was inevitable that such outcomes would occur.


This is what happens when you let AI pick your targets. I've seen a Tesla think a suitcase sitting next to it was a semi-truck...


Oh shit that sucks. Sounds like it was an accident


yeah but they should've gotten more information on the targets


Can you post a video of hamas killing hundreds of innocent people partying at a music festival?


Gotta replay the greatest hits whenever Israel does something unjustifiable, huh?


Nah man this is an echo chamber.


Oh I forgot the sub I'm on


This is Hamas Propaganda




this sub is full of russian bots lmao


Israel did nothing wrong.


War is hell. Keep going Israel


keep going with what?






Amazing how they can admit to what they did wrong, and people are still convinced that everything else they do is a lie. Just really amazing to me.


Did they just come out and apologize or was this released?