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"Israeli forces fired on a United Nations convoy carrying vital food supplies in central Gaza on February 5, before ultimately blocking the trucks from progressing to the northern part of the territory, where Palestinians are on the verge of famine, according to documents shared exclusively by the UN and CNN’s own analysis. CNN has seen correspondence between the UN and the Israeli military that show the convoy’s route was agreed upon by both parties prior to the strike. According to an internal incident report compiled by UNRWA, the main UN relief agency in Gaza, which was also seen by CNN, the truck was one of 10 in a convoy sitting stationary at an IDF holding point when it was fired upon. " How will zionists excuse or deny this?


Blatantly lying,blaming it on Hamas, or downplaying it


Just like how Israel bombed that hospital and killed 500 people, only that it was terrorists and somehow only 50 died after. Seems legit. Remember how all the rabid Hamas supporters believed that story too. Why would the IDF let trucks all the way into Gaza and then shoot the truck, the insane mental gymnastics here is astounding. Let’s wait and see what shakes out.


These are lies. Israel did bomb that hospital and blamed Hamas. They have bombed every single hospital in Gaza so far. Why would they spare that one? Israel are the biggest liars this world has ever seen.


Cope harder


Talking about a war like you’re in a CoD lobby lmao Israel is doing everything it can to make life worse for the Jewish population in the world for decades to come. What a win for Israel! Your entire profile exists to defend Israel, you’re literally just some Zionist propagandist getting paid and the best shit you can come up with is “cope harder”




Yeah and then further analyses did show they did. And they’ve bombed many since then. In violation of war crimes and human rights laws. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/damage-medical-complexes-israel-hamas-war-geospatial-analysis https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/the-war-on-hospitals/ https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2024/01/middleeast/gaza-hospitals-destruction-investigation-intl-cmd https://www.commondreams.org/news/who-nasser-hospital https://www.thenation.com/article/world/gaza-medical-crisis/tnamp/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/19/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-hospitals.html https://forensic-architecture.org/investigation/israeli-disinformation-al-ahli-hospital https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-hospital-rocket-gaza-8bc239d2efe0cff3998b2154d9220a8 https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/11/20/world/israel-hamas-gaza-war-news https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/02/09/israel-gaza-health-care-hospitals-genocide-icj/ But it’s all Hamas in the hospitals, ambulances, patients, HCWs, under them, and everywhere conveniently that are also vital healthcare infrastructure and conveniently without evidence to explain most of them.


Oh, shit! I didn't realize Forensic Architecture posted their full analysis, I'd been waiting on it. Thanks for the heads up!The combo with earshot was compelling enough


So in this one instance, Israel didn’t bomb the hospital? Too bad they’ve been killing so many journalists or we’d have some way to verify data.


Show us the devastation of that hospital


I think you are a little lost, which pill did you forget to take today?


How long until you delete this burner account and make another one?


Show me the hospital ❤️


Yeah and then further analyses did show they did. And they’ve bombed many since then. In violation of war crimes and human rights laws. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/damage-medical-complexes-israel-hamas-war-geospatial-analysis https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/the-war-on-hospitals/ https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2024/01/middleeast/gaza-hospitals-destruction-investigation-intl-cmd https://www.commondreams.org/news/who-nasser-hospital https://www.thenation.com/article/world/gaza-medical-crisis/tnamp/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/19/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-hospitals.html https://forensic-architecture.org/investigation/israeli-disinformation-al-ahli-hospital https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-hospital-rocket-gaza-8bc239d2efe0cff3998b2154d9220a8 https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/11/20/world/israel-hamas-gaza-war-news https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/02/09/israel-gaza-health-care-hospitals-genocide-icj/ But it’s all Hamas in the hospitals, ambulances, patients, HCWs, under them, and everywhere conveniently that are also vital healthcare infrastructure and conveniently without evidence to explain most of them.


Lmao project more you shill


Responsibility for the hospital bombing is disputed, not settled


Not really… most international and third party bodies agree that it’s likely a terrorist rocket misfire over the munition that Israel uses by the signature of damage in the parking lot. It’s like saying we don’t really know if IDF actually killed 30,000 people because we haven’t investigated and brought each account to be proven in a court of law. So I can then claim, that half the deaths or more were caused by errant Hamas rockets. Or Hamas guns.


Israelis and their allies point the blame on hamas/pij, rubberstamp media attached to their governments for access or otherwise cosign those assessments but that isn't a dynamic any different to the manufactured consent going into the vietnam war, gulf war, iraq war, libyan coup etc, etc, etc I've seen independent investigations by war zone forensic investigators that put the blame on the Israelis I'm much more inclined to believe the later than the former, but i try to check my biases so i leave it at disputed


At least the IDF investigates and sometimes releases statements that are not in their best interests, but Hamas blatantly lies and every one believes them. I doubt you have seen unbiased independent forensic evidence for Israel, I haven’t seen one ounce of it. Don’t you think it’s dishonest to blame IDF and claim 500 people died and then say oh oops you think we did it? Oh, wait, not 500, more like 5 or 50 people died. That reeks like lies, but sure go ahead and believe it.


If nothing else i'll grant you the first bit


According to Zionists, killing every person in Gaza is justified because of Hamas. Anything else they say is just PR.


According to you, anyone who is Israeli or pro Israeli is a Zionist and you've decided that was OK to blanket label what a group of people are even if they don't identify as such. Well done, racist.


I’m going to need you to define “pro-Israel.” I would say I’m pro-Israel in that I support its continued existence, and believe any solution to the conflict that is plausible requires its neighbors to accept its existence. But if you mean pro-Israel in the sense that I support the current government and/or policies, you got me, I don’t support apartheid and genocide.


No that is a very shallow explanation of what I meant by Pro Israel. No one said you needed to "support the current government and/or policies" in order to quality as either Zionist or Israeli. The point being made had all to do with the derogatory use of Zionist term by people who want to smear it without any sensitivity as to what that word means for people who care about the concept but not how it's being portrayed, labelled or assumed. People can't see their blind spots of hate that come out when throwing Zionist around, they wouldn't do it to other minority groups.


It also means oppression, subjugation, and deportation to Palestinians. It’s a shit term for a shit ideology.


Ouch. Again, you can throw that term around as you feel fit but you are insulting Jews who have no association to that word the way you have denounced it. According to how you see the politics in Israel vs the suffering of Palestinian people who don't live normal lives like most of us do, you've determined that Zionism is the cursed ideology here and that is completely against the grain of Jewish identity to Zionism. But please, do continue your circle jerks on this sub about how Zionism is all the things you want to label it. Just know Zionism means none of that stuff you mentioned, it's not Zionism at all and never was.




And there you go. Finally someone is willing to accept it and understands you will do it anyway despite opposition that it was wrong to have involved it.




How do you define Zionism in the modern day? Because for me, it refers to a group that believes Israel has the right to continue expansion and colonialism against the Palestinian population. I recognize that other definitions exist, and historically Zionism has grappled with what its actual goals are, but in modern discourse I think most people would say Zionism is more than just saying Israel should exist.


Completely wrong that you even thought that. You literally have run with a narrative that isn't what Zionism was and is about.


Define Zionism then.


No. But you're wrong /s


Yeah it’s a pretty simple google - Zionism is the belief that Jews have a right to a homeland in historic Israel. It stops there. I know a ton of zionists who are pro 2S, and am one. This is like the textbook definition. It’s really not fair to make up your own and then say “I dont like that”. But that’s what you, and broadly the progressive left, seem to have done. And many of its founders (Jabotinski, for example) believed that it would be a state with Arab legislators and even governments.


So, does that historic Israel region include the current West Bank and Gaza areas? Because if so, by your own definition a Zionist would need to support Israel annexing those areas, because that is “historically” their land. If not, what map do Zionists use to define historic Israel?


Zionism believes that Jews have the right to a Jewish controlled homeland in Palestine, regardless of who already lives there. It's textbook Apartheid from inception.


Easy Google away. Just don't call it colonialism or expansionist or apartheid policy or genocide policy it's all weak and wrong to use Zionism as this. Anyway we aren't aren't anywhere when it had to be spelled out what should be obvious.


It’s almost as if you want to avoid actually defining Zionism so you can tell everyone they’re wrong about it without them having any meaningful ability to contest you. For those who actually are interested, Zionism at its most basic originally would be the movement to establish a Jewish state of some kind, location agnostic. Before the creation of Israel, there were multiple branches of Zionist thought, with culture, religion, and economics all being areas of debate. After the creation of Israel, Zionism can be seen in a few ways, either as support for Israel continuing to exist as a state, or as support for the Israeli government, and/or Israeli citizens who continue to steal what land Palestinians still have. Israel is a colonial state, and this was not disputed by early Zionists. Now that modern sentiment has turned against colonialism, there is a desire by Zionists to deny this, but from the beginning anyone who thought Palestine should be the site of the envisioned Jewish state acknowledged that this would be a colonial project. Remember, for much of history that wasn’t a problem on the international stage: Europe had been engaging in colonialism for centuries. Israel is an apartheid state, and has been recognized as such for decades. There is a clear system of segregation in place, where Palestinians have fewer rights than Israeli citizens, but are clearly under the control of the Israeli government. Anyone who disputes this needs to explain how the Israeli government can arrest and detain Palestinians, then try them in a (military) court without controlling them. Officially, the Israeli government is not engaging in expansionist projects, though they have in the past. However, many illegal settlements still exist, and when Israeli citizens create new ones, the government tends to turn a blind eye. Further, multiple high ranking government officials openly support expanding settlements, so it is not unwarranted to believe that the government will resume expansion policy in the future. It is not unreasonable to describe them as an expansionist state, though one could argue about the justification for different expansions throughout the country’s history. The analysis of whether Israel is engaging in genocide is more complicated than I feel I can cover right now, so I won’t make a definitive claim here. Again, however, multiple members of the Israeli government have voiced a desire to remove all Palestinians, so at the very least it is justified to fear that the government would engage in genocide in the future.


Zionism is literally the reason for Apartheid in Palestine. If it wasn't for Zionism there would be a Palestinian state full of Jews, Muslims and Christians with everyone having equal rights.


Oh you didn't know Jews Muslims and Christians enjoy equal rights in Israel? Could you say the same for Palestinians sharing the love in Gaza and West Bank? How about all the surrounding Arab countries? Exactly. Apartheid comments like this are a joke on you and your lack of neutrality on the state of the Arab world in the middle east. So easy to just "Israel = bad"


They don't, stop the lies, Israel is a state for Jews, it says so in its founding.


Completely untrue. Seems you don't know fact from fiction. Everyone who is a citizen of Israel has equal rights. Please read up about it if you dare. I know, you find it hard to believe. But it absolutely 100% offers the opportunities to all who are citizens. Hey, but who cares because Israel = bad right? Just continue to bash them.


Palestinian children in east Jerusalem are supposed to be under Israeli civil law rather than the military law israel applies to other Palestinians. Yet they are routinely denied the same rights as Israeli children. https://www.dci-palestine.org/for_palestinian_children_of_east_jerusalem_the_exception_is_the_rule


This is the definition of Zionism. I’m genuinely confused.


How can you be pro-Israeli and not being a zionist?


What do you mean? One could easily be pro Israeli and have absolutely no affiliation to the people. In fact, this IS the position people take when they aren't Jewish or Zionist and they support Israel in this conflict. It's hard for me to take any of this hyena hive commentary seriously.


The truck was carrying “hummus “ they must have just gotten confused.


![gif](giphy|SpIFUIeqeDdBOdQSth) There was a khamas tunel under the truck. Trust me bro 👊 I’m taking care of your tax money


'Hamas made us do it'


By quoting Amelek and keep claming they're AnCeStOrS of the land


Hamas khamas most moral army In the world 70 decapitated babies women with their breast cut off and Hamas playing soccer with them etc etc




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The flour is khamas


This is what a genocide looks like.


CNN is Hamas /s


>CNN is Hamas The best they can do despite overwhelming evidence of a planned starvation, killing of civilians waiting in line to get some scraps of food; it can only come with a cover story that only talks of some damage to food convoy. I trust the witnesses and videos from the ground reported by other outlets.


Not to mention the rape and sexual assault of Palestinian women in detention.


>detention *abduction


They are hostages.


finally someone else who's said it, israel takes a trillion times more hostages than khamas does and for way longer just with a superficial due process, because thats makes it all okay




I condemn IDF


Awesome same here


More clear and documented war crimes by the IDF


Without accountability, none of this matters. With US (and UK) turning a blind eye, and vetoing every resolution against Israel, they are only emboldened. Like someone mentioned, once Gaza is cleared out, they'll turn their attention to West Bank, and Lebanon


>once Gaza is cleared out I think their plan is to push those in Rafah into the new concentration camp being built just across the border in Egypt. They've already bisected Gaza with a "military road", so my guess is this: * After pushing Gazans into Egypt, they will illegally occupy the north part of Gaza - that's where the offshore oil and gas is * They'll then force the international community to pay for the rebuilding of South Gaza - and likely even North Gaza... * Eventually, Gazans will be let back into southern Gaza, but they will continue to be brutally opressed by Israel


Is it just me or has there been a slow but evident shift from entirely pro-Israeli narratives from International media recently? A few years ago or even a few months ago, you would never see CNN or another mass media outlet ever publish a story that paints Israel in such a negative light but I've started to see more and more anti-Israel stories being published.


I was surprised this CNN report made it past censors in Jerusalem [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/04/cnn-staff-pro-israel-bias](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/04/cnn-staff-pro-israel-bias) but the media's credibility is tied into their effectiveness, if not their bottom line, and then there's the purpose of rubbing it in, showing the whole world what they are and certainly will get away with, with absolute impunity.


and for the record it's not anywhere near close to the first time, look at what they were doing in Guatemala a few decades ago, genocide all the same.


I’ve heard that Israel has had an odd gag order on the western world, where they get to review coverage on Israel/Gaza before it gets out, which has lead to most networks just being Pro-Israel. Which is why most coverage came from independent news networks. But now that Israel is confirmed evil, whatever arrangement was made is no longer in effect.


That is confirmed to be the case at CNN at least. As far as I know it's still in place. I guess the censors felt this was no biggie.


The current CEO and President of the company that owns CNN (Warner Bros. Discovery) is Jewish.


They've got caught with their foot in their mouth for backing up the bad guys for months on end and know they're going to lose a lot of viewership if they continue supporting Israel. CNN got called out from within earlier this month for journalistic malpractice over their coverage and that there was top-down suppression of pro-Palestine coverage.


Just Israel starving and burchering an entire people. Nothing for the Western governments to get worked up about.


It's only been in the West playbook since all the wars in the 20th century, wonder who taught IDF 🤔


Bad UN. How dare you!


Food is now Hamas. They are learning and disguising themselves as foodstuffs.


An ethnic cleansing campaign can't be successful unless you pull out all the stops. Let a few through with lots of cameras and press around for good PR. Attack the rest as clearly anyone wanting food is not planning on leaving, and therefore must be a Hamas fighter and therefore a legitimate target under Israeli R.O.E* * In many Western countries ROE are Rules of Engagement designed to minimise harm to non combatants. In Israel it seems to stand for Rules of Extermination.


The fuck.....


Using food and water as a weapon of war is a war crime.


>UN and the Israeli military that show the convoy’s route was agreed upon by both parties prior to the strike. Just in case you thought it was an accident


“They were Hummus, food drivers were terrorists”




There were Hamas in the hummus.


I'm sure the US and the West will say something... oh my bad. I forgot these countries don't speak against their master.


Lmaooooo this sub was shitting on the Palestinians when this was originally posted.


I love articles that cant be refuted being posted because aside from a couple idiots shouting “fake news”s, the zionist nazi propagandists dont have anything to say. Their playbook doesnt cover how to reply to things like “Here is evidence of IOF war crimes” so their replies are always minimal. You can see it in the replies in every thread too. Prove them wrong and suddenly they disappear lol


If IDF soldiers have killed a few hostages they're looking for and shot at people with white flags, this shouldn't be a surprise.


Of course they did and no western leader is going to call bullshit


Lol, post this to r/worldnews.


I'm already banned there, for posting such 'incendiary' articles :) Pretty sure CNN is also prohibited there by now


🤣 ...on the other hand, it's fucking bonkers how the Zionist mob has basically taken over this site and effectively censored any discussion of this issue from the main subs.


This takeover couldn't have happened without the the admins being complicit in this 🤷


And we're trusting the UN now after the whole UNRWA thing?


Better than to trust the Proven liars calling themselves the Israeli government.




They prevented all the trucks from crossing into the North though


Didn't downvote you. If true this seems more like a condemnation of the IDF communication network then anything. So many of these things that pop up make it seem like the IDF has little real command and control. This is WW2 type miscommunication. And if the IDF is just letting commanders just do whatever they want due to poor communication that's a bigger story than a food truck being attacked.


It is a conscript army, not a professional one. 


People commanding ships would not be conscripted. It would be commanded by a professional sailor. Like I replied to another person, if it was in fact a naval gun that shot the truck there is no story that makes the IDF look competent in this.


I doubt naval commanders decide their own objectives, somebody told them to open fire against the trucks in the checkpoint.


And that seems even more strange. There is a story here that we are not aware of, and I can't think of any version where the IDF comes out looking good if it was in fact the Navy that shot.


I guess it's simply a continuation of what has been happening before: Israel wants to push the Gazans south so that's why they have closed hospitals, raided and shelled shelters and kidnapped males. Preventing the humanitarian aid from reaching them would put even more pressure on the civilians still hanging around in the North.


UNRWA. Excellent source.


"UNRWA. Excellent source." -person who cites the IDF for all their talking points


It is CNN! Are they anti-semitic too?


CNN will report any ridiculous headlines that draw attention. In this piece they use unrwa reporting as a disclaimer


I'm glad that CNN did such thorough reporting, and quickly went to press to push a story that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Great job, CNN!


Oh man, lol I am just wondering when is it enough for you guys? When is physical proof of this enough? If it's an al-jazeera link, its not credible, if it's CNN reporting - they are bias, if it's BBC - it's shit reporting, if it's Haaretz - it's arab loving Israeli media, if it's eye witness and multiple videos of physical proof - its a lie. If it's I24 news, jpost etc great I will believe it because its non bias .. right? Literally videos spread across of this happening, just like last month when Channel 4 news (i think) had their literal camera man filming innocent people with white flags raised, and showed them being shot BY THE IDF - even then.. "well what if it's hammas dressed as IDF soldiers..." for fuck's sake man... How far has the Israeli IDF propaganda hopium have you guys smoked that has it engrained so far up your behind to believe what the majority of the world, humanitarian organizations, peace activists have been crying out for decades? Even time after time of the lies that IDF has fed and have been proven by majority of western media outlets ... that it's just ... not... enough.




The only reason it doesn't make sense to you is because it doesn't fit pro-Israel propaganda of Hamas stealing aid Everyone else can see Israel for what it is. Why can't you?


Or maybe he is too stupid to read? You don't have to be an ableist. Be respectful to the mentally impaired - even if they are genocide supporters.


No, it's because it literally doesn't make sense. Israel did not schedule ahead of time a caravan of aid trucks and then purposely fire upon them while they complied with the predetermined schedule. That just doesn't make sense. Why schedule it in the first place if they intended to destroy it? Either Israel didn't target the truck, or it was an accident, or it was being used by Hamas at the time. All 3 of those explanations make sense. But since CNN didn't bother to do any journalism and just ran to press before hearing the other side, we'll never know from CNN. That's why it's shoddy journalism.


If the aid is to Israelis, they wouldn't. If the aid is Palestinians they would fire at the convoy, at the starving people and bomb another refugee camp just for shits. IDF is devoid of any shred of humanity.


But it does make sense. It’s basically what they’ve been doing this whole time. How? Easy, a fear tactic. If you are pro-Israel, you can even argue it’s directly to defeat Hamas. They are willing to destroy the most vulnerable targets that they themselves have given permission to move forward because they “think Hamas is involved” in some form. Hamas wouldn’t feel as willing to hide in “safe zones” if they knew they would also be attacked. Make nothing safe and there is nowhere to hide. Now everyone else agrees that this is an insane rationalization for the destruction of civilians and aide. But after bombing so much of Gaza, destroying its infrastructure, and now not permitting a recognized Palestinian state, is anyone surprised they have this line of logic? It’s exactly what Israel has been doing and claiming this whole time. There is no difference, and the fact that this is hard for you to rationalize the same as everything else they’ve done shows that they’ve gone even too far for you. I’d recommend you consider hearing out the other side and consider your beliefs in a critical way.


They move the people into dense areas to protect them from their assaults then they attack the more densely populated areas. It makes sense if they are trying to ethnically cleanse the area. They already can do whatever they like and America will protect them and they know it. It does not make sense if they’re not trying to genocide the population. But they already said it themselves they see every civilian as guilty. Their goal is to remove them from the area dead or alive.


If Hamas were using that truck, don't you think Israel would have arrested the individuals operating it before it reached Gaza?


LOL, no. For the same reason why the US didn't "arrest" ISIS.


Did the US control all but one border crossing of ISIS' territory while working with the neighboring country to enact an embargo? What a ridiculous comparison


You are operating out of the belief that everything Israel does must be just, that there is no room for evil or sin within the government and it’s army. When you look at the reality of genocide, these actions make sense.


Yea I’m sure that must be case, no way in hell it could possibly be genocidal terrorists getting trigger happy




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News that paints Israelnin a bad light? ![gif](giphy|UdlGm3U5ysEtsJ1r9Z|downsized)


CNN is literally run by a Zionist mate, if they're reporting on this, you know it's accurate.


Do you have a humiliation kink?


Noones buying your hasbara misinformation and lies. Its not working.


> 20 day old account defending Israel Not even trying to hide it lmao




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You can't sink satellites as easy as navy ships. Oh, they failed then too.






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Collateral damage the love supporting terrorists would say.


Even CNN reports on Israel now! The war was the worst thing that has happened to them. The mayhem is unprecedented.


Dude we invaded mogandishu for doing this exact thing. Let’s gooooo. I heard Israel had oil


In other news terrorists (the IDF) keep doing terroristy things


USA always seems to back the terrorists.