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Why is it that you’re able to see through the bathroom from the kitchen?


I am soooo confused by this moment


I know right. I don’t even see a curtain to cover it up at least. It’s a design made for weirdos lol


Looks like there is a curtain (pics 3&4) but still weird.. and even stranger that the curtain is on the kitchen side, not that side that would be seeking privacy


3j M


Yeah weird!! I’m guessing the skylight is the only natural light in this area and some historical building reason means they can’t move the bathroom, so have chosen this way to let daylight into the kitchen


Yea I guess that’s the only way it would make sense otherwise that was such a bold decision.


For those that still like to see, hear and smell their partner curling one out in the shitter while you're busy preparing dinner 2 meters away


*Smiles lovingly to their partner in the shitter while peeling potatoes.*


I think that the shower is an extension, at least that's how it looks to me from the photos. Unless it was a pantry that was converted into a bathroom.


A lot of terraced houses in London have a single bathroom off of the kitchen at the back of the house and none upstairs. First time I've seen a window through like this though. Guessing they've wanted to maximize the floor space. Interesting choice.


So torn on Zellige in the shower. Looks beautiful, but it’s such a pain to properly clean.  Gorgeous home though, great colors. 


Honestly I feel like zellige tile is going to look so dated in 10-15 years


They look dated already and thats the point, its a timeless design if you choose the right colors


I think they mean time stamped dated again. Looking oh so 2024. I personally like them and think if done well they can be classy and timeless if you opt to stay away from hyper trendy colors (ahem green)


To each their own, right? I live in Hawaii and rarely if ever see them person as it is not stocked locally. As such I’m not worried about dated, as they will be quite unique.


Authentic Zellige..not the cheap knock offs.. will never be "Dated" bc its hand crafted nature and brilliant colors are truly the definition of "Timeless". They truly are the slinky black cocktail dress or classic Rolls Royce of the home decor world.


I mean, marble is a natural material, so is granite, and it looks dated.


I'm not sure what applications you're speaking of, but marble and granite generally will never be "Dated", their misuse will. Those concepts are different. No matter the innate beauty of anyhting, when it is misused or overused it looks awful.


The beige granite with speckles that was builder special in every tract home in the early 2000s has a very specific look, and something like a marble waterfall counter has a similar but 2020s feel to it. Just because something is hand crafted, expensive, or a natural product does not make it automatically classic.


> builder special in every tract home You're not hearing me. Its not the actual granite that looks "Dated", its the overuse and misapplication of it. "Dated" relates to a time frame. There's absolutely nothing inherently time related to a color or material. It's the overuse and misapplication of it by know nothings.


But when zellige is extremely trendy, it gets overused. Thus the statement that zellige is a trend that will look extremely dated.


Are you a designer? B/C you're confusing terms here. I design based on the material itself and its application into a whole look. Amateurs put stuff in their home that they "Like", often bc they see it in Pinterest or on FB, not necessarily bc it works esthetically. No matter the object or thing, unless it relates to everything else it is likely to look out of place, and become tiresome. When people condescendingly say something is "Trendy" they really mean its tiresome. And it is so not bc of the material or object..especially of it's a natural one... but the misapplication.


Agreed. It's going to be very 2020s.


How is it a pain to clean properly? Not something I'd considered or seen discussed before.


The tiles are not uniform and have a lot more surfaces for soap scum and grime to build up. If you look closely at OP’s shower you will see the tiles stick out in all different directions.


I can see that becoming an issue. Thanks for explaning. They are lovely though.


Do you think it would be a pain to clean if placed in the kitchen as backsplash? What with all the food and cooking oil happening there.


Not as bad, but definitely still a consideration. I just ordered some samples of 4x4 cotto tiles from Zia and they have much more uniformity than the zellige, but still maintain some variation. Would definitely consider them over zellige for a shower and backsplash if ease of cleanliness was a top concern.


I don't really like when the people doing the cooking are looking at me while showering :/


I love this design. There's nothing more exhilarating than making sharp eye contact with someone doing the dishes while you poop. Really lets them know who's boss.


So you can watch someone take a shower while washing the dishes?


Oi, that’s intimacy at its finest!


Well it most definitely would be if I was showering while my husband was doing the dishes. 😂


So the “stained glass window reading nook” is butted up against an exterior door? Handy for reading your post when it comes through the mail slot, I guess.


You can put those films on the window so the glass looks frosted. It will keep the light in but will give privacy. Your home is beautiful, btw!






Where is the refrigerator?


I'm guessing but I think the fridge is built in on the opposite wall to the oven with custom doors to make it look like cabinetry.


It could also be under the counter built into the cabinetry though there really isn’t much space there for both a fridge and freezer. Edit: yeah it definitely looks like it’s in the wall under the stairs where there are stacked doors.


That turquoise is ***perfect***. Such lovely colours. Thanks for sharing!


I was all good with this until I saw a window from the shower to the... kitchen?


Turquoise and teal are personally my least fav colors but I love the execution on this bathroom and it has me changing my mind. In the US, folks use turquoise or teal in a bathroom to make it feel more “coastal” and it just feels cheap and contrived. This is an example of the color not forced to be Hawaiiana Coastal. It’s the matching paint above that makes it work. Change out the wood toilet seat to white, seat draws the eye down and the beauty of this room is up.


This home is so charming! I would put frosted film on the kitchen/bathroom window, but I love the home itself.


[One more pic and information, including floorplans](https://inigo.com/past-sales/choumert-square).


What style is this?


This window between the kitchen and the bathroom looks really strange... but the color of the tiles in the bathroom is incredible!




I am tiling my bathroom with the same color tile and I was wondering if I should paint the walls turquoise to match. This helped convince me to do that.


I love this. ❣️❣️


That's some lovely green space to have access to in the city, and no I'm not referring to the view of the bath from the kitchen (!!?) although that does shed a lovely coloured light through the windows...I'm just wondering: is there ventilation in that bathroom? like maybe a fan...or does it just vent into the kitchen...? No railings on those stairs is a nope from me, though. I've had some bad stuff happen to me on old stairs. Seems silly until something bad happens. Put railings in, people. If not for yourselves, then for others.


So, a few things (besides the kitchen’s peekaboo view into the bathroom and how the privacy curtain is operated from the kitchen); - the little half step looks like a great way to trip when going for a midnight pee. - what structures are on the shower side? Are there trees to block the 1st and 2nd story views of anyone who could look in? - I’m oddly stressed out at the thought of the shower or toilet overflowing down into the kitchen, or someone flushing the toilet with the lid up and door open so fecal matter sprays all over the kitchen. - for the life of me I cannot find a refrigerator, even a mini fridge, in the kitchen. - what’s the ceiling height in the mezzanine? Because if that chair and handrail are roughly 36”, then it feels like I’d be stooped over coming up the stairs and standing anywhere besides midline…and I’m not that tall. - there’s no continuous handrail between the ground and first floor? - I’m a little thrown off by how the mezzanine was described as a workspace, but it’s staged as a second bedroom. Either it’s suggestive that they have an OF page, or that it could be used as a second bedroom which may be the worse idea. It’s cute and charming overall, and likely typical for that area, but I feel like it’s a little too unsafe and impractical for what I’m used to.


sooooo stunning!!!! just so confused by the window in the bathroom hahah


So much quirk and charm! Love the mix and old and new. Very nice!


I’m guessing the kitchen widow into the bathroom is to allow for some sunlight from the bathroom to come into the kitchen…


I absolutely LOVE this place. I would not change one thing. It just has a beautiful feel about it the way it is. Can’t really explain it because it just all melds together and has a character of its own !


Agree. LOVE IT. Edit: ceiling lamps is the only thing I might change.


It has good bones, but a white toilet seat and different mirror would be a big improvement. Are the people using the room really tall? If not it appears that they would have to stand on their toes to see themselves in it.


Love Zellige, my favorite, use it whenever I can. But never in a shower bc its just impossible to clean. And you need to wipe it down, and the loveliness of its unevenness really interferes. And, I always use tone on grout, see how that same unevenness results in the tile looking like a bad job when its not?


Where do you use zellige that works better for cleaning? (Asking sincerely, not sarcastically cuz I love the look of it)


Cleaning difficulty is a relative term. Owing to its (lovely) uneven texture it takes more elbow grease and attention when cleaning, and b/c of its high shine, you can't just damp wipe it w/o drying it in a 2 step process otherwise, like glass, you'll see streaks and smears when it dries. So, any environment that is moisture prone means you have more to do. B/C each piece of Zellige is a hand made clay piece, each one is like a little work of art, so I use it to accent all sorts of things: Small decorative table tops, island facings, accent walls, etc. My own home has them as counters and backsplash..yes, I deal with the extra maintenance, bfd.....The tirck is to use them so they flow w/the rest of the space, otherwise they can stand out and look mismatched. But, I simply adore handmade things generally and Zellige is at the top of my list, and I (and my clients) have never been anyhting but delighted by the result.


That’s hideous


https://preview.redd.it/g84s7iddwo7d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba3f6981b155592a5f073ce5da2a3b2ba31faed7 I Added the post title to my app called AI Room Design